1,037 research outputs found

    Singing Black Pride in the Renaissance. Agency and communitarian feelings of enslaved people, from poetry and theatre to the song cycle of 'canzoni moresche' (16th century)

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    Cultural history often emphasizes the notion of agency when considering African slavery in America. In sociocognitive theory, "agency" describes individual conduct within its social context, involving dynamic interactions, active thinking, and consequent action. For enslaved people from Africa, agency was a prerequisite for defending one's dignity and expressing one's claims. This paper aims to reconstruct indirect yet illustrative accounts of "black slaves"' agency, not in America but in early modern Europe, researching poetry and theatre of that time, and showing how this agency expanded locally, as exemplified in a 16th-century song cycle from Naples, the so-called "canzoni moresche" ("black songs"). About 1470, in Florence, Alessandro Braccesi created the character of an African domestic servant proudly expressing her agency. Although ignored in studies of the African diaspora, Braccesi's sonnet stands as a prototype for analogous situations in Iberian comedies, first in Portugal (where the slave's protests are addressed to their masters) and then in Spain (where the slave's attack on the white maid is supported by her mistress's solidarity). In 16th-century Naples, where the song cycle of 'canzoni moresche' was composed in the early '40s, these kinds of claims went even further. A repertoire scarcely studied in depth and often misinterpreted, the 'moresche' songs were sung partly in Kanuri, the African language spoken in the Bornu empire and surrounding areas from where African persons were deported to Naples. «Burnoguallà!» (variant: «Bernagua[l]là!»), an exclamation of ethnic pride, is often uttered by Giorgio, the story's protagonist: partly in Kanuri, partly in Arabic, it fiercely declares his Bornu provenance. The interjection "Guallà!" ('I swear in Allah') is especially significant, as well as the songs' lyrics in general, in revealing inter-ethnic and transcultural social dynamics among Africans in Naples, confirming or enriching other written sources; while syncopated melodies and metric modulations show the curiosity of Italian composers for African music, and their efforts to imitate it

    How to track behaviours’ changes toward more sustainable mobility habits: the serious game of TrafficO2

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    Social science and new communication technologies are influencing deeply the transportation domain and new models of urban sustainable development are constantly emerging as new possible solutions. One of the principal reasons is the capability to reach the motivations that foster us to choose one or other urban transportation systems. It’s already feasible to develop solutions to aim the implementation and the rooting of more efficient and sustainable habits in urban transportation. The present exploratory paper presents the activities conducted by innovation lab PUSH, with the Italian Ministry of Innovation and Research, for the development and the application of the social innovation project “trafficO2” in the city of Palermo Italy. The project is a technology driven (a mobile app) serious game for sustainable urban mobility that tries to foster citizens, through information and tailor made incentives, to choose low emission means instead of using cars. In a very controversial context given by the urban mobility of the city of Palermo, aim of the game is to build a strong and values driven self-organized community, able to change the actual urban condition without any command and control policies or any structural transformation. The system was already tested twice with the community of students of the Palermo University; the paper shows the first results in terms of CO2 reduction and testers engagement

    Clinical and biochemical correlates of serum L-ergothioneine concentrations in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults

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    Background: Despite the increasing interest towards the biological role of L-ergothioneine, little is known about the serum concentrations of this unusual aminothiol in older adults. We addressed this issue in a representative sample of communitydwelling middle-aged and older adults. Methods: Body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum concentrations of L-ergothioneine, taurine, homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, cysteinylglycine, and glutamylcysteine were evaluated in 439 subjects (age 55–85 years) randomly selected from the Hunter Community Study. Results: Median L-ergothioneine concentration in the entire cohort was 1.01 IQR 0.78–1.33 mmol/L. Concentrations were not affected by gender (P = 0.41) or by presence of chronic medical conditions (P = 0.15). By considering only healthy subjects, we defined a reference interval for L-ergothioneine serum concentrations from 0.36 (90% CI 0.31–0.44) to 3.08 (90% CI 2.45–3.76) mmol/L. Using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis L-ergothioneine was negatively correlated with age (rpartial =20.15; P = 0.0018) and with glutamylcysteine concentrations (rpartial =20.13; P = 0.0063). Conclusions: A thorough analysis of serum L-ergothioneine concentrations was performed in a large group of communitydwelling middle-aged and older adults. Reference intervals were established. Age and glutamylcysteine were independently negatively associated with L-ergothioneine serum concentration.</br

    Plasma L-ergothioneine measurement by high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis after a pre-column derivatization with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF) and fluorescence detection

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    Two sensitive and reproducible capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence procedures were established for quantitative determination of L-egothioneine in plasma. After derivatization of L-ergothioneine with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein, the separation was carried out by HPLC on an ODS-2 C-18 sperisorb column by using a linear gradient elution and by HPCE on an uncoated fused silica capillary, 50 µm id, and 60 cm length. The methods were validated and found to be linear in the range of 0.3 to 10 µmol/l. The limit of quantification was 0.27 µmol/l for HPCE and 0.15 µmol/l for HPLC. The variations for intra- and inter-assay precision were around 6 RSD%, and the mean recovery accuracy close to 100% (96.11%)

    Capsule endoscopy in pediatrics: a 10-years journey.

