445 research outputs found

    Sexology as a challenge to the health care system: the Norwegian version

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    Medical doctors and psychologist represent the largest groups of professionals working with sexological problems in Norway, with one third each. The last third consists of different health and educational professionals. Forty-three percent reported that they have undergone some training programs in sexology. This is the lowest educational level in all the countries surveyed in the context of the "Euro-Sexo" study. Seventy-one percent declared that they have had individual supervision and 49% had group supervision in sexology. 93.2% are in clinical practice, but for most of them, this is a minor part of their professional activity. Seventy-one percent reported that sexological activity represents less than 25% of their professional time. Gender differences are minor. Three percent work with sexology full time, all of these are women, and none are medical doctors. Not surprisingly, problems with orgasm (42.95) and sexual desire (60.7%) are among the most frequent problems presented among female clients, while erectile dysfunction (47.3%) is the most frequent problem among male clients. Emotional problems in the couple relationship is among the most frequent problem reported, 35% among male and 63% among female clients. The respondents also reported problems related to sexual violence or abuse, 18.1% among male and 42.9% among female clients. Thirty percent reported genital pain among their female clients. Sexological problems represent a substantial area of the clinical work for many therapists. Medical doctors represent an important part of the therapeutic field, while sexology is a less than a minor part of medical education, both pre and post graduate. Psychotherapy was reported as the most frequent treatment used by sexologists

    La sexologie en débat (entretien)

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    The experience of sexuality among French young adults: between wandering and married life

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    This qualitative study was carried out with 24 French students, ages between 18 and 22 years. During this transitional period of their lives, young adults experience a sexual and affective wandering phase, and at the same time, aspire to an ideal married life. Sexual and affective wandering refers to the experience and its meaning for the most part of those interviewed. A married life or establishment of a monogamous stable relationship is the ideal aspired by the majority of men and women interviewed. Sexuality is experienced, throughout this transitional period, as a sometimes difficult and confusing experience of initiation that aims the construction of the self, and in the long term, the construction of the couple, beyond multiple "recreational" experiences.Este estudio se basa en una investigación cualitativa realizada con 24 estudiantes franceses de 18 a 22 años. En este periodo de transición de sus vidas, los muchachos y las muchachas atraviesan una fase de errancia, de experimentación afectiva y sexual, al mismo tiempo aspirando a un ideal de vida en pareja. La errancia sexual y afectiva constituye la práctica y el sentido dado a su experiencia para una importante parte de las personas entrevistadas. La vida en pareja o, el establecimiento de una relación de pareja monogámica y estable, constituye el ideal de la mayoría de los hombres y de las mujeres entrevistadas. La sexualidad es vivida, a lo largo de este período de transición, como una experiencia de iniciación, a veces difícil o confusa e tiene por objeto la construcción de si y, más a largo plazo, de la pareja, más que una multiplicación de experiencias "recreativas".Este estudo se baseia em uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada com 24 estudantes franceses de 18 a 22 anos. No período de transição de suas vidas, rapazes e moças atravessam uma fase de errância, de experimentação afetiva e sexual, ao mesmo tempo em que aspiram a um ideal de vida conjugal. A errância sexual e afetiva constitui a prática e o sentido dados à sua experiência para uma importante parte das pessoas entrevistadas. A vida conjugal ou o estabelecimento de uma relação de casal monogâmica e estável constitui o ideal da maioria dos homens e mulheres entrevistados. A sexualidade é vivida, ao longo desse período de transição, como uma experiência de iniciação, às vezes difícil ou confusa e visa a construção de si e, mais a longo termo, do casal, mais que a uma multiplicação de experiências "recreativas"

    Representations of people living with HIV: influences on the late diagnosis of infection

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    Objective: To analyze the representations constructed by people living with HIV on the infection and their influence on the late search for diagnosis. Method: A qualitative study, conducted through an open interview with people who had a late diagnosis of HIV infection. The theoretical framework adopted was the Theory of Social Representations based on a critical approach. For data analysis, was used the Structural Analysis of Narration method and the MAXQDA 12® software. Results: Eighteen people participated in the study. The following original representations were unveiled: AIDS as a transmissible and dangerous disease; disease of the other; severe, incurable and deadly disease; and denial of risk due to trust in a steady partner. These representations contributed to the late search for diagnosis, either because of the attitude of distance from susceptible people, or because they did not perceive or deny the risks to which they were exposed in their life trajectories. Conclusion: Understanding the reasons that lead people to a late diagnosis of HIV is imperative in the current epidemic scenario for the planning and implementation of new strategies and policies for the timely diagnosis of the infection

    Vivencia de la sexualidad después del cáncer de mama: estudio cualitativo con mujeres en rehabilitación

