11 research outputs found

    Study of fish consumption per capita per year in rural and urban areas of Markazi Province, Iran

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    Survey method has been performed using questionnaire forms for study of fish consumption per capita per year in Markazi Province due to lack of enough data on this field in the said province. Each questionnaire was completed by asking questions from each of the families as a statistical population sample either in rural or urban areas. According to the national census in year 2008 by Iranian Statistical Center, there are 364564 families living in Markazi Province out of which 207802 (57%) families are urbanites and 156762 (43%) are ruralist. A sample with total population of 2525 families were chosen with 1455 families living in urban and 1075 families in rural areas. Systematic random sampling was adopted in both areas which show people consuming fish once in 25 days with 5.8 Kg as per capita and per year for the whole Markazi Province

    Simultaneous Impact of the Presence of Foreign MNEs on Indigenous Firms’ Exports and Domestic Sales

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    YesIncorporating the global production network approach and competitor analysis, this paper establishes an analytical framework with two hypotheses for the role of foreign multinational enterprises (FMNEs) in indigenous firms’ exports and domestic sales. First, the presence of FMNEs as a whole is likely to have a negative impact on indigenous firms’ domestic sales but a simultaneous positive impact on their exports in an emerging economy like China. Second, the presence of MNEs from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (HMT MNEs) is more likely to generate this pattern of impact than MNEs from other countries (Other FMNEs). The FDI-led export strategy contributed to the dominance of the scenario described by the first hypothesis in China, while a higher degree of market commonality and resource similarity of HMT MNEs with that of indigenous Chinese firms than Other FMNEs leads to the second hypothesis. These novel hypotheses are tested and supported by a very large and recent firm-level panel dataset from Chinese manufacturing

    Effect of Aegle Marmelos Fruit Juice Concentrate on Serum Glucose and Lipid Level and ALT/AST Activities in Diabetic Rats

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    Abstract: Introduction: This study was carried out to investigate the effect of bael (Aegle marmelos) on glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine levels and the activity of ALT and AST in the serum of diabetic rats. Method: 45 Adult male Sprague Dawley rats were selected. The rats were divided into three groups. The first group was considered as negative control (non-diabetic rats) and diabetes mellitus was induced in the remained rats by I.V. injection of alloxan (50 mg/kg BW). Following induction of diabetes mellitus 15 diabetic rats were considered as positive control and 15 ones as treatment group. Treatment group was fed with homogenous mixture of ordinary rat food and Bael concentrate (2gr/kg food)for three weeks and the remaining groups were fed with ordinary rat food. Results: Following induction of diabetes mellitus, concentration of serum glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and the activity of ALT increased significantly (P<0.01), but AST activity and creatinine concentration not varied. Food and water intake was increased and body weight of rats was decreased (p<0.01). Consumption of bael concentrate caused a significant decrease in serum glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and the activity of ALT (P<0.01), and also food and water intake was decreased (p<0.01). Conclusion: The results of this study show that Aegle marmelos concentrate exhibit hypoglycemic and hypolipidaemic effects in diabetic rats. Keywords: Aegle marmelos, Gucose, Lipid, ALT, AST, Diabetes mellitus, Ra

    Hematologic status in DMBA-induced mammary gland carcinoma in Sprague dawley rats

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    Abstract: In this study, 14 female Sprague-dawley rats 55 days old were randomly divided into two control and experimental groups. 2ml of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a] anthracene (DMBA) solution (20mg of DMBA dissolved in 2ml of corn oil) and 2ml corn oil was eaten to each animal of test and control group respectively. Tumor development was examined by milk line palpation once every week. During 3-5 months following the DMBA, mammary gland tumor was appeared in all test animals. Then complete hematologic tests were done on the tail blood sample of each animal. Six inguinal and one chest mammary gland tumors were observed in experimental group. The DMBA-induced animals showed macrocytic and hypochromic regenerative anemia. There were significant differences between two groups in WBC, RBC and platelet numbers, Hb, PCV, and the percentage of neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils and band neutrophils. The platelet count, in DMBA-induced rats was reduced significantly (P<0.05). In DMBA-induced rats neutrophilia, Lymphopenia, monocytosis, eosinopenia and basopenia were seen. Morphological abnormalities were observed in neutrophils and erythrocytes of he DMBA-induced animals and giant platelates were observed. Keywords: Hematologic parameters, Mammary gland carcinoma, DMBA, Ra

    A report of unusual diffuse nodular lesions in intestines of lambs with coccidiosis

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    Ovine and caprine coccidiosis has always been regarded as one of the important diseases with high morbidity and economic losses such as weight loss, death and costs of treatment and control. In a sheep farm, 4 sick newborn lambs (out of 10 lambs) with the age of 1 to 2 months died with clinical signs of weight loss, loss of appetite, yellowish diarrhea, fever, ruffled wool, contamination of tail and perineal area to diarrheic stool and abdominal pain at the touch of abdomen. At necropsy on one lamb, multiple and diffuse nodular hyperplastic lesions yellowish-white in color were seen in the mucosal surface of jejunum. Microscopically, in addition to hyperplasia of the small intestinal villi, various developmental stages of Eimeria were observed. Based on morphological characteristics and presence of numerous polyp like formations in small intestine, the involved protozoan species was determined as Eimeria bakuensis. The relatively high case fatality rate in this flock could be related to sever nodular lesions in the small intestines, age and immune status of the affected animals

    Effect of intravenous single dose of aminophylline on prevention of post dural puncture headache in patients who underwent spinal anesthesia : double blind randomized trial study

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    Background and Objective: Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a relatively common complication in spinal anesthesia. Several regimens had explained for treatment of this problem. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of intravenous single dose of Aminophylline (1.5mg/kg/body weight) on the incidence of PDPH in cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Materials and Methods: In a double blind randomized trial study, 120 patients undergone spinal anesthesia for the elective cesarean section in Motahhari hospital of Marvdasht in Fars province in south of Iran during 2008. After umbilical cord clamping 1.5mg/kg/body weight of Aminophylline injected slowly and intravenously in 60 patients. In placebo group (n=60) normal saline injected intravenously. At the 1st, 4th, 24th and 48th hour after surgery, PDPH in patients were evaluated. Results: The incidence of PDPH was significantly lower in cases compared with controls during the first 24 hours post operation (5% vs. 31.7%, P<0.001). Incidence of PDPH in case and control groups after 48 hours was 5% and 23.3% respectively (P<0.004). Conclusion: This study revealed that the intravenous single dose of Aminophylline (1.5mg/kg/body weight) significantly reduced PDPH after spinal anesthesia in cesarean section