10 research outputs found


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    Any economic stress in itself carries a particular risk, since it creates problems in different areas, influencing individual incomes/expenditures, as well as incomes/ expenditures in the healthcare sector. The imbalance in the healthcare system can be understood as an unexpected phenomenon that occurs outside of the healthcare system but leads to negative consequences of access to resources in the healthcare system; in terms of access to medical services. The healthcare system in the Republic of Moldova is perceived as unproductive, which diminishes its prioritization. Therefore, the healthcare system is poorly funded, with few efficient regulations, which made it extremely sensitive during times of crisis, being unpredictable for new challenges. The authors consider that a method of anticipating the crisis in the healthcare system could be the application of economic and financial expertise.Any economic stress in itself carries a particular risk, since it creates problems in different areas, influencing individual incomes/expenditures, as well as incomes/ expenditures in the healthcare sector. The imbalance in the healthcare system can be understood as an unexpected phenomenon that occurs outside of the healthcare system but leads to negative consequences of access to resources in the healthcare system; in terms of access to medical services. The healthcare system in the Republic of Moldova is perceived as unproductive, which diminishes its prioritization. Therefore, the healthcare system is poorly funded, with few efficient regulations, which made it extremely sensitive during times of crisis, being unpredictable for new challenges. The authors consider that a method of anticipating the crisis in the healthcare system could be the application of economic and financial expertise


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    The overview contains the theses of the presentations of the participants of the international round table „Digital Technologies: the state and prospects of legal regulation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova”, held on April 12, 2021 by parners from the Republic of Moldova as the International Union of Lawyers, University of European Political and Economic studies „Constantin Stere”, the Union of Lawyers of the Republic of Moldova and the Interdisciplinary Center for Legal Research in the field of Labor Law and Social Security Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The discussion was attended by employees of the interdisciplinary Center, representatives of different areas of science in Russia and Moldova (lawyers, sociologists, historians, philosophers, psychologists) and different branches of law such as theory and history of state and law, philosophy of law, constitutional law, labor law and social security law, civil law and civil procedure, family law, etc. The participants of the round table focused on the conditions, prerequisites and prospects for the legal regulation of digital technologies in the context of changing the economic model of society. The problems discussed are usually at the intersection of different branches of law, economics, psychology and sociology, and are intersectoral and interdisciplinary in nature. Only an integraled approach to their solution allows us to achieve real practical results in optimizing the regulation of the respective relations

    Peculiarities in the orthodontic treatment of dental crowding associated with arch compression

