36 research outputs found

    An update around the evidence base for the lower extremity ultrasound regional block technique

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    Ultrasound guidance currently represents the gold standard for regional anesthesia. In particular for lower extremity blocks, despite the heterogeneity and the lack of large randomized controlled trials, current literature shows a modest improvement in block onset and quality compared with other localization techniques. This review aims to present the most recent findings on the application of ultrasound guidance for each single lower extremity approach

    Posttraumatic and Depressive Symptoms in Victims of Occupational Accidents

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    The present descriptive study was aimed at evaluating posttraumatic and depressive symptoms and their cooccurrence, in a sample of victims of workplace accidents. Also, posttraumatic negative cognitions were assessed. Eighty-five injured workers were evaluated, using the PTSD Symptom Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory II, and the posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory. 49.4% of injured workers reported both depressive and posttraumatic symptoms of clinical relevance. 20% only reported posttraumatic, but not depressive, symptoms, and 30.6% did not report either type of symptoms. The group with both posttraumatic and depressive symptoms displayed greater symptom severity and more negative cognitions about the self and about the world than the other two groups. The obtained findings indicate that workplace accidents can have a major impact upon the mental health of victims. Early interventions should be focused not only on the prevention or reduction of posttraumatic and depressive symptoms but also on restructuring specific maladaptive trauma-related cognitions

    Reflexões a respeito do ensino-aprendizagem de LE em uma turma da terceira idade: memória e migração na literatura afro-italiana e brasileira

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    Insegnare LS in Brasile oggi è una sfida, ma anche un’esperienza peculiare. Iniziativa come quella tenuta nel Núcleo de Estudos da Terceira Idade (NETI), dell’Università Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), legata allo stage supervisionato del corso di Lettere Italiano, aveva come obiettivo principale l’insegnamento dell’italiano attraverso temi sensibili e impegnati, mirando al benessere e alla partecipazione attiva degli anziani (BELLA, 2008). Pensare l’anziano come qualcuno che continua a svilupparsi e che è in grado di imparare ed espandere l’universo stesso dalla lettura come un piacere (BALBONI, 1994) è stato anche uno degli obiettivi e la motivazione dello stage. Abbiamo cercato di portare alla luce questioni socialmente rilevanti che avrebbero stimolato uno sguardo più sensibile e plurale sulla letteratura. In particolare, con La mia casa è Dove sono (2010), di Igiaba Scego, sono state proposte discussioni sul tema della memoria, dell’immigrazione e del riconoscimento delle tematiche interculturali (MENDES, 2015). Ciò ha permesso un dialogo in cui le tensioni della vita quotidiana brasiliana potevano essere affrontate a partire dal (con)testo italiano. In questo saggio, intendiamo riflettere sui temi che sono emersi e chesono stati promossi da questa esperienza di stage, su come i temi proposti sono stati ricevuti dal gruppo, e su come l’insegnamento della lingua ha presentato una certa emancipazione, rottura di stereotipi e pregiudizi rivisti.Ensinar LE no Brasil, hoje, é desafiador, mas também peculiar. Iniciativa como a realizada no Núcleo de Estudos da Terceira Idade (NETI), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), vinculada ao estágio supervisionado do curso de Letras Italiano, teve como objetivo o ensino do italiano com temáticas sensíveis e engajadas, visando ao bem-estar e à participação ativa da pessoa idosa (BELLA, 2008). Pensar a pessoa idosa como alguém que continua se desenvolvendo e que é capaz de aprender e expandir o próprio universo a partir da leitura como um prazer (BALBONI, 1994) foi também um dos objetivos e motivação do estágio. Procurou-se trazer para o debate questões socialmente relevantes que estimulassem um olhar sensibilizado e plural a partir da literatura. Em particular, com La mia casa è dove sono (2010), de Igiaba Scego, propuseram-se discussões que abordassem o tema da memória, da imigração e do reconhecimento de questões interculturais (MENDES, 2015). Isso permitiu um diálogo em que tensões do cotidiano brasileiro puderam ser encaradas a partir do (con)texto italiano. Neste artigo, pretende-se refletir sobre as questões que surgiram e que foram promovidas por essa experiência de estágio, sobre como as temáticas propostas foram recebidas pelo grupo, e sobre como o ensino de língua apresentou certa emancipatoriedade, quebra de estereótipos e revisão de (pre)conceitos.Teaching a FL in Brazil, nowadays, is a challenge, but it’s also very peculiar. Initiatives such as the one that took place in Núcleo de Estudos da Terceira Idade (NETI), in the University Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), linked to the supervised internship in Letras Italiano, aimed to teach Italian through sensitiveand socially committed subjects, aspiring to promote the elderly’s wellness and active participation (BELLA, 2008). Among the internship’s motivations andgoals was the consideration that these people continue to develop and are capable of learning and expanding their own worlds by reading for pleasure (BALBONI, 1994). We tried to bear out discussions from literary texts that brought to light socially relevant themes encouraging a sensible and plural view. Particularly, discussions were proposed based on La mia casa è dove sono (2010), by IgiabaScego, aiming to address themes such as memory, migration and acknowledgment of intercultural questions (MENDES, 2015). Thus, it became possible to create a dialogue in which from Brazilian daily tensions were seen from the point of view of the Italian (con)text. In this article, we intend to reflect on the issues that arose and that were promoted by this internship experience, on how the proposedthemes were received by the group, and on how language teaching presented a certain emancipation, breaking stereotypes and reviewing (pre)concepts

