15 research outputs found

    Pegamento De Enxertos De Tomateiro Em Diferentes Solanáceas

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)This paper aimed to assess tomato grafting on different solanaceous species through two grafting methods. Scions were cut from cultivar Santa Cruz Kada seedlings. A fully randomized experimental design was carried out with treatments in a 9 x 2 factorial scheme. As rootstocks, four accessions of mini-tomatoes (0224-53, RVTC 57, RVTC 20 and 6889-50 Solanum lycopersicum L); two species of wild tomato (Solanum habrochaites var hirsutum ‘PI-127826’ and Solanum pennellii ‘LA716’); other two tomato species [Solanum, cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum) and physalis (Physalis peruviana)] and a control with cultivar Santa Cruz Kada (auto-graft) rootstocks were used. In addition, two grafting methods were evaluated full cleft and approach graft. Fifteen days after grafting, plants were assessed for graft-take percentage; root length; plant height; leaf number; foliar area; root, stem and leaf dry matter; and ratio between shoot and root dry matter. Based on the results, we may state rootstock and grafting interaction had effect on both graft-take rate and plant development. Overall, the studied plants should be recommended as rootstock, except for 6889-50 mini-tomato (S. lycopersicum L.) and S. pennellii. Full cleft grafting was most suitable for cocona and physalis, while the approach method showed better results for the mini-tomato accessions 0224-53, RVTC 57 and RVTC 20, as well as for S. habrochaites. © 2016, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arid. All rights reserved.302513520CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Growth and productive behavior of 'Doyenné du Comice' pear trees grown on two rootstocks and two water regimes

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    The effects of rootstocks and water supply on growth and productive behavior of pear trees were evaluated during the growing season of 2003. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of the Dipartimento di Coltivazione and Difese Delle Specie Legnose, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy. Nine-year old trees of the cv. Doyenné Du Comice were used, grafted either on pear (Pyrus communis) or quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) rootstocks and grown under two different water regimes, irrigated or non-irrigated. The fruit growth curves, water xylematic potential, trunk diameter fluctuation, leaf temperature, gaseous exchanges, soil moisture content and estimated yield were analysed during the fruit growing period. The fruit development presented a standard simple sigmoidal curve. Irrigated trees produced larger fruits, where the most significant period was the final fruit growth stage. Irrigation also induced greater fluctuation of the trunk diameter and low leaf temperature, even after 35 days of water removal. Trees grafted on irrigated quince rootstocks exhibited higher gaseous exchanges, as well as estimated yields. The results indicated that water stress can influence the growth and productive characteristics of pear trees. The quince rootstocks showed more sensitivity to water stress than Pyrus ssp. rootstocks

    Compatibilidade de enxertia de cultivares de marmeleiros com pereiras Compatibility of pear cultivars on quinces rootstocks

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    A insuficiência de estudos sobre compatibilidade de porta-enxertos é um dos fatores limitantes ao desenvolvimento da cultura da pereira (Pyrus sp.) no Brasil. A utilização do marmeleiro (Cydonia oblonga) como porta-enxerto para a cultura da pereira apresenta inúmeras vantagens, entre as quais a redução do vigor e a rápida entrada em produção; todavia, sua combinação com algumas cultivares copa apresenta problemas de incompatibilidade de enxertia, podendo ocasionar a ruptura do caule das plantas no pomar. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a compatibilidade de enxertia de algumas cultivares de marmeleiros ('Quince C' e 'Adams') com pereiras ('Packham's Triumph' e 'Kieffer'). As variáveis analisadas foram: diâmetro da secção do tronco no ponto de enxertia, 5 cm abaixo e 5 cm acima do ponto de enxertia, diferença do diâmetro entre porta-enxerto e copa, altura das plantas, volume e massa seca da copa e raízes. Além disso, efetuou-se a observação da conexão vascular no ponto de enxertia através da imersão da base das plantas (abaixo do ponto de enxertia), em solução corante de Ácido Fuccínico 0,08%. Concluiu-se que a cultivar 'Packham's Triumph'apresenta compatibilidade de enxertia com o marmeleiro cultivares 'Adams'e 'Quince C', enquanto o híbrido 'Kieffer' apresentou sintomas morfológicos de incompatibilidade de enxertia com o marmeleiro cultivares 'Quince C' e 'Adams'.<br>The lack of studies on compatibility of pear cultivars and rootstocks is one of the limiting factors on the development of the pear crop in Brazil. The use of quinces as rootstocks for pear cultivars has several advantages, among them the reduction in vigor and earlier bearing trees, however, its combination with some scions cultivars results in problems of incompatibility , such as lost of trees of the orchard due to break of the graft union. The objective of this study was to determine the compatibility between pears cvs. Packham's Triumph and Kieffer on the rootstocks Quince Adam's and Quince C. The evaluated variables were: the section of trunk diameter at the graft union, and 5cm above and 5cm under the graft union; the diameter difference between scion and rootstock; plant height; volume and dry mass of canopy and roots. Moreover, it was observed the vascular connection of the graft union by immersion of the base of the plants (under the graft union) in a 0.08% Fuccinic acid solution. It was observed that the pear cv. Packham's Triumph is compatible with the Quince rootstocks cvs. Adams and Quince C, whereas the pear cv. Kieffer had morphological incompatibility symptoms with the Quince cvs Adams and Quince C

