90 research outputs found

    Pattern of care and effectiveness of treatment for glioblastoma patients in the real world: Results from a prospective population-based registry. Could survival differ in a high-volume center?

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    BACKGROUND: As yet, no population-based prospective studies have been conducted to investigate the incidence and clinical outcome of glioblastoma (GBM) or the diffusion and impact of the current standard therapeutic approach in newly diagnosed patients younger than aged 70 years. METHODS: Data on all new cases of primary brain tumors observed from January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2010, in adults residing within the Emilia-Romagna region were recorded in a prospective registry in the Project of Emilia Romagna on Neuro-Oncology (PERNO). Based on the data from this registry, a prospective evaluation was made of the treatment efficacy and outcome in GBM patients. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty-seven GBM patients (median age, 64 y; range, 29-84 y) were enrolled. The median overall survival (OS) was 10.7 months (95% CI, 9.2-12.4). The 139 patients 64aged 70 years who were given standard temozolomide treatment concomitant with and adjuvant to radiotherapy had a median OS of 16.4 months (95% CI, 14.0-18.5). With multivariate analysis, OS correlated significantly with KPS (HR = 0.458; 95% CI, 0.248-0.847; P = .0127), MGMT methylation status (HR = 0.612; 95% CI, 0.388-0.966; P = .0350), and treatment received in a high versus low-volume center (HR = 0.56; 95% CI, 0.328-0.986; P = .0446). CONCLUSIONS: The median OS following standard temozolomide treatment concurrent with and adjuvant to radiotherapy given to (72.8% of) patients aged 6470 years is consistent with findings reported from randomized phase III trials. The volume and expertise of the treatment center should be further investigated as a prognostic factor

    Virgo gravitational wave detector: Results and perspectives

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    The Virgo detector reached during the past science run a sensitivity very close to the design one. During the last year the detector has been improved by suspending the main interferometer mirrors with monolithic fibers, with the goal of reducing the thermal noise contribution and testing the new technology. At the same time the design of the next detector improvements are on-going and they will be implemented during the construction of Advanced Virgo

    The Influence of Political Connection and Institutions to the Performance and Bank Loans of Private Listed Companies

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    我国有着不同于西方发达国家的制度背景和政治制度,政府对市场的管制力度较大,上市公司的高管具有一定的政治背景,其中国有企业本身大股东的政府背景性质,其政治关联很可能是与生俱来的,而民营企业政治关联的形成则具有主动性。改革开放以来,民营经济不断发展壮大,己成为我国经济增长的主要推动力量,因此,研究政治关联对民营公司的影响这一问题在中国更具有现实启发意义。 本文以民营上市公司的高级管理人员是否是前任或现任的政府官员、人大代表或政协委员来衡量公司是否具有政治关联,选取2004年—2008年中国沪深两市所有A股民营上市公司为样本,实证研究了政治关联与制度环境对民营上市公司经营绩效和银行贷款的影响。研究...Chinese current institution and political system are different from the Western developed countries. Under this system, many executives of private listed companies are relevant to politics. Therefore the study of political influence of private companies related to this issue in China is more realistic instructive. This paper focuses on whether the company has the political connection, which measu...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762007115174

    Bistability, irreversible transitions between multiple steady states and oscillations in chemical and enzymatic systems :a theoretical analysis

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    Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Performance of a 'generalized δ-filter' for the detection of burst events

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    In this work we report on the performance of a complete implementation of the generalized delta filter detector for burst events, tested against simulated data. We measure the receiver operating characteristics in the case of noise having the expected spectral density of the Virgo interferometer, injecting test signals taken from the Zwerger–Müller library of simulated events, predicted to result from the collapse of type II supernovae, for different levels of signal to noise ratio

    A power filter for the detection of burst events based on time–frequency spectrum estimation

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    We propose as a statistic for the detection of bursts in a gravitational wave interferometer the 'energy' of the events estimated with a time-dependent calculation of the spectrum. This statistic has an asymptotic Gaussian distribution with known statistical moments, which makes it possible to perform a uniformly most powerful test (McDonough R N and Whalen A D 1995 Detection of Signals in Noise (New York: Academic)) on the energy mean. We estimate the receiver operating characteristic (ROC, from the same book) of this statistic for different levels of the signal-to-noise ratio in the specific case of a simulated noise having the spectral density expected for Virgo, using test signals taken from a library of possible waveforms emitted during the collapse of the core of type II supernovae

