31 research outputs found

    Long-Term GeneXpert Positivity after Treatmentfor Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a cause of ill health and death worldwide. Since 2010, the diagnostic process has strongly relied on GeneXpert assays on biological specimens. Xpert MTB/RIF is an automated nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance, endorsed by the World Health Organization and the US Food and Drug Administration. Xpert is used in many countries as the initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis. Nevertheless, the reliability of GeneXpert positive tests in patients with a history of TB is largely unknown, due to possible false-positive results (i.e., GeneXpert-positive but culture-negative patients). We present a case report of a patient with a history of pulmonary TB, who was GeneXpert positive but culture negative on bronchoalveolar lavage 22 months after completion of appropriate antitubercular therapy

    False-Negative Nasopharyngeal Swab RT-PCR Assays in Typical COVID-19: Role of Ultra-low-dose Chest CT and Bronchoscopy in Diagnosis

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    On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic and global health emergency. We describe the clinical features and role of ultra-low-dose chest computed tomography (CT) and bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In our patient, who was highly suggestive clinically and radiologically for COVID-19, we had two false-negative results for nasopharyngeal and oral swab reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Eventually, we confirmed the diagnosis using bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)

    The Dark Purple Side of Ceftriaxone: A Case Report on Leucocytoclastic Vasculitis

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    We present a case of an 85-year-old woman diagnosed with uncomplicated pyelonephritis, who was treated with intravenous ceftriaxone. Her chronic medications were phenprocoumon, diltiazem and bisoprolol. During the infectious phase, the patient presented tachycardia – despite high-dose beta-blocker treatment – and developed left acute heart failure, with acute renal failure (pre-renal origin). After introduction of furosemide diuretic therapy, clinical conditions improved and better control of the volemic status and heart rate was achieved. Several days after ceftriaxone and digoxin therapy initiation, worsening multiple non-blanching palpable purpuric lesions with bullae and papules, limited to the lower extremities, were noted. Skin biopsy was performed and a diagnosis of leucocytoclastic vasculitis, with associated panniculitis, was made. Ceftriaxone was discontinued and systemic corticosteroids were introduced, with a clear improvement in the cutaneous condition

    Characteristics of Severe Asthma Patients and Predictors of Asthma Control in the Swiss Severe Asthma Registry

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    Background: Asthma is a chronic airway disease, affecting over 300 million people worldwide. 5–10% of patients suffer from severe asthma and account for 50% of asthma-related financial burden. Availability of real-life data about the clinical course of severe asthma is insufficient. Objectives: The aims of this study were to characterize patients with severe asthma in Switzerland, enrolled in the Swiss Severe Asthma Registry (SSAR), and evaluate predictors for asthma control. Method: A descriptive characterisation of 278 patients was performed, who were prospectively enrolled in the registry until January 2022. Socio-demographic variables, comorbidities, diagnostic values, asthma treatment, and healthcare utilisation were evaluated. Groups of controlled and uncontrolled asthma according to the asthma control test were compared. Results: Forty-eight percent of patients were female and the mean age was 55.8 years (range 13–87). The mean body mass index (BMI) was 27.4 kg/m2 (±6). 10.8% of patients were current smokers. Allergic comorbidities occurred in 54.3% of patients, followed by chronic rhinosinusitis (46.4%) and nasal polyps (34.1%). According to the ACT score, 54.7% had well controlled, 16.2% partly controlled and 25.9% uncontrolled asthma. The most common inhalation therapy was combined inhaled corticosteroids/long-acting β2-agonists (78.8%). Biologics were administered to 81.7% of patients and 19.1% received oral steroids. The multivariable analysis indicated that treatment with biologics was positively associated with asthma control whereas higher BMI, oral steroids, exacerbations, and COPD were negative predictors for asthma control. Conclusion: Biologics are associated with improved control in severe asthma. Further studies are required to complete the picture of severe asthma in order to provide improved care for those patients

    Early antiretroviral therapy during primary HIV-1 infection results in a transient reduction of the viral setpoint upon treatment interruption.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term benefits of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) initiation during primary HIV-1 infection are debated. METHODS: The evolution of plasma HIV-RNA (432 measurements) and cell-associated HIV-DNA (325 measurements) after cessation of cART (median exposure 18 months) was described for 33 participants from the Zurich Primary HIV Infection Study using linear regression and compared with 545 measurements from 79 untreated controls with clinically diagnosed primary HIV infection, respectively a known date for seroconversion. RESULTS: On average, early treated individuals were followed for 37 months (median) after cART cessation; controls had 34 months of pre-cART follow-up. HIV-RNA levels one year after cART interruption were −0.8 log(10) copies/mL [95% confidence interval −1.2;−0.4] lower in early treated patients compared with controls, but this difference was no longer statistically significant by year three of follow-up (−0.3 [−0.9; 0.3]). Mean HIV-DNA levels rebounded from 2 log(10) copies [1.8; 2.3] on cART to a stable plateau of 2.7 log(10) copies [2.5; 3.0] attained 1 year after therapy stop, which was not significantly different from cross-sectional measurements of 9 untreated members of the control group (2.8 log(10) copies [2.5; 3.1]). CONCLUSIONS: The rebound dynamics of viral markers after therapy cessation suggest that early cART may indeed limit reservoir size of latently infected cells, but that much of the initial benefits are only transient. Owing to the non-randomized study design the observed treatment effects must be interpreted with caution