    A stochastic multi-scale approach to study contaminant transport in heterogeneous alluvial sediments

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    Equiprobable spatial distributions of hydrofacies can be modelled by stochastic simulations, conditioned on field data. Such 3D arrays can be used as input data in numerical models of groundwater flow and contaminant transport, which can be used to assess how the fine scale heterogeneity affects contaminant transport at large scale. The most common stochastic simulation method is Sequential Indicator Simulation (SISIM). Despite being widely used, SISIM suffers some weaknesses, e.g., in integrating geological information and in reproducing structures with curved shapes. This work deals with a modification of SISIM with a hierarchical approach (HSISIM), which consists in the repeated application of SISIM to perform binary simulations at different hierarchical levels. The advantages of this approach are (1) the possibility of designing a hierarchy based on geological information and (2) the shorter simulation time than for the standard approach, because the time required by SISIM dramatically increases with the number of hydrofacies that are simultaneously simulated. We illustrate the advantages of the proposed hierarchical method over the standard SISIM using the hydrofacies mapped on the sides of three blocks of glacio-fluvial sediments that were dug in a open air quarry in the Ticino valley (Northern Italy). Each block has a volume of few cubic meters and most of their lateral sides have been analyzed and mapped from the sedimentological point of view with a resolution of 5 cm. From the three field data sets, different ensembles were obtained both with SISIM and with two different HSISIM applications: the first one based on the relative abundance of the hydrofacies; the second one based on geological arguments. Then, the results of the geostatistical simulations were used to perform numerical transport experiments that yielded the statistical distribution of average pore water velocity and effective longitudinal dispersion coefficients at a scale length of the order of 1 m. Finally, these probability distributions were used to predict the fate of toxic and radioactive contaminants over a length scale of 100 m with a 1D stochastic model of solute transport model based on the Kolmogorov-Dmitriev theory in a Montecarlo framework. The results confirm that a proper estimate of contaminant transport requires a precise reconstruction of the heterogeneity field at the fine scale

    Trocas gasosas e ciclo fotossintético da figueira 'Roxo de Valinhos' Gas exchanges and cycle fhotosynthetic in fig tree 'Roxo de Valinhos'

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    No presente trabalho, determinaram-se as trocas gasosas de folhas de figueira 'Roxo de valinhos' e o ciclo fotossintético por meio da relação isotópica 12C/13C. Essas medidas foram realizadas sempre na região mediana das folhas, completamente expandidas e totalmente expostas à radiação solar, no período das 09h00min às 10h30min. As folhas fotossinteticamente ativas da figueira apresentaram área foliar em torno de 160cm², com uma assimilação de 14,38µmol m-2 s-1 de CO2, cujos valores isotópicos médios no ramo 1 e no 2 são -28,98&plusmn;0,69‰ e -29,28&plusmn;0,85‰, respectivamente. Com base nos valores da fotossíntese máxima e na discriminação isotópica do 13C, evidenciou-se que a figueira pode ser considerada uma planta do ciclo fotossintético C3.<br>In the present research, it was determined the gas exchange of the 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig tree and the cycle photosynthetic through the isotopic relation 12C/13C. These measures were always carried in the average region of the leaves, completely expanded, entirely displayed to the solar radiation, in the period from 09h00min to 10h30min. The sheets photosynthetic active leaf area had around 160cm², with 14.38 -2 s-1 assimilation CO2, and mean isotopic values in the branch 1 and 2 of -28.98&plusmn;0.69‰ and -29.28&plusmn;0,85‰, respectively. Based in the values of the maximum photosynthesis and in the discrimination isotopic of the 13C, the fig tree can be considered a plant which belongs to photosynthetic C3 cycle