495 research outputs found

    Recent Developments in Veterinary Anatomy at Iowa State College

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    A check on figures reveals that the credit hours in gross anatomy have been gradually reduced from 27 credit hours in 1930 to 15 credit hours in 1952. Histology, which was listed as 4 credits in 1930, has increased to 14 credits in 1952. These figures compare favorably with the credit hours offered in the various anatomy departments throughout the country today. Dr. Merchant (Dean of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State College) and the Curriculum Committee made a rather thorough study a few years ago of the credit hours allocated to all the subjects in the four professional years in the various veterinary institutions. This figure is also within the 15 to 17 per cent clock-hours recommendation of the A.V.M.A. Council on Education as listed in the 1952 directory. However, we must admit we cannot hope to cover as completely the anatomy of the horse in one quarter when formerly two years were devoted to its study

    Visual Aids and Their Application To the Teaching of Veterinary Medicine

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    Within the past two decades, the scope of veterinary anatomy instruction has been broadened to include not only the detailed study of the horse, but also that of each of the domesticated animals as well. However, the over-all trend throughout the country has been to decrease the allotted time for dissection. This has resulted in a wide discrepancy between the vast amount of material that each student is expected to master and the time which is allotted him to accomplish this feat. Today, we are attempting to teach the anatomy of more than half a dozen animals in less time than was formerly allotted to the horse alone

    A Miniature Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for in Situ Analysis of Mars Surface Composition and Identification of Hazard in Advance of Future Manned Exploration

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    Future landed missions to Mars will be guided by two strategic directions: (1) sample return to Earth, for comprehensive compositional analyses, as recommended by the 2011 NRC Planetary Decadal Survey; and (2) preparation for human exploration in the 2030s and beyond, as laid out by US space policy. The resultant mission architecture will likely require high-fidelity in situ chemical/organic sample analyses within an extremely constrained resource envelope. Both science goals (e.g., MEPAG Goal 1, return sample selection, etc.) as well as identification of any potential toxic and biological hazards to humans, must be addressed. Over the past several years of instrument development, we have found that the adaptable, compact, and highly capable technique of laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LD-TOF-MS) has significant potential to contribute substantially to these dual objectives. This concept thus addresses Challenge Area 1: instrumentation and Investigation Approaches

    Vascular Health in American Football Players: Cardiovascular Risk Increased in Division III Players

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    Studies report that football players have high blood pressure (BP) and increased cardiovascular risk. There are over 70,000 NCAA football players and 450 Division III schools sponsor football programs, yet limited research exists on vascular health of athletes. This study aimed to compare vascular and cardiovascular health measures between football players and nonathlete controls. Twenty-three athletes and 19 nonathletes participated. Vascular health measures included flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). Cardiovascular measures included clinic and 24 hr BP levels, body composition, VO2 max, and fasting glucose/cholesterol levels. Compared to controls, football players had a worse vascular and cardiovascular profile. Football players had thicker carotid artery IMT (0.49 ± 0.06 mm versus 0.46 ± 0.07 mm) and larger brachial artery diameter during FMD (4.3 ± 0.5 mm versus 3.7 ± 0.6 mm), but no difference in percent FMD. Systolic BP was significantly higher in football players at all measurements: resting (128.2 ± 6.4 mmHg versus 122.4 ± 6.8 mmHg), submaximal exercise (150.4 ± 18.8 mmHg versus 137.3 ± 9.5 mmHg), maximal exercise (211.3 ± 25.9 mmHg versus 191.4 ± 19.2 mmHg), and 24-hour BP (124.9 ± 6.3 mmHg versus 109.8 ± 3.7 mmHg). Football players also had higher fasting glucose (91.6 ± 6.5 mg/dL versus 86.6 ± 5.8 mg/dL), lower HDL (36.5±11.2 mg/dL versus 47.1±14.8 mg/dL), and higher body fat percentage (29.2±7.9% versus 23.2±7.0%). Division III collegiate football players remain an understudied population and may be at increased cardiovascular risk

    Development of a Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) Investigation for Future Planetary Surface Missions

