81 research outputs found

    Removal of blue cat 41 dye from aqueous solutions with ZnO nanoparticles in combination with US and US-H2O2 advanced oxidation processes

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    Background: The purpose of the present study was to assess the efficiency of ultrasound/hydrogen peroxide processes and ultrasound/hydrogen peroxide/ZnO nanoparticles in the removal of blue cat 41 dye from aqueous solutions. Methods: ZnO nanoparticles were prepared using the hydrothermal method. Variables including pH, concentration of ZnO nanoparticles, initial dye concentration, concentration of hydrogen peroxide, and contact time were investigated. Results: H 2O2 alone is not effective in dye removal. In conditions of H2O2= 20 mg/L and US= 30 kHz, removal efficiency rates of 6.5%, 23.5%, 30%, 51.8%, and 55%, respectively, were obtained. The maximum removal efficiency rate was obtained at the nanoparticle concentration of 3 g/l. Also, removal efficiency was reduced when the initial dye concentration was increased. Conclusion: The combination of nanoparticles and US and H2O2 is very effective in removing blue cat 41 dye. As a result, photo catalytic processes can be considered to effectively remove environmental pollutants

    Survey of Bacteriological Quality of the Drinking Water in Rural Areas of Saqqez City

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    "n "nBackgrounds and Objectives:Safe drinking water providing is one of the main purposes in the community. Development and improvement of community is related to the public health. In this study !we studied the bacteriological quality of 116 villages under coverage of the water and wastewater companies in rural areas of Saqqez in.1386"nMaterial and Methods:Drinking water of these rural areas have provided of deep, semi-depth- wells and spring water sources. Because in numerous rural areas both sources of drinking water and in some of them different sources of drinking water were used (old and new storage water source), in general, 359 samples were collected and transferred to the laboratory for testing to evaluate its quality. We also used linear Regression statistical analysis for collected data."nResults:results show that residual chlorine in drinking water in 33.88 percent of rural areas population were in range 0.2-1 mg/l. For 98.3 percent of the seqqez rural population, the turbidity was lower than the maximum permissible levels of drinking water standards of Iran (5 NTU). There was no any E.coli contamination in 88 percent of drinking water in saqqez rural areas."nConclusion:Based on WHO guidelines concerning the microbial quality of water published in 2006! the average indicator for lack of E.coli in water of rural areas of seqqez was 88 percent and water is safe or good for drinking

    A Survey of Air Quality Index and Quantification of Cardiovascular Mortality due to Exposure to Particulate Matter Smaller than 2.5 Micron in Boukan in 2015

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    Background: The influx of dust to the North West of Iran during past decade has become a serious threat to the health and economy of the region and has created many human and financial damages. So, the aim of this study is to quantifying cardiovascular mortality resulted from exposure to Particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micron in Bokan in 2015 using Air Q software. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was carried out in Bokan. The measurement of PM2.5 Concentration was done using MP101M Device around the clock in 2015, which yielded data collected for 321 days. Meteorological data, including wind speed and direction, and relative humidity were obtained from office of Meteorology. The software, using data processed with Excel, calculated Relative Risk, baseline incidence and attributable proportion and showed the output in terms of mortality. Results: Based on the statistics of air pollution monitoring station, maximum hourly PM2.5 concentration was 400.52 micrograms per cubic meter and the number of total mortality attributed to exposure to PM2.5 in 2015 was 50 cases. Conclusion: The number of total mortality attributed to exposure to PM2.5 resulted from the influx of dust, necessitates immediate action to solve the dust problem, as well as dissemination of all facilities and information through public media in order to educate people about how to deal with this dangerous phenomenon

    Zoning of air quality index (PM10 and PM2.5) by Arc-GIS for Khorramabad city, Iran

