82 research outputs found

    Retinex-based Image Denoising / Contrast Enhancement using Gradient Graph Laplacian Regularizer

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    Images captured in poorly lit conditions are often corrupted by acquisition noise. Leveraging recent advances in graph-based regularization, we propose a fast Retinex-based restoration scheme that denoises and contrast-enhances an image. Specifically, by Retinex theory we first assume that each image pixel is a multiplication of its reflectance and illumination components. We next assume that the reflectance and illumination components are piecewise constant (PWC) and continuous piecewise planar (PWP) signals, which can be recovered via graph Laplacian regularizer (GLR) and gradient graph Laplacian regularizer (GGLR) respectively. We formulate quadratic objectives regularized by GLR and GGLR, which are minimized alternately until convergence by solving linear systems -- with improved condition numbers via proposed preconditioners -- via conjugate gradient (CG) efficiently. Experimental results show that our algorithm achieves competitive visual image quality while reducing computation complexity noticeably

    Content Equivalence Analysis of Health News Translation: A Bakerian Approach

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    The primary purpose of the present paper is to investigate content equivalence in the English to Persian translation of General Health News based on Baker's model. A descriptive qualitative study was designed and 10 texts from English and Farsi versions of Iran Newspaper were randomly selected. To assess the translation quality of the selected texts, the researcher compared the original and translated texts at word, phrase and sentence level and tabulated the obtained data and estimated the frequency and percentage of translation inadequacies. The results revealed that most errors in the English translations were rooted in the textual domain where the translators have misunderstood the general concept of the source context. This was followed by semantic errors. The third place was given to the errors in the pragmatic domain which mainly addressed the purpose and meaning of the concepts presented in the source language. The least frequently occurred errors were related to grammatical errors which mainly covered prepositions and tenses. Research on content equivalence, in general, can help experts assess the quality of the translated text. Research on content equivalence of particular texts can lead to detecting translation problems, translation errors and translation inadequacies in that particular field

    Interfacial thermal conductance between TiO2 nanoparticle and water: A molecular dynamics study

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    The interfacial thermal conductance (Kapitza conductance) between a TiO2 nanoparticle and water is investigated using transient non-equilibrium molecular dynamics. It is found that Kapitza conductance of TiO2 nanoparticles is one order of magnitude greater than other conventional nanoparticles such as gold, silver, silicon, platinum and also carbon nanotubes and graphene flakes. This difference can be explained by comparing the contribution of electrostatic interactions between the partially charged titanium and oxygen atoms and water atoms to the van der Waals interactions, which increases the cooling time by about 10 times. The effects of diameter and temperature of nanoparticle, surface wettability on the interfacial thermal conductance are also investigated. The results showed that by increasing the diameter of the nanoparticle from 4 to 9 nm, Kapitza conductance decreased slightly. Also, increasing the temperature of the heated nanoparticle from 400 K to 600 K led to thermal conductance enhancement. It has been found that increasing the coupling strength of Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential from 0.5 to 4 caused the increment of the Kapitza conductance about 20%. It is also shown that a continuum model which its input is provided by molecular dynamics can be a suitable approximation to describe the thermal relaxation of a nanoparticle in a liquid medium

    Optimized Self Scheduling of Power Producers in a Restructured Power Market

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    Abstract: Generation scheduling and dispatch are determined by individual power producers' bids in a deregulated power market. The benefits obtained by a power producer will depend largely on how effectively it can incorporate the variation of the market price in its generation scheduling. This paper addresses the selfscheduling problem and design of optimal bidding strategy for a price-taker company. By restructuring the electric power systems, market participants are facing an important task of bidding energy to an Independent System Operator (ISO). This study proposes a model and a method for optimization-based bidding and selfscheduling where a utility bids part of its energy and self-schedules the rest. The model considers ISO bid selections and uncertain bidding information of other market participants. With appropriately simplified bidding and ISO models, closed-form ISO solutions are first obtained. These solutions are then plugged into the utility's bidding and self-scheduling model which is solved by using Lagrangian relaxation. Testing results depicts that the method has effective solutions with acceptable computation time

