199 research outputs found

    LHC bounds on large extra dimensions

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    We derive new dominant bounds on the coefficient of the effective operator generated by tree-level graviton exchange in large extra dimensions from pp \rightarrow jj data at LHC: M_T > 2.1TeV (ATLAS after 3.1/pb of integrated luminosity), M_T > 3.4 TeV (CMS after 36/pb), MT > 3.2 TeV (ATLAS after 36/pb). We clarify the role of on-shell graviton exchange and compare the full graviton amplitude to ATLAS data, setting bounds on the fundamental quantum-gravity scale.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. v2: updated with CMS data. v3: updated with ATLAS data at 36/pb; final published versio

    Muro Leccese. I segreti di una città messapica

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    Il volume amplia e approfondisce la narrazione storica presentata nelle sale della sezione messapica del Museo Diffuso di Borgo Terra. I criteri e le attività collegate all’allestimento museale sono illustrati nella parte iniziale, seguiti dalla ricostruzione dell’abitato e della società che hanno vissuto nella stessa area del centro moderno tra VIII e III secolo a.C. Nelle ultime sezioni il volume esce dalle sale del Museo per accompagnare il visitatore nelle aree archeologiche muresi connotate da presenze architettoniche (cinta muraria, quartiere abitativo di località Cunella) e in quei Musei salentini che conservano materiali archeologici di età messapica provenienti da Muro Leccese

    Debridement effectiveness of two different techniques using negative pressure irrigation system

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    Summary Objectives To evaluate the cleaning efficacy of two apical negative pressure irrigation techniques compared to needle irrigation. Materials and Methods Eighty extracted human single canal teeth were shaped and assigned to 3 experimental groups (n = 20) according to the irrigation technique performed and two negative control groups (n = 10) as follows: 1) NI (Max-I-Probe side-vented needle irrigation); 2) EV (EndoVac system); 3) EVM (EndoVac-modified technique); 4) EV-C (EndoVac-negative control); 5) NI-C (needle irrigation-negative control). A scanning electron microscopic evaluation was performed. The presence of debris and smear layer at all levels (coronal, middle, apical) was evaluated. Results and conclusions A new irrigation protocol, using EndoVac System resulted in better removal of the smear layer at all levels

    Urban geomorphology of Genoa old city (Italy)

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    Field survey and geomorphological mapping in urban areas are difficult tasks, particularly those related to the recognition of natural landforms within cities. In this case, it is necessary to apply an integrated scientific approach by combining geomorphology with historical-geography. This paper presents the result of a multi-year survey carried out in the natural morphological amphitheatre where the historic centre of Genoa developed. Our research methods included field surveys in urban areas, interpretation of natural and anthropic landforms from maps and photographs, and analyses of the available borehole logs. As a result, we updated knowledge on urban geomorphology of Genoa old city. An original geomorphological legend has been adopted, including new entries for anthropogenic landforms, targeted at a better visual representation on the changes in the geomorphological landscape during more than one thousand years of urban development of the city. The geomorphological map of Genoa old city is presented as a useful tool for urban planning, as well as for an integrated cultural and landscape enhancement of the territory

    Different Roles Played by Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: State of the Art.

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    Peripheral nerve injury is commonly attributable to traffic and industrial accidents, natural disasters, and war damage. Destruction of nerve fibers results in denervation of targeted muscles, whic..

    Clinical Outcomes in Breast Cancer: Innovations and Ideas Commentary on "Expression of CDK13 was Associated with Clinical Outcomes and Expression of HIF-1 and Beclin1 in Breast Cancer Patients"

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    The oncogenes underlying the development of breast cancer are not fully understood and careful and rigorous research is still necessary in this area. Before considering the role of these molecules ..

    Cosimo De Giorgi, Luigi Pigorini e la paletnologia del Salento

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    EnCosimo De Giorgi (1842-1922) played a decisive role in the prehistoric investigations of Salento. The contribution of the Apulian scholar is analyzed here in the context of the Italian and European archaeological studies between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. De Giorgi had a significant scientific relationship with Luigi Pigorini (1842-1925), the leading scholar in that period, who dominated the investigation of Italian prehistory.ItCosimo De Giorgi (1842-1922) ha rivestito un ruolo determinante nelle indagini sulla preistoria del Salento. Il contributo dello studioso pugliese viene qui analizzato nell'ambito della cultura archeologica italiana ed europea nel periodo fra la fine dell'Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento, un momento in cui Luigi Pigorini (1842-1925) – con cui De Giorgi ebbe un continuo e significativo rapporto scientifico – dominò incontrastato le ricerche sulla preistoria italiana

    Infodemia e pandemia: la cognitive warfare ai tempi del SARS-CoV-2

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    With the appearance of SARS-CoV-2, two epidemics have spread: one for health and one for information. The virus has generated an unprecedented infodemic, contributing to the establishment of a climate of great uncertainty. Massive and redundant information has also been an effective vector of propaganda, on a global scale, by state and non-state actors. A real hostile act in which physical violence is not foreseen, but systematic management of information through the manipulation of the cognitive sphere. For this reason, the adoption of an attitude of active critical analysis by citizens and institutions and also the implementation of common policies at an international level could undoubtedly facilitate the fight against cognitive warfare (so-called cognitive warfare) and therefore limit its disastrous effects.Comment: in Italian languag

    Textured and Rigid Capillary Materials for Passive Energy‐Conversion Devices

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    Passive energy-conversion devices based on water uptake and evaporation offer a robust and cost-effective alternative in a wide variety of applications. This work introduces a new research avenue in the design of passive devices by replacing traditional porous materials with rigid capillary layers engraved with optimized V-shaped grooves. The concept is tested using aluminum sheets, which are machined by femtosecond laser and covered by silica or functionalized by oxygen plasma to achieve stable long-term capillary properties. The durability of the proposed material is experimentally evaluated when functioning with aqueous salt concentrations: both the coated and functionalized specimens exhibit stable wettability after being immersed in saltwater for all the duration of the experiments (≈250 h in this work). The proposed new class of materials is envisaged for use in passive solar or thermal energy-conversion devices. As a case study, a time-discretized capillary model is coupled with a validated lumped-parameters heat and mass transfer model, aiming to estimate the maximum size and productivity of a passive solar distiller employing porous materials of known thermal and capillary properties. This study paves the way to the use of a new class of rigid, highly thermally conductive materials that can significantly improve the performance of passive devices by simplifying the assembly of multistage setups, thus helping to extend their use to real-scale applications