254 research outputs found

    Intellectual Capital - Hidden Fortune not Reflected in Financial Statements

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    In contemporary development process, starting from changes that took place in modern society, man continues to be the main factor in the process of products, and its role is amplified because, especially its creative capacity and receptiveness to the self development. As a result of the transformation of science in direct force of production, the rhythm and extent of economic development as well, and values greater edification of natural resources depend more than ever of human factor, labor qualification and its rational use. Without minimizing the role of other factors of production that determines the economic and social progress of any nation, without underestimating the importance of materials investment, it must emphasize the role of human factor in economic growth strategy.intellectual investment, cultural value, Human capital theory, cross knowledge-based government units


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    This paper analyzes the influence of the level of economic development as well as the level of taxation on insurance activity. To this purpose we reviewed the national and international literature and collected data on international level (for both year 2insurance, premiums, taxation, economic development

    About Associate Professor Mihai LAZĂR, PhD

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    No abstract present.&nbsp


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    The early potato is one of the most profitable crops. It must be cultivated only in those areas where the environmental factors are favorable for achieving large productions, and the southern area of Oltenia meets the necessary conditions required by the plant's biology. The researches followed the efficiency of the foliar fertilization as well as the behavior of the early potato plants regarding the realized production, depending on the administered dose. The use of foliar fertilizers on early potato has led to increased yields in all variants. By applying the ATON ZN product, the production of tubers achieved in 2021, of 36266 Kg/ha, was superior to the untreated control by 11100 Kg/ha, which means an increase of 44.1%. By applying the SEACTIV SILVER product, the production of tubers achieved in 2021, of 32166 Kg/ha, was superior to the untreated control by 7000 Kg/ha, which means an increase of 27.8%. The increase in production was achieved due to the increase in the average weight of the tubers from the variant treated with SEACTIV SILVER, which was statistically assured as distinctly significant positive

    Strangulation obstruction of the small intestine in horse

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    Equine colic is a relatively common disorder of the digestive system and should be treated as an emergency. A twist in the small intestine of a horse cause the blood supply to be cut off, resulting in necrotic tissue. The aim of the study was to describe associations between prognostic indicators and diagnoses in equine colic caused by strangulation obstruction of the small intestine. Signs of abdominal pain included: agitation, excessive sweating, flank watching, pawing, frequent lying down, kicking at the abdomen, rolling, tachycardia, absence gut sounds, presence tympanic sounds, abdominal distension, lack of defecation, playing in the water bucket but not drinking and abnormalities at rectal examination. Flunixin meglumine and xylazine were used in every colic case to help control the abdominal pain. Volvulus/torsion of the small intestine resulted in severe pain was difficult to relieve with analgesics. A nasogastric tube was used to relieve the amount of gas pressure in the gut, giving gas and fluids an avenue to travel away from the gut. IV fluids were necessary for dehydrated or in shock horses. Progressive pain with poor response to medical intervention, lack of fever and serosanguineous peritoneal fluid were clinical features that helped distinguish strangulating lesions of the small intestine from simple obstructions and enteritis. Finally horses were euthanized due to grave or poor prognosis. Strangulating obstruction of the small intestine is one of the most lethal forms of equine colic. Minimization of colic episodes depends on management factors, including feeding large quantities of forage, minimizing the amount of concentrate fed and ensuring adequate parasite control

    Desarrollo de una nueva generación de alimentos para el control de peso y prevención de la obesidad

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    La prevalencia mundial de sobrepeso y obesidad ha aumentado dramáticamente en las últimas décadas, alcanzando el nivel de epidemia. Esta condición se asocia a su vez con una amplia gama de factores de riesgo metabólico, como resistencia a la insulina, valores altos de triglicéridos y glucosa en sangre, o hipertensión arterial, características todas ellas típicas del síndrome metabólico, y que promueven un incremento del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes mellitus tipo 2, entre otras enfermedades. Además, el exceso de adiposidad se caracteriza por una inflamación crónica de bajo grado con desequilibrio en las adipoquinas del tejido adiposo, en particular en la secreción de leptina y adiponectina, y en consecuencia en sus valores circulantes. La obesidad también se asocia con el estrés oxidativo (EO) cuando se mantiene durante largo tiempo, y puede estar mediada por una disminución de las defensas antioxidantes y/o una mayor formación de oxidantes. En las últimas décadas también se ha experimentado un aumento del consumo de alimentos procesados, y este cambio sin duda ha contribuido a la mayor incidencia de sobrepeso y obesidad. En este sentido, las grasas alimenticias constituyen un factor principal en el desarrollo de la obesidad y las alteraciones asociadas, y posiblemente también en su prevención y/o tratamiento..