1,085 research outputs found

    Le metodologie razionali per la previsione e la gestione dello sviluppo tecnologico

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    L’attività di ricerca è stata avviata con l’obiettivo di ricomporre in un quadro organico l’insieme delle fasi, degli strumenti e delle tecniche disponibili per la previsione e la gestione dello sviluppo tecnologico, fornendo un contributo per la sistematizzazione di una importante classe di modelli, al fine di renderli maggiormente fruibili, come strumento di supporto per le scelte strategiche delle organizzazioni imprenditoriali e delle istituzioni che investono per aumentare la competitività e per accrescere rispettivamente la produttività aziendale e nazionale. Rispetto alla letteratura di riferimento, l’attività di ricerca ha l’obiettivo di fornire un utile contributo al fine di conseguire un miglioramento del processo ciclico di pianificazione strategica delle innovazioni tecnologiche, che deve essere così articolato: • la definizione del problema, con la descrizione degli obiettivi, della tecnologia e del contesto sociale; • il monitoraggio della diffusione delle tecnologie e dell’andamento generale del sistema socio-economico (su scala nazionale ed internazionale), adeguatamente modellizzato; • le previsioni necessarie a rendere più chiaro ai manager l’insieme dei possibili scenari presenti e futuri collegati alle stesse innovazioni, comprensivi di eventuali esternalità, attraverso l’utilizzo di alcune tecniche e metodi sperimentali disponibili fra i quali l’estrapolazione del trend tecnologico (Regressione linere, modelli di Fisher-Pry e Gompertz, equazioni differenziali di Lotka-Volterra), la simulazione (analisi degli effetti incrociati e modello Ksim) e l’opinione dell’esperto; • la definizione di una serie di possibili alternative di innovazione tecnologica e l’identificazione, l’analisi e la valutazione preventiva dei loro effetti (scientifici e tecnologici, socio-economici, istituzionali, culturali, politici, ambientali, ecc…) che generano cambiamenti sulle persone, sulla società, su prodotti e servizi, nelle organizzazioni. L’analisi delle alternative è svolta attraverso l’uso di tecniche di comparazione (quali l’Analisi Costi/Benefici e l’Analisi dei rischi); • l’adeguata modalità di gestione del processo logico-decisionale e delle scelte di investimento relative ai progetti alternativi di innovazione, con la partecipazione degli stakeholder, e la comunicazione dei risultati (utilizzando il metodo degli obiettivi multipli, l’Analytic Hierarchy Process e l’analisi degli scenari); • il monitoraggio dei feedback per verificare e per confrontare i risultati positivi e gli effetti indesiderati - rispetto agli obiettivi prefissati - della strategie di innovazione realmente adottate, anche in relazione alle aspettative previsionali ed alle responsabilità sociali dei manager. L’applicazione è stata eseguita utilizzando i metodi sperimentali disponibili per l’estrapolazione del trend tecnologico nell’ambito del mercato italiano dell’home video, mostrando una possibile evoluzione della diffusione dei supporti DVD e VHS e della sostituzione della prima tecnologia con la seconda

    Effect of Colic Vein Ligature in Rats with Loperamide-Induced Constipation

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    Introduction. Medical treatment in chronic constipation is not always successful. Surgery is indicated in unresponsive selected severe cases. This study presents the distal venous colic ligation in rat as a novel surgical approach. Materials and Methods. 16 rats (study group) were evaluated in 3 phases of 6 days each: A (normal conditions), B (loperamide-induced constipation), and C (colic vein legation) and compared with rats treated in phase C with PEG 4,000 (control group). Blood biochemical and physiological parameters, daily fecal water content (FWC), and histological analysis were performed in all study phases. Results. No biochemical and physiological parameters changes were observed. FWC decreased in phase B and increased in phase C in both groups with a grow up to 2.3-fold in study group compared to control (P < 0.0001). Moreover, in study group, a high number of colonic goblet cells were detected (phase C versus phase B: P < 0.001) while no differences were registered in control. Conclusion. By ligature of the colic vein in constipated rats, an increase in FWC and goblet cells higher than in PEG treated rats was detected. The described surgical procedure appeared effective, simple, and safe; further studies in animal models, however, are necessary to assess its clinical applicability

