45 research outputs found

    Role of Life Quality in School and Academic Self-Concept on Academic Engagement in Salas babajani fifth and Sixth Grade Students

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the life quality in school and academic self-concept on their academic engagement in Salasbabajani fifth and sixth grade students. The research method was descriptive correlational (path analysis). The population of the study consisted of all students in fifth grade and sixth grade (420) in Salas Babajany. Using Stratified random sampling method, 210 subjects (100 males and 110 females) were selected. Quality of Life School Questionnaire, academic Self-concept and academic engagement was used to collect data. The results of the analysis showed that school life quality, directly (β=0/519) and indirectly (β=0/519) through academic self-concept affects. Also, academic self-concept directly (β=0.347) effect on academic engagement. The best way to predict the academic engagement direction path of the quality of life school to academic engagement. Therefore, it can be concluded that school life quality and academic self-concept are significant variables in relation to students' academic engagement

    Study of fish consumption per capita per year in rural and urban areas of Markazi Province, Iran

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    Survey method has been performed using questionnaire forms for study of fish consumption per capita per year in Markazi Province due to lack of enough data on this field in the said province. Each questionnaire was completed by asking questions from each of the families as a statistical population sample either in rural or urban areas. According to the national census in year 2008 by Iranian Statistical Center, there are 364564 families living in Markazi Province out of which 207802 (57%) families are urbanites and 156762 (43%) are ruralist. A sample with total population of 2525 families were chosen with 1455 families living in urban and 1075 families in rural areas. Systematic random sampling was adopted in both areas which show people consuming fish once in 25 days with 5.8 Kg as per capita and per year for the whole Markazi Province

    Study and relocation of corals in developing area of Shahid Beheshty port, Chabahar

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    The conservation of coral colonies is very vital for marine organisms and human. In Chabahar Bay, the coral reefs are in danger of destruction due to the development program of Shahid Beheshti Port. In this project, over 30,000 hard corals were transported to coast of Hotel Lipar an area at a distance of 3.5-4 kms far from Shahid Beheshti Port. Also, the new techniques were used for coral reattachment and transportation. The operation has done within expert divers and consultancy of Prof. Dr. Maikle Risk. Four methods performance as pailots. Since the corals are very sensitive to turbidity and suspended sediments from land reclamation and dredging projects, therefore appropriate measures should be conducted for conservation and recovery of them.37 patches in size 5×10 meters has built with concerete. Diffent sizes of corals were separated by mechanical tools and transported to new sites and reattachment on artificial sea bottom.Three monthes after the last reattachments monitored showed that %96.93 of corals were in good health. This success was the important achievement because of innovating coral carrier and mass coral relocation. At present, the coral relocation is suggested as a good method for recovery of coral reefs after a disturbance in condition of their native habitats

    Survey of diversity, distribution, abundance and biomass of macrobenthic fauna in the southern Caspian Sea

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    The Sampling of macrobenthic communities in southeastern Caspian Sea, Iranian coast, were investigated seasonally from April to March 2012. Sampling was carried out at 8 transect as named Astara, Badar Anzali, Sefied rood, Tonekaboon, Nooshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad, Gomishan.In each transect were choice 8 stations at 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m depths respectively. Samples were taken in triplet with a 0.1m^² van Veen grab.Totally 28 macrofaunal species belonging to 10 families were identified as gamaridae (9species), corophidae (3species),psudocumidae(8 species), amphartidae (2species), balanidae, chironomidae, cardidae scorbicolaridae, nereidae, sponoidae, each one species. Polychaetes were dominated, representing 72.5% of the whole fauna while while (equal 62.4% of total abundance and 5/1%biomass) were belong to Streblospio spp. from Spionidae family. Cerastoderma lamarcki belong to bivavia consist of 2/3% total macobethos abundance and 73% biomass. Total abundance of macrobenthos of middle area were higher than east and west area in southern Caspian Sea. Average benthic population density (no/m^2) with (SE) was 4581(444 ). The benthic biomass (mg/m^2) with an overall mean of 12. 125(02). Spatial and temporal variations of benthos. In the present study showed, maximum abundance Macrobenthos 17855(5543) no/m^2) were recorded in 20 meter depths at Nooshahr trancect , while minimum 841(109 )in 10 meter depths at Amirabad trancect p<0.05. Maximum biomass 135.10(126) g/m^2 were obtained at 10m depths in Astara minimum 0.51(0.4) ) g/m^2 at 5m depths in Nooshahr transect . maximum were obtained in winter and minimum in summer Number of species varied 3 to 18 , Generally, minimum species diversity were obtained at 20 m depth in Tonekabon transects and the maximum value was observed at 100 m depth of sefeidrood variations physicochemical factors were between salinity 12.5to12.9ppt ,temperature 8-19˚c and PH 8.1 dissolve oxygen 69-101mg/li. Total secondary production calculated, according ,104/996g AFDW/m^2/yr.Maximum were recorded in 10meter depth (30/381AFDW/m^2/yr) and minimum at 50 meter depth(11/007g AFDW/m^2/yr) respectively. Average total organic matter were 3/18 percent in sample periods. Percent of total organic matter (TOM) were low in 5 and 10 m depths and increased toward offshore depths. TOM percent was 1/67(0.11 ) at 5 m depth and increased to 4/38(0.13 )in 100 m depth. Average total silt &clay were 68/63(2.97) percent in sample periods. Positive significant relation was between silt &clay and total organic matter. Macrobenthos community reduce in high silt clay and high sandy contents. Due to increase of streptolosbio.spp, monitoring program for understanding effect of this organism on ecosystem and on fish feeding is necessary