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    Video capsule endoscopy (CE) for evaluation the esophagus (ECE), small bowel (SBCE) and the colon (CCE) is particularly useful in pediatrics, because this imaging modality does not require ionizing radiation, deep sedation or general anesthesia. The risk of capsule retention appears to be dependent on indication rather than age and parallels the adult experience by indication, making SBCE a relatively safe procedure with a significant diagnostic yield. The newest indication, assessment of mucosal change, greatly enhances and expands its potential benefit. The diagnostic role of CE extends beyond the SB. The use of ECE also may enhance our knowledge of esophageal disease and assist patient care. Colon CCE is a novel minimally invasive and painless endoscopic technique allowing exploration of the colon without need for sedation, rectal intubation and gas insufflation. The limited data on ECE and CCE in pediatrics does not yet allow the same conclusions regarding efficacy; however, both appear to provide safe methods to assess and monitor mucosal change in their respective areas with little discomfort. Moreover, although experience has been limited, the patency capsule may help lessen the potential of capsule retention; and newly researched protocols for bowel cleaning may further enhance CE's diagnostic yield. However, further research is needed to optimize the use of the various CE procedures in pediatric populations

    Intravenous Tirofiban With Intra-Arterial Urokinase and Mechanical Thrombolysis in Stroke

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    Background and Purpose— To evaluate preliminarily efficacy and safety of intravenous tirofiban combined with mechanical clot disruption and urokinase in patients with stroke attributable to major cerebral artery occlusion. Methods— Eleven consecutive patients with stroke attributable to acute occlusion of a major cerebral artery were treated with an intravenous bolus injection of the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist tirofiban combined with heparin and by endovascular procedures including mechanical thrombolysis and locally delivered urokinase. Of the 11 cases, 9 involved angioplasty and 2 only microcatheter and microguidewire manipulation. Results— There were 7 patients with internal carotid or middle cerebral artery occlusion treated within 6 hours and 4 patients with basilar artery occlusion treated within 12 hours of symptom onset. Median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score on admission was 20. After the interventional procedure, vessel recanalization was partial (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction grade flow 2 [TIMI 2]) in 7 patients and absent or insufficient in 4 patients. Twenty-four hours after the procedure, all the patients but 1 improved substantially, and on control angiography, the occluded vessel was totally patent (TIMI 3) in 10 of the 11 patients. One patient with partial recanalization did not improve and died 3 months later from pulmonary embolism. Neither a symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage nor systemic bleedings requiring blood transfusion occurred in any patient. At discharge, median NIHSS score was 2. The 3-month outcome was excellent in 8 patients (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] 0 to 1), good in 2 patients (mRS 2), and poor in 1 patient (mRS 6). Conclusions— The combination of intravenous tirofiban with intra-arterial mechanical clot disruption and urokinase may be successful in reopening an occluded major cerebral vessel without increasing the hemorrhagic risk and with good functional outcome. This strategy cannot be recommended as the systematic treatment of stroke attributable to major cerebral artery occlusion until tested in a controlled study design

    Histological findings in direct inguinal hernia : Investigating the histological changes of the herniated groin looking forward to ascertain the pathogenesis of hernia disease.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: The study is focused on recognizing the histological changes of the structures close to and around the hernia opening in patients having direct inguinal hernia. METHODS: In 15 patients with primary bilateral direct inguinal hernia who underwent a Stoppa open posterior inguinal hernia repair, tissue specimens from the abdominal wall surrounding a direct hernia border were excised for histological examination. These findings in patients with direct inguinal hernia were compared with tissue specimens excised from the fossa inguinalis media of cadavers without hernia. RESULTS: Significant degenerative modifications such as fibrohyaline degeneration and fatty substitution of the muscle fibers were seen in the biopsy samples. Inflammatory infiltration with lympho-histiocitary elements, artery sub-occlusion and vascular congestion were also constantly identified. Noteworthy injuries of the nervous structures such as edema, degenerative fibrosis and atrophy were also detected. No comparable tissue damage was witnessed in the control samples. CONCLUSION: Presence of inflammatory infiltration, vascular damage and regressive nerve lesions, as well as fibrohyaline degeneration and fatty dystrophy of the muscle fibers are the features seen within the examined structures surrounding the direct hernia opening. These findings could represent a reason for a structural and functional weakening of the inguinal region. Consequently, the described results lead the authors to depict these changes as a plausible cause of direct inguinal hernia protrusion

    Identification of hormonogenic tyrosines in fragment 1218-1591 of bovine thyroglobulin by mass spectrometry. Hormonogenic acceptor TYR-12donor TYR-1375.

