65 research outputs found

    Novel atrazine-binding biomimetics inspired to the D1 protein from the photosystem II of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Biomimetic design represents an emerging field for improving knowledge of natural molecules, as well as to project novel artificial tools with specific functions for biosensing. Effective strategies have been exploited to design artificial bioreceptors, taking inspiration from complex supramolecular assemblies. Among them, size-minimization strategy sounds promising to provide bioreceptors with tuned sensitivity, stability, and selectivity, through the ad hoc manipulation of chemical species at the molecular scale. Herein, a novel biomimetic peptide enabling herbicide binding was designed bioinspired to the D1 protein of the Photosystem II of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The D1 protein portion corresponding to the QB plastoquinone binding niche is capable of interacting with photosynthetic herbicides. A 50-mer peptide in the region of D1 protein from the residue 211 to 280 was designed in silico, and molecular dynamic simulations were performed alone and in complex with atrazine. An equilibrated structure was obtained with a stable pocked for atrazine binding by three H-bonds with SER222, ASN247, and HIS272 residues. Computational data were confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism on the peptide obtained by automated synthesis. Atrazine binding at nanomolar concentrations was followed by fluorescence spectroscopy, highlighting peptide suitability for optical sensing of herbicides at safety limits

    Diseño de un instrumento portátil para aplicaciones ambientales por mediciones amperométricas sobre material biológico

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    El instrumento portátil optimizado para las medidas  de amperometria, en el monitoreo de  materiales bioactivos ha sido diseñado, fabricado y probado. Expresamente ha sido diseñado, para funcionar con una amplia gama de bio-muestras foto-activas. La cámara  de medición del instrumento; destaca dos tipos de fuentes ópticas para detectar la actividad fotosintética de plantas (p. ej. spinacia oleracea) y microorganismos (p. ej. algas y cyanobacteria). En la cámara son inseridos los electrodos serigrafiados para medir la corriente fotogenerada, ademas cuenta con un sistema de flujo para el transporte del electrólito. La transferencia fotosintética de electrones, es activada por dos LEDs (470nm y 660nm de emisión), para permitir varias longitudes de onda de excitación para utilizarlos con diversos materiales biológicos. El objetivo de la aplicacion, es en campos como agroalimentario, farmacéutico y biomédico. Este Artículo describe algunas de las posibles aplicaciones ambientales ABSTRACT A portable instrument performing amperometric measurements for monitoring bioactive materials has been designed, manufactured and tested. It has been specifically designed to operate with a wide range of photoactive biosamples. The sensing chamber in the instrument features two different optical sources to detect the photosynthetical activity of plants (i.e. spinacia oleracea) and microorganisms (i.e. algae and cyanobacteria). The chamber is provided with screen-printed electrodes to measure the photogenerated current and with a fluidic system for the electrolyte transport. Photosynthetic electron transfer is activated by two LEDs (470nm and 660nm emission) in order to enable various excitation wavelengths and match several different biological materials. Target applications belong to the agro-food, pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. This paper describes some possible environmental application

    Relationships linking primary production, sea ice melting, and biogenic aerosol in the Arctic

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    AbstractThis study examines the relationships linking methanesulfonic acid (MSA, arising from the atmospheric oxidation of the biogenic dimethylsulfide, DMS) in atmospheric aerosol, satellite-derived chlorophyll a (Chl-a), and oceanic primary production (PP), also as a function of sea ice melting (SIM) and extension of the ice free area in the marginal ice zone (IF-MIZ) in the Arctic. MSA was determined in PM10 samples collected over the period 2010–2012 at two Arctic sites, Ny Ålesund (78.9°N, 11.9°E), Svalbard islands, and Thule Air Base (76.5°N, 68.8°W), Greenland. PP is calculated by means of a bio-optical, physiologically based, semi-analytical model in the potential source areas located in the surrounding oceanic regions (Barents and Greenland Seas for Ny Ålesund, and Baffin Bay for Thule). Chl-a peaks in May in the Barents sea and in the Baffin Bay, and has maxima in June in the Greenland sea; PP follows the same seasonal pattern of Chl-a, although the differences in absolute values of PP in the three seas during the blooms are less marked than for Chl-a. MSA shows a better correlation with PP than with Chl-a, besides, the source intensity (expressed by PP) is able to explain more than 30% of the MSA variability at the two sites; the other factors explaining the MSA variability are taxonomic differences in the phytoplanktonic assemblages, and transport processes from the DMS source areas to the sampling sites. The taxonomic differences are also evident from the slopes of the correlation plots between MSA and PP: similar slopes (in the range 34.2–36.2 ng m−3of MSA/(gC m−2 d−1)) are found for the correlation between MSA at Ny Ålesund and PP in Barents Sea, and between MSA at Thule and PP in the Baffin Bay; conversely, the slope of the correlation between MSA at Ny Ålesund and PP in the Greenland Sea in summer is smaller (16.7 ng m−3of MSA/(gC m−2 d−1)). This is due to the fact that DMS emission from the Barents Sea and Baffin Bay is mainly related to the MIZ diatoms, which are prolific DMS producers, whereas in the Greenland Sea the DMS peak is related to an offshore pelagic bloom where low-DMS producer species are present. The sea ice dynamic plays a key role in determining MSA concentration in the Arctic, and a good correlation between MSA and SIM (slope = 39 ng m−3 of MSA/106 km2 SIM) and between MSA and IF-MIZ (slope = 56 ng m−3 of MSA/106 km2 IF-MIZ) is found for the cases attributable to bloomings of diatoms in the MIZ. Such relationships are calculated by combining the data sets from the two sites and suggest that PP is related to sea ice melting and to the extension of marginal sea ice areas, and that these factors are the main drivers for MSA concentrations at the considered Arctic sites

    Structural and Functional Hierarchy in Photosynthetic Energy Conversion—from Molecules to Nanostructures

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    Basic principles of structural and functional requirements of photosynthetic energy conversion in hierarchically organized machineries are reviewed. Blueprints of photosynthesis, the energetic basis of virtually all life on Earth, can serve the basis for constructing artificial light energy-converting molecular devices. In photosynthetic organisms, the conversion of light energy into chemical energy takes places in highly organized fine-tunable systems with structural and functional hierarchy. The incident photons are absorbed by light-harvesting complexes, which funnel the excitation energy into reaction centre (RC) protein complexes containing redox-active chlorophyll molecules; the primary charge separations in the RCs are followed by vectorial transport of charges (electrons and protons) in the photosynthetic membrane. RCs possess properties that make their use in solar energy-converting and integrated optoelectronic systems feasible. Therefore, there is a large interest in many laboratories and in the industry toward their use in molecular devices. RCs have been bound to different carrier matrices, with their photophysical and photochemical activities largely retained in the nano-systems and with electronic connection to conducting surfaces. We show examples of RCs bound to carbon-based materials (functionalized and non-functionalized single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes), transitional metal oxides (ITO) and conducting polymers and porous silicon and characterize their photochemical activities. Recently, we adapted several physical and chemical methods for binding RCs to different nanomaterials. It is generally found that the P(+)(Q(A)Q(B))(−) charge pair, which is formed after single saturating light excitation is stabilized after the attachment of the RCs to the nanostructures, which is followed by slow reorganization of the protein structure. Measuring the electric conductivity in a direct contact mode or in electrochemical cell indicates that there is an electronic interaction between the protein and the inorganic carrier matrices. This can be a basis of sensing element of bio-hybrid device for biosensor and/or optoelectronic applications