    Unmodeled search for black hole binary systems in the NINJA project

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    The gravitational-wave signature from binary black hole coalescences is an important target for ground-based interferometric detectors such as LIGO and Virgo. The Numerical INJection Analysis (NINJA) project brought together the numerical relativity and gravitational wave data analysis communities, with the goal to optimize the detectability of these events. In its first instantiation, the NINJA project produced a simulated data set with numerical waveforms from binary black hole coalescences of various morphologies (spin, mass ratio, initial conditions), superimposed to Gaussian colored noise at the design sensitivity for initial LIGO and Virgo. We analyzed the NINJA simulated data set with the Q-pipeline algorithm, designed for the all-sky detection of gravitational-wave bursts with minimal assumptions on the shape of the waveform. The algorithm filters the data with a bank of sine-Gaussians, sinusoids with Gaussian envelope, to identify significant excess power in the time-frequency domain. We compared the performance of this burst search algorithm with lalapps_ring, which match-filters data with a bank of ring-down templates to specifically target the final stage of a coalescence of black holes. A comparison of the output of the two algorithms on NINJA data in a single detector analysis yielded qualitatively consistent results; however, due to the low simulation statistics in the first NINJA project, it is premature to draw quantitative conclusions at this stage, and further studies with higher statistics and real detector noise will be needed

    La Qualità della Vita (QoL) in soggetti affetti da obesità di grado elevato: ruolo dell’Educazione Terapeutica (ET)

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    Premesse: recenti revisioni della letteratura dimostrano che il decremento ponderale è correlato ad un significativo miglioramento della QoL, valutata attraverso SF36, sotto il profilo somatico ma non mentale, con possibili ripercussioni sull’esito del trattamento a medio e lungo termine. Obiettivi: valutare, attraverso uno studio pilota, il ruolo di un intervento di gruppo multidisciplinare, definito Educazione alla Scelta e Consapevolezza, basato sui principi dell’ET (Report of a WHO Working Group 1998), nell’aiutare i pazienti obesi, con o senza binge eating, a migliorare i propri comportamenti alimentari e la QoL. Metodi: 70 soggetti obesi (13M-45,9±9,8aa-BMI43,4±8,4kg/m2; 57F-46,5±11,2aa-BMI42,4±7,4kg/m2) sono stati reclutati presso il C.A.S.C.O.; sono stati rilevati colesterolo totale, C-LDL, C-HDL,trigliceridi e glicemia e analizzate le abitudini alimentari mediante FFQ; è stato delineato il profilo psicologico attraverso test SCL90 e BES e valutata la QoL attraverso SF36. Tutti i parametri sono stati valutati all’arruolamento (T0) e dopo 8 incontri di gruppo di ET a cadenza quindicinale (T8). Le differenze sono state confrontate assumendo un p value < 0.05. Risultati: al T8 si osserva un significativo miglioramento di tutti i parametri ematochimici esaminati e dello score SF36 in entrambe le aree della QoL, somatica (57,1±23,4 vs 67,9±21,1) e mentale (58,7±21,7 vs 71,6±21); le scale di somatizzazione, ossessione-compulsione, ipersensibilità interpersonale e depressione dell’SCL90, che al T0 presentano uno score >1 (patologico) risultano normalizzate, e lo score BES, borderline al T0 (17,1±9,1) migliora significativamente al T8 (8,3±7,18); l’eccessivo consumo di alimenti di origine animale e dolci si riduce significativamente, mentre aumenta l’assunzione di pesce, legumi, ortaggi e frutta, sebbene il decremento ponderale risulti di soli 3,2±4,16 kg (BMI -1,19±1,55 kg/m2), senza differenze statisticamente significative tra i 2 sessi. Conclusioni: il percorso di ET ha determinato un significativo miglioramento della QoL, sia sotto il profilo mentale che somatico, nonché delle abitudini alimentari. Tale risultato assume particolare rilevanza in relazione al modesto decremento ponderale, riconducibile alla scarsa motivazione e dichiarata resistenza che i soggetti hanno mostrato all’intervento dietoterapico. Occorre sottolineare la necessità di ottimizzare l’integrazione del lavoro di nutrizionisti e psicologi, individuando nuove strategie d’intervento dietoterapico, incentrate sul counseling, da utilizzare durante il percorso di ET