20 research outputs found

    Humeral head fracture with intrathoracic migration: 向胸腔內移位的肱骨頭骨折:病例報告和文學回顧

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    Fracture-dislocation of the humeral head with intrathoracic migration is extremely rare. In our study we describe the case of a 23-year-old man who was admitted to the emergency clinic of our hospital, after being injured in a high-speed motor vehicle accident. The patient presented in a state of hemorrhagic shock and severe respiratory disease. Chest radiography showed fracture of the right humeral head and the presence of a round radio-density area resting on the diaphragm right hemithorax. The total body computed tomography scan revealed a right pneumothorax related to the presence in the chest cavity of the fractured humeral head, longitudinal fracture of the sacrum, and diastasis of the symphysis pubis. After an initial hemodynamic stabilization the patient underwent surgical excision of the humeral head and its replanting. It is important after airway management and the use of diagnostic imaging, the treatment of any injuries associated with the trauma. 摘要: 向胸腔內移位的肱骨頭骨折脫臼是極為罕見的。我們報告了一名23歲男子,因高速交通意外被送往我們醫院的急診室。病人呈現出血性休克和嚴重的呼吸道疾病的狀態。胸部X光檢查顯示右側肱骨頭骨折,以及在右邊半胸橫隔膜上有一個圓形不透X光的影像。全身電腦掃描顯示病人因肱骨頭移到胸腔,引致右氣胸;有骶骨的縱向骨折;以及恥骨結合位擴張。在病人初步穩定後,我們為他進行手術取回移位的肱骨頭,用螺釘內固定。我們討論了當中的治療,前景,和文獻綜述。 Keywords: humeral head fracture, intrathoracic migration, traum

    West Nile virus and Usutu virus: a post-mortem monitoring study in wild birds from rescue centers, central Italy

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    West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) are mosquito-borne flaviviruses that have been associated with neurological diseases in humans and wild birds. Wild bird rescue centers are potential significant hot spots for avian infection surveillance, as recognized in the Italian Integrate National Surveillance Plan for Arboviruses. Here we report the results of a post-mortem active monitoring study conducted from November 2017 to October 2020 on animals hosted in five wild bird rescue centers of Central Italy. Five hundred seventy-six (n = 576) wild birds were tested by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the presence of WNV or USUV RNA fragments. No birds tested positive for USUV RNA (n = 0; 0.00%). Evidence of WNV RNA (Ct value = 34.36) was found in one bird (n = 1; 0.17%), an adult little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis subsp. ruficollis), that tested WNV positive in December 2019. This study highlights the strategic role of wildlife rescue centers in monitoring both the introduction and circulation of avian emerging zoonotic diseases. In addition, the presence of WNV during the cold season evidences the possible role of birds in overwintering mechanisms in the Italian territory and requires further investigation

    West Nile Virus and Usutu Virus: A Post-Mortem Monitoring Study in Wild Birds from Rescue Centers, Central Italy

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    West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) are mosquito-borne flaviviruses that have been associated with neurological diseases in humans and wild birds. Wild bird rescue centers are potential significant hot spots for avian infection surveillance, as recognized in the Italian Integrate National Surveillance Plan for Arboviruses. Here we report the results of a post-mortem active monitoring study conducted from November 2017 to October 2020 on animals hosted in five wild bird rescue centers of Central Italy. Five hundred seventy-six (n = 576) wild birds were tested by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the presence of WNV or USUV RNA fragments. No birds tested positive for USUV RNA (n = 0; 0.00%). Evidence of WNV RNA (Ct value = 34.36) was found in one bird (n = 1; 0.17%), an adult little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis subsp. ruficollis), that tested WNV positive in December 2019. This study highlights the strategic role of wildlife rescue centers in monitoring both the introduction and circulation of avian emerging zoonotic diseases. In addition, the presence of WNV during the cold season evidences the possible role of birds in overwintering mechanisms in the Italian territory and requires further investigations

    Studio farmacologico dell'attivita anti-proliferativa di EB402, H2S-donor di nuova sintesi, su cellule di carcinoma pancreatico (MIAPaCa-2) e su cellule di fibroblasti dermici (HNDF) come modello sano di riferimento

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    H2S è un gas incolore e infiammabile, che può presentare sia effetti tossici che benefici nel nostro organismo in base alla sua concentrazione. E' una molecola che ritroviamo nei tessuti di molti mammiferi e viene sintetizzata endogenamente sia attraverso meccanismi enzimatici (CBS, CSE e 3MST) che non (ad esempio, dall'ossidazione del glucosio). Questa molecola è ampiamente coinvolta nella regolazione omeostatica di molti sistemi, come il sistema gastrointestinale, nervoso, cardiovascolare, endocrino e respiratorio, e perciò potenzialmente utilizzabile in una moltitudine di stati patologici. E' stato osservato che questo gas può mostrare sia un effetto pro-cancerogeno (a basse dosi) che effetto anti-cancerogeno (a dosi più elevate), così come i suoi donatori. Il nostro studio farmacologico si basa sull'osservazione degli effetti anti-proliferativi di un ibrido, un H2S-donor di nuova sintesi su cellule di adenocarcinoma pancreatico (MIAPACA-2), paragonandoli a quelli ottenuti dallo stesso trattamento su cellule di fibroblasti dermici(HNDF) per vederne e studiarne le differenz

    The use of leaching data in LCA: landfilling of Hospital Waste incineration bottom ash

