98 research outputs found

    Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Reveals Auditory and Frontal Cortical Regions Involved with Speech Perception and Loudness Adaptation

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    Considerable progress has been made in the treatment of hearing loss with auditory implants. However, there are still many implanted patients that experience hearing deficiencies, such as limited speech understanding or vanishing perception with continuous stimulation (i.e., abnormal loudness adaptation). The present study aims to identify specific patterns of cerebral cortex activity involved with such deficiencies. We performed O-15-water positron emission tomography (PET) in patients implanted with electrodes within the cochlea, brainstem, or midbrain to investigate the pattern of cortical activation in response to speech or continuous multi-tone stimuli directly inputted into the implant processor that then delivered electrical patterns through those electrodes. Statistical parametric mapping was performed on a single subject basis. Better speech understanding was correlated with a larger extent of bilateral auditory cortex activation. In contrast to speech, the continuous multi-tone stimulus elicited mainly unilateral auditory cortical activity in which greater loudness adaptation corresponded to weaker activation and even deactivation. Interestingly, greater loudness adaptation was correlated with stronger activity within the ventral prefrontal cortex, which could be up-regulated to suppress the irrelevant or aberrant signals into the auditory cortex. The ability to detect these specific cortical patterns and differences across patients and stimuli demonstrates the potential for using PET to diagnose auditory function or dysfunction in implant patients, which in turn could guide the development of appropriate stimulation strategies for improving hearing rehabilitation. Beyond hearing restoration, our study also reveals a potential role of the frontal cortex in suppressing irrelevant or aberrant activity within the auditory cortex, and thus may be relevant for understanding and treating tinnitus

    Quantitative techniques in 18FDG PET scanning in oncology

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    The clinical applications of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in oncology are becoming established. While simple static scanning techniques are used for the majority of routine clinical examinations, increasing use of PET in clinical trials to monitor treatment response with 18FDG and novel tracers reflecting different pharmacodynamic end points, often necessitates a more complex and quantitative analysis of radiopharmaceutical kinetics. A wide range of PET analysis techniques exist, ranging from simple visual analysis and semiquantitative methods to full dynamic studies with kinetic analysis. These methods are discussed, focusing particularly on the available methodologies that can be utilised in clinical trials

    Partial volume correction strategies for quantitative FDG PET in oncology

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    Purpose: Quantitative accuracy of positron emission tomography (PET) is affected by partial volume effects resulting in increased underestimation of the standardized uptake value (SUV) with decreasing tumour volume. The purpose of the present study was to assess accuracy and precision of different partial volume correction (PVC) methods. Methods: Three methods for PVC were evaluated: (1) inclusion of the point spread function (PSF) within the reconstruction, (2) iterative deconvolution of PET images and (3) calculation of spill-in and spill-out factors based on tumour masks. Simulations were based on a mathematical phantom with tumours of different sizes and shapes. Phantom experiments were performed in 2-D mode using the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NU2 image quality phantom containing six differently sized spheres. Clinical studies (2-D mode) included a test-retest study consisting of 10 patients with stage IIIB and IV non-small cell lung cancer and a response monitoring study consisting of 15 female breast cancer patients. In all studies tumour or sphere volumes of interest (VOI) were generated using VOI based on adaptive relative thresholds. Results: Simulations and experiments provided similar results. All methods were able to accurately recover true SUV within 10% for spheres equal to and larger than 1 ml. Reconstruction-based recovery, however, provided up to twofold better precision than image-based methods. Cl

    Calibration test of PET scanners in a multi-centre clinical trial on breast cancer therapy monitoring using 18F-FLT.

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    UNLABELLED: A multi-centre trial using PET requires the analysis of images acquired on different systems We designed a multi-centre trial to estimate the value of 18F-FLT-PET to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. A calibration check of each PET-CT and of its peripheral devices was performed to evaluate the reliability of the results. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 11 centres were investigated. Dose calibrators were assessed by repeated measurements of a 68Ge certified source. The differences between the clocks associated with the dose calibrators and inherent to the PET systems were registered. The calibration of PET-CT was assessed with an homogeneous cylindrical phantom by comparing the activities per unit of volume calculated from the dose calibrator measurements with that measured on 15 Regions of Interest (ROIs) drawn on 15 consecutive slices of reconstructed filtered back-projection (FBP) images. Both repeatability of activity concentration based upon the 15 ROIs (ANOVA-test) and its accuracy were evaluated. RESULTS: There was no significant difference for dose calibrator measurements (median of difference -0.04%; min = -4.65%; max = +5.63%). Mismatches between the clocks were less than 2 min in all sites and thus did not require any correction, regarding the half life of 18F. For all the PET systems, ANOVA revealed no significant difference between the activity concentrations estimated from the 15 ROIs (median of difference -0.69%; min = -9.97%; max = +9.60%). CONCLUSION: No major difference between the 11 centres with respect to calibration and cross-calibration was observed. The reliability of our 18F-FLT multi-centre clinical trial was therefore confirmed from the physical point of view. This type of procedure may be useful for any clinical trial involving different PET systems

    Deep Brain Stimulation of Nucleus Accumbens Region in Alcoholism Affects Reward Processing

