183 research outputs found

    Severe Idiopathic Eosinophilic Pneumonia and Vasculitis in 11 Horses

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    Introduction: Various eosinophilic lesions have been described in horses. Multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (MEED) characterized by eosinophilic granulomas in various organs represents the most diffuse manifestation. In the present study we describe the gross and microscopical lesions of idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonia and vasculitis in 11 horses without systemic involvement. Materials and Methods: During a 2-year period (2010–2011), lungs from 88 horses with gross signs of pulmonary disease were collected at a slaughterhouse. Lung sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Giemsa and periodic acid–Schiff. Results: In 11 horses, lungs were enlarged, pale pink and collapsed, with multifocal to coalescing, white–red, 0.4–4.0 cm diameter nodules distributed throughout the parenchyma. Histologically, the lesions ranged from severe eosinophilic bronchointerstitial pneumonia to severe eosinophilic lobular bronchopneumonia associated with eosinophilic necrotizing vasculitis affecting small to medium sized vessels. Mild interstitial fibrosis was also present. The other part of the parenchyma appeared emphysematous. There was no histological evidence of parasites within these lesions. Conclusions: Eosinophilic pneumonia and vasculitis without intralesional parasites are rarely described in horses. Histological findings do not resemble the typical eosinophilic granulomas observed in lungs of horses with MEED, but are similar to the findings in idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia of man and of Churg–Strauss syndrome of man

    Ex vivo evaluation of imatinib mesylate for induction of cell death on canine neoplastic mast cells with mutations in c-Kit exon 11 via apoptosis

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    Several studies of canine spontaneous mast cell tumours have described mutations in the c-kit proto-oncogene. These mutations produce a constitutively activated product and have been suggested to play a role in the malignant transformation of mast cells. We hypothesize that the selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate inhibits signal transduction and induces apoptosis when tested in cutaneous canine mast cell tumour samples positive for mutation in c-kit exon 11. Three-dimensional ex vivo cultures of canine grade II mast cell tumour treated with STI-571 at 48, 72, and 96 h and tested for signal transduction and apoptosis using appropriate assays were used. There was a progressive and significant increase in caspase-3 and TUNEL-positive mast cells compared to the untreated cultures. Additionally, a concurrent reduced expression of Ki67 and BCL-2 was observed. Furthermore, the treated cultures showed a marked reduction of Kit expression. Our results demonstrate that STI-571 induces Caspase-dependent apoptosis in a canine neoplastic mast cells possessing mutations in c-kit exon 11. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Origin of Enzootic Intranasal Tumor in the Goat (Capra hircus): A Glycohistochemical Approach

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    Enzootic intranasal tumor (EIT) appears glandular in type and has recently been classified as an adenocarcinoma of low malignancy. The aim of this study was to characterize the secretion of surface glycoconjugates (GCs) in EIT and in normal respiratory and olfactory mucosae of the goat by means of conventional and lectin histochemistry, in order to shed light on the histogenesis of EIT. Morphologic and ultrastructural investigations showed two growth types of EIT: i.e., tubular and papillary patterns. Conventional histochemistry revealed the presence of neutral and carboxylated GCs in the olfactory glands and in the tubular part of EIT, as well neutral and sulphated GCs in the respiratory glands and in the papillary part of EIT, suggesting that the papillary pattern tumor arises from the respiratory glands, whereas the tubular portion of EIT arises from the olfactory glands. Lectin histochemistry gave further information on the expressed GCs

    Mesotelioma pericardio in un cane

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    SUMMARY - This report describes thè anatomohistopatological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical findings in a 7-year-old mongrel bitch affected with pericardial mesothelioma. The bitch during 8 month had clinical signs suggesting pericardial effusion. Histological examination of thè biopsy specimen revealed nests of suspected mesothelial neoplastic cells. Given its unfavourable prognosisi thè dog was euthanatìzed. At necropsy, thè parietal and visceral surface of thè pericardium were covered with irregular brown-yellow,velvety nodules and plaques, Neoplastic nodules and plaques were also present in thè pleura. Histologically, diffuse cuboidal epithelioid cells cove-l ring papìllary projections on a spindle celi fibrovascular core were found. The ultrastructural and immunohistochemical findings were characteristic of mesothelial cells

    Rilievi anatomo-istopatologici e considerazioni patogenetiche su di alcuni casi di ectasia delle coronarie nel bovino.

