62 research outputs found

    ReLambro. Il fiume nuova infrastruttura ecologica della metropoli milanese

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    Lo studio raccoglie gli esiti di tre anni di progetto per la rete ecologica del Lambro Milanese cofinanziato da Fondazione Cariplo, con partner Politecnico di Milano, Ersaf (capofila), Legambiente Lombardia, PLIS Media Valle Lambro. Sviluppato in forma multidisciplinare come un documento di ricerca e azione, si propone con un vero e proprio documento di riferimento per tutti i soggetti che vogliono operare sul Lambro, o più in generale in ambiti fluviali in contesti urbani, fornendo uno strumento pratico da utilizzare per le azioni di riqualificazione fluviale e ambientale, nell’ottica di migliorare la funzionalità eco-sistemica del territorio e costruire e rafforzare la connessione ecologica a tutela della biodiversità

    Analysis of the Inner Fluid-Dynamics of Scroll Compressors and Comparison between CFD Numerical and Modelling Approaches

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    Scroll compressors are widely adopted machines in both refrigeration systems and heat pumps. However, their efficiency is basically poor and constitutes the main bottleneck for improving the overall system performance. In fact, due to the complex machine fluid dynamics, scroll design is mainly based on theoretical and/or semi-empirical approaches. Designs strategies that do not guarantee an in-depth analysis of the machine behavior can be supplemented with a Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach. To this purpose, in the present work, the scroll compressor inner fluid dynamics is numerically analyzed in detail using two CFD software and two different modelling strategies for the axial gap. The analysis of the fluid evolution within the scroll wraps reveals unsteady phenomena developing during the suction and discharge phases, amplified by the axial clearance with negative impact on the main fluid flow (e.g., 1213% of average mass flow rate for an axial gap of 30 \ub5) and on the scroll performance (e.g., +26% of average absorbed power for an axial gap of 30 \ub5). In terms of accuracy, the k-" offers good performance on the estimation of average quantities but proves to be inadequate for capturing the complexity of the unsteady phenomena caused by the axial gap (e.g., 1219% of the absorbed power in case of perfect tip seal). The need for considering specific geometric details in design procedures is highlighted, and guidelines on the choice of the most suitable numerical model are provided depending on the analysis need

    Metaphoric and descriptive terminology in dermoscopy: Lessons from the cognitive sciences

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    Metaphoric or analogical terminology is common in clinical dermatology, dermoscopy and dermatopathology. Metaphoric language in dermatology has been criticized for a perceived lack of clear definition and specificity, and non-metaphoric (descriptive) terms and diagnostic algorithms have attempted to be constructed. Metaphors are pervasive in human language and appear to be deeply rooted in our conceptual frameworks. The utility of metaphors in dermoscopy is discussed, with particular reference to research in the cognitive sciences

    Un campus en mouvement : Les pratiques de mobilité des étudiant-e-s et du personnel de l'Université de Lausanne

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    Les universités génèrent d’importants flux de mobilité et la gestion des transports constitue un défi majeur pour leur fonctionnement. Cette recherche aborde cette problématique dans le cas de l’Université de Lausanne. Dans un premier temps, l’étude porte sur l’évolution du campus et de son accessibilité. Elle montre comment ce site suburbain a été relié au reste de l’agglomération et aborde les mesures prises pour réguler la mobilité. Deuxièmement, elle s’intéresse à la demande, soit aux choix modaux des 18’000 personnes qui travaillent et étudient à l’Université de Lausanne. Des enquêtes réalisées chaque année depuis 2005 permettent de mesurer les pratiques de mobilité et les différences au sein de la communauté universitaire. En conclusion sont esquissées les tendances qui influenceront à terme les flux de mobilité à destination du campus

    La baisse du permis de conduire chez les jeunes adultes: simple report ou désamour de la voiture?

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    À l’instar de plusieurs pays occidentaux, la proportion de jeunes adultes titulaires d’un permis de conduire a diminué en Suisse (de plus de 70 % en 2000 à moins de 60 % en 2010). Cet article aborde ce phénomène en conceptualisant tout d’abord le permis de conduire comme un ensemble de règles, un droit de participer au système automobile et un rite de passage. La propension à obtenir le permis de conduire et son évolution sont ensuite analysées sur la base des Microrecensements mobilité et transports 2000 et 2010. Les résultats montrent que cette baisse s’explique en majeure partie par un report de l’âge d’obtention du permis et non par un renoncement définitif. Ce report semble moins dû à une complexification des règles ou à une augmentation des coûts mais davantage à un rapport plus fonctionnel et utilitaire à la voiture

    The past, present, and future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a community-driven standard for the organization of data and metadata from a growing range of neuroscience modalities. This paper is meant as a history of how the standard has developed and grown over time. We outline the principles behind the project, the mechanisms by which it has been extended, and some of the challenges being addressed as it evolves. We also discuss the lessons learned through the project, with the aim of enabling researchers in other domains to learn from the success of BIDS