    The clinical features of asthma exacerbations in early-onset and eosinophilic late-onset asthma may differ significantly

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    Over 20 years ago, the concept of asthma control was created and appropriate measurement tools were developed and validated. Loss of asthma control can lead to an exacerbation. Years ago, the term "clinically significant asthma exacerbation" was introduced to define when a loss of control is severe enough to declare it an asthma exacerbation. This term is also used by health insurances to determine when an exacerbation is eligible for reimbursement of biologics in clinical practice, however, it sometimes becomes apparent that a clear separation between loss of "asthma control" and an exacerbation is not always possible. In this review, we attempt to justify why exacerbations in early allergic asthma and adult eosinophilic asthma can differ significantly and why this is important in clinical practice as well as when dealing with health insurers

    COPD – eine unterschätzte Erkrankung

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    COPD - An Underestimated Disease Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous lung condition with a complex clinical picture. The diagnosis is not easy to make because COPD can develop insidiously and remain unnoticed for a long time. Therefore, general practitioners play a central role in the early detection of the disease. Suspected COPD can be confirmed by special examinations in collaboration with pulmonologists. The new GOLD guideline defines three COPD risk groups (A-B-E) which should guide the personalized treatment concept. A short- or long-acting bronchodilator (SAMA/SABA or LAMA/LABA) is recommended for group A, and a dual long-acting bronchodilator therapy (LABA+LAMA) is recommended for group B and E. In case of blood eosinophilia (≥300 cells/µl) and/or recent hospitalization for COPD exacerbation, triple therapy (LABA+LAMA+ICS) is recommended. General practitioners are important in implementing non-pharmacological measures (smoking cessation, regular exercise, vaccinations, patient selfmanagement education). However, this also underlines the high demands of the implementation of the GOLD guideline in daily practice.COPD ist eine heterogene Erkrankung mit komplexem Krankheitsbild. Die Diagnose ist nicht einfach zu stellen, denn COPD kann sich schleichend entwickeln und lange unbemerkt bleiben. Hausärztinnen und -ärzten kommt daher für die Früherkennung eine zentrale Rolle zu. Der COPD-Verdacht kann in Zusammenarbeit mit Pneumologen durch spezielle Untersuchungen abgesichert werden als Voraussetzung für das medikamentöse Therapiekonzept. Die neue GOLD-Guideline definiert drei COPD-Risikogruppen (A-B-E). Für Gruppe A wird ein kurz- oder langwirksamer Bronchodilatator (SAMA/SABA bzw. LAMA/LABA) empfohlen. Für Gruppe B und E wird eine Kombinationstherapie LABA+LAMA empfohlen. Bei Bluteosinophilie (≥ 300 Zellen/μl) und/oder kürzlicher Hospitalisierung aufgrund einer COPD-Exazerbation wird eine Dreifachtherapie (LABA+LAMA+ICS) empfohlen. Hausärztinnen und -ärzte sind wichtig bei der Umsetzung therapiebegleitender Massnahmen (Coaching von Patientinnen und Patienten, Impfungen, Rauchstopp, regelmässige Bewegung). Dies unterstreicht aber auch die hohen Anforderungen der Umsetzung der GOLD-Guideline in den Praxisalltag

    Utilité de l'évaluation cytologique extemporanée pendant les prélèvements transbronchiques guidés par échographie endobronchique dans les pathologies malignes et non malignes

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    Les prélèvements transbronchiques ou TBNA (Trans-bronchial Needle Aspiration) guidés par échographie endobronchique ou TBNA-EBUS (Endo Bronchial Ultra Sound) constituent une procédure efficace pour obtenir des échantillons d'adénomegalies ou masses médiastinales. Afin d'évaluer l'avantage offert par le ROSE aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, les résultats des examens endoscopiques de TBNA EBUS réalisés entre 2008 et 2014 ont fait l'objet de cette revue rétrospective. Trois cent quarante-huit TBNA EBUS ont été analysés dont 213 réalisés avec un ROSE. Il y a une tendance non significative à une amélioration de l'exactitude des examens réalisés avec ROSE par rapport à ceux réalisés avant l'introduction du ROSE (90.6% vs 84.4%, p = 0.082). Suite à l'ajustement dans le modèle multivariée, le bénéfice du ROSE reste non significatif (OR ajusté 1.86, 95% CI 0.79 – 4.41). En conclusion le ROSE semble associé à un bénéfice modéré mais non significatif sur la précision diagnostique (accuracy) des TBNA EBUS

    Pneumologie : données sur l’asthme, la BPCO et la fibrose pulmonaire

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    We chose, for this update on novelties in treatments for pulmonary disorders in 2016, to focus on advances in 3 pulmonary disorders : chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and IPF. For COPD, the contribution of inhaled glucocorticosteroids and roflumilast are revisited and the benefits obtained through endoscopic volume reduction procedures are clarified. In asthma and IPF, new molecules offer new hopes : a bettre control of exacerbations in asthma and a stabilisation or slowing of disease progression in IPF

    Asthme professionnel

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    L’asthme professionnel est la plus fréquente des maladies respiratoires professionnelles. Il touche surtout les travailleurs jeunes et a des conséquences socio-économiques importantes. Le reconnaître précocement permet d’améliorer le pronostic. Une investigation rigoureuse, pendant que le travailleur est encore exposé sur son lieu de travail, et un suivi médical approprié nécessitent une collaboration pluridisciplinaire. La prévention reste l’élément essentiel dans la prise en charge de cette maladie