    Localization and subcellular association of Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus in grapevine leaf tissues

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    Despite the increasing impact of Grapevine Pinot gris disease (GPG-disease) worldwide, etiology about this disorder is still uncertain. The presence of the putative causal agent, the Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus (GPGV), has been reported in symptomatic grapevines (presenting stunting, chlorotic mottling, and leaf deformation) as well as in symptom-free plants. Moreover, information on virus localization in grapevine tissues and virus-plant interactions at the cytological level is missing at all. Ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations were undertaken to detect virus particles and the associated cytopathic effects in field-grown grapevine showing different symptom severity. Asymptomatic greenhouse-grown grapevines, which tested negative for GPGV by real time RT-PCR, were sampled as controls. Multiplex real-time RT-PCR and ELISA tests excluded the presence of viruses included in the Italian certification program both in field-grown and greenhouse-grown grapevines. Conversely, evidence was found for ubiquitous presence of Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV), Hop Stunt Viroid (HSVd), and Grapevine Yellow Speckle Viroid 1 (GYSVd-1) in both plant groups. Moreover, in every field-grown grapevine, GPGV was detected by real-time RT-PCR. Ultrastructural observations and immunogold labelling assays showed filamentous flexuous viruses in the bundle sheath cells, often located inside membrane-bound organelles. No cytological differences were observed among field-grown grapevine samples showing different symptom severity. GPGV localization and associated ultrastructural modifications are reported and discussed, in the perspective of assisting management and control of the disease. \ua9 2017 The Author(s

    Untangling the extracellular matrix of idiopathic epiretinal membrane: a path winding among structure, interactomics and translational medicine

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    Idiopathic epiretinal membranes (iERMs) are fibrocellular sheets of tissue that develop at the vit-reoretinal interface. iERMs consist of cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) formed by a complex array of structural proteins and a large number of proteins that regulate cell-matrix interaction, matrix deposition and remodelling. Many components of the ECM tend to produce a layered pat-tern that can influence the tractional properties of the membranes. We applied a bioinformatics approach on a list of proteins previously identified with an MS-based proteomic analysis on sam-ples of iERM to report the interactome of some key proteins. The performed pathway analysis highlights interactions occurring among ECM molecules, their cell receptors, and intra or extra-cellular proteins that may play a role in matrix biology, in this special context. In particular, integ-rin β1, cathepsin B, epidermal growth factor receptor, protein-glutamine gam-ma-glutamyltransferase 2, and prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 are key hubs in the outlined protein-protein cross-talks. A section on the biomarkers that can be found in the vitreous humor of patients affected by iERM and that can modulate matrix deposition is also pre-sented. Finally, translational medicine in iERM treatment has been summed up taking stock of the techniques that have been proposed for pharmacologic vitreolysi

    Agroinoculation of Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus in tobacco and grapevine provides insights on viral pathogenesis

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    The Grapevine Pinot Gris disease (GPG-d) is a novel disease characterized by symptoms such as leaf mottling and deformation, which has been recently reported in grapevines, and mostly in Pinot gris. Plants show obvious symptoms at the beginning of the growing season, while during summer symptom recovery frequently occurs, manifesting as symptomless leaves. A new Trichovirus, named Grapevine Pinot gris virus (GPGV), which belongs to the family Betaflexiviridae was found in association with infected plants. The detection of the virus in asymptomatic grapevines raised doubts about disease aetiology. Therefore, the primary target of this work was to set up a reliable system for the study of the disease in controlled conditions, avoiding interfering factor(s) that could affect symptom development. To this end, two clones of the virus, pRI::GPGV-vir and pRI::GPGV-lat, were generated from total RNA collected from one symptomatic and one asymptomatic Pinot gris grapevine, respectively. The clones, which encompassed the entire genome of the virus, were used in Agrobacterium-mediated inoculation of Vitis vinifera and Nicotiana benthamiana plants. All inoculated plants developed symptoms regardless of their inoculum source, demonstrating a correlation between the presence of GPGV and symptomatic manifestations. Four months post inoculum, the grapevines inoculated with the pRI::GPGV-lat clone developed asymptomatic leaves that were still positive to GPGV detection. Three to four weeks later (i.e. ca. 5 months post inoculum), the same phenomenon was observed in the grapevines inoculated with pRI::GPGV-vir. This observation perfectly matches symptom progression in infected field-grown grapevines, suggesting a possible role for plant antiviral mechanisms, such as RNA silencing, in the recovery process.</div

