155 research outputs found

    Palaeo-environmental reconstruction of the Mercure Basin (Basilicata region) during MIS 13, through a multi-proxy analysis of lacustrine sediments

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    The main purpose of this work is to make a first evaluation of the potential of the carbonate lacustrine sediment of the Mercure Basin (Basilicata region), to preserve palaeoclimatic information during the Middle Pleistocene. For this purpose a multi-proxy analysis of the lacustrine sediments from a selected section of the basin was undertaken. The selected section contains several tephra layers, which constrains the timing of deposition to MIS 13. Stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon) and element content were tentatively interpreted as linked to climatic changes giving interesting results for this poorly studied interval

    Lake Ohrid’s tephrochronological dataset reveals 1.36 Ma of Mediterranean explosive volcanic activity

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    Tephrochronology relies on the availability of the stratigraphical, geochemical and geochronological datasets of volcanic deposits, three preconditions which are both often only fragmentary accessible. This study presents the tephrochronological dataset from the Lake Ohrid (Balkans) sediment succession continuously reaching back to 1.36 Ma. 57 tephra layers were investigated for their morphological appearance, geochemical fingerprint, and (chrono-)stratigraphic position. Glass fragments of tephra layers were analyzed for their major element composition using Energy-Dispersive-Spectroscopy and Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy and for their trace element composition by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Radiometric dated equivalents of 16 tephra layers and orbital tuning of geochemical proxy data provided the basis for the age-depth model of the Lake Ohrid sediment succession. The age-depth model, in turn, provides ages for unknown or undated tephra layers. This dataset forms the basis for a regional stratigraphic framework and provides insights into the central Mediterranean explosive volcanic activity during the last 1.36 Ma

    The late MIS 5 Mediterranean tephra markers: A reappraisal from peninsular Italy terrestrial records

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    We present new tephrostratigraphic records from the late MIS 5 (ca 110e80 ka) terrestrial sediments from southern and central Italy. On the one hand, the central Italy record consists of an outcropping lacustrine sequence from the Sulmona intermountain basin that contains four trachyticephonolitic tephra layers (POP3, POP2a, POP2b, POP1), all of which show a K-alkaline affinity that is typical for the Roman co-magmatic Province. The POP3 and POP1 layers were dated by 40Ar/39Ar method at 106.2 1.3 ka (2s) and 92.4 4.6 ka (2s), respectively. The sequence in southern Italy, on the other hand, is represented by post-Tyrrhenian coastal deposits of the Cilento area, Campania, which contain two trachytic layers (CIL2, CIL1) that show the same K-alkaline affinity. Based on their chemical compositions and radiometric ages, POP3 and POP1 are firmly correlated with the marine tephra layers X-5 (105 2 ka) and C-22 (ca 90 ka), which, in turn, match tephras TM-25 and TM-23-11, respectively, in the lacustrine sequence of Lago Grande di Monticchio (southern Italy). Of note, the POP1 layer also matches the Adriatic Sea tephra PRAD 2517 that was previously correlated with the older X-5 layer. The tephra couplet POP2a and POP2b (ca 103 and 103.5 ka, extrapolated ages) are compatible with the TM- 24b and TM-24-3 tephras in Monticchio, which match both the stratigraphic positions and the chemical compositions. In the Cilento area, as well as the already described X-6 layer (ca 108 ka) (CIL2), we recognise a new stratigraphic superimposed layer (CIL1) that matches the POP3/TM-25/C-27/X-5 Mediterranean marker(s). In summary, the data presented here provide new chemical and 40Ar/39Ar chronological constraints towards a robust late MIS 5 tephrostratigraphy of the central Mediterranean, although at the same time, they also reveal how the tephrostratigraphy itself might be flawed when dealing with tephra markers that are not adequately constrained and characterised.Published31-451V. Storia eruttivaJCR Journa

    Cerro Blanco 4.2 ka volcanic ash deposit at Cerro Colorado (Córdoba Province, Argentina)

