84 research outputs found

    Test-Time Training for Image Inpainting

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    Image inpainting is the task of filling missing regions in images with plausible and coherent content. The usual process involves training a CNN on a large collection of examples that it can learn from, to later apply this knowledge on new, unseen images with areas to complete. One important consideration is that each training dataset has its own domain, and domains in the image space are extremely diverse. For optimal results, the user image at inference time should belong to the same domain as the training examples, which greatly limits the range of inputs a trained network can be used for. Moreover, collecting new data is hard, and training on different datasets requires a great amount of computation power and time. In this thesis, we propose a test-time learning approach for inpainting. More specifically, we train a CNN like described above, but in addition, we use the user image with holes to build a new dataset, on which we continue training the network for a small number of iterations during test-time training. To the best of our knowledge, test-time training has never been done for inpainting. With this technique, our hope is that the model will learn to fill holes that are specific to the user image better. It also facilitates domain adaptation, which means that a wider range of input domains at inference time can produce acceptable results when using the same pretrained model. We obtain results demonstrating that even for a state-of-the-art model, our method can achieve significant improvements, in particular for perceptual scores. Moreover, if used in a software, it has the advantage of being optional, meaning that the user can choose to keep the original result if there is no significant improvement, which makes our framework beneficial in all situations

    Integrating CSI Sensing in Wireless Networks: Challenges to Privacy and Countermeasures

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    The path toward 6G is still long and blurred, but a few key points seem to be already decided: integration of many different access networks; adoption of massive MIMO technologies; use of frequencies above current radio spectrum up to THz and beyond; and inclusion of artificial intelligence and machine learning in standard management and operations. One additional point that is less discussed, but seems key for success, is the advanced use of channel state information (CSI) for both equalization and decoding purposes as well as for sensing ones. CSI-based sensing promises a plethora of new applications and a quantum leap in service personalization and customer-centric network management. At the same time, CSI analysis, being based on the physical characteristics of the propagated signal, poses novel threats to people's privacy and security: No software-based solution or cryptographic method above the physical layer can prevent the analysis of CSI. CSI analysis can reveal people's position or activity, allow tracking them, and discover details on the environment that today can be seen only with cameras or radars. In this article, we discuss the current status of CSI-based sensing and present some technologies that can protect people's privacy and at the same time allow legitimate use of the information carried by the CSI to offer better services

    On the Implementation of Location Obfuscation in openwifi and Its Performance

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    Wi-Fi sensing as a side-effect of communications is opening new opportunities for smart services integrating communications with environmental properties, first and foremost the position of devices and people. At the same time, this technology represents an unprecedented threat to people’s privacy, as personal information can be collected directly at the physical layer without any possibility to hide or protect it. Several works already discussed the possibility of safeguarding users’ privacy without hampering communication performance. Usually, some signal pre-processing at the transmitter side is needed to introduce pseudo-random (artificial) patterns in the channel response estimated at the receiver, preventing the extraction of meaningful information from the channel state. However, there is currently just one implementation of such techniques in a real system (openwifi), and it has never been tested for performance. In this work, we present the implementation of a location obfuscation technique within the openwifi project that enables fine manipulation of the radio signal at transmitter side and yields acceptable, if not good, performance. The paper discusses the implementation of the obfuscation subsystem, its performance, possible improvements, and further steps to allow authorized devices to “de-obfuscate” the signal and retrieve the sensed information

    Exact Distributed Load Centrality Computation: Algorithms, Convergence, and Applications to Distance Vector Routing

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    Many optimization techniques for networking protocols take advantage of topological information to improve performance. Often, the topological information at the core of these techniques is a centrality metric such as the Betweenness Centrality (BC) index. BC is, in fact, a centrality metric with many well-known successful applications documented in the literature, from resource allocation to routing. To compute BC, however, each node must run a centralized algorithm and needs to have the global topological knowledge; such requirements limit the feasibility of optimization procedures based on BC. To overcome restrictions of this kind, we present a novel distributed algorithm that requires only local information to compute an alternative similar metric, called Load Centrality (LC). We present the new algorithm together with a proof of its convergence and the analysis of its time complexity. The proposed algorithm is general enough to be integrated with any distance vector (DV) routing protocol. In support of this claim, we provide an implementation on top of Babel, a real-world DV protocol. We use this implementation in an emulation framework to show how LC can be exploited to reduce Babel's convergence time upon node failure, without increasing control overhead. As a key step towards the adoption of centrality-based optimization for routing, we study how the algorithm can be incrementally introduced in a network running a DV routing protocol. We show that even when only a small fraction of nodes participate in the protocol, the algorithm accurately ranks nodes according to their centrality

