65 research outputs found

    Revascularization of an Immature Maxillary First Premolar with Necrotic Tissue: A Case Report

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    Objectives The purpose of this study was to present a case of regenerative endodontic procedure.Case The maxillary 1st premolar of a 9-year-old patient was diagnosed as necrotic. Since the tooth was immature, we decided to treat this tooth with regenerative endodontic procedure. After disinfection of the canal, bleeding was induced by lacerating the peri-apical tissues and a blood clot was formed. Orifice was sealed by MTA and the tooth was restored. 6-months and 1-year follow-ups showed increased root thickness and closure of the apical.Conclusion It can be concluded that the regenerative endodontic procedure used in this study was successful since there was an evident development in root width

    An Investigation into Visual language in PowerPoint Presentations in Applied Linguistics

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    PowerPoint Knowledge presentation as a digital genre has established itself as one of the main software by which the findings of theses are disseminated in the academic settings. Although the importance of PowerPoint presentations is typically realized in academic settings like lectures, conferences, and seminars, studied to probe the role of visual resiurces in presentations have received little attention. The current study aligns its march towards scrutinizing the anatomy of visual interaction in the PowerPoint defense session presentations prepared by Iranian Master of Arts students majoring in Applied Linguistics. The study aims at describing the identity of visual resources in the PowerPoint presentations by categorizing the utilized visuals within the presentations according to their communicative purposes. To this end, the study analyzes 70 PowerPoint defense session presentations given at various universities across Iran in Applied Linguistics. So as to do analysis, the study draws on the typology of visuals introduced by Rowley-Jolivet for classifying the types of visuals. The results of visual analyzing mirrors the fact PowerPoint defense session presentations in Applied Linguistics visualized themselves more by scriptural visuals to their members of discourse community. The findings, moreover, demand a framework of presentations in Applied Linguistics for more norm-compatible presentations. Keywords: Visuals, PPs, Visual resoutces, Applied Linguistics.

    Plasticized and salt-doped single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries

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    Single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes created by plasticizing LiPSTFSI with PPO and LiTFSI are shown to both improve the ionic conductivity and alter the ion conduction mechanism. This correlates with both local and macroscopic properties, opening for rational design of solid-state, but yet pliable electrolytes

    Strategies to Treat Aggression in the View of the Quran and Narrations

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: One of the unpleasant outcomes of today's society is aggression, which can have many reasons behind. The Qur'an perceives anger as an instance of ignorance; on the other hand, its controlling is considered to be one of the features of pious people. The aim of this research is to find the right Quran-narrative solutions to treat aggression given the behaviors that are regarded as aggressive, and need to be dealt with.Method: This research adopts a descriptive-analytic method and, by using the Quran-narrative approach, is looking for ways to treat aggression, namely determining the contributory factors and preventing them, addressing aggression, and also preventing its catastrophic consequences. To collect the data, information centers like the database for the magazines of Iran (Magiran) and Scientific Information Database (SID) were utilized. Moreover, in this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: The results of this study show that in order for the strategies to take effect, it is necessary that all three solutions of cognitive, behavioral and emotional be used together to succeed in treating the aggression to a great extent.Conclusion: From religious viewpoint, the first way to treat aggression is cognitive. This solution which is also called cognitive therapy aims at changing the attitude of the individual, explaining the concept of anger and its effects and consequences, along with changing the view of one's self, the world and others in the light of the orthodox monotheism. Therefore, it will guide individuals and save them from plunging into abyss of anger. As the next step, this helps individuals through emotional and behavioral solutions to become aware of this realization, thus internalizing it.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    The ways to deal with psychosis in view of Quran and narratives

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Psychosis is a mental illness that causes personality disorders, and is not specific to particular age, but it is possible at all ages in various forms. Given the importance of mental health in the balance of personality, this issue is considered in Islam. So that all acts of worship is scheduled to play the most important role in mental health of humans. The purpose of the present paper is to present the practical methods, to the treatment of psychosis, using religious resources. This study was done in the descriptive and analytical method and in Quran –Narrative view. In addition to say that in the Islamic sources both internal factors such as: Anxiety, loss of identity and … and external factors such as: Poverty and family disputes make this event. Concluded that: Religious texts Offer four aspects for this problem: A) Insight: Through Unity therapy, Resurrection Health and anthropological. B) Naturally: Through health trust, repentance and virtue medical treatment. C) Motivational: dominate the motivations and emotions D) Active: Through: meditation therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and recreational therapyKeywords: Psychosis, Quran, Spiritual healthFor downloading the full-text of this article please click here.