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    A tephra layer was recovered within the Holocene fluvial succession of the Cerro Colorado Cultural and Natural Reserve in the Córdoba Province (Argentina). Radiocarbon dating on organic matter preserved within the paleosoil beneath the tephra layer indicate that the ash layer is younger than ca. 4700 cal yr BP. Radiocarbon ages, Sr and Nd isotope data on the bulk rock, and microanalytical data on glass shards allow us to identify the Andean Central Volcanic Zone as the possible source area of the analyzed tephra. Our data highlight that the tephra layer recovered in the Córdoba Province was produced by volcanoes of the southern fringe of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone and that it can be confidently correlated with the Cerro Blanco 4200 cal yr BP eruption. These findings are also coherent with the known dispersion axis of the products of this eruption and allow further constraining their dispersion. This latter is extremely important for any attempt in volcanic hazard assessment.Una capa de tefra ha sido identificada dentro de la sucesión fluvial holocena en la Reserva Cultural y Natural Cerro Colorado de la Provincia de Córdoba (Argentina). Por debajo de esta capa se observa un paleosuelo que preserva restos de materia orgánica la cual ha sido datada mediante método radiocarbónico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las cenizas presentan una edad menor a ca. 4700 cal años AP. En este sentido, las edades radiocarbónicas, los datos isotópicos de Sr y Nd en la roca y los datos microanalíticos en fragmentos de vidrio volcánico nos permiten reconocer a la Zona Volcánica Central Andina como la posible área de origen de la tefra analizada. Nuestros datos sugieren que esta capa de tefra fue producida por volcanes de la franja sur de la Zona Volcánica Central Andina, y pueden correlacionarse con la erupción de Cerro Blanco datada en 4200 cal años AP. Estos hallazgos también son coherentes con el eje de dispersión conocido de los productos de esta erupción y permiten restringir aún más su diseminación. Se resalta este último aspecto como extremadamente importante ya que sirve de base para cualquier evaluación del peligro volcánico.Fil: Boretto, Gabriella Margherita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Zanchetta, Giovanni. Universita Degli Studi Di Pisa. Dipartimento Di Scienze Della Terra; Italia. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia; ItaliaFil: Bini, Mónica. Universita Degli Studi Di Pisa. Dipartimento Di Scienze Della Terra; Italia. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia; ItaliaFil: Ciocale, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Carignano, Claudio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Gordillo, Sandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Giaccio, Biagio. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia; ItaliaFil: Fernández Turiel, José Luis. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Arienzo, Ilena. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia; ItaliaFil: Isola, Ilaria. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia; Itali

    Aligning and synchronization of MIS5 proxy records from Lake Ohrid (FYROM) with independently dated Mediterranean archives: implications for DEEP core chronology

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    The DEEP site sediment sequence obtained during the ICDP SCOPSCO project at Lake Ohrid was dated using tephrostratigraphic information, cyclostratigraphy, and orbital tuning through the marine isotope stages (MIS) 15-1. Although this approach is suitable for the generation of a general chronological framework of the long succession, it is insufficient to resolve more detailed palaeoclimatological questions, such as leads and lags of climate events between marine and terrestrial records or between different regions. Here, we demonstrate how the use of different tie points can affect cyclostratigraphy and orbital tuning for the period between ca. 140 and 70 ka and how the results can be correlated with directly/indirectly radiometrically dated Mediterranean marine and continental proxy records. The alternative age model presented here shows consistent differences with that initially proposed by Francke et al. (2015) for the same interval, in particular at the level of the MIS6-5e transition. According to this new age model, different proxies from the DEEP site sediment record support an increase of temperatures between glacial to interglacial conditions, which is almost synchronous with a rapid increase in sea surface temperature observed in the western Mediterranean. The results show how a detailed study of independent chronological tie points is important to align different records and to highlight asynchronisms of climate events. Moreover, Francke et al. (2016) have incorporated the new chronology proposed for tephra OH-DP-0499 in the final DEEP age model. This has reduced substantially the chronological discrepancies between the DEEP site age model and the model proposed here for the last glacial-interglacial transition

    Grotta Grande (southern Italy). Disentangling the Neandertal and carnivore interaction in a short-term palimpsest at the last glacial onset ( 116-109 ka)