    Posttraumatic and Depressive Symptoms in Victims of Occupational Accidents

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    The present descriptive study was aimed at evaluating posttraumatic and depressive symptoms and their cooccurrence, in a sample of victims of workplace accidents. Also, posttraumatic negative cognitions were assessed. Eighty-five injured workers were evaluated, using the PTSD Symptom Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory II, and the posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory. 49.4% of injured workers reported both depressive and posttraumatic symptoms of clinical relevance. 20% only reported posttraumatic, but not depressive, symptoms, and 30.6% did not report either type of symptoms. The group with both posttraumatic and depressive symptoms displayed greater symptom severity and more negative cognitions about the self and about the world than the other two groups. The obtained findings indicate that workplace accidents can have a major impact upon the mental health of victims. Early interventions should be focused not only on the prevention or reduction of posttraumatic and depressive symptoms but also on restructuring specific maladaptive trauma-related cognitions

    Adverse Events Capture Systems, Checklists and Teamwork as Relevant Tools to Reduce Complications and Increase Patients’ Safety in Spinal Surgery

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    Adverse events in Hospitals are often related to surgery and they represent a relevant problem in healthcare. Different approaches have been introduced during the last decade to address the problem of patient safety, especially in the surgical environment. The teamwork is crucial in all these actions which aim to decrease adverse events and improve clinical outcomes. We analyze in particular the use of adverse events capture systems in spinal surgery and the use of checklist systems, starting from the Surgical Safety Checklist introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008

    The 2021 WHO catalogue of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex mutations associated with drug resistance: a genotypic analysis.

