13 research outputs found
Mycobacterium tuberculosis SIT42 Infection in an Abused Dog in Southern Italy
A case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is described in a dead adult male dog in Southern Italy. The carcass was found by the Health Authority in a gypsy encampment. It was admitted to our forensic veterinary medicine unit, with a suspicion of cruelty to the animal. Necropsy showed beating and traumatism signs, and mistreating was confirmed. Gross lesions included multiple nodular hepatic lesions, hemorrhagic enteritis with enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, body cavity effusions, and an adrenal neoplasm. Bacteriological and molecular analyses were carried out on the liver lesions that enabled to identify M. tuberculosis SIT42 (LAM9). Drug-resistance patterns were evaluated by screening mutations on the rpoB and katG genes that showed susceptibility to both rifampin and isoniazid, respectively. Very few studies report canine tuberculosis, and little is known about the disease in Italy. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of Mycobacterium tuberculosis SIT42 infection in a dog in Italy
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Metaldehyde poisoning of companion animals: a three-year retrospective study
Introduction: Intentional and accidental poisoning of animals is often caused by readily available commercial pesticides, such as the molluscicide metaldehyde. A retrospective analysis of suspected metaldehyde poisonings between 2014 and 2016 in Italy was conducted. Material and Methods: Biological matrices were collected for toxicological analyses in the course of routine Institute activity. A total of 183 organs from dogs and cats and 49 pieces of bait, here specificall y poisoned food used to lure animals, were analysed and the presence of metaldehyde was confirmed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Results: A high content of metaldehyde was demonstrated in the analysed samples from dogs and cats: 50 (27.3%) animals were found positive for metaldehyde intoxication together with 17 pieces of bait. Conclusion: The study emphasised the need for the control of metaldehyde use by the veterinary service
A Retrospective Study of Viral Molecular Prevalences in Cats in Southern Italy (Campania Region)
From 2019 to 2021, a retrospective molecular study was conducted in the Campania region (southern Italy) to determine the prevalence of viral diseases in domestic cats. A total of 328 dead animals were analyzed by Real-Time PCR for the presence of feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline enteric coronavirus (FCoV), rotavirus (RVA), feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1), and feline calicivirus (FCV). The possible presence of SARS-CoV-2 was also investigated by Real-Time PCR. The cats included in this study were specifically sourced and referred by local veterinarians and local authorities to the Zooprofilactic Experimental Institute of Southern Italy (IZSM) for pathological evaluation. The samples consisted of owners, catteries, and stray cats. Results revealed: 73.5% positive cats for FPV (189/257), 23.6% for FeLV (21/89), 21.5% for FCoV (56/266), 11.4% for RVA (16/140), 9.05% for FeHV-1 (21/232), and 7.04 for FCV (15/213). In contrast, SARS-CoV-2 was never detected. FPV was more prevalent in winter (p = 0.0027). FCoV FHV-1, FCV, and RVA predominated in autumn, whereas FeLV predominated in summer. As expected, viral infections were found more frequently in outdoor and shelter cats than in indoor ones, although no statistical association was found between animal lifestyle and viral presence. The study showed a high prevalence of FPV, FeLV, and FCoV and a moderate prevalence of RVA, FHV-1, and FCV. Moreover, the prevalence of these pathogens varied among the cat populations investigated
Canine Distemper Virus in Autochtonous and Imported Dogs, Southern Italy (2014–2021)
This study aims to investigate the presence of canine distemper virus (CDV) infection in 949 autochthonous or illegally imported dogs from Southern Italy, over a period of eight years (2014–2021). CDV RNA was detected in 6.8% (65/949) of the animals tested, with no detection of CDV in dogs sampled in 2020–2021. The frequency of CDV detection was higher in imported dogs (19/103, 18.3%) with respect to stray (27/365, 7.4%) and household dogs (19/481, 3.9%). On sequence and phylogenetic analyses of selected strains, the analyzed viruses belonged to the Arctic clade, which has already been reported in Italy and in Europe. The results of our study may suggest a reduction of CDV circulation in Southern Italy, while at the same time highlighting the need for strict controls on dog importation, in order to prevent the introduction of viruses from endemic countries