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    A fragment of bovine thyroglobulin encompassing residues 1218-1591 was prepared by limited proteolysis with thermolysin and continuous-elution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS. The reduced and carboxymethylated peptide was digested with endoproteinase Asp-N and fractionated by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The fractions were analyzed by electrospray and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry in combination with Edman degradation. The post-translational modifications of all seven tyrosyl residues of the fragment were characterized at an unprecedented level of definition. The analysis revealed the formation of: 1) monoiodotyrosine from tyrosine 1234; 2) monoiodotyrosine, diiodotyrosine, triiodothyronine (T3), and tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine, T4) from tyrosine 1291; and 3) monoiodotyrosine, diiodotyrosine, and dehydroalanine from tyrosine 1375. Iodothyronine formation from tyrosine 1291 accounted for 10% of total T4 of thyroglobulin (0.30 mol of T4/mol of 660-kDa thyroglobulin), and 8% of total T3 (0.08 mol of T3/mol of thyroglobulin). This is the first documentation of the hormonogenic nature of tyrosine 1291 of bovine thyroglobulin, as thyroxine formation at a corresponding site was so far reported only in rabbit, guinea pig, and turtle thyroglobulin. This is also the first direct identification of tyrosine 1375 of bovine thyroglobulin as a donor residue. It is suggested that tyrosyl residues 1291 and 1375 may support together the function of an independent hormonogenic domain in the mid-portion of the polypeptide chain of thyroglobulin

    Stima dei surplus di macronutrienti attraverso il metodo del bilancio apparente in sistemi foraggero-zootecnici ovini sardi

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    A farm survay with the aim to estimate the nitrogen, phosphorus and potash apparent bai ance using the methodology proposed by Simon and Le Corre (1992) was carried out during 1993-1994 on 20 dairy sheep farms, representative of the farming systems widespread in the Sardinian N-W lowland. The macronutrient inputs and outputs data elaboration at farm scale, the physical-chemical analysis on the soil characteristic of the area and the critical investigation of the crop and livestock practices applied, it has allowed to clarify the source of surplus generation. High variability in the ratio of the crops among farms, agronomic techniques, stockmg rate, crop and animal performances was observed. Average annual surplus, calculated as difference between inputs and outputs, were 67,53,8 and 1,7 kg ha-1 for N, P2O5 e K2O respectively. The efficiency for N and P2O5 use was low: 16,7 and 8,3% respectively while high for K2O reaching 82%. Nutrient surplus in the surveyed dairy sheep farms are lower than that observed for other farming systems and/or regions and are related with mineral fertilizer applications. Therefore it is possible to reduce the surplus rationalizing fertilizer applications because of the sufficient content of nitrogen and phosphorus in several farm locations. The apparent balance method represents a useful tool to investigate the agronomic techniques used at farm scale however it presents some semplifications by a scientific point of view. This methodology could permit the valorization of the information collected by the agriculture extension service, helping the technicians to identify a correct farming system management. Su un campione di 20 aziende ovine da latte, rappresentativo della pianura nord-occidentale sarda, è stata condotta nel corso dell'annata 1993-94 un'indagine al fine di stimare i bilanci apparenti di azoto, fosforo e potassio secondo la metodologia proposta da Simon e Le Corre (1992). L'elaborazione dei dati relativi ai flussi di macronutrimenti in entrata ed uscita dall'azienda, l'analisi delle caratteristiche fisico chimiche dei terreni su cui ricadono le aziende censite e l'esame critico delle pratiche colturali e zootecniche rilevate, ha consentito di chiarire attraverso quali meccanismi si generano i surplus degli elementi indagati. E’ stata registrata un'ampia variabilità, nei rapporti fra le diverse colture all'interno delle aziende, delle tecniche agronomiche applicate, del carico mantenuto e dei livelli produttivi delle colture e degli animali. Dal bilancio tra input ed output aziendali è risultato un surplus medio annuo di 67 kg ha-1 per l'N, 53,8 kg ha-1 per la P2O5 e 1,7 kg ha-1 per il K2O. Il valore dell'efficienza d'uso per l'N e la P2O5 è risultato modesto e rispettivamente pari al 16,7 e 8,3% al contrario del K2O che ha fatto registrare l'82%. Le eccedenze di azoto e fosforo osservate nelle aziende in esame si situano su valori medio-bassi quando confrontate con quelle registrate per altre tipologie e/o per altre regioni e risultano correlate alle relative voci in ingresso sotto forma di concimi minerali. Le buone dotazioni dei terreni per i suddetti nutrienti in numerose situazioni aziendali fanno pensare che sia possibile ridurre i surplus razionalizzando le concimazioni. Nel complesso, il metodo del bilancio apparente, pur soggetto ad alcune semplificazioni dal punto di vista prettamente scientifico, si è dimostrato uno strumento utile nell'approfondimento dello studio delle tecniche agronomiche adottate a livello aziendale. Il metodo può consentire la valorizzazione delle informazioni raccolte dai tecnici appartenenti agli enti territoriali di assistenza in agricoltura, agevolandoli nell'individuazione di eventuali in efficienze del sistema foraggero-zootecnico e di scelte agro-ambientali alternative
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