    Co-Expression of Podoplanin and CD44 in Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Epiretinal Membranes

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    Epiretinal membranes (ERMs) are sheets of tissue that pathologically develop in the vitreoretinal interface leading to progressive vision loss. They are formed by different cell types and by an exuberant deposition of extracellular matrix proteins. Recently, we reviewed ERMs’ extracellular matrix components to better understand molecular dysfunctions that trigger and fuel the onset and development of this disease. The bioinformatics approach we applied delineated a comprehensive overview on this fibrocellular tissue and on critical proteins that could really impact ERM physiopathology. Our interactomic analysis proposed the hyaluronic-acid-receptor cluster of differentiation 44 (CD44) as a central regulator of ERM aberrant dynamics and progression. Interestingly, the interaction between CD44 and podoplanin (PDPN) was shown to promote directional migration in epithelial cells. PDPN is a glycoprotein overexpressed in various cancers and a growing body of evidence indicates its relevant function in several fibrotic and inflammatory pathologies. The binding of PDPN to partner proteins and/or its ligand results in the modulation of signaling pathways regulating proliferation, contractility, migration, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and extracellular matrix remodeling, all processes that are vital in ERM formation. In this context, the understanding of the PDPN role can help to modulate signaling during fibrosis, hence opening a new line of therap

    Effect of Colic Vein Ligature in Rats with Loperamide-Induced Constipation

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    Introduction. Medical treatment in chronic constipation is not always successful. Surgery is indicated in unresponsive selected severe cases. This study presents the distal venous colic ligation in rat as a novel surgical approach. Materials and Methods. 16 rats (study group) were evaluated in 3 phases of 6 days each: A (normal conditions), B (loperamide-induced constipation), and C (colic vein legation) and compared with rats treated in phase C with PEG 4,000 (control group). Blood biochemical and physiological parameters, daily fecal water content (FWC), and histological analysis were performed in all study phases. Results. No biochemical and physiological parameters changes were observed. FWC decreased in phase B and increased in phase C in both groups with a grow up to 2.3-fold in study group compared to control (P &lt; 0.0001). Moreover, in study group, a high number of colonic goblet cells were detected (phase C versus phase B: P &lt; 0.001) while no differences were registered in control. Conclusion. By ligature of the colic vein in constipated rats, an increase in FWC and goblet cells higher than in PEG treated rats was detected. The described surgical procedure appeared effective, simple, and safe; further studies in animal models, however, are necessary to assess its clinical applicability

    Interlaboratory performance of a Real-Time PCR method for detection of Ceratocystis platani, the agent of canker stain of Platanus spp

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    Ceratocystis platani (CP), an ascomycetous fungus, is the agent of canker stain, a lethal vascular disease of Platanus species. Ceratocystis platani has been listed as a quarantine pest (EPPO A2 list) due to extensive damage caused in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. As traditional diagnostic assays are ineffective, a Real-Time PCR detection method based on EvaGreen, SYBR Green, and Taqman assays was previously developed, validated in-house, and included in the official EPPO standard PM7/14 (2). Here, we describe the results of a test performance study performed by nine European laboratories for the purpose of an interlaboratory validation. Verification of the DNA extracted from biological samples guaranteed the high quality of preparations, and the stability and the homogeneity of the aliquots intended for the laboratories. All of the laboratories reproduced nearly identical standard curves with efficiencies close to 100%. Testing of blind-coded DNA extracted from wood samples revealed that all performance parameters-diagnostic sensitivity, diagnostic specificity, accuracy and reproducibility-were best fit in most cases both at the laboratory and at the assay level. The previously established limit of detection, 3 fg per PCR reaction, was also validated with similar excellent results. The high interlaboratory performance of this Real-Time PCR method confirms its value as a primary tool to safeguard C. platani-free countries by way of an accurate monitoring, and to investigate the resistance level of potentially canker stain-resistant Platanus genotypes