    La eficacia de la fiscalización realizada por SUNAFIL frente a la explotación laboral en adolescentes mayores de 14 años en el sector secundario “Hornos” en el distrito de San Sebastián del año 2020

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    La explotación en el trabajo infantil es un gran problema pluridimensional que es difícil de separar de los factores políticos, económicos y culturales de nuestro país, siendo por ello trascendental la erradicación y abolición de la misma conociendo esta gran problemática. El presente trabajo tiene por propósito ver la eficiencia y eficacia de la Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral (SUNAFIL) y su rol fiscalizador o de inspección. Por otro lado, el concepto de trabajo nocivo, son las actividades que vulneran los derechos de los menores de edad, las cuales estropean su integridad y desarrollo personal, así también afecta directamente en su educación teniendo el objetivo de resguardar el desarrollo integral de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que cumplen una actividad laboral a pesar de su corta edad. Para ello se ha realizado un trabajo exhaustivo a fin de identificar el desconocimiento absoluto de la SUNAFIL, asimismo se ha procedido a revisar la normativa nacional e internacional vigente, doctrina enfocada a los niños y adolescentes sin dejar de lado los programas que existen relacionados a la lucha del trabajo infantil. Finalmente veremos que la lucha contra la explotación del trabajo infantil en el Perú no es de exclusividad del estado sino por el contrario es necesario desarrollar un trabajo unido del sector privado, organizaciones gubernamentales y demás agentes involucrados.The exploitation in child labor is a major multidimensional problem that is difficult to separate from the political, economic and cultural factors of our country, and that is why the eradication and abolition of this problem, in the light of this big problem, is crucial. The purpose of this work is to see the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Superintendency of Labor Inspection (SUNAFIL) and its oversight or inspection role. On the other hand, the concept of harmful work, are activities that violate the rights of the persons under the legal age, which damage their integrity and personal development, it also directly affects their education, with the aim of safeguarding the comprehensive development of children and adolescents who are engaged in work despite their young age. To this end, exhaustive work has been carried out to identify the absolute lack of knowledge of the SUNAFIL, and the current national and international regulations, a doctrine focused on children and adolescents without neglecting existing programs related to the fight against child labor. Finally, we will see that the fight against the exploitation of child labor in Peru is not exclusive to the State more, on the contrary, it is necessary to develop a united work of the private sector, governmental organizations and other actors involved.Tesi

    A Blockchain Definition to Clarify its Role for the Internet of Things

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    The term blockchain is used for disparate projects, ranging from cryptocurrencies to applications for the Internet of Things (IoT). The concept of blockchain appears therefore blurred, as the same technology cannot empower applications with extremely different requirements, levels of security and performance. This position paper elaborates on the theory of distributed systems to advance a clear definition of blockchain allowing us to clarify its possible role in the IoT. The definition binds together three elements that, as a whole, delineate those unique features that distinguish the blockchain from other distributed ledger technologies: immutability, transparency and anonymity. We note that immutability - which is imperative for securing blockchains - imposes remarkable resource consumption. Moreover, while transparency demands no confidentiality, anonymity enhances privacy but prevents user identification. As such, we raise the concern that these blockchain features clash with the requirements of most IoT applications where devices are power-constrained, data needs to be kept confidential, and users to be clearly identifiable. We consequently downplay the role of the blockchain for the IoT: this can act as a ledger external to the IoT architecture, invoked as seldom as possible and only to record the aggregate results of myriads of local (IoT) transactions that are most of the time performed off-chain to meet performance and scalability requirements

    Desarrollo de capacidades y motivación laboral en las Unidades Operativas La Merced y San Ramón, EPS Selva Central S.A., 2022

