24 research outputs found
Standing-stock and potential of phytoplankton production in the bay of Santos, Brazil
Phytoplankton primary production and the maximum photo synthetic index (Pb m) from the region of Bay of Santos were measured every two months during 1976 by simulated incubations using 14C method and incandescent lamps (737 µE.m-2 .s-1;40 klux) . The results obtained for production rates (maximum of 204.6 mgC.m-3.hr-1 in winter and 488.3 mgC m-3.hr-1 in summer) are among the highest recorded for tropical marine environments. A high capability of light adaptation under high temperatures was also verified. The photo synthetic indexes obtained were also very high and seems to be due to the high nutrient level of the region. The eutrophic state is supported by the high nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations and by the phytoplankton cells number
Standing-stock and potential of phytoplankton production in the Bay of Santos, Brazil
Phytoplankton primary production and the maximum photo synthetic index (Pb m) from the region of Bay of Santos were measured every two months during 1976 by simulated incubations using 14C method and incandescent lamps (737 µE.m-2 .s-140 klux) . The results obtained for production rates (maximum of 204.6 mgC.m-3.hr-1 in winter and 488.3 mgC m-3.hr-1 in summer) are among the highest recorded for tropical marine environments. A high capability of light adaptation under high temperatures was also verified. The photo synthetic indexes obtained were also very high and seems to be due to the high nutrient level of the region. The eutrophic state is supported by the high nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations and by the phytoplankton cells number
Pigment chromatic adaptation in Cyclotella caspia Grunow (Bacillariophyta)
The diatom Cyclotella caspia Grunow, isolated from surface waters of the Ubatuba region (São Paulo State, Brazil) was submitted to different light spectral distributions for examination of its adaptative response. Growth rate and the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, carotenoids and phaeopigments were measured under white, blue and red light of the same intensity (8 and 20 µE.cm-2.s-1). Growth rate increased under blue light while red light increased chl a concentration. The relative proportion of chl a and carotenoids did not change, demonstrating the absence of complementary chromatic adaptation.<br>A diatomácea Cyclotella caspia Grunow, isolada de águas superficiais da região de Ubatuba (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil), foi submetida a diferentes intervalos espectrais de luz com a finalidade de se examinar sua resposta adaptativa. Foram medidos a taxa de crescimento e os pigmentos fotossintéticos clorofila a, clorofila c, carotenóides e feopigmentos, sob luz branca, azul e vermelha de mesmas intensidades (8 e 20 µE.cm-2.s-1). A taxa de crescimento aumentou sob luz azul, sendo que a concentração de clorofila a aumentar sob luz vermelha. A proporção relativa de clα e carotenóides não variou, demonstrando a ausência de adapatação cromática complementar
Biological and oceanographic upwelling indicators at Cabo Frio (RJ)
Phytoplankton biomass, chemical parameters and hydrology were studied in a transect 101.6 km long off Cabo Frio (RJ), Southeast Brazil, during summer (December 29 to 31, 1991) and winter (June 27 to 30, 1992). Wind induced upwelling events are frequently observed in the area during summer, becoming rare during winter. By the summer cruise a bloom of phytoplankton was observed in surface, close to the coast, with chlorophyll concentrations reaching 25.55 mg Chl-a m-3, uncoupled from the cold, nutrient rich waters of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), found below 40 m depth. During the winter cruise, the SACW raised at the surface waters in front of Cabo Frio depicting an upwelling event. However, in spite of high surface nitrate concentrations (up to 7.7 f.1M) chlorophyll-a were lower than 2 mg Chl-a m-3. The phytoplankton biomass, meteorological and hydrological data suggest a probable upwelling event immediately before the summer cruise, and an ongoing one during winter time. Cluster analyses and principal component analyses (PCA) were applied to summer and winter data, pointing out multidimensional fronts in the area during both seasons.A biomassa fitoplanctônica, parâmetros químicos e hidrologia foram estudadas em um transecto de 101,6 Km ao largo de Cabo Frio, (RJ) Brasil, durante o verão (Dezembro 29 a 31, 1991) e inverno (Junho 27 a 30, 1992). Nesta área, eventos de ressurgência induzidos pelo vento são comuns durante o verão, tornando-se mais raros durante o inverno. Durante o período de verão uma floração de fitoplâncton foi observada na superfície próximo ao continente, apresentando um máximo de clorofila-a igual a 25,55 mg Cl-a m'3 desacoplado das águas frias e ricas em nutrientes da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS), presente abaixo de 40 m. Durante o inverno, a ACAS alcançou a superflcie em frente a Cabo Frio, caracterizando um evento de ressurgência. Entretanto, apesar das altas concentrações de nitrato na superfície (até 7,7 f.1M), as concentrações de clorofila-a foram menores do que 2 mg CI-a m'3. Os dados meteorológicos, hidrológicos e de biomassa fitoplanctônica sugerem um provável evento de ressurgência imediatamente anterior ao período de amostragem de verão e um evento em andamento durante o inverno. Análises de agrupamento e de componentes principais (ACP) foram aplicadas às coletas de verão e inverno separadamente, mostrando frentes multidimensionais na área, durante as duas estações
New record of Trichodesmium thiebautii Gomont ex Gomont (Oscillatoriales - Cyanophyta) for the continental shelf of northeastern Brazil
This study reports the first occurrence of Trichodesmiumthiebautii Gomont ex Gomont on the coast of northeastern Brazil. Samples were gathered during the rainy season (July 2005) and the dry season (November 2006) at six stations distributed along two perpendicular profiles of the coast of Pernambuco (8º18'S - 34º56'W and 8º32'S - 35º00'W). T. thiebautii was found during both periods of the year and at the six collection stations, forming colonies in the form of clusters or more rarely, bundles, with straight cylindrical trichomes, quadratic or slightly longer cells, with widths between 5-10 µm and heights of 3-15 µm. The hydrological variables presented small variations, contributing to wide distribution of the species