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    Introducere. Micșorarea diametrelor transversale și sagitale ale arcadelor dentare sunt niște semne caracteristice pentru pacienţii cu înghesuire dentară. De aici și reiese că una din sarcinile tratamentului acestei patologii este expansiunea arcadelor dentare. Scopul lucrării. Sporirea eficacității diagnosticului și simplificarea metodelor de tratament al disarmoniilor dento-alveolare cu înghesuire prin utilizarea expansiunii arcadelor dentare. Obiective: 1. Selectarea metodelor utile și eficiente în diagnosticul DDA cu înghesuire. 2. Studiul eficacității utilizării arcurilor rigide în tratamentul compresiei arcadelor dentare asociate cu înghesuire. 3. Asigurarea stabilității rezultatului tratamentului acestei patologii prin aplicarea unor metode de contenție cu eficacitate sporită. Material și metode. Lucrarea s-a realizat în baza analizei unui lot de 22 de pacienți cu înghesuire dentară, la care s-a efectuat extinderea dimensiunilor transversale și sagitale a arcadelor. 6(27,3%) erau de sex masculin, 16(72,7%) - feminin.Vârsta medie a bolnavilor a alcătuit 15,86±1,25 ani. Stabilirea diagnosticului s-a efectuat în baza: examenului clinic, radiologic (teleradiografie și ortopantomografie, tomografie compiuterizată), studiului biometric pe model (metodele Pont, Korkhaus, Bolton). În tratament, la toți pacienții s-au utilizat aparate fixe de tip MBT cu slotul de .022″ în asociere cu un dispozitiv de expansiune a arcadei dentare. Rezultate. După tipul facial pacienţii au fost repartizaţi în: 13(68,42%) cazuri – tip euriprosop, 3(15,79%) cazuri – tip mezoprosop, 3(15,79%) cazuri – tip facial leptoroprosop. Indicele SI mediu a fost de 31,8±0,375 mm. Pacienţi cu normodenţie au fost 18 (72,0%), cu macrodenţie - 7 (28,0%). Indicile Bolton frontal a avut valoarea de 77,88%, cu 0,68% mai mare decât norma. Diametrul intermolar al arcadei dentare superioare pretratament era micșorat cu 4,77 mm, celei inferioare cu 3,51mm. La analiza spaţiului total în arcada inferioară s-a depistat un deficit total de 8,04 mm. Durata tratamentului prin expansiunea arcadelor dentare a alcătuit 16,82 luni ± 0,78, fiind veridic mai scurtă decât în cazurile cu extracții (p<0,05). Concluzii. În diagnosticul disarmoniilor dento-alveolare cu înghesuire e importată utilizarea analizei spațiului total în asociere cu analiza cefalometrică. Pentru simplificarea tratamentului e necesar de utilizat la mai mulți pacienți posibilitatea expansiunii arcadelor prin activarea arcurilor rigide din oțel inoxidabil. Pentru asigurarea stabilității rezultatului tratamentului și păstrarea diametrelor transversale create pot fi recomandate folosirea capelor de contenție confecționate din plăci rigide cu grosimea de 1,5 mm.Introduction. Decreased transverse and sagital length of dental arches are characteristic signs of patients with dental crowding. This is to conclude that one of the orthodontic treatment aims is to expand dental arches. Objective of the study. Increase the diagnosis efficiency and simplify the treatment methods of DDA with crowding by using dental arches expansion. Study goals. 1.Selection of appropriate and efficient methods in dental crowding diagnosis. 2. Study the efficiency of rigid arches usage in the treatment of dental arch compression associated with crowding. 3. Ensure the treatment result stability of this pathology by applying more effective retention methods. Methods and Materials. This study is based on the evaluation of 22 patients with dental crowding, in which the expansion of the transverse and sagittal lengh of dental arches was performed. 6(27.3%) were male, 16(72.7%) - female. The average age of the patients was 15.86±1.25 years. Diagnosis was established based on clinical examination, X-ray examination (lateral cephalometrics and panoramic X-ray, cone beam computed tomography), biometric study of the casts (Pont, Korkhaus, Bolton analysis). In all patients,during the orthodontic treatment, were used fixed MBT appliances with a .022″ slot in combination with a dental arch expansion device. Results. According to the facial type, the patients were divided into:13(68.42%) cases – euriprosop type, 3(15.79%) cases – mesoprosop type, 3(15.79%) cases – leptoroprosop facial type. The SI index was 31.85 mm±0.37. There were 18(72.0%) patients with normodentia, with macrodentia - 7(28.0%). The anterior Bolton indices had a value of 77.88%, 0.68% higher than the norm. The intermolar width of the upper dental arch, before treatment, was reduced with 4.77 mm, the lower one with 3.51 mm. When analyzing the total space in the lower arch, a total deficit of 8.04 mm was detected. The duration of the treatment by expansion of the dental arches was 16.82 months ± 0.78, being truthfully shorter than in cases with extractions (p<0.05). Conclusions. In the diagnosis of dento-alveolar disharmonies with crowding is important the use of total space analysis in association with cephalometric analysis. To simplify the treatment, it is necessary to use in several patients the possibility of expanding the arches by activating the rigid stainless steel wires. To ensure the stability of the treatment result and to preserve the created transverse width, the use of retention appliances made of rigid plates with a thickness of 1.5 mm can be recommended

    History of codification of private law in the Republic of Moldova

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    The division of the entire system of law into public law and private law comes from ancient times, which we have referred to in several previous personal publications. In this article we will analyze the evolution of private law in the Republic of Moldova. Private law constitutes one of the fundamental subdivisions of the science of law as a whole. At the level of the Republic of Moldova, the subdivision in question represents a distinct specific in the context that: (i) it is stratified into numerous branches of law and (ii) it constitutes a symbiosis of several national, supranational and international private legislations that correspond to modern trends of evolution of related social relations. One of the main branches of domestic private law is civil law, namely the rules tangent to the branch of law in question regulate a considerable number of social relations varied in terms of structure and content. This article will briefly address evolutionary-historical aspects of the private law legislation of the Republic of Moldova. In particular, we will analyze the influence of the Model Civil Code of the CIS States, on the one hand, and European legislation, on the other. Historical aspects will be divided into three periods

    Aspects of treatment in the functional and false form of Angle’s class III malocclusion