Rassegna storica salernitana. N.s. A.22, n.2(2005)
La Società Salernitana di Storia Patria aderisce al progetto EleA e autorizza la pubblicazione del fascicoloN.s. A.22, n.2(2005): Cicco, G. G., L'opportunismo politico di Salerno longobarda nei confronti dell 'impero bizantino, P. 11 ; Viscido, M. C., La castagna di Acerno dai più antichi documenti al marchio Igp-Doptstoria, società , economia, P. 39 ; Caputo, V., Ancora su una importante fonte archivistica: il fondo Criminalia dell 'Archivio della Badia di Cava de' Tirreni, P. 51 ; Pingaro, C., Tra Repubblica e Monarchia: strategie del potere nel 1799 a Nocera de' Pagani, P. 75 ; Casella, M., Il seminario di Policastro nel primo Novecento, P. 113 ; Falzo, S., La concordia discorso degli intellettuali fascisti e le voci del dissenso negli anni 1925-1940, P. 145 ; Cestaro, A., Alle origini dell 'Istituto Universitario di Magistero: l'insegnamento salernitano di Mario Bendiscioli (1952-1959), P. 175 ; Scannapieco, E., Decadenza e rinascita: gli ultimi vent'anni della Biblioteca Provinciale di Salerno, P. 185 ; Gallo, I., Giuseppe Leone critico letterario (1919-1998), P. 217 ; De Simone, V., Casa Cavaselice alle Botteghelle, presunta Del Pezzo, P. 227 ; Bracco, V., D'una strada del Settecento tornata alla luce nelle campagne di Pollà , P. 237 ; Taglé, M. R., L'imbarbarimento di Poseidonia, un dramma dell'Ottocento e un caso di etruscheria, P. 245 ; Lucia, P., Un secolo di sindacalismo operaio in Italia, P. 253 ; La Torraca, U., Valla e Napoli: il dibattito filologico in età umanistica (Ravello, 22-23 settembre 2005), P. 259 ; Miletti, L., Devotionis munus. Aspetti della cultura e della scrittura d'arte di Adamo di Brema, P. 267 ; Miletti, L., XVI Seminario di Alta Cultura organizzato dall 'Istituto Internazionale di Studi Piceni.ll poema didascalico dall'antichità all'umanesimo, con particolare riguardo al tema georgico, P. 271 ; Faralli, G., XXVI Congresso Internazionale di Studi Umanistici. Arte figurativa e cultura letteraria nelle Marche fra medioevo e umanesimo, P. 275 ; Noto, M. A., Il Convegno "Dal torchio alle fiamme". Inquisizione e censura nuovi contributi alla più antica Biblioteca Provinciale d'Italia, P. 381; Abbamonte, G., Raccontare lo sport. Percorsi tra sport, letteratura e cronaca, P. 389.Sul recto del frontespizio: fasc. 44 della Nuova Serie (annata LXV dalla fondazione
Verso la fine degli anni 80, in un piccolo paese dell\u2019entroterra siculo, tre guardiacaccia volontari vennero arrestati con l\u2019accusa di avere cacciato di notte \u201cfariannu\u201d, cio\ue8 usando potenti torce elet-triche per abbagliare la preda e ucciderla, cosa assolutamente proibita. Nel portabagagli dell\u2019au-to dei tre venne ritrovato un coniglio morto; i guardiacaccia si giustificarono sostenendo di averlo preso di giorno, legittimamente, ma non vennero creduti. L\u2019indomani, nel corso del processo per direttissima, il loro difensore sollev\uf2 una brillante questione preliminare: non \ue8 possibile stabilire l\u2019ora esatta della morte del coniglio; occorrerebbe un esame necroscopico. Chiese quindi un\u2019au-topsia sulla cadavere dell\u2019animale: se l\u2019esame avesse determinato che il coniglio era stato ucciso di mattina, gli arrestati sarebbero stati scagionati; se, invece, avesse collocato l\u2019evento letale in orario notturno, sarebbe stata raggiunta la prova della loro colpevolezza. Il vicepretore onorario, accogliendo la richiesta del difensore, dispose l\u2019accertamento tecnico, nominando perito il veteri-nario del paese. Quest\u2019ultimo, del tutto impreparato all\u2019originale incarico ricevuto, non fu capace di rispondere al quesito con la conseguenza che, permanendo un ragionevole dubbio, i guardia-caccia vennero assolti.*
Oggi le cose sarebbero andate diversamente: l\u2019incarico sarebbe stato conferito a un esperto in scienze[\u2026]\u201d
Passi di: \u201cLinee guida nazionali per le autopsie a scopo forense in medicina veterinaria\u201d. Apple Books