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    Background: Molecular diagnostics are considered the most promising route to achievement of rapid, universal drug susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). We aimed to generate a WHO-endorsed catalogue of mutations to serve as a global standard for interpreting molecular information for drug resistance prediction. Methods: In this systematic analysis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify mutations associated with resistance or consistent with susceptibility for 13 WHO-endorsed antituberculosis drugs. We collected existing worldwide MTBC whole-genome sequencing data and phenotypic data from academic groups and consortia, reference laboratories, public health organisations, and published literature. We categorised phenotypes as follows: methods and critical concentrations currently endorsed by WHO (category 1); critical concentrations previously endorsed by WHO for those methods (category 2); methods or critical concentrations not currently endorsed by WHO (category 3). For each mutation, we used a contingency table of binary phenotypes and presence or absence of the mutation to compute positive predictive value, and we used Fisher's exact tests to generate odds ratios and Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p values. Mutations were graded as associated with resistance if present in at least five isolates, if the odds ratio was more than 1 with a statistically significant corrected p value, and if the lower bound of the 95% CI on the positive predictive value for phenotypic resistance was greater than 25%. A series of expert rules were applied for final confidence grading of each mutation. Findings: We analysed 41 137 MTBC isolates with phenotypic and whole-genome sequencing data from 45 countries. 38 215 MTBC isolates passed quality control steps and were included in the final analysis. 15 667 associations were computed for 13 211 unique mutations linked to one or more drugs. 1149 (7·3%) of 15 667 mutations were classified as associated with phenotypic resistance and 107 (0·7%) were deemed consistent with susceptibility. For rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, fluoroquinolones, and streptomycin, the mutations' pooled sensitivity was more than 80%. Specificity was over 95% for all drugs except ethionamide (91·4%), moxifloxacin (91·6%) and ethambutol (93·3%). Only two resistance mutations were identified for bedaquiline, delamanid, clofazimine, and linezolid as prevalence of phenotypic resistance was low for these drugs. Interpretation: We present the first WHO-endorsed catalogue of molecular targets for MTBC drug susceptibility testing, which is intended to provide a global standard for resistance interpretation. The existence of this catalogue should encourage the implementation of molecular diagnostics by national tuberculosis programmes. Funding: Unitaid, Wellcome Trust, UK Medical Research Council, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    Sexualidade e Adolescência: tenho vergonha de falar sobre estas coisas.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no Curso de Enfermagem, da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral, identificar junto as adolescentes de 15-19 anos que barreiras estão relacionadas com a aquisição de informação sobre sexualidade e a existência de grupo educativo na UBS/ESF do estudo. O presente estudo se fundamenta na pesquisa-ação (convergente assistencial) com abordagem qualitativa. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 24 adolescentes do sexo feminino sendo que as mesmas foram escolhidas intencionalmente. O estudo se deu em uma área de abrangência de uma UBS/ESF escolhida, do Município de Criciúma. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas direcionadas aos objetivos do estudo; após condensar os dados a mesma foi apresentada e discutida na primeira oficina do grupo focal. Acredito que os objetivos propostos na presente pesquisa foram alcançados, o que me permitiu após o término das análises dos resultados criar algumas propostas de atenção específica à Saúde do adolescente

    Nonsteroideal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in clinical practice: managing gastric and cardiovascular risks

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    For many years, non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were commonly used in the treatment of acute pain due to inflammation.With the arrival on the market of NSAIDs with selective action on COX-2 there was a reduction of side effects in the stomach, but not eliminating the possible cardiovascular complications. The availability of NSAIDs such self-medication can aggravate this type of problem, it is therefore the clinician a fair and accurate assessment of the risk \ benefit based on the characteristics of the individual patient

    I disturbi emozionali dopo un infortunio sul lavoro.

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    Nel testo sono descritti gli studi realizzati nell'ambito del progetto in collaborazione tra Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale dell'Universita' di Padova e Associazione Nazionale fra Lavoratori Mutilati e Invalidi del Lavoro (ANMIL). Tali studi si proponevano, come obiettivo generale, quello di individuare caratteristiche psicologiche e reazioni psicofisiologiche che, nelle vittime di infortuni lavorativi, possano costituire dei fattori di rischio per lo sviluppo di successive psicopatologie, quali disturbo da stress post-traumatico, depressione e ansia generalizzata. Un ulteriore obiettivo, non meno importante, e' stato quello di mettere a punto un protocollo di valutazione integrata di possibili disfunzioni emozionali (ansia, rabbia, tristezza) e cognitive (ad esempio difficoltà di attenzione e memoria), anche minime, che possano presentarsi dopo un incidente lavorativo in modo non clinicamente evidente, ma potenzialmente capaci di ostacolare il reinserimento lavorativo e la ripresa di una vita soddisfacente