    On Configuring Hierarchical Storage Structures

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    The rapid progress in mass storage technology is enabling designers to implement large databases for a variety of applications. The possible configurations of the hierarchical storage structures (HSS) are numerous and result in various tradeoffs, e.g., storage cost, throughput, initial latency, etc. A naive design might waste system resources and result in high cost. For example, one naive design decision is to add disk caches for those applications whose bandwidth is already satisfied by the tertiary storage device and can tolerate a high latency

    Analyze the Relationships Between Inputs and Scale Economies in Potato Production in Ardabil Province

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    Potato is one of the agriculture important products in Ardebil province that about 24 thousand hectares of land in this province allocated to this product. Based on available evidence, consumption of inputs in the production process in this region is not optimal and producing does not do according to the principles of production economics. This study aims to explain the production structure and the economies of scale. the required data collected by questionnaire from 156 Ardebil potatoes farmer in 1389 year. To this end, the Translog cost function with cost share equations was utilized by SURE technique. Results showed that own price elasticities of seed, labor and machines inputs are negative, and the labor and seed inputs have complementary relationship with machine input, while water input has substitution relationship with seed, labor and machine inputs. Finally, the cost elasticity is 0/69 which indicates there is economies of scale in the process of production

    The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Value-Added Agriculture: Approach of Vector Autoregresive Bayesian Model (BVAR)

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    There are different ideas and opinions about the effects of macroeconomic variables on real and nominal variables. To answer the question of whether changes in macroeconomic variables as a political tool is useful over a business cycle, understanding the effect of macroeconomic variables on economic growth is important. In the present study, the Bayesian Vector autoregresive model and seasonality data for the years between 1991 and 2013 was used to determine the impact of monetary policy on value-added agriculture. Predicts of Vector autoregresive model are usually divertaed due to a lot of parameters in the model. Bayesian vector autoregresive model estimates more reliable predictions due to reducing the number of included parametrs and considering the former models. Compared to the Vector Autoregressive model, the coefficients are estimated more accurately. Based on the results of RMSE in this study, previous function Nrmal-Vyshart was identified as a suitable previous disteribution. According to the results of the impulse response function, the sudden effects of shocks in macroeconomic variables on the value added in agriculture and domestic venture capital are stable. The effects on the exchange rates, tax revenues and monetary will bemoderated after 7, 5 and 4periods. Monetary policy shocks ,in the first half of the year, increased the value added of agriculture, while in the second half of the year had a depressing effect on the value added

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Non-Mechanical Practices of Soil Conservation Among Dry Farmers: A Case Study of the Izeh Township-Iran

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    The present study investigates the factors that influence the adoption of soil conservation measures among the dry farmers of Izeh Township, Iran. The study was conducted during 2008/2009 in the district. Data were collected by fulfillment of 178 questionnaires. Data analysis was done with estimating Logit regression models. Results of regression models for adoption of soil conservation measures showed that total farm size, believes in the impact of control measures on soil erosion, slope of land, soil fertility, participation in training programs of soil conservation and land ownership type and contact with agricultural promoters and experts, positively affect farmers’ decision to adoption measures. While, age, education and distance of the farms from residential areas, negatively influence farmers’ adoption decision. With respect to the results, the training of soil conservation to increase farmers' awareness and technical knowledge of farmers about the effects of erosion and soil conservation measures is necessary

    Testing the Law of One Price under Nonlinearity for Egg Market of Selected Provinces of Iran

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    Introduction: Regarding to the ever-increasing consumption of egg and consequently enhancement of its production during recent years, consideration to this output's market integration has special importance. Considering the fact that information on market integration may provide specific evidence as to the competitiveness of market, the effectiveness of arbitrage and the efficiency of pricing could be, likewise, useful to guide subsequent interventions aimed at improving the performance of market. In this context, in present study, validity of Law of One Price (LOP) will be tested in the egg market and among selected provinces. Materials and Methods: Nonlinearity naturally extracted from local market due to existence of transportation and other transaction costs, so common cointegration test results are not suitable for market integration. In this study, at first, for being sure that series follow nonlinear behavior, Luukkonen et al. (1988) and BDS nonlinearity tests were used. Then for testing Law of One price in the egg market, nonlinear unit root test proposed by Emmanouilides and Fousekis (2012), which is an auxiliary regression for ESTAR model, was used. The data are daily retail prices of egg with the sample period ranging from April 2006 to march 2014 for north-west provinces of Iran including West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardebil, Tehran and Zanjan, which were obtained from State Live Stock Affairs Logistics Incorporated Company. Results and Discussion: Based on the DF-GLS unit root test, the null hypothesis of unit root for egg price differentials was rejected. So, all series of price differentials are stationary. In the next step nonlinearity of price differentials of egg between two provinces was examined. In BDS test, at the beginning, an ARMA model was estimated then the test was carried out to the residual of estimated model with embedding dimension (m) 2-8 and the dimensional distance (ε) chosen equals to 0.5 and 2 times of standard deviation of the data. Based on the results from this test and Luukkonen et al. (1988) test, null of linearity was rejected and existent of nonlinear relation between series was confirmed. Then, existence of a unit root in price differential series was carried out by nonlinear method. The results showed that mentioned markets are well integrated and LOP holds in all market pairs in a way that strong version of LOP holds for all market pairs except Tehran-Ardebil that weak version LOP holds for them. Conclusion: Results of this study showed that there is full transmission of shocks among selected provinces and implies that the markets considered are well integrated. It means that arbitrage activities profitably use existent opportunities and enhance economic efficiency. Moreover, the egg markets in selected provinces are taken into account as a unit market so if the government performs any kind of policy in one of these provinces (in the context of considered market), the effects of that policy will be transferred to other provinces and the welfare of consumers and producers in these provinces will be affected. Therefore, it is recommended to policy makers to regard this fact while they are choosing any new policy and to be aware of adopting the policies regionally