7 research outputs found

    Pride and popcorn: consuming the idea of community at film screenings in the Turkish diaspora

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    A range of studies have revealed the interrelatedness of identity construction, community formation and media among diasporas, mostly focusing on domestic contexts. Seeking to add further nuance to the understanding of the social lives of diasporas, we concentrate on media culture in the public environment of the film theatre. The significance of diasporic film consumption is investigated through a local audience study of Turkish film screenings in Antwerp. The phenomenon of the screenings was analysed through a multi-method approach, including 536 questionnaires among audiences, 19 in-depth interviews and 3 group interviews, along with previous findings (on distribution and exploitation) of the same project. The results show that Turkish films are almost exclusively attended by people with Turkish roots, creating a Turkish diasporic space within the boundaries of the urban and the public. The audience study shows that the screenings fulfil a major social role but also affect understandings of community

    The quest for credibility and other motives for news consumption among ethnically diverse youths in Flanders. A culture-centered approach

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis study investigated online and offline news consumption among Turkish (N = 539), Moroccan (N = 482) and Flemish (N = 753) youngsters between the ages of 12 and 19 as well as the motivations behind their news use. The potentially explanatory role of culture-specific and socio-demographic antecedents was examined. The results showed that news plays a more prominent role in Moroccan and Turkish youngsters' lives than in that of native Flemish youth. A striking finding was that Dutch television news is primarily looked at, particularly by the Moroccans, for its perceived credibility and for its function as a guide through the world. Flemish youngsters' most prevalent motives for news consumption on television are its intriguing content as well as the information it provides to talk about with peers and family members

    Media as managers of diversity?

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