86 research outputs found

    The Wall in the Mind - Revisited Stable Differences in the Political Cultures of Western and Eastern Germany

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    Do lasting differences in the political cultures of social subgroups call into question the legitimacy of democracy? This danger has been discussed for three decades now, always in the run up to German Unity Day, which marks the reunification of Germany in 1990. Is there still a 'wall in people's minds', as postulated in the late 1990s? This article examines the question comparatively and over time: Do political cultures and their main political attitudes still differ between Western and Eastern Germany 30 years after reunification? And, if so, to what extent? Using an extended concept of political support, we analyse East-West differences by drawing on different data material from representative surveys. What we show that there is no deficit of legitimacy in Eastern Germany in terms of democracy. Nevertheless, there are consistent East-West differences in terms of people's satisfaction with democracy as it is currently practised. These differences can be explained neither by existing socio-economic and socio-structural inequalities between Eastern and Western Germany, and nor by feelings of nostalgia for socialism. Rather, they are due to a combination of feelings of disadvantage, of a lack of recognition, and corresponding narratives that can draw on objective manifestations of inequality

    Religious plurality in Germany: attitudes and their determining factors

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    Germany is presently transforming into a modern immigration state, leaving behind its image of a “guest worker” country. Parallely, it is confronted with growing religious plurality and rising religious conflicts. Moreover, religious labeling of groups other than the Christian or undenominational majority population becomes more significant. Against this background, the paper discusses the views of the population in Germany towards religious plurality, practices of religious minorities as well as attitudes towards members of different religious groups. The results reveal a considerable amount of negative attitudes towards foreign religious groups in Germany. More specifically, Islam and Muslims are mostly viewed as negative by the German population. Structural equation models with manifest variables show that, in particular, the frequency of contacts have positive impacts on attitudes towards people of different religious affiliations

    Nicht nur die Politiker zĂ€hlen: einige vergleichende Ergebnisse ĂŒber die Demokratisierung in Osteuropa im Zeitverlauf mit Hilfe der Central and Eastern Eurobarometer

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    'Seit dem Umbruch in Osteuropa gilt die Aufmerksamkeit vieler Wissenschaftler der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der neuen Demokratien in dieser Region. Eine große Zahl an einschlĂ€gigen Publikationen unterstreicht dies. Bemerkenswerterweise existieren aber nur begrenzt empirische Vergleichsanalysen zur Situation und Entwicklung des Demokratisierungsprozesses in der Phase der Transformation. Insbesondere die Einstellungsstrukturen der Bevölkerung in den neuen Demokratien Osteuropas und ihre politische UnterstĂŒtzungsbereitschaft werden nur in wenigen Forschungsprojekten nĂ€her behandelt. Daß es sich dabei nicht unbedingt um einen Mangel an vergleichendem Datenmaterial handelt, zeigt beispielsweise ein Blick auf die Central and Eastern Eurobarometer Reihe, welche zeitlich vergleichende Analysen zum Demokratisierungsprozeß in fast allen osteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern zulĂ€ĂŸt. Als Beispiel kann die fĂŒr eine stabile Demokratie essentielle Bereitschaft der Bevölkerung, ihr politisches System zu unterstĂŒtzen, anhand der politischen LegitimitĂ€t (Demokratiezufriedenheit) und der EinschĂ€tzung der wirtschaftlichen EffektivitĂ€t (EinschĂ€tzung der wirtschaftlichen Lage) dargestellt werden.' (Autorenreferat)'Since 1990, the beginning of the transformation process in Eastern Europe, many scientists have taken into account the political and economical development in the new democracies. A large number of books and publications about this topic illustrate this. But, on the other hand, there exist only a few comparative empirical investigations of the situation and the development of the process of democratization during the transition period. Especially the attitude structures and the political support of the population in the 'new democracies' are investigated only in a small number of research projects. This is not a result of a lack of comparative data - the view at the 'Central and Eastern Eurobarometer' series illustrate this idea. These data provide the opportunity to take investigations in comparative research over time and over countries. The fundamental readiness of the citizen to support his/her 'new' political system, illustrated by the indicators of political legitimacy (satisfaction with democracy) and economical efficacy (expection of the economical situation), is used as an exaaple.' (author's abstract)

