90 research outputs found


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    Space resource utilization is coming. While some legal impediments exist, they are not insurmountable. The ban on the appropriation of resources found in Article II of the Outer Space Treaty (“OST”) does not apply to extracted resources, according to the most reasonable interpretation of Article II and the view held by almost all countries and the overwhelming majority of scholars. The Moon Agreement is not a barrier to space resource utilization because it has not been adopted by many countries (and none of the major space-faring ones). By contrast, the Artemis Accords, which have been signed by a significant number of the major space-faring countries (including the US), are supportive of space resource utilization. The growing support for space resource utilization is reflected in the four national laws of the United States, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, and Japan. In principle, domestic laws are limited to activities performed in the jurisdiction of the country issuing the law, and space is not subject to the sovereignty of any country. However, the application of domestic law to space mining facilities (without any formal claim of sovereignty) – which is essential to achieving certainty in outer space and avoiding conflicts - is consistent with both the letter of the OST and its underlying purposes. After examining the purposes and the details of the four space resource utilization laws that have been enacted (also in light of the four countries’ legal systems), this paper provides a comparison of the four laws and identifies pragmatic considerations that space resource utilization companies should take into account in jurisdictional choices. The paper concludes that the “choice of flag” should be based more on considerations of the business environment, support, and political factors than on differences among the four laws

    Ruolo e prognosi della chemioterapia adiuvante nel carcinoma polmonare con diffusione extra-scissurale.

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    SCOPO DELLO STUDIO. Sebbene le neoplasie polmonari infiltranti la scissura siano classificate come T2 secondo la settima edizione del TNM, diversi studi hanno dimostrato che esse presentano una prognosi paragonabile ai T3. Lo scopo del nostro studio è di valutare la prognosi delle neoplasie che infiltrano la scissura in relazione al trattamento chirurgico e chemioterapico adiuvante. MATERIALI e METODI. Sono stati analizzati retrospettivamente i dati dei pazienti sottoposti dal Febbraio 2006 al Dicembre 2010 a resezione polmonare per neoplasia. Nei 58 casi in cui era presente un’infiltrazione della scissura da parte del tumore è stata valutata la dimensione della lesione, l’interessamento linfonodale ilo-mediastinico, la caratterizzazione istologica, il tipo di resezione chirurgica, l’eventuale terapia adiuvante, la sopravvivenza libera da malattia e la sopravvivenza globale. I pazienti sottoposti a CT neoadiuvante sono stati esclusi, così come le neoplasie infiltranti il pericardio, con ripetizione intralobare, infiltranti l’ilo polmonare

    Il tirocinio tecnico-pratico nei corsi di studio in igiene dentale. II parte: standard del tirocinio e dell’insegnamento

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    Il Gruppo di lavoro della Commissione Nazionale dei Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale ha elaborato un documento di consensus con indicazioni volte a uniformare gli standard del tirocinio tecnico-pratico presso i Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale sul territorio nazionale

    Il tirocinio tecnico-pratico nei Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale. I parte: obiettivi

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    Il Gruppo di lavoro della Commissione Nazionale dei Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale ha elaborato un documento di consensus con indicazioni volte a uniformare gli standard del tirocinio tecnico-pratico presso i Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale sul territorio nazionale

    EphrinA1 activates a Src/focal adhesion kinase-mediated motility response leading to rho-dependent actino/myosin contractility.

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    Eph receptors and ephrin ligands are widely expressed in epithelial cells and mediate cell repulsive motility through heterotypic cell-cell interactions. Several Ephs, including EphA2, are greatly overexpressed in certain tumors, in correlation with poor prognosis and high vascularity in cancer tissues. The ability of several Eph receptors to regulate cell migration and invasion likely contribute to tumor progression and metastasis. We report here that in prostatic carcinoma cells ephrinA1 elicits a repulsive response that is executed through a Rho-dependent actino/myosin contractility activation, ultimately leading to retraction of the cell body. This appears to occur through assembly of an EphA2-associated complex involving the two kinases Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). EphrinA1-mediated repulsion leads to the selective phosphorylation of Tyr-576/577 of FAK, enhancing FAK kinase activity. The repulsive response elicited by ephrinA1 in prostatic carcinoma cells is mainly driven by a Rho-mediated phosphorylation of myosin light chain II, in which Src and FAK activation are required steps. Consequently, Src and FAK are upstream regulators of the overall response induced by ephrinA1/EphA2, instructing cells to retract the cell body and to move away, probably facilitating dissemination and tissue invasion of ephrin-sensitive carcinomas
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