637 research outputs found

    Repeatability of the measurement of the horizontal phoria in near vision with cover test and modified thorington method

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    Objectiu- Estudiar la repetibilitat del cover test alternant i el mètode modificat de Thorington. Mètode- En aquest estudi han participat 10 persones joves i sanes amb agudesa visual de prop igual o superior a 20/20 amb la seva correcció habitual. El cover test es va realitzar amb un test a 40 cm d'agudesa visual de 20/25 i màxima il·luminació. Thorington es va realitzar a 40 cm amb la vareta Maddox davant de l'ull dret i la targeta corresponent, la il·luminació de la sala era reduïda. Ambdues mesures es van realizar dues vegades pel mateix examinador amb un interval de 24 hores. L'anàlisi estadística es va realitzar amb la versió SPSS 22.0. Resultats- La mitjana absoluta de les diferències i la desviació estàndard entre les mesures del cover test va ser d'1.000±0.943 i 0.400±0.943 per Thorington (p=0.000). Bland & Altman mostren que hi ha una diferència d'aproximadament 0,5 entre les dues proves delcovertest i no hi ha diferència apreciable entre les dues mesures amb el mètode de Thorington. S'obté una bona concordança en tots dos mètodes. Conclusions- El cover test alternant i Thorington modificat van presentar una bona repetibilitat intraexaminador en visió de prop. Tots dos mètodes són precisos per quantificar la fòria en visió propera

    Balanced centricity and triads: strategies to reach ecosystem equilibrium in the arts sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether triads structure can facilitate or inhibit the evolution into a service ecosystem. The triad structure and the institutions that dominate the triads will determine the evolution into ecosystem, remain as triad or die. “Balanced centricity” in considered a desirable institution that increases the possibility for transforming triads into ecosystems through marketing equilibrium.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Balanced Innovation Model. The case of Crowdfunding platforms.

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    Purpose – The paper aims to analyze balanced centricity (Gummesson, 2008) as an institutional arrangement (Vargo and Lusch, 2016) fostering the innovation process by taking out the customer from the central positioning to involve other business partners. The practices of actors’ service ecosystem are put in focus (Russo Spena et al., 2017; Tronvoll, 2017). Methodology–. Qualitative case study research was conducted using different methods of data generation including personal interviews and netnography analysis of the crowdfunding context. fifteen cases on the crowdfunding context from five different platforms and in four different countries were analysed. Research limitations/implications (if applicable) –The empirical approach considers fifteensuccess cases on the crowdfunding context in four different platforms and countries. Other contexts, different from the crowdfunding and other countries would be useful to add new perspectives to the theory development. Originality– The present paper defines a theoretical Model for Balanced Innovation, that brings together the concepts “Balanced Centricity”, “Innovation” and “Service ecosystems”. Hitherto, it offers a basis for designing systems of value co-creation which aims to facilitate innovation through institutionalization and value co-creation in viable service ecosystems.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The role of network ties in reaching radical innovation

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze how institutions can facilitate or inhibit radical innovation. The authors maintain that organizational radical innovation is necessary to maintain a competitive advantage and evolve in the market place, and institutions are the basis of this innovation. From an innovation and Service Dominant Logic perspective, the authors propose network ties to be a determining factor for the achievement of innovation through institutionalization in the University knowledge management context.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Repercusiones en el pie del patrĂłn de marcha del adulto con obesidad

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podología, Escola Universitaria d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Manuel Pérez QuirosLa obesidad en adultos es un problema de salud pública creciente. El exceso de peso provoca alteraciones biomecánicas en las articulaciones de las extremidades inferiores y contribuye a la aparición de patología. Los adultos que presentan sobrepeso u obesidad tienen un condicionante que provoca unas alteraciones vasculares y metabólicas que condicionan la salud de los pies. También provoca una pérdida de autonomía que supone unas limitaciones para el cuidado de los pies. Esta revisión se centra en las alteraciones que provoca la obesidad en el patrón de marcha y las consecuencias que esas alteraciones pueden tener sobre el pie y sobre la extremidad inferior

    Value proposition as a framework for value co-creation in crowd-funding ecosystem