    Ten Ways to Fool the Masses When Presenting Battery Research

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    As scientists within the field of battery research we may often find it quite difficult to match and trust the promises given in press releases and high-profile papers. Even though there are real breakthroughs, where the results indeed are as impressive as they are marketed to be, we may as often find the reporting of "revolutionary" results to omit critical aspects of the methods and materials used. The absolute majority of researchers do not actively pursue to present their science in any untrue fashion, but poor (ethical) judgement could affect anyone working long hours in a gloomy lab at dusk and at the same time feel being pressed for publications and citations. Here, we outline ten ways to make your results appear more attractive and ground-breaking than they actually are, especially to laypeople that might not appreciate the full range of difficulties associated with battery research. Consider it a light-hearted entry with respect to scientific quality in methodology and dissemination, that might assist you in looking for nebulous reporting practices in your own and your peers\u27 work, but please do not consider it a guide, but a humorous contrast to the real publishing guidelines recently launche

    Role of L- and T-Type Calcium Channels in Regulation of Absence Seizures in WAG/Rij Rats

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    In chronic experiments on five groups of WAG/Rij rats (a genetic model of absence epilepsy; six animals in each group), we recorded EEG activity from the S1po cortical area through implanted electrodes and subjected the cortex to the action of four agents affecting L- and T-type calcium channels (injections through an implanted cannula). A blocker of L-type channels, verapamil hydrochloride, an agonist of these channels, Bay K8644, an antagonist of T-type calcium channels, L-ascorbate, and an agonist of the latter channels, PMA, were used. The parameters of 7- to 10-Hz spike-wave discharges, SWDs, spontaneously generated in the cortex of this rat strain (frequency of SWDs, mean duration of the latter, and their number) were measured within the baseline interval (before injections) and within three subsequent 20-min-long post-injection intervals. Normal saline was injected in the control group. There were no significant differences in the mean peak frequency in SWDs between all examined groups (P > 0.05 in all cases). Verapamil significantly (by more than 40%; P < 0.05) decreased the mean SWD duration throughout the entire period of post-injection observation. The dynamics of the Bay K8644 effects were rather similar, but the intensity of SWD duration changes was somewhat smaller. Both the above agents in the doses used dramatically decreased the number (frequency of appearance) of SWDs within the observation period. L-ascorbate also suppressed SWD generation. The duration of these phenomena decreased mildly, while their number dropped dramatically. In the PMA group, the number of SWDs increased significantly (by 50%, P < 0.05) within the first 20-min-long interval, but this was not observed within subsequent intervals. These findings confirm that blocking or activating of L- and T-type Ca2+ channels in the S1po area (cortical focus area) can significantly control generation of SWDs during absence seizures. Possible mechanisms underlying actions of the tested agents are discussed.У хронічних експериментах на п’яти групах щурів лінії WAG/Rij (генетична модель абсанс-епілепсії; шість тварин у кожній групі) ми відводили ЕЕГ-активність від кортикальної зони S1po через імплантовані електроди і піддавали кору дії чотирьох агентів, що впливають на кальцієві канали L- та T-типів (ін’єкції через імплантовану канюлю). Використовували блокатор кальцієвих каналів L-типу верапамілу гідрохлорид, агоніст цих каналів Bay K8644, антагоніст кальцієвих каналів T-типу L-аскорбат та агоніст останніх каналів PMA. Вимірювали параметри розрядів пік-хвиля (РПХ, частота 7–10 Гц), котрі спонтанно генеруються у корі головного мозку щурів указаної лінії (частоту в межах РПХ, середню тривалість останніх та їх кількість) протягом інтервалу порівняння (перед ін’єкціями) та трьох послідовних 20-хвилинних інтервалів після ін’єкцій. Щурам контрольної групи ін’єкували фізіологічний розчин. Істотних різниць між величинами частоти в межах РПХ у всіх досліджених групах не спостерігалося (P > 0.05 у всіх випадках). Верапаміл істотно (більш ніж на 40 %; P < 0.05) зменшував середню тривалість РПХ протягом усього періоду спостереження після ін’єкцій. Динаміка ефектів Bay K8644 була вельми подібною, але інтенсивність скорочення тривалості РПХ – дещо меншою. Обидва вказані агенти у використаних дозах зумовлювали драматичне зменшення кількості (тобто частоти виникнення) РПХ протягом усього періоду спостереження. L-аскорбат також істотно пригнічував генерацію РПХ. Тривалість цих феноменів зменшувалася помірно, а їх кількість скорочувалася дуже сильно. У групі РМА кількість РПХ протягом першого 20-хвилинного інтервалу спостереження істотно зростала (на 50 % , P < 0.05), але цього не спостерігалося в межах наступних інтервалів. Наші результати підтверджують, що блокування або активація кальцієвих каналів L- та T-типів у фокальній кортикальній зоні S1po здатні істотно контролювати генерацію РПХ під час прояву абсансних судом. Обговорюються можливі механізми дії тестованих агентів