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    Rezumat. În baza analizei rezultatelor tratamentului a 12 pacienţi cu malocluzie de clasa III Angle, însoţită de raport invers a dinţilor frontali s‑a determinat în majoritatea cazurilor (la 11 pacienţi) prezenţa abraziunii patologice a incisivilor, la 8 pacienţi aceasta fiind o indicaţie de restaurare estetică a acestor dinţi cu material compozit. Pentru sporirea eficacităţii realizării saltului incisival în tratamentul pacienţilor cu aparate fixe s‑a propus utilizarea unui dispozitiv fix de creare a inocluziei arcadelor dentare. Metoda exclude nerespectarea regimului de purtare a dispozitivelor mobilizabile şi micşorează perioada de realizare a saltului articular.Summary Analysing treatment results in 12 pacients with III’rd class malocclusion, with wrong report in the front teeth, it was determined in the majority of cases (11 patients) the presence of pathologic abrasion in frontal teeth, this being an indication for restoration of this teeth with composit materials. It was proposed the use of a fixed appliance for obtaining dental arch inocclusion for increasing the efficiency of obtaining the incisival jump. This technique excludes the rule of using regularly this mobile appliances and decreases the period of obtaining the articular jump

    Survey of caries prevalance and intensity in children

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    Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Pedodontics and Orthodontics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. This survey was determined by the high incidence of dental caries, its severity, local and general complications that are caused. Harndt defines dental caries as a chronic destructive process that occurs without any inflammatory signs, generating dental tissue necrosis, and in the end, pulp and periodontal tissue inflammation. As the dental pulp is infected, it opens a gate for the microorganisms and toxins to the entire body. Dental caries, a chronic disease with insidious evolution, causes frequent pulpar and periodontal septical complications, spread of the infection in the near-by regions, triggering and maintaning different systemic diseases, the reason why Pickerill called it the disease of modern society. Aim of the study. Evaluation of the frequency and intensity of dental caries in children during the prophylactic examination. Materials and methods. The survey was conducted among 224 subjects from ”Mihail Bârcă” Highschool, from Mileștii Mici, Ialoveni, aged 7 to 15, average age of 9,64±0,14. The total sample size comprised 119 boys (53,12%) and 105 girls (46,88 %). The examination was made according to WHO practice, by direct and indirect inspection with a dental mirror. The results and observations were recorded in dental charts (Blanck 0/43e). Results. During the examination of 224 subjects, the presence of dental caries was determined in 194 subjects, accounting 86,6% from the total number. The DMF index of dental caries was determined as 4,28±0,17. Conclusions. 1. Prevalance of dental caries in the surveyed children is high, being 86,6%. 2. Intensity of dental caries in the surveyed children is average, being4,28±0,17

    Закрытие трещин зубов. Профилактика кариеса зубов

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    Cаriа dеntаră аfеctеаză аtât dinţii tеmроrаri, cât şi cеi реrmаnеnţi, în unеlе cаzuri în tеrmеnе scurtе duрă еruрţiа lоr. Dаtеlе stаtisticе аrаtă аfеctаrеа dе cаriе dеntаră а circа 71,2-97,1% din рорulаţiе. Incidеnţа înаltă а cаriеi dеntаrе imрunе studiеrеа şi еlаbоrаrеа реrmаnеntă а mеtоdеlоr nоi dе рrеvеnţiе, diаgnоstic şi trаtаmеnt. Studiilе ерidеmiоlоgicе аu dеmоnstrаt că, lа cорii, în dinții dеfinitivi tinеri, рrеdоmină cаriilе suрrаfеțеlоr оcluzаlе аlе mоlаrilоr. Din аcеstе cоnsidеrеntе, stаrеа fisurilоr dеntаrе, din рunct dе vеdеrе аl рrеzеnţеi dерunеrilоr dеntаrе sаu а рlăcii bаctеriеnе sunt рrivitе cа fаctоri dе risc în еvоluţiа cаriеi dеntаrе. Sigilаrеа șаnțurilоr și fоsеtеlоr еstе inclusă dе ОMS рrintrе cеlе 4 mеtоdе dе рrеvеnirе а cаriеi dеntаrе.Dental caries affects temporary and permanent teeth, in some cases in a short time after their eruption. Statistical data show that dental caries affecting 71.2-97.1% of the population worldwide new methods for its prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiological studies show that in children with recently erupted teeth, predominates caries of the occlusal. The high prevalence of caries necessitates the study and continuous development of surfaces of the molars. For these reasons, the condition of dental fissures, in terms of the presence of dental plaque or bacterial plaque, is a risk factor for the development of dental caries. Fissure sealing is included by WHO as one of the 4 methods for preventing dental caries.Кариес зубов поражает, как временные, так и постоянные зубы, в некоторых случаях в короткие сроки после их прорезывания. Статистические данные показывают, что кариес зубов присутствует у 71,2-97,1% членов человеческой популяции. Высокая распространенность кариеса обуславливает необходимость изучения и постоянной разработки новых методов его профилактики, диагностики и лечения. Эпидемиологические исследования показывают, что у детей, в недавно прорезавшихся зубах, преобладает кариес окклюзионных поверхностей моляров. Из этих соображений, состояние зубных фиссур, с точки зрения наличия зубных отложений или бактериальной бляшки являются фактором риска развития зубного кариеса. Герметизация зубных фиссур включено ВОЗ, как один из 4 методов профилактики зубного кариес

