140 research outputs found

    Contrasting signatures of distinct human water uses in regulated flow regimes

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    In the last century, about 50,000 dams have been constructed all around the world, and regulated rivers are now pervasive throughout the Earth\u2019s landscapes. Damming has produced global-scale alterations of the hydrologic cycle, inducing severe consequences on the ecological and morphological equilibrium of streams. However, a recognizable link between specific uses of reservoirs and their impact on flow regimes has not been disclosed yet. Here, extensive hydrological data are integrated with a physically-based model to investigate hydrological alterations downstream of 47 isolated dams in the Central Eastern U.S. Our results reveal a strong connection between the anthropogenic use and the hydrological impact of dams. Flood control reduces the temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of river flows proportionally to the specific capacity allocated to mitigate floods (i.e., capacity scaled to the average inflow). Conversely, water supply increases the relative variability and regional heterogeneity of streamflows proportionally to the relative amount of withdrawn inflow. Accordingly, downstream of our multipurpose reservoirs the impact of regulation on streamflow variability is smoothed due to the compensating effect of flood control and water supply. Nevertheless, reservoirs with high storage capacity and overlapping uses produce regulated hydrographs that increase their unpredictability for larger aggregation periods and, thus, resemble an autocorrelated red noise. These findings suggest that the increase of freshwater demand could redefine the cumulative effects of dams at regional scale, reshaping the trajectories of eco-morphological alteration of dammed rivers

    Statistical characterization of spatio-temporal sediment dynamics in the Venice lagoon

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    Characterizing the dynamics of suspended sediment is crucial when investigating the long-term evolution of tidal landscapes. Here we apply a widely tested mathematical model which describes the dynamics of cohesive and noncohesive sediments, driven by the combined effect of tidal currents and wind waves, using 1 year long time series of observed water levels and wind data from the Venice lagoon. The spatiotemporal evolution of the computed suspended sediment concentration (SSC) is analyzed on the basis of the \u201cpeak over threshold\u201d theory. Our analysis suggests that events characterized by high SSC can be modeled as a marked Poisson process over most of the lagoon. The interarrival time between two consecutive over threshold events, the intensity of peak excesses, and the duration are found to be exponentially distributed random variables over most of tidal flats. Our study suggests that intensity and duration of over threshold events are temporally correlated, while almost no correlation exists between interarrival times and both durations and intensities. The benthic vegetation colonizing the central southern part of the Venice lagoon is found to exert a crucial role on sediment dynamics: vegetation locally decreases the frequency of significant resuspension events by affecting patiotemporal patterns of SSCs also in adjacent areas. Spatial patterns of the mean interarrival of over threshold SSC events are found to be less heterogeneous than the corresponding patterns of mean interarrivals of over threshold bottom shear stress events because of the role of advection/dispersion processes in mixing suspended sediments within the lagoon. Implications for long-term morphodynamic modeling of tidal environments are discussed

    Hydrological controls on river network connectivity

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    This study proposes a probabilistic approach for the quantitative assessment of reach- and network-scale hydrological connectivity as dictated by river flow space–time variability. Spatial dynamics of daily streamflows are estimated based on climatic and morphological features of the contributing catchment, integrating a physically based approach that accounts for the stochasticity of rainfall with a water balance framework and a geomorphic recession flow analysis. Ecologically meaningful minimum stage thresholds are used to evaluate the connectivity of individual stream reaches, and other relevant network-scale connectivity metrics. The framework allows a quantitative description of the main hydrological causes and the ecological consequences of water depth dynamics experienced by river networks. The analysis shows that the spatial variability of local-scale hydrological connectivity is strongly affected by the spatial and temporal distribution of climatic variables. Depending on the underlying climatic settings and the critical stage threshold, loss of connectivity can be observed in the headwaters or along the main channel, thereby originating a fragmented river network. The proposed approach provides important clues for understanding the effect of climate on the ecological function of river corridors

    Using SAS functions and high resolution isotope data to unravel travel time distributions in headwater catchments

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    Acknowledgments. We are grateful to the European Research Council (ERC) VeWa project (GA335910) and NERC/JIP SIWA project (NE/MO19896/1) for funding. A.R. acknowledges the financial support from the ENAC school at EPFL. C.B. acknowledges support from the University of Costa Rica (project 217-B4-239 and the Isotope Network for Tropical Ecosystem Studies (ISONet)). Data to support this study are provided by the Northern Rivers Institute, University of Aberdeen and are available by the authors. The authors wish to thank Ype van der Velde, Arash Massoudieh, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy and an anonymous referee for the useful review comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Assessment of geomorphic effectiveness of controlled floods in a braided river using a reduced-complexity numerical model

