47 research outputs found

    Catholicisme et hindouisme populaire à l'île de La Reunion : contacts, échanges (milieu du XIXe-début du XXe siècle)

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    The religious practices of people of Indian origin in Reunion Island, former French colony, get an originality. Many families claim to belong both from Catholicism and Hinduism. Is this situation stem from an accommodation of Hinduism to Catholicism, or from an old domination of one cult on the other? Previous works on this issue highlight the excesses committed by Catholic priests against Indian immigrants during the indenture period, from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. These works, initiated during the 1980s, advance the argument of a persecution of the Church on the Indians, leading to the "double religious practice", a direct consequence of these supposed excesses. This PhD thesis intends to reexamine the arguments put forward, and tries to analyze the religious situation of the indentured Indian during this period. The elements are studied through the prism of the social and religious world in the nineteenth century. In a comparative perspective, the situation of other diasporas, such as Mauritius, is questioned, as is the question of religions in the national context. The evolution of relations between the Church and the Power during the Third French Republic is discussed. Although their proximity is certain at the beginning of the colonization, these links remain very strong even after the French Revolution, but the action of the Republicans in mainland France and in the colonies impacts the position of Catholicism. The vitality of the worship of the Hindu working in the sugar plantations, the presence of many indentured labourers from the “Comptoir français” of Pondicherry, a region which boasted a strong Catholic missionaries activity in the nineteenth century, the interactions between the different worships on these territories are all factors that allow us to address the question from the angle of interactions and contacts between religions. These take place way before the 19th century in India and the Mascarenes. Their study in the eighteenth century shed light on the adhesion to both religious spheres by the Indians of Reunion Island. From these new perspectives, running counter to the theses released in the 1980s, the population of Indian origin of Reunion Island is presented in the nineteenth century as a development actor of its integration into the Creole society, and of the historical religious practices process.Les pratiques religieuses des personnes d’origine indienne à l’île de La Réunion, ancienne colonie française, présentent une originalité. De nombreuses familles se revendiquent à la fois du catholicisme et de l’hindouisme. Cette situation relève-t-elle d’une accommodation de l’hindouisme au catholicisme, où d’une ancienne domination d’un culte sur l’autre ? Les précédents travaux réalisés sur cette question mettent en avant les excès commis par des prêtres catholiques à l'encontre des immigrants indiens durant la période de l’engagisme, du milieu du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Ces travaux, initiés durant la décennie 1980, avancent la thèse d’une persécution de l’Église sur les Indiens, aboutissant à la « double pratique », conséquence directe supposée de ces excès. Cette thèse entend réexaminer les arguments avancés, et tente d’analyser la situation religieuse des engagés indiens durant cette période. Les éléments sont étudiés au prisme du monde social et religieux au XIXe siècle. Dans une perspective comparatiste, la situation d’autres diasporas, comme l’île Maurice, est questionnée, de même que la question des religions dans le contexte national. L’évolution des relations entre l’Église et le Pouvoir durant la troisième République est abordée. Si leur proximité est certaine au début de la colonisation, ces liens restent très forts même après la Révolution, mais l’action des républicains en France hexagonale et dans les colonies a des conséquences la position du catholicisme. La vitalité des cultes hindouistes sur les plantations sucrières, la présence de nombreux engagés issus des comptoirs français de Pondichéry, région ayant connu une forte activité missionnaire au XIXe siècle, les interactions entre les différents cultes sur ces territoires sont autant de facteurs qui nous permettent d’aborder la question sous l’angle des échanges et des contacts entre les religions. Ceux-ci ont lieu bien avant le XIXe en Inde et dans les Mascareignes, leur étude au XVIIIe siècle apporte un éclairage sur l’adhésion aux deux sphères religieuses par les Indiens de La Réunion. À partir de ces nouvelles perspectives, et à contre-courant de la thèse diffusée dans les années 1980, la population d’origine indienne de La Réunion est présentée au XIXe siècle comme actrice de son intégration à la société créole, et du processus historique à l’œuvre dans ses pratiques religieuses

    Catholicism and popular Hinduism in the island of Réunion : contacts, exchanges (mid-20th-early 20th century)

