60 research outputs found

    Setting an Agenda for Urban AI Adaptivity in Urban Planning and Architecture E-learning

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    The rapid spread of technology and learning systems have altered the viewpoint about the lack of E-learning to the human element. The intersection of AI and education is highlighted by many technologists and researchers showing the diverse possibilities and challenges of using AI in education. However, little research addresses the potential of using AI to create an adaptive e-learning experience that brings a fully personalized experience to e-learners in architecture and urban educational fields. Building on that, we postulate that adaptive AI learning could be useful for urban online teaching and urban development Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), specifically as urban planners need to explore different scenarios of future city making. Therefore, the aim is to explore how educators from the architecture and urban field E-Learning stakeholders perceive AI in the creation of urban Moocs as well as other online teaching activities, as well as address the ways in which adaptive learning can be created in urban e-learning MOOCs using AI. In an attempt to answer the question, what is the current perception of educators about AI adaptivity in e-learning?To achieve this, first, we review the literature available on the topic to provide a comprehensive and inclusive look at adaptive AI learning, its potential, and its challenges. This overview informed and guided the formulation of the survey questions. Then we conducted a survey on educators in Architecture and urban fields from universities in Egypt. The unfamiliarity of the participants with AI provides us with deeper insights into perceptions of educators\u27 AI adaptivity in online learning and MOOCs. The study develops a framework for adaptive e-learning using AI in an attempt to create more interactive and personalized e-learning experiences that can be used in different fields and for different types of learners

    Setting an Agenda for Urban AI Adaptivity in Urban Planning and Architecture E-learning

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    The rapid spread of technology and learning systems have altered the viewpoint about the lack of E-learning to the human element. The intersection of AI and education is highlighted by many technologists and researchers showing the diverse possibilities and challenges of using AI in education. However, little research addresses the potential of using AI to create an adaptive e-learning experience that brings a fully personalized experience to e-learners in architecture and urban educational fields. Building on that, we postulate that adaptive AI learning could be useful for urban online teaching and urban development Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), specifically as urban planners need to explore different scenarios of future city making. Therefore, the aim is to explore how educators from the architecture and urban field E-Learning stakeholders perceive AI in the creation of urban Moocs as well as other online teaching activities, as well as address the ways in which adaptive learning can be created in urban e-learning MOOCs using AI. In an attempt to answer the question, what is the current perception of educators about AI adaptivity in e-learning?To achieve this, first, we review the literature available on the topic to provide a comprehensive and inclusive look at adaptive AI learning, its potential, and its challenges. This overview informed and guided the formulation of the survey questions. Then we conducted a survey on educators in Architecture and urban fields from universities in Egypt. The unfamiliarity of the participants with AI provides us with deeper insights into perceptions of educators\u27 AI adaptivity in online learning and MOOCs. The study develops a framework for adaptive e-learning using AI in an attempt to create more interactive and personalized e-learning experiences that can be used in different fields and for different types of learners

    Empresas de promoção e eventos e suas relações com a Educação Física

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    Orientadora: Simone Rechia.Monografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Física

    Spontaneous spinal cord infarction secondary to embolism from an aortic aneurysm mimicking as cauda equina due to disc prolapse: a case report

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    Spinal “stroke” is an uncommon cause of paraplegia. Spinal cord infarction from unruptured aortic aneurysm is rare. When encountered it poses diagnostic challenge to the clinician due to its rarity, which may lead to incorrect or delayed diagnosis. We report a case of 62-year-old man presenting to casualty as caudaequina syndrome due to spinal cord infarction secondary to emboli from an infra renal abdominal aortic aneurysm. To the authors knowledge this is first case of its kind and has not been reported in literature. Patient had improvement in proximal motor function following repair of the aneurysm, although he remained doubly incontinent in six months follow up

    Caracterização do cenário econômico e florestal do Chile e do Brasil

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Romano Timofeiczyk JuniorMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Engenharia Florestal.Inclui referênciasResumo: Frente ao setor florestal, o Brasil e o Chile se destacam na América Latina. Os dois países se mostram muito competitivos quando se refere a produção de derivados de povoamentos florestais. Com o objetivo de analisar o cenário econômico e florestal destes dois países para fomentar e subsidiar a tomada de decisão de investidores de capital estrangeiro elaborou-se uma analise temporal dos indicadores econômicos (Índice de inflação, Taxa de câmbio, Taxa de desemprego, Risco país, Taxa de juros e Produto Interno Bruto) e indicadores florestais (Consumo e produção de celulose, painéis e chapas, madeira serrada e papel, área de plantio anual, Incremento Médio Anual, regimes de manejo, exportações de produtos florestais, uso do solo e políticas de incentivo) entre os países. Os dados foram coletados do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), Banco Central do Chile (BCC), Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Instituto Brasileiro Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Banco Central do Brasil (BCB), Anuário ABRAF e Anuário INFLOR. Ao longo dos resultados pode-se perceber que no chile as oscilações dos indicadores macro econômicos são mais suaves e as estratégias de governo planejadas a longo prazo. Além de abertura comercial e livre fluxo de investimento internacional, possui um grande histórico de incentivos e investimentos no setor florestal e um mercado bem estabelecido, juntamente com boa infraestrutura. Em contrapartida o país possui pequena extensão territorial e está começando um processo de escassez de áreas disponíveis para plantio florestal além da proibição posse de terras por investidores estrangeiros. Já o Brasil possui duas grandes vantagens, a extensa área territorial e uma produtividade muito elevada das espécies florestais cultivadas. Se encontra em crescimento no setor de construção civil e outros setores aumentando a demanda interna de madeira. Além de possuir tecnologia de ponta e constantes avanços na área de silvicultura. Os maiores freios do país para estes investimentos são o custo Brasil, que passa a ser muito alto devido a diversos fatores, entre eles os impostos e a atual política de governo e suas intervenções na economia. O Brasil ainda enfrenta escândalos de corrupção e oscilações maiores nos indicadores macroeconômicos