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    Most Alpine rivers have undergone strong alteration of flow and sediment regimes. These alterations have notable effects on river morphology and ecology. One option to mitigate such effects is the flow regime management, specifically by the re-introduction of channel-forming discharges. The aim of this work is to assess the morphological changes induced in the Piave River (Italy) due to two different controlled flood strategies, the first characterized by a single artificial flood per year and the second by higher magnitude, but less frequent, floods. The work was carried out applying a 2D reduced-complexity morphodynamic model (CAESAR-LISFLOOD) to a 7 km-long reach, characterized by a braided pattern and highly regulated discharges. The numerical modelling allowed the assessment of morphological changes for four long-term scenarios (2009–2034). The scenarios were defined taking into account the current flow regime and the natural regime, which was estimated by a stochastic physically-based hydrologic model. Changes in channel morphology were assessed by measuring active channel width and braiding intensity. Comparing controlled flood scenarios to a baseline scenario (i.e., no controlled floods) it turned out that artificial floods had small effects on channel morphology. The highest channel widening (13.5 %) was produced by the release strategy with higher magnitude floods, while the other strategies produced lower widening (8.6 %). Negligible change was observed in terms of braiding intensity. Results pointed out that controlled floods may not represent an effective solution for morphological recovery in braided rivers strongly impacted in their flow and sediment regimes

    Integrating spatially-and temporally-heterogeneous data on river network dynamics using graph theory

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    : The study of non-perennial streams requires extensive experimental data on the temporal evolution of surface flow presence across different nodes of channel networks. However, the consistency and homogeneity of available datasets is threatened by the empirical burden required to map stream network expansions and contractions. Here, we developed a data-driven, graph-theory framework aimed at representing the hierarchical structuring of channel network dynamics (i.e., the order of node activation/deactivation during network expansion/retraction) through a directed acyclic graph. The method enables the estimation of the configuration of the active portion of the network based on a limited number of observed nodes, and can be utilized to combine datasets with different temporal resolutions and spatial coverage. A proof-of-concept application to a seasonally-dry catchment in central Italy demonstrated the ability of the approach to reduce the empirical effort required for monitoring network dynamics and efficiently extrapolate experimental observations in space and time

    Stream network dynamics of non-perennial rivers: numerical simulations data

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    Input and output files of the numerical simulations run with the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model CATH

    Evaluating stream CO2 outgassing via drifting and anchored flux chambers in a controlled flume experiment

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from running waters represent a key component of the global carbon cycle. However, quantifying CO2 fluxes across air-water boundaries remains challenging due to practical difficulties in the estimation of reach-scale standardized gas exchange velocities (k(600)) and water equilibrium concentrations. Whereas craft-made floating chambers supplied by internal CO2 sensors represent a promising technique to estimate CO2 fluxes from rivers, the existing literature lacks rigorous comparisons among differently designed chambers and deployment techniques. Moreover, as of now the uncertainty of k(600) estimates from chamber data has not been evaluated. Here, these issues were addressed by analysing the results of a flume experiment carried out in the Summer of 2019 in the Lunzer:::Rinnen - Experimental Facility (Austria). During the experiment, 100 runs were performed using two different chamber designs (namely, a standard chamber and a flexible foil chamber with an external floating system and a flexible sealing) and two different deployment modes (drifting and anchored). The runs were performed using various combinations of discharge and channel slope, leading to variable turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates (1.5 x 10(-3) epsilon < 1 x 10(-1) m(2) s(-3)). Estimates of gas exchange velocities were in line with the existing literature (4 < k(600) < 32 m(2) s(-3)), with a general increase in k(600) for larger turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates. The flexible foil chamber gave consistent k600 patterns in response to changes in the slope and/or the flow rate. Moreover, acoustic Doppler velocimeter measurements indicated a limited increase in the turbulence induced by the flexible foil chamber on the flow field (22 % increase in 8, leading to a theoretical 5 % increase in k(600)). The uncertainty in the estimate of gas exchange velocities was then estimated using a generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) procedure. Overall, uncertainty in k(600) was moderate to high, with enhanced uncertainty in high-energy set-ups. For the anchored mode, the standard deviations of k 6 00 were between 1.6 and 8.2 m d(-1), whereas significantly higher values were obtained in drifting mode. Interestingly, for the standard chamber the uncertainty was larger (+ 20 %) as compared to the flexible foil chamber. Our study suggests that a flexible foil design and the anchored deployment might be useful techniques to enhance the robustness and the accuracy of CO2 measurements in low-order streams. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the value of analytical and numerical tools in the identification of accurate estimations for gas exchange velocities. These findings have important implications for improving estimates of greenhouse gas emissions and reaeration rates in running waters