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    The Mousterian of the Grotta Grande (Southern Italy) is here subject to new dating, which provide a surprisingly high-resolution on the stratigraphic sequence. Overall, the deposit in the Trench F appears framed in the MIS 5, into a brief chronological time span immediately after the Last Interglacial, between ∼116 ka and 109 ka. Significant archaeological evidence has been found in this sector on the cave, consisting in two high-resolution archaeological records (layers 8 and 6) with evidence of anthropic organization of the space, involving possible constructed features, use of fire and, possibly, different activity areas. Here we focus on the layer 8, excavated for 10.5 m2, which returned an intriguing entanglement of human and carnivore evidence. An interdisciplinary approach based on the pivotal role of spatial taphonomy, as meeting point of zooarchaeology, lithic technology, lithic traceology and spatial archaeology, has been applied. Beyond the recognition of the two main components in the formation of the context (the human and carnivore agency), the results allow to recognize its very good preservation state. Moreover, the reciprocal interaction between Neandertal and spotted hyena has been hypothesized, reconstructing the meaning of their presence at the site. More specifically, a Neandertal camp would have been followed, immediately after its abandonment, by scavenging activities of the spotted hyena, profiteering of resources with food interest for its diet left in the site. This human/carnivore sequence contribute to shed new light on the taphonomy issues on Quaternary sites

    Sedimentological processes and environmental variability at Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) between 637 ka and the present

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    Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) is thought to be more than 1.2 million years old and host more than 300 endemic species. As a target of the International Continental scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), a successful deep drilling campaign was carried out within the scope of the Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO) project in 2013. Here, we present lithological, sedimentological, and (bio-)geochemical data from the upper 247.8 m composite depth of the overall 569 m long DEEP site sediment succession from the central part of the lake. According to an age model, which is based on 11 tephra layers (first-order tie points) and on tuning of bio-geochemical proxy data to orbital parameters (second-order tie points), the analyzed sediment sequence covers the last 637 kyr. The DEEP site sediment succession consists of hemipelagic sediments, which are interspersed by several tephra layers and infrequent, thin (< 5 cm) mass wasting deposits. The hemipelagic sediments can be classified into three different lithotypes. Lithotype 1 and 2 deposits comprise calcareous and slightly calcareous silty clay and are predominantly attributed to interglacial periods with high primary productivity in the lake during summer and reduced mixing during winter. The data suggest that high ion and nutrient concentrations in the lake water promoted calcite precipitation and diatom growth in the epilimnion during MIS15, 13, and 5. Following a strong primary productivity, highest interglacial temperatures can be reported for marine isotope stages (MIS) 11 and 5, whereas MIS15, 13, 9, and 7 were comparably cooler. Lithotype 3 deposits consist of clastic, silty clayey material and predominantly represent glacial periods with low primary productivity during summer and longer and intensified mixing during winter. The data imply that the most severe glacial conditions at Lake Ohrid persisted during MIS16, 12, 10, and 6, whereas somewhat warmer temperatures can be inferred for MIS14, 8, 4, and 2. Interglacial-like conditions occurred during parts of MIS14 and 8

    Effects of organic removal techniques prior to carbonate stable isotope analysis of lacustrine marls: a case study from palaeo‐lake Fucino (central Italy)

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    Rationale The suitability of organic matter (OM) removal pre‐treatments in isotopic studies of lacustrine carbonates is currently under debate. Naturally occurring OM seems to have a negligible effect on the bulk isotopic composition of carbonates compared with changes induced by pre‐treatments. This study provides further insights into the possible effects induced by commonly used pre‐treatments on natural lacustrine carbonates. Methods Sixteen samples from the Fucino F1–F3 lacustrine succession (Abruzzo, central Italy) were characterised for their mineralogical and geochemical composition and each was split into three identical aliquots. One aliquot was left untreated while the remaining two were treated with NaOCl and H2O2 dilutions. The same treatment was applied to an internal standard consisting of pure Carrara marble. The treated and untreated samples were analysed for their carbon (δ13C values) and oxygen (δ18O values) isotope compositions using an Analytical Precision AP2003 isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Results The samples had variable proportions of endogenic and detrital components, the detrital portion being more (less) abundant during colder (warmer) climate phases. We observed that neither the NaOCl nor the H2O2 treatment was able to completely remove OM and therefore there was selective removal of compounds within the OM pool. A possible effect of pre‐treatment is the loss of carbonates intimately interspersed within the OM, as suggested by the evolution of isotopic ratios towards the local detrital array. Conclusions Our study highlights sample‐specific changes in geochemistry associated with sample pre‐treatments; however, such changes do not seem to lead to either systematic and/or predictable isotopic shifts. We suggest that the suitability of NaOCl or H2O2 pre‐treatments for OM removal should be evaluated on a case‐by‐case basis. In the specific case of lacustrine marls from palaeo‐lake Fucino containing relatively low amounts of OM and in which both detrital and endogenic carbonates occur, both pre‐treatments should be avoided