197 research outputs found

    Current data on the globular cluster Palomar 14 are not inconsistent with MOND

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    Certain types of globular clusters have the very important property that the predictions for their kinematics in the Newtonian and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) contexts are divergent. Here, we caution the recent claim that the stellar kinematics data (using 17 stars) of the globular cluster Palomar 14 are inconsistent with MOND. We compare the observations to the theoretical predictions using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which is appropriate for small samples. We find that, with the currently available data, the MOND prediction for the velocity distribution can only be excluded with a very low confidence level, clearly insufficient to claim that MOND is falsified.Comment: Research note accepted for publication in A&

    Observational evidence for a connection between SMBHs and dark matter haloes

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    We investigate the relation between circular velocity vc and bulge velocity dispersion sigma in spiral galaxies, based on literature data and new spectroscopic observations. We find a strong, nearly linear vc-sigma correlation with a negligible intrinsic scatter, and a striking agreement with the corresponding relation for elliptical galaxies. The least massive galaxies (sigma < 80 km/s) significantly deviate from this relation. We combine this vc-sigma correlation with the well-known MBH-sigma relation to obtain a tight correlation between circular velocity and supermassive black hole mass, and interpret this as observational evidence for a close link between supermassive black holes and the dark matter haloes in which they presumably formed. Apart from being an important ingredient for theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution, the relation between MBH and circular velocity has the potential to become an important practical tool in estimating supermassive black hole masses in spiral galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", IAU Symposium 222, eds. Th. Storchi Bergmann, L.C. Ho & H.R. Schmit

    Modified gravity models and the central cusp of dark matter haloes in galaxies

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    The N-body dark matter (DM) simulations point that DM density profiles, e.g. the Navarro Frenk White (NFW) halo, should be cuspy in its centre, but observations disfavour this kind of DM profile. Here we consider whether the observed rotation curves close to the galactic centre can favour modified gravity models in comparison to the NFW halo, and how to quantify such difference. Two explicit modified gravity models are considered, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and a more recent approach renormalization group effects in general relativity (RGGR). It is also the purpose of this work to significantly extend the sample on which RGGR has been tested in comparison to other approaches. By analysing 62 galaxies from five samples, we find that (i) there is a radius, given by half the disc scale length, below which RGGR and MOND can match the data about as well or better than NFW, albeit the formers have fewer free parameters; (ii) considering the complete rotation curve data, RGGR could achieve fits with better agreement than MOND, and almost as good as a NFW halo with two free parameters (NFW and RGGR have, respectively, two and one more free parameters than MOND)

    Modified Baryonic Dynamics: two-component cosmological simulations with light sterile neutrinos

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    In this article we continue to test cosmological models centred on Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) with light sterile neutrinos, which could in principle be a way to solve the fine-tuning problems of the standard model on galaxy scales while preserving successful predictions on larger scales. Due to previous failures of the simple MOND cosmological model, here we test a speculative model where the modified gravitational field is produced only by the baryons and the sterile neutrinos produce a purely Newtonian field (hence Modified Baryonic Dynamics). We use two component cosmological simulations to separate the baryonic N-body particles from the sterile neutrino ones. The premise is to attenuate the over-production of massive galaxy cluster halos which were prevalent in the original MOND plus light sterile neutrinos scenario. Theoretical issues with such a formulation notwithstanding, the Modified Baryonic Dynamics model fails to produce the correct amplitude for the galaxy cluster mass function for any reasonable value of the primordial power spectrum normalisation.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to JCA

    Dynamical measurement of the stellar surface density of face-on galaxies

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    The DiskMass survey recently provided measurements of the vertical velocity dispersions of disk stars in a sample of nearly face-on galaxies. By setting the disk scale-heights to be equal to those of edge-on galaxies with similar scale-lengths, it was found that these disks must be sub-maximal, with surprisingly low K-band mass-to-light ratios of the order of M-star/L-K similar or equal to 0.3 M-star/L-circle dot. This study made use of a simple relation between the disk surface density and the measured velocity dispersion and scale height of the disk, neglecting the shape of the rotation curve and the dark matter contribution to the vertical force, which can be especially important in the case of sub-maximal disks. Here, we point out that these simplifying assumptions led to an overestimation of the stellar mass-to-light ratios. Relaxing these assumptions, we compute even lower values than previously reported for the mass-to-light ratios, with a median M-star/L-K similar or equal to 0.18 M-star/L-circle dot, where 14 galaxies have M-star/L-K 1.5 for the axis ratios of the potential) might help. The cross-terms in the Jeans equation are also generally negligible. These deduced K-band stellar mass-to-light ratios are even more difficult to reconcile with stellar population synthesis models than the previously reported ones

    The Galactic potential and the asymmetric distribution of hypervelocity stars

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    In recent years several hypervelocity stars (HVSs) have been observed in the halo of our Galaxy. Such HVSs have possibly been ejected from the Galactic center and then propagated in the Galactic potential up to their current position. The recent survey for candidate HVSs show an asymmetry in the kinematics of candidate HVSs (position and velocity vectors), where more outgoing stars than ingoing stars (i.e. positive Galactocentric velocities vs. negative ones) are observed. We show that such kinematic asymmetry, which is likely due to the finite lifetime of the stars and Galactic potential structure, could be used in a novel method to probe and constrain the Galactic potential, identify the stellar type of the stars in the survey and estimate the number of HVSs. Kinematics-independent identification of the stellar types of the stars in such surveys (e.g. spectroscopic identification) could further improve these results. We find that the observed asymmetry between ingoing and outgoing stars favors specific Galactic potential models. It also implies a lower limit of ~54+-8 main sequence HVSs in the survey sample (>=648+-96 in the Galaxy), assuming that all of the main sequence stars in the survey originate from the Galactic center. The other stars in the survey are likely to be hot blue horizontal branch stars born in the halo rather than stars ejected from the Galactic center.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Added an appendix. Accepted to Ap

    HALOGAS: HI Observations and Modeling of the Nearby Edge-on Spiral Galaxy NGC 4565

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    We present 21-cm observations and models of the neutral hydrogen in NGC 4565, a nearby, edge-on spiral galaxy, as part of the Westerbork Hydrogen Accretion in LOcal GAlaxieS (HALOGAS) survey. These models provide insight concerning both the morphology and kinematics of HI above, as well as within, the disk. NGC 4565 exhibits a distinctly warped and asymmetric disk with a flaring layer. Our modeling provides no evidence for a massive, extended HI halo. We see evidence for a bar and associated radial motions. Additionally, there are indications of radial motions within the disk, possibly associated with a ring of higher density. We see a substantial decrease in rotational velocity with height above the plane of the disk (a lag) of -40 +5/-20 km/s/kpc and -30 +5/-30 km s/kpc in the approaching and receding halves, respectively. This lag is only seen within the inner ~4.75' (14.9 kpc) on the approaching half and ~4.25' (13.4 kpc) on the receding, making this a radially shallowing lag, which is now seen in the HI layers of several galaxies. When comparing results for NGC 4565 and those for other galaxies, there are tentative indications of high star formation rate per unit area being associated with the presence of a halo. Finally, HI is found in two companion galaxies, one of which is clearly interacting with NGC 4565.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, modified affiliatio