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    L'ectasia delle diramazioni coronariche nel bovino è ben conosciuta in Patologia Veterinaria attraverso gli studi effettuati da: Marcato (1939), Colombo (1955) (1957), Dorigo (1957), Colombo e Marazza (1961), Calati (1961) e Braca (1966) anche se discussa ne è a tutt'oggi la patogenesi soprattutto in rapporto al fatto che al quadro di ectasia macroscopicamente evidente del ramo Dx e Sx coronarici non corrisponde analogo fenomeno a livello delle diramazioni di medio e piccolo calibro». Avendo reperito alcuni casi di ectasia delle coronarie in bovini normalmente macellati abbiamo ritenuto opportuno riprendere, riconsiderando anche la casistica precedentemente rilevata nel nostro Istituto, l'argomento nel tentativo di meglio contribuire alla conoscenza delle lesioni e di tentare una interpretazione patogenetica delle stesse. I reperti osservati con rilievi diversificati erano caratterizzati macroscopicamente, ora da aspetto cirsoideo (zona atrio-ventricolare) con espressioni cordonifonni, talora serpiginosi, rilevate sulla superficie epicardica, ora con rilevatezza delle grosse diramazioni coronariche sfiancate spingentesi fino alla punta del cuore. I reperti istologici rilevati a carico delle zone colpite hanno permesso di apprezzare, in un quadro edematoso discromico miocardico ed in assenza di quadri patitico-patosici, reattività coronarica caratterizzata da notevole sfiancamento di tratti principali delle diramazioni coronariche Dx e Sx con ipotrofia della tonaca media e da interessamento delle strutture parieto-coronariche intramurali. In particolare laddove appariva macroscopicamente più evidente lo sfiancamento della rete coronarica, sia in figurazione cirsoidea sia diffusa, si accertava atrofia della tonaca media ed edema dell'avventizia. Le diramazioni di medio e piccolo calibro per contro apparivano sempre compromesse con espressioni reattive vascolo-distrofiche e danno anatomico accertato in: imbibizione dell'endotelio, slaminamento dell'elastica interna, ipertrofia della tonaca media talora spinta fino a dare immagine di meso-arterite obliterante, pur differenziandosi da questa per l'assenza della componente infiltrativa, ed edema dell'avventizia. La sofferenza del miocardio circostante era documentata da espressioni di edema in corrispondenza dei settori dipendenti dalle diramazioni coronariche di grosso calibro, di discromia e degenerazione miofibrale laddove erano coinvolte le diramazioni di medio e piccolo calibro. La ricostruzione patogenetica offre non poche difficoltà in quanto ancor oggi non vi è identità di vedute sulle cause determinanti la lesione; infatti di volta in volta sono stati chiamati in causa diversi momenti patogenetici quali: momento disembriogenetico; momento parassitario; momento micoticoembolico; momento arteriosclerotico; momento reumatico: momento oncogeno. Sulla base dei reperti occorsi alla nostra osservazione, ritenendo secondaria l'alterazione delle piccole diramazioni intramurali come compensazione del più grave fenomeno dell' ectasia dei grossi tronchi coronarici, in assenza di reperti istologici altrimenti giustificativi, possiamo fondatamente ritenere, a conferma di quanto sostenuto nel nostro Istituto (Braca 1966), che l'ipotesi patogeneticamente più valida nel determinismo della lesione sia quella disembriogenetica

    Rilievi anatomo-istopatologici su amigdale di bovini importati per la macellazione.

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    Gli autori hanno esaminato le arterie mesenteriche di 2800 cavalli regolarmente macellati nel mattatoio di Torino. Gli animali erano, per la maggior parte, importati. In 303 cavalli le indagini anatomo-patologici mostrarono lesioni parassitarie a diversi gradi di evoluzione. Dopo una descrizione, anatomo-patologica e radiologica delle lesioni, gli Autori hanno identificato, in 61 casi, i parassiti ritrovati nel lume delle arterie

    Maedi-Visna virus infection in a Merino lamb with nervous signs

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    A Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) infection was diagnosed in a 10-month-old lamb from a Turkish flock. The animal suddenly showed nervous signs and died within 2 days. At necropsy, different pulmonary and nervous lesions were observed. A Coenurus cerebralis cyst was also present in the right-brain hemisphere. Severe nonpurulent meningoencephalitis and lymphoproliferative pneumonia were detected by histopathology. MVV proviral DNA was demonstrated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded samples collected from the brain and the lungs. This unusual report in a young animal confirms that not only adult sheep but also lambs can develop MVV disease. The hypothesis that concurrent nervous and pulmonary diseases increase the severity of the lesions due to MVV and reduce the incubation time should be better evaluated