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    This work analyzes the effects of implementing in LCA experimental leaching data to describe the potential environmental impacts related to the management options selected for a specific type of waste. As a case study the landfilling of Hospital Waste Incineration bottom ash (HW-I BA) was considered. In order to simulate the leaching behavior of the material in the considered scenario, both batch and column leaching tests data were used as input parameters in LCA modelling and the results were compared. Transport of the material to the landfill and the energy consumed for the leachate treatment were also included in the assessment. For both toxic categories (Ecotoxicity and Human toxicity) selected, the environmental impacts related to the use of batch test data resulted slightly higher than those obtained by column tests. Transport proved to play a dominant role on human toxicity especially considering column test data. The non-negligible overall impacts related to the leaching process, pointed out that the leaching behavior should be accounted for in LCA studies when evaluating the environmental impacts related to disposal/reuse options for a waste material

    Humeral Head Fracture with Intrathoracic Migration

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    Fracture-dislocation of the humeral head with intrathoracic migration is extremely rare. In our study we describe the case of a 23-year-old man who was admitted to the emergency clinic of our hospital, after being injured in a high-speed motor vehicle accident. The patient presented in a state of hemorrhagic shock and severe respiratory disease. Chest radiography showed fracture of the right humeral head and the presence of a round radio-density area resting on the diaphragm right hemithorax. The total body computed tomography scan revealed a right pneumothorax related to the presence in the chest cavity of the fractured humeral head, longitudinal fracture of the sacrum, and diastasis of the symphysis pubis. After an initial hemodynamic stabilization the patient underwent surgical excision of the humeral head and its replanting. It is important after airway management and the use of diagnostic imaging, the treatment of any injuries associated with the trauma. 摘要: 向胸腔內移位的肱骨頭骨折脫臼是極為罕見的。我們報告了一名23歲男子,因高速交通意外被送往我們醫院的急診室。病人呈現出血性休克和嚴重的呼吸道疾病的狀態。胸部X光檢查顯示右側肱骨頭骨折,以及在右邊半胸橫隔膜上有一個圓形不透X光的影像。全身電腦掃描顯示病人因肱骨頭移到胸腔,引致右氣胸;有骶骨的縱向骨折;以及恥骨結合位擴張。在病人初步穩定後,我們為他進行手術取回移位的肱骨頭,用螺釘內固定。我們討論了當中的治療,前景,和文獻綜述。 Keywords: humeral head fracture, intrathoracic migration, traum

    LCA of management strategies for RDF incineration and gasification bottom ash based on experimental leaching data

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    The main characteristics and environmental properties of the bottom ash (BA) generated from thermal treatment of waste may vary significantly depending on the type of waste and thermal technology employed. Thus, to ensure that the strategies selected for the management of these residues do not cause adverse environmental impacts, the specific properties of BA, in particular its leaching behavior, should be taken into account. This study focuses on the evaluation of potential environmental impacts associated with two different management options for BA from thermal treatment of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF): landfilling and recycling as a filler for road sub bases. Two types of thermal treatment were considered: incineration and gasification. Potential environmental impacts were evaluated by life-cycle assessment (LCA) using the EASETECH model. Both non-toxicity related impact categories (i.e. global warming and mineral abiotic resource depletion) and toxic impact categories (i.e. human toxicity and ecotoxicity) were assessed. The system boundaries included BA transport from the incineration/gasification plants to the landfills and road construction sites, leaching of potentially toxic metals from the BA, the avoided extraction, crushing, transport and leaching of virgin raw materials for the road scenarios, and material and energy consumption for the construction of the landfills. To provide a quantitative assessment of the leaching properties of the two types of BA, experimental leaching data were used to estimate the potential release from each of the two types of residues. Specific attention was placed on the sensitivity of leaching properties and the determination of emissions by leaching, including: leaching data selection, material properties and assumptions related to emission modeling. The LCA results showed that for both types of BA, landfilling was associated with the highest environmental impacts in the non-toxicity related categories. For the toxicity related categories, the two types of residues behaved differently. For incineration BA the contribution of metal leaching to the total impacts had a dominant role, with the highest environmental loads resulting for the road scenario. For the gasification BA, the opposite result was obtained, due to the lower release of contaminants observed for this material compared to incineration BA. Based on the results of this study, it may be concluded that, depending on the type of BA considered, its leaching behavior may significantly affect the results of a LCA regarding its management strategies

    The 2011 unrest at Katla volcano: seismicity and geological context

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    Katla is one of the most active volcanoes in Iceland and is characterised by persistent seismicity. It is partly covered by the M\ufdrdalsj\uf6kull glacier and its historic activity is dominated by phreatomagmatic eruptions within the caldera associated with catastrophic glacial floods. In July 2011 a sudden j\uf6kulhlaup was released from the glacier, associated with tremor, elevated seismicity inside the caldera and a new cluster of seismicity on the south flank. This was likely caused by a hydrothermal or magmatic event, possibly a small subglacial eruption. Similar unrests occurred in 1955 and 1999. We have identified changes of the seismicity pattern coinciding with the 2011 unrest, suggesting a modification in the volcanic system. It may be speculated that if the persistent seismicity at Katla is an indication of a pressurized magma system ready to erupt, small events like those of 1955, 1999 and 2011 may trigger larger eruptions in the future. We have also conducted a pilot study of the geology of the southern flank, where the new seismicity is recorded, and identified sources for flank eruptions in the recent eruptive history of Katla. These include rhyolitic domes and surtseyan craters. Therefore, a wide range of volcanic processes have to be taken into account as possible source for the new seismicity and volcanic hazard