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    The present paper suggests that crowd-funding in the arts and cultural sector occurs within a complex service ecosystem, where six categories of value propositions frame eight value co-creation processes, namely through ideation, evaluation, design, testing, launch, financing and authorship. Managerial contributions include the development of a crowd-funding service ecosystem model for arts managers, which offers not only a method of financing or economic value, but which also offers opportunities for strengthening bonds with customers and other stakeholders. Our paper is innovative in that we integrate value propositions categories with the micro – meso and macro contexts and analyse the different kind of co-creation are framed in the crowdfunding contextUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rust, Mold, and Cracks: Post-Dualist Approaches on Spaces and Images

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    Using the piece of video art “Rust, Mold, and Cracks”, created by the author, this paper addresses questions related to space, ruins, and different temporalities. Calling upon the authors Georg Simmel and Milton Santos, the text proposes an approach to ruins that goes further than dualist concepts such as abandoned/not abandoned, or modern/outdated. It also discusses the role of Nature in this scenario. In light of this situation, space and time are under mutable reorganisation, as pointed out by David Harvey. Different arrangements between them shall produce diverse modernities. Considering images as objects resulting from this spatiotemporal modification, this article comments on their accumulation

    The innomediary role of University in shaping the start-up ecosystem

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    Start-up companies are increasingly growing by exploiting disruptive ideas and recent digital technologies. As of November 2018, there are about 9,000 innovative start-ups in Italy, leading the employment rate to grow up above 5% per semester, with about 40,000 shareholders and over 12,000 employees (Sole 24 Ore, 2018). Many scholars investigated the growing phenomenon of start-ups in last decade (Petretto, 2009; Blank, 2013; Cohen et al., 2019) highlighting the most relevant features as the drivers of success (Scagnelli et al., 2018), the control systems (Samagaio et al., 2018) and the role of actors in shaping the start-up ecosystem (Sipola et al., 2016). Multiple actors participate in start-up ecosystems by integrating their resources and competences (Krajcik and Formanek 2015): start-uppers, policy makers, venture capitalists and other risk capital providers, as well as incubators and accelerators. In detail, start-up business incubators are structures designed to stimulate and support the birth of new business activities through the offer of physical resources, logistics services, active managerial assistance, access to privileged financing channels and support in the use of technical services (Boschetti 2003). Some of the advantages brought by accelerators have been investigated by scholars (Kanbach and Stubner, 2016) and categorized as a focus wider than the business idea itself such as the involvement of equity, the support during the venture stage, and overall help in organizing business activities. Among accelerators an interesting role is performed by universities. However, it is a quite new phenomenon, still unexplored, further research has been called for (Colombo et al., 2018). Most of studies indeed focus on the relationship between universities and young companies in term of spin-offs, education/training activities and technology transfer (Shane, 2003, Petretto, 2009; Dempwolf et al., 2014). Due to the novelty of these supports,Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Collective consumption and co-creation in a crowdfunding community.

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    Collective consumption studies how the co-presence of multiple consumers affects the experience of each other (Bruce et al., 2019). This paper studies the role of peers in online communities, with the goal of understanding how resources are integrated to co-create value in a service ecosystem. We chose rewards-based crowdfunding as the context of the research due to its interactive, participative, and informal nature. Research Design and Methods We conducted a qualitative study to gauge the informal exchanges among the members of communities. The first step was a netnographic analysis of an important online forum built around the crowdfunding of collectibles, gathering messages referring to potential integration of resources. We then analyzed these messages as recommended by the Gioia Methodology (Corley and Gioia, 2011), by aggregating the data according to theory- and researcher-centered concepts and later developing a grounded theoretical model. Findings and Results We found that crowdfunding communities can be interpreted as collective actors since they share a collective identity. This result was achieved by applying the definition of actor in Service Dominant Logic, as a resource-integrator and value co-creator (Koskela-Huotari and Siltaloppi, 2020). We analyzed the resources that were shared by the community, as well as the value co-creation that would not happen without them. Besides the eight kinds of co-creation that were known to happen in crowdfunding (Quero and Ventura, 2019), we identified a ninth type that is unique to communities, co-inspiration: “the value co-created by a community that allows the formation of a shared set of opinions. These practices can instruct the ideal behavior for new and old actors of the ecosystem and inspire them to try different roles”.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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