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    OBJECTIVE: to comprehend the psychosocial and cultural repercussions of breast cancer and its treatment on the sexuality of women. METHOD: this is a qualitative study grounded in the Sexual Scripts Theory with the participation of 23 women who were interviewed and participated in focus groups discussion. RESULTS: each category was related to a level of the sexual scripts. At the cultural scenario level a discourse on sexuality that includes definitions of sexual attractiveness and sexuality was highlighted. The interpersonal scripts level focused on the communication regarding sexuality established with the partner and with healthcare professionals category; and at the subjectivity scripts level the reports of improvement, deterioration and no change in the sexual life after cancer were analyzed. CONCLUSION: the experience of cancer involves cultural, relational, and subjective aspects that affect the sexual life, therefore, healthcare professionals should be aware of them to improve integral healthcare.OBJETIVO: comprender las repercusiones psicosociales y culturales del cáncer de mama y sus tratamientos en la sexualidad de las mujeres. MÉTODO: se trata de un estudio cualitativo basado en la Teoría de los Scripts Sexuales con la participación de 23 mujeres entrevistadas y participantes de grupos focales. RESULTADOS: cada categoría fue relacionada con un nivel de los scripts sexuales. En el nivel escenario cultural se destacó un discurso sobre sexualidad que incluyen definiciones de atracción sexual y sexualidad. En el nivel scripts interpersonales se enfoca la categoría comunicación sobre la sexualidad establecida con el compañero y con profesionales de la salud; y en el nivel scripts de subjetividad se analizan los relatos de mejoría, empeoramiento y sin alteraciones, de la vida sexual después del cáncer. CONCLUSIÓN: la experiencia del cáncer contiene aspectos culturales, relacionales y subjetivos que interfieren en la vida sexual, así el profesional de la salud debe estar atento a ellos para mejorar la atención integral de la salud.OBJETIVO: compreender as repercussões psicossociais e culturais do câncer de mama e seus tratamentos na sexualidade de mulheres. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo qualitativo, embasado na Teoria dos Scripts Sexuais com participação de 23 mulheres entrevistadas e participantes de grupos focais. RESULTADOS: cada categoria foi relacionada a um nível dos scripts sexuais. No nível cenário cultural destacou-se um discurso sobre sexualidade que inclui definições de atratividade sexual e sexualidade. No nível scripts interpessoais focaliza-se a categoria comunicação sobre sexualidade estabelecida com o parceiro e com profissionais de saúde; e no nível scripts da subjetividade analisam-se os relatos de melhora, piora e ausência de alterações na vida sexual após o câncer. CONCLUSÃO: a experiência do câncer envolve aspectos culturais, relacionais e subjetivos que interferem na vida sexual, assim, o profissional de saúde deve estar atento a eles para melhorar a atenção integral em saúde

    Homophobia and transphobia in a sample of Movement Sciences students: Implications for physical education teachers and coaches

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    Gender and sexual stereotypes and prejudices are pervasive in sport contexts and used to preserve male superiority, relegating what is not masculine to a lower status. These stereotypes and biases are firmly rooted in sport also because they are constantly renewed and reinforced by athletic trainers, who may teach, along with sports practice, the underpinning heteronormative ideologies and values as well. The current study was aimed at exploring knowledge, opinions, and attitudes on gender and sexual diversity in sport among 181 Movement Sciences university students compared to 169 university students attending Psychology, Medicine, and Sociology. Participants answered questions related to gender and sexual diversity, homophobia, and transphobia and data were analyzed through student’s t-tests and linear regressions. Results indicated that Movement Sciences university students had a lower level of knowledge about sexual and gender diversity, and this was associated with higher levels of homophobic and transphobic attitudes. The results suggest the need to introduce specific training in degree courses to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices around sexual and gender diversity

    Le parcours et carrières des conservateurs de bibliothèques

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    Le présent rapport conjoint IGAENR – IGB porte sur Le parcours et la carrière des conservateurs des bibliothèques, population qui, jusqu’alors, n’avait pas fait l’objet de travaux de l’IGAENR ; ce rapport fait suite à d’autres rapports de l’IGAENR sur des populations plus nombreuses de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche

    Online sexual activities in Italian older adults: The role of gender, sexual orientation, and permissiveness

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    Introduction Online sexual activities (OSAs) are sexual behaviors involving online sexual content and stimuli and are categorized into non-arousal (N-OSAs), solitary arousal (S-OSAs), and partnered arousal activities (P-OSAs). As such activities in older age remain largely underexamined, this study aimed to explore OSAs in a sample of Italian older adults, analyzing their associations with gender and sexual orientation, considering sexual permissiveness as a moderator. Methods One hundred and fourteen cisgender participants (85 men and 29 women) aged from 52 to 79 years old (M = 62.57, SD = 6.19) were recruited between September 2019 and January 2020 to participate in an online cross-sectional survey on OSAs. Results A total of 58.1% of participants had engaged in S-OSAs at least 2–3 times during the previous month, while a lower percentage of participants had engaged in N-OSAs (38.6%) and P-OSAs (29.9%) at least 2–3 times during the previous month. Men were more likely to be engaged in S-OSAs than women. Being non-heterosexual was associated with an increase in engagement in N-OSAs and S-OSAs, but not in P-OSAs. Sexual permissiveness was significantly associated with N-OSAs and S-OSAs, but not with P-OSAs, and did not moderate either the relationship of gender with OSAs or that of sexual orientation with OSAs. Conclusions This study sheds light on the need to include online resources in sexual health educational programs addressed at older people, as well as in training programs addressed at healthcare professionals and social workers working with this population
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