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    The influence of bilateral deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the nucleus nucleus (NAcc) on the processing of reward in a gambling paradigm was investigated using H2[15O]-PET (positron emission tomography) in a 38-year-old man treated for severe alcohol addiction. Behavioral data analysis revealed a less risky, more careful choice behavior under active DBS compared to DBS switched off. PET showed win- and loss-related activations in the paracingulate cortex, temporal poles, precuneus and hippocampus under active DBS, brain areas that have been implicated in action monitoring and behavioral control. Except for the temporal pole these activations were not seen when DBS was deactivated. These findings suggest that DBS of the NAcc may act partially by improving behavioral control

    Voraussetzungen für die Quantifizierung in der Emissions-Tomographie

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    Die Quantifizierung bei nuklearmedizinischen Untersuchungen bedeutet die Ermittlung der Aktivitätskonzentration im Gewebe und gegebenenfalls in einem weiteren Schritt die Bestimmung parametrischer Größen zur physiologischen Quantifizierung. Unter der Voraussetzung der korrekten Funktion des Gerätes (Qualitätskontrolle, Normalisierung, Kalibrierung) ist für die Quantifizierung die Anwendung folgender Korrekturen notwendig: Totzeit-, Absorptions-, Streustrahlungs- und ggf. Recovery-Korrektur wie auch Korrektur von zufälligen Koinzidenzen. Aus messtechnischer Sicht basiert die Überlegenheit der PET gegenüber der SPECT auf den Vorteilen des Einsatzes des Koinzidenznachweises (elektronische Kollimierung) anstelle der mechanischen Kollimierung in entsprechend konstruierten ringförmigen Systemen, welche sich in überlegenen physikalischen Abbildungseigenschaften niederschlägt. Der primäre Vorteil der elektronischen Kollimierung ist eine bessere und mehr stationäre räumliche Auflösung, gepaart mit einer höheren Meßempfindlichkeit, welche zu statistisch aussagefähigerer Bildqualität führt, und die Möglichkeit einer geradlinigen, aber präzisen Form der Absorptionskorrektur auf der Basis gemessener Transmissionsdaten. Weitere Vorteile sind ein deutlich verringerter Streustrahlungsanteil, welcher in Verbindung mit den vorstehend genannten Eigenschaften zu kontrast- und detailreicheren Bildern führt, sowie eine deutliche Steigerung der Zählratenkapazität, die durch eine Steigerung der Anzahl der voneinander unabhängigen Zählkanäle bei Verwendung der üblichen Blockdetektoren erreicht wird und die es erlaubt, die gesteigerte Ausbeute ohne einen Zwang zur Aktivitätsreduktion in statistische Bildqualität umzusetzen. Die dargestellten Eigenschaften gestatten dann in Verbindung mit gut entwickelten Korrekturverfahren eine Kalibrierung des PET-Systems und damit die quantitative Analyse von in vivo gemessenen Aktivitätskonzentrationen. Berücksichtigt man die Problematik der Absorptions- und Streustrahlungskorrektur bei der SPECT, so ergibt sich als Folgerung, dass bei der Tomographie mit der Gammakamera eine Quantifizierung nicht möglich ist. Aufgrund der Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Rekonstruktions- und Korrekturverfahren kann damit gerechnet werden, dass die Abbildungseigenschaften von SPECT-Systemen verbessert werden, so dass viele Limitationen der SPECT-Technik zumindest abgemildert werden dürften, die Leistung der PET-Geräte aus physikalischen Gründen jedoch nicht erreicht werden kann.Quantifying in nuclear medicine examinations is equivalent to the determination of local activity concentrations in human tissue and, if appropriate, in an additional step the determination of quantitative physiological parameters. Provided that the instrument is in proper working conditions (quality control, normalization, calibration) quantification requires the application of the following corrections for: dead time, attenuation, scatter and, if applicable, recovery as well as random coincidences. From the physical point of view the superiority of PET over SPECT is based on the advantages offered by coincidence detection (electronic collimation) as compared to mechanical collimation. For ring-type systems of the appropriate design these advantages result in superior imaging quality. The main advantage of the aforementioned electronic collimation is given by a better and more stationary spatial resolution, accompanied by a higher sensitivity resulting in an improved statistical image quality, and an attenuation correction method based on measured transmission data, which is straightforward and accurate. Further advantages are a markedly reduced scatter fraction, leading in combination with the aforementioned properties to images of high contrast and high detail, and a pronounced improvement in count rate performance, caused by an increased number of independent counting channels when using state-of-the-art block detectors. This higher count rate performance allows to transform increased sensitivity without being obliged to reduce administered activity into improved statistical image quality. In conjunction with well established correction methods the physical properties of PET described allow for a calibration of the system and, therefore, for a quantitative analysis of activity concentrations in vivo. Realizing the problems associated with attenuation and scatter correction in gamma camera based tomography leads to the conclusion that quantification in SPECT is not feasible. Taking into account further progress in reconstruction algorithms and correction methods, improvements in SPECT imaging quality may be anticipated thereby diminishing current limitations of the SPECT technique. Nevertheless, by physical arguments the performance of PET cannot be achieved
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