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    Nowadays in many countries, air pollution is one of the major issues affecting human health. Among the various air pollutants particulate matters are mainly present in ambient air pollution. The purpose of this study was to measure the concentration of particulate matter (PM) (namely PM2.5 and PM10) and to conduct zoning via GIS software in Khorramabad city (Summer – 2017). According to the findings, the average concentrations of PM2.5 in July, August and September were 100.1, 116.3, and 199.8 μg/m3, respectively. Furthermore, the average concentrations of PM10 in July, August and September were 199.8, 215.7, and 190.8 μg/m3, respectively. The findings of this study also indicated that due to continuous dust storms,particularly in recent years, the air pollution status in Khorramabad was not suitable that can adversely affect public health. Keywords: Air quality index, PM10, PM2.5, Khorramabad, GI

    Heavy metals analysis and quality assessment in drinking water – Khorramabad city, Iran

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    Continuous monitoring of drinking water quality is essential in terms of heavy metals and toxic substances. The general objective of this study were to determine the concentration of heavy metals in drinking water of Khorramabad city and to determine the water quality indices (The heavy metal pollution index and heavy metal evaluation index). According to the city map, 45 points were selected for drinking water sampling through the city distribution system. The results of this study showed that the average concentration of heavy metals such as Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu were 47.01 μg/l, 3.2 μg/l, 0.42 μg/l, 5.08 μg/l, and 6.79 μg/l, respectively. The HPI and HEI (water quality indices) for Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu were 46.58, 46.58, respectively. According to the indices, the city drinking water quality is good in terms of heavy metals. Keywords: Drinking water quality, Heavy metals, Monitoring, Khorramabad cit

    The concentration data of heavy metals in Iranian grown and imported rice and human health hazard assessment

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    The aim of this study was to review the prevalence of rice contamination to heavy metals in Iranian grown and imported rice brands by conducting a systematic review and assess the related human health risk. Multiple keywords such as ''rice, heavy metals, and Iran'' were used to search in related databases. The average concentration of Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni and Co for Iranian grown/imported rice were calculated as 0.16±0.08/0.13±0.05, 0.196±0.16/0.55±0.56, 0.046±0.002/0.057±0.0035,0.29±0.05/0.61±0.31, 26.13±10.3/3.46±2.49, 0.22±0.04/0.76±0.101, 16±7.3/2.08±0.34 and 0.29±0.047/0.29±0.07 mg kg−1, respectively. Except Co, there were significant differences between Iranian and imported rice brands. Estimated weekly intake for none of the metals exceeds the provisional tolerable weekly intake value. Accordingly, the rice types consumed in Iran have no health hazard for consumers. Keywords: Food safety, Heavy metals, Iran, Rice, Risk assessmen

    Data on fluoride concentration and health risk assessment of drinking water in Khorasan Razavi province, Iran

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    While fluoride (F) is an essential anion to keep the human body healthy, high F intake could lead to serious health problems. The monitoring of F in drinking water as the main route of F intake, is a key factor in preventing its negative health consequences. Here, we present the F levels in drinking water distribution networks of Khorasan Razavi province in Iran which collected during 2016–2017. The non-cancer human risk attributed to F in municipal and rural regions, also, estimated by calculating the chronic daily intake (CDI) and hazard quotient (HQ) for adults and children. Samples taken from drinking water distribution network in 112 different locations across the Khorasan Razavi and the F concentration determined using standard SPADNS Method. Having a minimum of 0.09 and 0.16 and a maximum of 1.7 and 1.1 mg L−1, the mean F level in municipal and rural samples were 0.74 and 0.59 mg L−1, respectively. The mean CDI values for F in municipal samples were 1.3×10−2, 3.34×10−4, and 8.56×10−6 mg kg−1day−1, for men, women, and children, respectively. The CDI for rural samples were 1.51×10−2, 3.88×10−4, and 9.96×10−6 mg kg−1day−1, for men, women, and children, respectively. The mean HQ of F for men, women, and children in municipal and rural samples were 2.17×10−1, 5.56×10−3, and 1.43×10−4, and 2.44×10−1, 6.26×10−3 and 1.61×10−4, respectively. Locations with a HQ>1, needs appropriate strategies for reducing the F level in drinking water to prevent the potential health risks. Keywords: Fluoride, Health risk assessment, Drinking water, Khorasan Razav
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