    Condition of Health and Medicine of Qazvin in Naseri Era

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    اولین اقدامات نوگرایی در زمینه بهداشت و پزشکی از زمان امیرکبیر با تلاش برای بالارفتن سطح آگاهی و اطلاعات در زمینه بهداشت عمومی آغاز شد. با سفر ناصرالدین‌شاه به اروپا و مشاهده پیشرفت‌های اروپاییان، شرایط ایجاد برخی از اصلاحات در کشور، از جمله توسعه بهداشت فراهم شد. رشد بهداشت عمومی و ترویج امکانات پیشگیرانه برای مبارزه و جلوگیری از شیوع انواع بیماری‌ها، ایجاد مجلس حفظ‌الصحه، رسیدگی به وضعیت بهداشت عمومی و مبارزه با انواع بیماری‌های واگیردار از مهم‌ترین اولویت‌های ناصرالدین‌شاه گردید. مهم‌ترین دغدغه پژوهش حاضر چگونگی گسترش نهادهای بهداشتی و پزشکی در قزوین دوره ناصری است. در این پژوهش از روش تحقیق تاریخی استفاده شده است. بر اساس نتیجه پژوهش ایجاد اصلاحات در امور بهداشتی شهر و توسعه پزشکی در این دوره توسط مدیریت شهری باعث بالارفتن اطلاعات عمومی، بهبود شکل زندگی مردم نسبت به قبل، رشد پزشکی مدرن و گرایش بیشتر مردم از طب سنتی به پزشکی نوین شد، اما آهنگ رشد توسعه بهداشت و پزشکی این دوره در قزوین به یک میزان نبود. در نهایت می‌توان بیان داشت که با تحولات بنیادی که در پایتخت در زمینه بهداشت عمومی و پزشکی انجام می‌شد، در قزوین نیز به همان شکل این تحولات صورت می‌گرفت و در تحولات این شهر و بالارفتن سطح سلامت مردم آن تأثیر به سزایی داشت. انجام هر نوع تغییر در ایران در پایتخت و شهرهای دیگر، از جمله قزوین به قدرت فردی افراد بستگی داشت، چنانکه تغییرات بهداشتی امیرکبیر در تهران و سعدالدوله در قزوین با سرعت و کیفیت بیشتری صورت گرفت.The first health and medical modernizations began in the time of Amir Kabir with the efforts to raise awareness and information on public health. With the journey of Nasser-al-Din Shah to Europe and seeing the progress of Europeans, conditions for some reforms in the country, including the development of health, were provided. The growth of public health and the promotion of preventive facilities for fighting and preventing the spread of various diseases, the establishment of a parliament for maintenance of public health, addressing public health and combating all kinds of contagious diseases became one of its most important priorities. The most important concern of the present research is how to expand health and medicine in Qazvin during the Nazarene era. The research method in this article is historical. Based on the results of the study, the reform of urban health and medical development in this era by urban management increased public awareness, improvement of people’s lifestyle, the growth of modern medicine, and the tendency of people from traditional medicine to modern medicine. But the growth rate of health and medical development was not the same in this era of Qazvin. Finally, it can be said that with the fundamental changes in the capital in the field of public health and medicine, the same happened in Qazvin. Had. Making any changes in Iran in the capital and other cities, including Qazvin, depended on the individual's power. If the health changes of Amir Kabir in Tehran and Saad al-Dawlah in Qazvin occurred more rapidly and in quality.   Please cite this article as: Chagini Z, Sadri M, Abadian H, Gharedaghi M. Condition of Health and Medicine of Qazvin in Naseri Era. Med Hist J 2020; 12(43): 73-86

    Problems and pitfalls in PowerPoint ®

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    Voltage Quality Enhancement and Fault Current Limiting with Z-Source based Series Active Filter

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    Abstract: In this study, series active filter or dynamic voltage restorer application is proposed for reduction of downstream fault current in addition to voltage quality enhancement. Recently, the application of Z-source inverter is proposed in order to optimize DVR operation. This inverter makes DVR to operate appropriately when the energy storage device's voltage level severely falls. Here, the Z-source inverter based DVR is proposed to compensate voltage disturbance at the PCC and to reduce the fault current in downstream of DVR. By calculating instantaneous current magnitude in synchronous frame, control system recognizes if the fault exists or not, and determines whether DVR should compensate voltage disturbance or try to reduce the fault current. The proposed system is simulated under voltage sag and swell and short circuit conditions. The simulation results show that the system operates correctly under voltage sag and short circuit conditions

    Comparison of Clinical and Sonographic Prevalence of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

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    Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is one of the most widely discussed abnormalities in neonates. The advantages of sonographic examination are well known, but its main disadvantage is that it might lead to over diagnosis, which might cause over treatment. Variations in the incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip are well known. During six months study since September 2006 all 1300 neonates (2600 hips) were born in our hospital examined clinically and sonographically (587 hips) in the first 48 hours of life. Sonography was performed according to Graf's method, which considers mild hip sonographic abnormalities as type II a. Type IIb Graf were considered pathologic. Sonography screening of 587 hips detected 36 instances of deviation from normal indicating a sonographic DDH incidence of 12.5%. However, only 8 neonates remained abnormal and required treatment, indicating a true DDH incidence of 6 per 1000 live birth. Risk of diagnosis clinically and sonographicaly were 2.5 and 4.5 percent respectively and was significant (P<0.00001, x2=1170). In order to avoid over diagnosis in first days examination, repeated clinical and sonographic examination is required