54 research outputs found

    Response of the Arthropod Community to Soil Characteristics and Management in the Franciacorta Viticultural Area (Lombardy, Italy)

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    Soil represents an important pool of biodiversity, hosting about a quarter of the living species on our planet. This soil richness has led to increasing interest in the structural and functional characteristics of its biodiversity. Studies of arthropod responses, in terms of abundance and taxon richness, have increased in relation to their ecological value as bioindicators of environmental change. This research was carried out over the 2014\u20132018 period with the aim to better understand arthropod taxa responses in vineyard soils in Franciacorta (Lombardy, Italy). To determine the biological composition in terms of arthropod taxa presence, one hundred soil samples were analysed. Environmental characteristics, such as chemical composition, soil moisture and temperature, and soil management were characterized for each soil sample. A total of 19 taxa were identified; the NMDS model analysis and the cluster analysis divided them into five groups according to their co-occurrence patterns. Each group was related to certain abiotic conditions; of these, soil moisture, temperature and organic matter were shown to be significant. A decision tree analysis showed that a longer period since conversion from conventional to organic farming lead to a higher arthropod biodiversity defined as a higher number of taxa. \ua9 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Effects of leaf removal on grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese cultivated in different italian environments

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    Leaf removal is a farming practice that can affect must and grape quality; it is closely related to the meteorological conditions of the year and the climate of the area. The present study aims to analyse the effects of different types of defoliation, all conducted at veraison and removing 5-6 basal leaves. The trial provided four tests: leaf removal only on the east side, only on the west side, total defoliation (both sides), and a non-defoliated treatment (control test). Two different cultivars, the Sangiovese and the Cabernet Sauvignon, were studied in five different Italian environments: Puegnago (BS), Scansano (GR), Bolgheri (LI), Brisighella (RA), and Montefalco (PG). The trial was repeated four times, once per year for the successive years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. The years differed mainly with regard to the total rainfall; because of the variability of the years, different results, both for the same cultivar and between the cultivars, were observed. The differences existing between these two varieties and among the different environments led to different reactions to defoliation, especially concerning the analytical parameters of musts and grapes

    Effect of Leaf Removal on Grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese Cultivated in Different Italian Environments

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    Leaf removal is a farming practice that can affect must and grape quality; it is closely related to the meteorological conditions of the year and the climate of the area. The present study aims to analyse the effects of different types of defoliation, all conducted at veraison and removing 5-6 basal leaves. The trial provided four tests: leaf removal only on the east side, only on the west side, total defoliation (both sides), and a non-defoliated treatment (control test). Two different cultivars, the Sangiovese and the Cabernet Sauvignon, were studied in five different Italian environments: Puegnago (BS), Scansano (GR), Bolgheri (LI), Brisighella (RA), and Montefalco (PG). The trial was repeated four times, once per year for the successive years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. The years differed mainly with regard to the total rainfall; because of the variability of the years, different results, both for the same cultivar and between the cultivars, were observed. The differences existing between these two varieties and among the different environments led to different reactions to defoliation, especially concerning the analytical parameters of musts and grapes

    Modificazioni indotte dalle sfogliature e da coperture artificiali sulla qualità dell'uva per la produzione di basi spumante su Chardonnay e Pinot nero in Franciacorta

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    Questionner les jugements contradictoires formulés par Polybe, Plutarque ou Lucien à l’égard de l’art historien de l’enargeia, c’est interroger le surgissement d’une aporie qui, mise en résonance avec la réflexion actuelle sur le rôle de l’« effet de présence » dans la « fictionalisation » de l’histoire, apparaît remarquablement durable : comment maintenir, face à la « présence » de l’image du passé, la différence de principe entre l’image de l’absent comme antérieur et l’image de l’absent comme irréel 

    Effect of leaf removal on grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese coltivated in different Italian environments

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    The leaf removal is one of the feasible intervention on the vine that most influence the quality of grapes and wine; known are the effects that this practice can be established on the time of technological maturity of the grapes (Percival et al., 1994; Kliewer e Lider, 1968) and on skins and seeds polyphenolic assest (Downey et al., 2006; Kliewer, 1970; Morrison et al., 1990), even if, especially as regards the effect on polyphenolic content, a unique evaluation doesn\u2019t exist. This application must take into account of cultivars, climatic conditions and exposure of the vineyard; leaf-stripping changes the structure of the canopy and influences the microclimate, understood as a set of environmental conditions affecting the surrounding canopy and / or specific organs or areas of the canopy itself (Poni, 2002). Two red grape cultivar, the Cabernet Sauvignon and the Sangiovese, widely cultivated on the Italian territory, were chosen to better investigate the effects that different types of leaf removal, carried out in vineyards with north-south orientation (leaf removal at east side and west side, east side only, west side only, no leaf removal), have on vegetative-productive and qualitative parameters of grapes. In the present study were taken into account five areas, wich are different for geographical location, climate and altitude: Puegnago sul Garda (BS), Scansano (GR) (only for Sangiovese), Bolgheri (LI) (for the single cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon), Brisighella (RA), Montefalco (PG). Data were collected in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and took into account vegetative-productive parameters and analytical data of musts, as well as the polyphenolic content of grapes (Mattivi et al. , 2002). It can be generally observed from the analysis of data that the two varieties have reacted differently to leaf removal; in fact, considering the average data from all sites, the Sangiovese seems more sensitive than Cabernet Sauvignon to leaf removal, resulting in lower average weights of the bunch in all leaf removal tests and recording higher sugar content, in the case of east side leaf removal test. With regard to the anthocyanins and polyphenolics level this variety shows higer concentration in three leaf removal tests, however with no significant differences; Cabernet Sauvignon seems to react negatively to the leaf removal, in fact the higher content in anthocyanins and total polyphenols is higher in the covered test, although, also in this case, the recorded difference was statistically insignificant. Taking into account differences between the four tests within each site of Sangiovese, the average data in Brisighella shows the higest sugar and anthocyanins content in the east side leaf removal test compared to other test; the vineyard of Puegnago recorded a similar behaviour for the same cultivar, in fact, also in this case, the same test has the highest sugar level. the reaction of this variety in the vineyards of Montefalco and Scansano was different: in the first case it can see how the total leaf removal test and west side leaf removal test show pH value lower than the others; in Scansano the total leaf removal test appears to be the one that best preserves the acidic content. For the vineyard of Cabernet Sauvignon in Brisighella the behaviour is opposite to that observed for the first variety; in fact in this case the east leaf removal test is the one that has a lower sugar content, as it has been observed in Bolgheri for the same test. In Puegnago for Cabernet Sauvignon the covered test produced musts with higher acid levels and lower sugar content than other tests, while in Montefalco these characteristics are common to the covered test and the west side leaf removal test. It\u2019s so clear as this agricultural practice can not be adopted in a general manner, because it leads to different results due to the location and grape
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