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    En las primeras indagaciones se ha podido identificar el problema que se presenta en entidades públicas que prestan diversos servicios, tales como el suministro del agua potable; ya que el entorno laboral que se aprecia al interior de estas organizaciones hacen esfuerzos para lograr la mejora de la calidad de sus actividades inherentes a través del desempeño de sus colaboradores; en sin embargo, todavía no se percibe niveles aceptables para demostrar la competitividad y tener la conformidad de los usuarios en forma sostenible. De tal manera que, a pesar de realizar evaluaciones en forma constante al personal para conocer el nivel de capacitación que tienen éstos orientados a la mejora del desempeño laboral, falta mayor esfuerzo por parte de la entidad a fin de alcanzar una adecuada motivación laboral de acuerdo a objetivos establecidos. En tal sentido, como objetivo a sido: la determinación de relación entre el desarrollo de capacidades y motivación laboral, en las Unidades Operativas la Merced y San Ramón, EPS SELVA CENTRAL S.A., 2022; cuya metodología se toma en primer lugar como general el científico y específico el hipotético deductivo; elegido tipo la aplicada, con el nivel el correlacional, siendo el diseño el no experimental-transversal; utilizando como técnica la encuesta y elaborado el cuestionario como instrumento con 18 ítems en total para ambas variables, con opción de respuesta planteado con la escala de Likert; presentado con una muestra de 37 trabajadores de la misma entidad. La conclusión general como resultado es: existe relación positiva moderada entre el desarrollo de capacidades y motivación laboral, en las Unidades Operativas la Merced y San Ramón, EPS SELVA CENTRAL S.A., 2022; siendo la correlación Rho de Spearman rs = 0.447, significativa en el nivel 0,01 (bilateral), de tal manera que, a mayor desarrollo de capacidades habrá mayor motivación laboral. Las recomendaciones son principalmente referidas a la publicación de los resultados hallados y que los funcionarios de las Unidades Operativas de la Merced y San Ramónxiv adopten a fin de poner en ejecución actividades para la mejora de las capacidades de sus colaboradores

    What is a Blockchain? A Definition to Clarify the Role of the Blockchain in the Internet of Things

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    The use of the term blockchain is documented for disparate projects, from cryptocurrencies to applications for the Internet of Things (IoT), and many more. The concept of blockchain appears therefore blurred, as it is hard to believe that the same technology can empower applications that have extremely different requirements and exhibit dissimilar performance and security. This position paper elaborates on the theory of distributed systems to advance a clear definition of blockchain that allows us to clarify its role in the IoT. This definition inextricably binds together three elements that, as a whole, provide the blockchain with those unique features that distinguish it from other distributed ledger technologies: immutability, transparency and anonimity. We note however that immutability comes at the expense of remarkable resource consumption, transparency demands no confidentiality and anonymity prevents user identification and registration. This is in stark contrast to the requirements of most IoT applications that are made up of resource constrained devices, whose data need to be kept confidential and users to be clearly known. Building on the proposed definition, we derive new guidelines for selecting the proper distributed ledger technology depending on application requirements and trust models, identifying common pitfalls leading to improper applications of the blockchain. We finally indicate a feasible role of the blockchain for the IoT: myriads of local, IoT transactions can be aggregated off-chain and then be successfully recorded on an external blockchain as a means of public accountability when required

    Exhaled nitric oxide measurements with dynamic flow restriction in children aged 4-8 yrs

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    Fractional exhaled nitric oxide concentration (FENO) depends on exhalation flow; however, children often are unable to perform controlled flow procedures. Therefore, a device was developed for off-line FENO sampling, with dynamic flow restriction (DFR). The authors compared off-line w

    Wnt/β-Catenin-Signaling Modulates Megakaryopoiesis at the Megakaryocyte-Erythrocyte Progenitor Stage in the Hematopoietic System

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    The bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic system (HS) gives rise to blood cells originating from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), including megakaryocytes (MKs) and red blood cells (erythrocytes; RBCs). Many steps of the cell-fate decision remain to be elucidated, being important for cancer treatment. To explore the role of Wnt/β-catenin for MK and RBC differentiation, we activated β-catenin signaling in platelet-derived growth factor b (Pdgfb)-expressing cells of the HS using a Cre-lox approach (Ctnnb1BM-GOF). FACS analysis revealed that Pdgfb is mainly expressed by megakaryocytic progenitors (MKPs), MKs and platelets. Recombination resulted in a lethal phenotype in mutants (Ctnnb1BM-GOFwt/fl, Ctnnb1BM-GOFfl/fl) 3 weeks after tamoxifen injection, showing an increase in MKs in the BM and spleen, but no pronounced anemia despite reduced erythrocyte counts. BM transplantation (BMT) of Ctnnb1BM-GOF BM into lethally irradiated wildtype recipients (BMT-Ctnnb1BM-GOF) confirmed the megakaryocytic, but not the lethal phenotype. CFU-MK assays in vitro with BM cells of Ctnnb1BM-GOF mice supported MK skewing at the expense of erythroid colonies. Molecularly, the runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) mRNA, known to suppress erythropoiesis, was upregulated in Ctnnb1BM-GOF BM cells. In conclusion, β-catenin activation plays a key role in cell-fate decision favoring MK development at the expense of erythroid production