1,475 research outputs found

    Analysis of data systems requirements for global crop production forecasting in the 1985 time frame

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    Data systems concepts that would be needed to implement the objective of the global crop production forecasting in an orderly transition from experimental to operational status in the 1985 time frame were examined. Information needs of users were converted into data system requirements, and the influence of these requirements on the formulation of a conceptual data system was analyzed. Any potential problem areas in meeting these data system requirements were identified in an iterative process

    Nonnormal amplification in random balanced neuronal networks

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    In dynamical models of cortical networks, the recurrent connectivity can amplify the input given to the network in two distinct ways. One is induced by the presence of near-critical eigenvalues in the connectivity matrix W, producing large but slow activity fluctuations along the corresponding eigenvectors (dynamical slowing). The other relies on W being nonnormal, which allows the network activity to make large but fast excursions along specific directions. Here we investigate the tradeoff between nonnormal amplification and dynamical slowing in the spontaneous activity of large random neuronal networks composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We use a Schur decomposition of W to separate the two amplification mechanisms. Assuming linear stochastic dynamics, we derive an exact expression for the expected amount of purely nonnormal amplification. We find that amplification is very limited if dynamical slowing must be kept weak. We conclude that, to achieve strong transient amplification with little slowing, the connectivity must be structured. We show that unidirectional connections between neurons of the same type together with reciprocal connections between neurons of different types, allow for amplification already in the fast dynamical regime. Finally, our results also shed light on the differences between balanced networks in which inhibition exactly cancels excitation, and those where inhibition dominates.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Extracting non-linear integrate-and-fire models from experimental data using dynamic I–V curves

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    The dynamic I–V curve method was recently introduced for the efficient experimental generation of reduced neuron models. The method extracts the response properties of a neuron while it is subject to a naturalistic stimulus that mimics in vivo-like fluctuating synaptic drive. The resulting history-dependent, transmembrane current is then projected onto a one-dimensional current–voltage relation that provides the basis for a tractable non-linear integrate-and-fire model. An attractive feature of the method is that it can be used in spike-triggered mode to quantify the distinct patterns of post-spike refractoriness seen in different classes of cortical neuron. The method is first illustrated using a conductance-based model and is then applied experimentally to generate reduced models of cortical layer-5 pyramidal cells and interneurons, in injected-current and injected- conductance protocols. The resulting low-dimensional neuron models—of the refractory exponential integrate-and-fire type—provide highly accurate predictions for spike-times. The method therefore provides a useful tool for the construction of tractable models and rapid experimental classification of cortical neurons

    SpikingLab: modelling agents controlled by Spiking Neural Networks in Netlogo

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    The scientific interest attracted by Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) has lead to the development of tools for the simulation and study of neuronal dynamics ranging from phenomenological models to the more sophisticated and biologically accurate Hodgkin-and-Huxley-based and multi-compartmental models. However, despite the multiple features offered by neural modelling tools, their integration with environments for the simulation of robots and agents can be challenging and time consuming. The implementation of artificial neural circuits to control robots generally involves the following tasks: (1) understanding the simulation tools, (2) creating the neural circuit in the neural simulator, (3) linking the simulated neural circuit with the environment of the agent and (4) programming the appropriate interface in the robot or agent to use the neural controller. The accomplishment of the above-mentioned tasks can be challenging, especially for undergraduate students or novice researchers. This paper presents an alternative tool which facilitates the simulation of simple SNN circuits using the multi-agent simulation and the programming environment Netlogo (educational software that simplifies the study and experimentation of complex systems). The engine proposed and implemented in Netlogo for the simulation of a functional model of SNN is a simplification of integrate and fire (I&F) models. The characteristics of the engine (including neuronal dynamics, STDP learning and synaptic delay) are demonstrated through the implementation of an agent representing an artificial insect controlled by a simple neural circuit. The setup of the experiment and its outcomes are described in this work

    Desynchronization in diluted neural networks

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    The dynamical behaviour of a weakly diluted fully-inhibitory network of pulse-coupled spiking neurons is investigated. Upon increasing the coupling strength, a transition from regular to stochastic-like regime is observed. In the weak-coupling phase, a periodic dynamics is rapidly approached, with all neurons firing with the same rate and mutually phase-locked. The strong-coupling phase is characterized by an irregular pattern, even though the maximum Lyapunov exponent is negative. The paradox is solved by drawing an analogy with the phenomenon of ``stable chaos'', i.e. by observing that the stochastic-like behaviour is "limited" to a an exponentially long (with the system size) transient. Remarkably, the transient dynamics turns out to be stationary.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stability of Negative Image Equilibria in Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    We investigate the stability of negative image equilibria in mean synaptic weight dynamics governed by spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). The neural architecture of the model is based on the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of mormyrid electric fish, which forms a negative image of the reafferent signal from the fish's own electric discharge to optimize detection of external electric fields. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for stability, for arbitrary postsynaptic potential functions and arbitrary learning rules. We then apply the general result to several examples of biological interest.Comment: 13 pages, revtex4; uses packages: graphicx, subfigure; 9 figures, 16 subfigure

    Population dynamics of spiking neurons: fast transients, asynchronous states and locking

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    An integral equation describing the time evolution of the population activity in a homogeneous pool of spiking neurons of the integrate-and-fire type is discussed. It is analytically shown that transients from a state of incoherent firing can be immediate. The stability of incoherent firing is analyzed in terms of the noise level and transmission delay, and a bifurcation diagram is derived. The response of a population of noisy integrate-and-fire neurons to an input current of small amplitude is calculated and characterized by a linear filter L. The stability of perfectly synchronized “locked” solutions is analyzed

    Coding properties of spiking neurons: reverse- and cross-correlations

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    What is the `meaning' of a single spike? Spike-triggered averaging (`reverse correlations') yields the typical input just before a spike. Similarly, cross-correlations describe the probability of firing an output spike given (one additional) presynaptic input spike. In this paper we analytically calculate reverse and cross-correlations for a spiking neuron model with escape noise. The influence of neuronal parameters (such as the membrane time constant, the noise level, and the mean firing rate) on the form of the correlation function is illustrated. The calculation is done in the framework of a population theory that is reviewed. The relation of the population activity equations to population density methods is discussed. Finally we indicate the role of cross-correlations in spike-time dependent Hebbian plasticity