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    Les pratiques religieuses des personnes d’origine indienne à l’île de La Réunion, ancienne colonie française, présentent une originalité. De nombreuses familles se revendiquent à la fois du catholicisme et de l’hindouisme. Cette situation relève-t-elle d’une accommodation de l’hindouisme au catholicisme, où d’une ancienne domination d’un culte sur l’autre ? Les précédents travaux réalisés sur cette question mettent en avant les excès commis par des prêtres catholiques à l'encontre des immigrants indiens durant la période de l’engagisme, du milieu du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Ces travaux, initiés durant la décennie 1980, avancent la thèse d’une persécution de l’Église sur les Indiens, aboutissant à la « double pratique », conséquence directe supposée de ces excès. Cette thèse entend réexaminer les arguments avancés, et tente d’analyser la situation religieuse des engagés indiens durant cette période. Les éléments sont étudiés au prisme du monde social et religieux au XIXe siècle. Dans une perspective comparatiste, la situation d’autres diasporas, comme l’île Maurice, est questionnée, de même que la question des religions dans le contexte national. L’évolution des relations entre l’Église et le Pouvoir durant la troisième République est abordée. Si leur proximité est certaine au début de la colonisation, ces liens restent très forts même après la Révolution, mais l’action des républicains en France hexagonale et dans les colonies a des conséquences la position du catholicisme. La vitalité des cultes hindouistes sur les plantations sucrières, la présence de nombreux engagés issus des comptoirs français de Pondichéry, région ayant connu une forte activité missionnaire au XIXe siècle, les interactions entre les différents cultes sur ces territoires sont autant de facteurs qui nous permettent d’aborder la question sous l’angle des échanges et des contacts entre les religions. Ceux-ci ont lieu bien avant le XIXe en Inde et dans les Mascareignes, leur étude au XVIIIe siècle apporte un éclairage sur l’adhésion aux deux sphères religieuses par les Indiens de La Réunion. À partir de ces nouvelles perspectives, et à contre-courant de la thèse diffusée dans les années 1980, la population d’origine indienne de La Réunion est présentée au XIXe siècle comme actrice de son intégration à la société créole, et du processus historique à l’œuvre dans ses pratiques religieuses.The religious practices of people of Indian origin in Reunion Island, former French colony, get an originality. Many families claim to belong both from Catholicism and Hinduism. Is this situation stem from an accommodation of Hinduism to Catholicism, or from an old domination of one cult on the other? Previous works on this issue highlight the excesses committed by Catholic priests against Indian immigrants during the indenture period, from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. These works, initiated during the 1980s, advance the argument of a persecution of the Church on the Indians, leading to the "double religious practice", a direct consequence of these supposed excesses. This PhD thesis intends to reexamine the arguments put forward, and tries to analyze the religious situation of the indentured Indian during this period. The elements are studied through the prism of the social and religious world in the nineteenth century. In a comparative perspective, the situation of other diasporas, such as Mauritius, is questioned, as is the question of religions in the national context. The evolution of relations between the Church and the Power during the Third French Republic is discussed. Although their proximity is certain at the beginning of the colonization, these links remain very strong even after the French Revolution, but the action of the Republicans in mainland France and in the colonies impacts the position of Catholicism. The vitality of the worship of the Hindu working in the sugar plantations, the presence of many indentured labourers from the “Comptoir français” of Pondicherry, a region which boasted a strong Catholic missionaries activity in the nineteenth century, the interactions between the different worships on these territories are all factors that allow us to address the question from the angle of interactions and contacts between religions. These take place way before the 19th century in India and the Mascarenes. Their study in the eighteenth century shed light on the adhesion to both religious spheres by the Indians of Reunion Island. From these new perspectives, running counter to the theses released in the 1980s, the population of Indian origin of Reunion Island is presented in the nineteenth century as a development actor of its integration into the Creole society, and of the historical religious practices process

    Applicazione di protocolli semplificati di Image Analysis nella caratterizzazione di salumi tipici della Campania

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    Un protocollo d’Analisi dell’Immagine è stata messo a punto per la determinazione di misure specifiche e globali dei lardelli di due tipologie di salami tipici campani. Sono stati considerati otto produttori rappresentativi dell’eterogeneità della totalità dei produttori campani. L’elaborazione delle immagini è stata effettuata direttamente sull’immagine acquisita. Come output del software sono stati considerati: l’area di ciascun lardello, l’area della fetta, l’indice di rotondità di ogni lardello di grasso, il numero di lardelli. Da questi sono stati estratti ed elaborati gli indici più idonei per la caratterizzazione dei salami in termini di determinazione della dimensione e della distribuzione dei lardelli di grasso. La tecnica è risultata molto efficace, veloce e riproducibile. L’indagine ha evidenziato la possibilità di definire parametri oggettivi inerenti l’apparenza (qualità visiva) dei salami, un problema affatto irrilevante per il perfezionamento dei disciplinari di produzione e per la difesa della tipicità

    Predicting texture attributes from microstructural, rheological and thermal properties of hazelnut spreads

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    Eight trained assessors evaluated one visual, eight texture and four gustative attributes of 15 commercial spreads. In addition, 100 consumers evaluated the acceptability of the spreads. Rheological behavior of the samples was evaluated in transient (stress–relaxation test) and dynamic (strain and frequency sweep test) shear mode. Thermal measurements were also performed. Finally, the microstructure of the samples was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Partial least squares regression was used to predict acceptability from sensory attributes and texture from instrumental data. Scanning electron micrographs indicated that spreads differed in morphology, size and distribution of hazelnut particles. Overall liking of the spreads was found to be related to hazelnut flavor and texture attributes. Prediction of the most important texture properties from instrumental measurements was quite successful, especially for spreadability which was found negatively related to the consistency and flow indices and, secondly, for meltability which was found to be strongly dependent on measured thermal parameters

    Protein-polysaccharide interactions: phase behaviour of pectin-soy flour mixture

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    Biopolymers mixed systems have been widely studied in the past two decades, resulting in advances in knowledge of the key parameters involved in macromolecules–macromolecules interactions. Sound understanding and control of these parameters should enable food scientists to design coating or film with desired functional properties. In this study the phase behaviour of high methoxyl pectin and soy flour at pH 4.6 was investigated. The aim was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of pectin (P) and soy flour (SF) solution and different P/SF ratios on mixture phase behaviour. Pectin suspensions at 16 mgml-1 and 8 mgml-1 concentrations and soy flour suspensions at 13 mgml-1 and 6.5 mg ml-1 concentrations were prepared and mixed together in different ratios (10/90, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25, 90/10). Turbidity and rheological measurements were performed to obtain information on pectin–soy flour interaction in electrostatic compatibility conditions. The experimental data show that soy flour solution is a non-stable system in which complexes may be formed during aging. It becomes insoluble and settles to the bottom of the suspension. By blending charged soy flour, at high concentration, with anionic pectin an associative interaction between biopolymers occurs which stabilizes the protein in solution. The best pectin and soy flour suspension for forming film with a continuous network was at concentrations of 16 mg ml-1 and 13 mg ml-1