    Differenzen des kulturellen Faktors ReligiositÀt im osteuropÀischen Staatenvergleich

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    "Die Zeit des Staatssozialismus hat auf keinem Gebiet so deutliche kulturelle Einschnitte hinterlassen, wie auf dem Gebiet der ReligiositĂ€t. Die politische Repression der sozialistischen Machthaber hat zu wesentlichen EinbrĂŒchen in den Mitgliedsstrukturen der christlichen Kirchen in fast allen osteuropĂ€ischen Staaten gefĂŒhrt. Folglich war es nicht ĂŒberraschend, dass nach Ende des Sozialismus ein deutlicher Aufschwung an ReligiositĂ€t und Kirchlichkeit erwartet wurde. Wie eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Zahl an empirischen Befunden aufzeigt, blieb bislang ein solch ĂŒbergreifender Aufschwung jedoch aus, auch wenn in einigen LĂ€ndern Osteuropas partielle Zunahmen in den religiösen Selbstbekundungen festzustellen sind (Russland, Ukraine, Weißrussland). Zudem finden sich bemerkenswerte Differenzen zwischen den osteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern. So scheint es, als dass protestantische LĂ€nder eine weit geringere Resistenz gegenĂŒber der sozialistischen Indoktrination aufwiesen als Staaten mit mehrheitlich katholischen Bevölkerungen. Ziel des Referats ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung und BegrĂŒndungsanalyse der Differenzen auf dem religiösen Sektor zwischen West- und Osteuropa, sowie eine Analyse der Unterschiede zwischen den osteuropĂ€ischen Staaten selbst. Dabei wird auf umfangreiches, neueres empirisches Material zurĂŒckgegriffen und dieses innerhalb der aktuellen internationalen Diskussion der vergleichenden Osteuropaforschung und Religionssoziologie bewertet. Die vorgenommenen Analysen beziehen sich sowohl auf die Makro- als auch auf die Mikroebene. Bei den vorgestellten Daten handelt sich um empirische Analysen mit LĂ€nder vergleichendem Charakter, die auf einer breiten Auswahl an aktuellem Umfragematerial beruhen (Political Culture in the New Democracies 2000-2002; European Values Survey 1999; European Social Survey Program 2002; International Social Survey Programs 1991-2000; World Values Survey 1995-1998)." (Autorenreferat

    Covid‐19‐Related Conspiracy Myths, Beliefs, and Democracy‐Endangering Consequences

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    Since late 2020, protests against government measures to contain the Covid‐19 pandemic have swept across Germany. At the forefront of these protests was the Querdenker Movement, a heterogeneous alliance of ordinary citizens, hippies, esotericists, opponents of conventional medicine, Christian fundamentalists, and right‐wing extremists bonded by their shared belief in conspiracy myths. This contribution draws upon the theoretical framework of the studies on the authoritarian personality to dissect the nature of this heterogeneous alliance and the democracy‐endangering potential of conspiracy myths. We present three key insights based on an analysis of representative public opinion surveys conducted by the Leipzig Authoritarianism Study. First, we demonstrate that susceptibility to conspiracy myths in the public mood occurs in waves that coincide with times of crisis. In this regard, the Covid‐19 pandemic is a catalyst of conspiracy myths as it has induced existential and epistemic insecurities amongst many citizens. Second, it is shown that there is an elective affinity between superstition, esotericism, and a conspiracy mentality, which can be cited as one explanation for the heterogeneous alliance during the protests. On the other hand, the nexus between religion and the conspiracy mentality depends on an individual’s interpretation of religion. It is literalist fundamentalism that fosters susceptibility to conspiracy myths. Third, we highlight the democracy‐endangering consequences of a conspiracy mentality. Its manifestations include resentment and hostility toward minorities, an alienation from democracy, an increased likelihood of voting for right‐wing authoritarian parties, and an affinity for violence

    Die Deutsche Seelsorgestudie 2012–2014

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