    Закрытие трещин зубов. Профилактика кариеса зубов

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    Dental caries affects temporary and permanent teeth, in some cases in a short time after their eruption. Statistical data show that dental caries affecting 71.2-97.1% of the population worldwide new methods for its prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiological studies show that in children with recently erupted teeth, predominates caries of the occlusal. The high prevalence of caries necessitates the study and continuous development of surfaces of the molars. For these reasons, the condition of dental fissures, in terms of the presence of dental plaque or bacterial plaque, is a risk factor for the development of dental caries. Fissure sealing is included by WHO as one of the 4 methods for preventing dental caries.Cаriа dеntаră аfеctеаză аtât dinţii tеmроrаri, cât şi cеi реrmаnеnţi, în unеlе cаzuri în tеrmеnе scurtе duрă еruрţiа lоr. Dаtеlе stаtisticе аrаtă аfеctаrеа dе cаriе dеntаră а circа 71,2-97,1% din рорulаţiе. Incidеnţа înаltă а cаriеi dеntаrе imрunе studiеrеа şi еlаbоrаrеа реrmаnеntă а mеtоdеlоr nоi dе рrеvеnţiе, diаgnоstic şi trаtаmеnt. Studiilе ерidеmiоlоgicе аu dеmоnstrаt că, lа cорii, în dinții dеfinitivi tinеri, рrеdоmină cаriilе suрrаfеțеlоr оcluzаlе аlе mоlаrilоr. Din аcеstе cоn- sidеrеntе, stаrеа fisurilоr dеntаrе, din рunct dе vеdеrе аl рrеzеnţеi dерunеrilоr dеntаrе sаu а рlăcii bаctеriеnе sunt рrivitе cа fаctоri dе risc în еvоluţiа cаriеi dеntаrе. Sigilаrеа șаnțurilоr și fоsеtеlоr еstе inclusă dе ОMS рrintrе cеlе 4 mеtоdе dе рrеvеnirе а cаriеi dеntаrе.Кариес зубов поражает, как временные, так и постоянные зубы, в некоторых случаях в короткие сроки после их прорезывания. Статистические данные показывают, что кариес зубов присутствует у 71,2-97,1% членов человеческой популяции. Высокая распространенность кариеса обуславливает необходимость изучения и постоянной разработки новых методов его профилактики, диагностики и лечения. Эпидемиологические исследования показывают, что у детей, в недавно прорезавшихся зубах, преобладает кариес окклюзионных поверхностей моляров. Из этих соображений, состояние зубных фиссур, с точки зрения наличия зубных отложений или бактериальной бляшки являются фактором риска развития зубного кариеса. Герметизация зубных фиссур включено ВОЗ, как один из 4 методов профилактики зубного кариеса


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    Contextul socio-cultural al epocii contemporane i-a atribuit educaţiei, dar mai cu seamă învăţămîntului, forma cea mai organizată a procesului de formare a personalităţii, un statut prioritar. În situaţia cînd cunoştinţele şi nivelul intelectual al omului devine pentru societate (mai mult ca oricînd), resursă strategică şi factor de bază a evoluţiei civilizaţiei umane, învăţămîntul capătă noi dimensiuni cu referire la toate domeniile vieţii. În aceste circumstanţe învăţămîntul, educaţia, nu este apreciat doar ca efect al dezvoltării social-economice, dar ca premisă a tuturor transformărilor

    Application of Economic-financial Expertise in the Health Care System of the Republic of Moldova

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    Any economic stress in itself carries a particular risk, since it creates problems in different areas, influencing individual incomes/expenditures, as well as incomes/ expenditures in the healthcare sector. The imbalance in the healthcare system can be understood as an unexpected phenomenon that occurs outside of the healthcare system but leads to negative consequences of access to resources in the healthcare system; in terms of access to medical services. The healthcare system in the Republic of Moldova is perceived as unproductive, which diminishes its prioritization. Therefore, the healthcare system is poorly funded, with few efficient regulations, which made it extremely sensitive during times of crisis, being unpredictable for new challenges. The authors consider that a method of anticipating the crisis in the healthcare system could be the application of economic and financial expertise