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    Future surface missions to Mars and other planetary bodies will benefit from continued advances in miniature sensor and sample handling technologies that enable high-performance chemical analyses of natural samples. Fine-scale (approx.1 mm and below) analyses of rock surfaces and interiors, such as exposed on a drill core, will permit (1) the detection of habitability markers including complex organics in association with their original depositional environment, and (2) the characterization of successive layers and gradients that can reveal the time-evolution of those environments. In particular, if broad-based and highly-sensitive mass spectrometry techniques could be brought to such scales, the resulting planetary science capability would be truly powerful. The Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) investigation is designed to conduct fine-scale organic and inorganic analyses of short (approx.5-10 cm) rock cores such as could be acquired by a planetary lander or rover arm-based drill. LITMS combines both pyrolysis/gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GCMS) of sub-sampled core fines, and laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) of the intact core surface, using a common mass analyzer, enhanced from the design used in the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) instrument on the 2018 ExoMars rover. LITMS additionally features developments based on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) investigation on MSL and recent NASA-funded prototype efforts in laser mass spectrometry, pyrolysis, and precision subsampling. LITMS brings these combined capabilities to achieve its four measurement objectives: (1) Organics: Broad Survey Detect organic molecules over a wide range of molecular weight, volatility, electronegativity, concentration, and host mineralogy. (2) Organic: Molecular Structure Characterize internal molecular structure to identify individual compounds, and reveal functionalization and processing. (3) Inorganic Host Environment Assess the local chemical/mineralogical makeup of organic host phases to help determine deposition and preservation factors. (4) Chemical Stratigraphy Analyze the fine spatial distribution and variation of key species with depth

    Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater

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    Signet-ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) of the ampulla of Vater is a very rare case and only 28 cases have beed reported in the English literature. Herein, we report a 59-year-old woman with SRCC of the ampulla of Vater. She developed symptoms of obstructive jaundice at early stage of disease and underwent pylorus-preserving Whipple procedure as definitive treatment. Histopathology examination showed numerous tumor cells with intracytoplasmic mucin and eccentric nuclei. Her tumor has already invaded the serosa of duodenum, but no infiltration to the stomach, pancreas, and lymphovascular structure. Her surgical margins and regional lymph nodes were free of tumor. She was diagnosed with T2N0M0 SRCC of the ampulla of Vater. No adjuvant treatment was given and she has been doing well for five months after surgery

    It's a Trap! A Review of MOMA and Other Ion Traps in Space or Under Development

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    Since the Viking Program, quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) instruments have been used to explore a wide survey of planetary targets in our solar system, including (from the inner to outer reaches): Venus (Pioneer); our moon (LADEE); Mars (Viking, Phoenix, and Mars Science Laboratory); and, Saturns largest moon Titan (Cassini-Huygens). More recently, however, ion trap mass spectrometer (ITMS) instruments have found a niche as smaller, versatile alternatives to traditional quadrupole mass analyzers, capable of in situ characterization of planetary environments and the search for organic matter. For example, whereas typical QMS systems are limited to a mass range up to 500 Da and normally require multiple RF frequencies and pressures of less than 10(exp -6) mbar for optimal operation, ITMS instruments commonly reach upwards of 1000 Da or more on a single RF frequency, and function in higher pressure environments up to 10(exp -3) mbar

    Laser Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Future In Situ Planetary Missions

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    Laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LD-TOF-MS) is a versatile, low-complexity instrument class that holds significant promise for future landed in situ planetary missions that emphasize compositional analysis of surface materials. Here we describe a 5kg-class instrument that is capable of detecting and analyzing a variety of analytes directly from rock or ice samples. Through laboratory studies of a suite of representative samples, we show that detection and analysis of key mineral composition, small organics, and particularly, higher molecular weight organics are well suited to this instrument design. A mass range exceeding 100,000 Da has recently been demonstrated. We describe recent efforts in instrument prototype development and future directions that will enhance our analytical capabilities targeting organic mixtures on primitive and icy bodies. We present results on a series of standards, simulated mixtures, and meteoritic samples

    Plasma Electronics

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    Contains reports on ten research projects.U. S. Air Force under Contract AF 19(628)-500U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT(30-1)-3211U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT(30-1)-3221National Science Foundation (Grant G-24073)Lincoln Laboratory, Purchase Order DDL BB-10