22 research outputs found

    A linear model for event-related respiration responses

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    AbstractBackgroundCognitive processes influence respiratory physiology. This may allow inferring cognitive states from measured respiration. Here, we take a first step towards this goal and investigate whether event-related respiratory responses can be identified, and whether they are accessible to a model-based approach.New methodWe regard respiratory responses as the output of a linear time invariant system that receives brief inputs after psychological events. We derive average responses to visual targets, aversive stimulation, and viewing of arousing pictures, in interpolated respiration period (RP), respiration amplitude (RA), and respiratory flow rate (RFR). We then base a Psychophysiological Model (PsPM) on these averaged event-related responses. The PsPM is inverted to yield estimates of cognitive input into the respiratory system. This method is validated in an independent data set.ResultsAll three measures show event-related responses, which are captured as non-zero response amplitudes in the PsPM. Amplitude estimates for RA and RFR distinguish between picture viewing and the other tasks. This pattern is replicated in the validation experiment.Comparison with existing methodsExisting respiratory measures are based on relatively short time-intervals after an event while the new method is based on the entire duration of respiratory responses.ConclusionOur findings suggest that interpolated respiratory measures show replicable event-related response patterns. PsPM inversion is a suitable approach to analysing these patterns, with a potential to infer cognitive processes from respiration

    Establishing operant conflict tests for the translational study of anxiety in mice

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    RATIONALE In conflict-based anxiety tests, rodents decide between actions with simultaneous rewarding and aversive outcomes. In humans, computerised operant conflict tests have identified response choice, latency, and vigour as distinct behavioural components. Animal operant conflict tests for measurement of these components would facilitate translational study. OBJECTIVES In C57BL/6 mice, two operant conflict tests for measurement of response choice, latency, and vigour were established, and effects of chlordiazepoxide (CDZ) thereon investigated. METHODS Mice were moderately diet-restricted to increase sucrose reward salience. A 1-lever test required responding under medium-effort reward/threat conditions of variable ratio 2-10 resulting in sucrose at p = 0.7 and footshock at p = 0.3. A 2-lever test mandated a choice between low-effort reward/threat with a fixed-ratio (FR) 2 lever yielding sucrose at p = 0.7 and footshock at p = 0.3 versus high-effort reward/no threat with a FR 20 lever yielding sucrose at p = 1. RESULTS In the 1-lever test, CDZ (7.5 or 15 mg/kg i.p.) reduced post-trial pause (response latency) following either sucrose or footshock and reduced inter-response interval (increased response vigour) after footshock. In the 2-lever test, mice favoured the FR2 lever and particularly at post-reward trials. CDZ increased choice of FR2 and FR20 responding after footshock, reduced response latency overall, and increased response vigour at the FR2 lever and after footshock specifically. CONCLUSIONS Mouse operant conflict tests, especially 2-lever choice, allow for the translational study of distinct anxiety components. CDZ influences each component by ameliorating the impact of both previous punishment and potential future punishment

    Testing a linear time invariant model for skin conductance responses by intraneural recording and stimulation

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    Skin conductance responses (SCR) are increasingly analyzed with model-based approaches that assume a linear and time-invariant (LTI) mapping from sudomotor nerve (SN) activity to observed SCR. These LTI assumptions have previously been validated indirectly, by quantifying how much variance in SCR elicited by sensory stimulation is explained under an LTI model. This approach, however, collapses sources of variability in the nervous and effector organ systems. Here, we directly focus on the SN/SCR mapping by harnessing two invasive methods. In an intraneural recording experiment, we simultaneously track SN activity and SCR. This allows assessing the SN/SCR relationship but possibly suffers from interfering activity of non-SN sympathetic fibers. In an intraneural stimulation experiment under regional anesthesia, such influences are removed. In this stimulation experiment, about 95% of SCR variance is explained under LTI assumptions when stimulation frequency is below 0.6 Hz. At higher frequencies, nonlinearities occur. In the intraneural recording experiment, explained SCR variance is lower, possibly indicating interference from non-SN fibers, but higher than in our previous indirect tests. We conclude that LTI systems may not only be a useful approximation but in fact a rather accurate description of biophysical reality in the SN/SCR system, under conditions of low baseline activity and sporadic external stimuli. Intraneural stimulation under regional anesthesia is the most sensitive method to address this question

    Assessing fear learning via conditioned respiratory amplitude responses

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    Respiratory physiology is influenced by cognitive processes. It has been suggested that some cognitive states may be inferred from respiration amplitude responses (RAR) after external events. Here, we investigate whether RAR allow assessment of fear memory in cued fear conditioning, an experimental model of aversive learning. To this end, we built on a previously developed psychophysiological model (PsPM) of RAR, which regards interpolated RAR time series as the output of a linear time invariant system. We first establish that average RAR after CS+ and CS- are different. We then develop the response function of fear-conditioned RAR, to be used in our PsPM. This PsPM is inverted to yield estimates of cognitive input into the respiratory system. We analyze five validation experiments involving fear acquisition and retention, delay and trace conditioning, short and medium CS-US intervals, and data acquired with bellows and MRI-compatible pressure chest belts. In all experiments, CS+ and CS- are distinguished by their estimated cognitive inputs, and the sensitivity of this distinction is higher for model-based estimates than for peak scoring of RAR. Comparing these data with skin conductance responses (SCR) and heart period responses (HPR), we find that, on average, RAR performs similar to SCR in distinguishing CS+ and CS-, but is less sensitive than HPR. Overall, our work provides a novel and robust tool to investigate fear memory in humans that may allow wide and straightforward application to diverse experimental contexts

    Measuring human context fear conditioning and retention after consolidation

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    Fear conditioning is a laboratory paradigm commonly used to investigate aversive learning and memory. In context fear conditioning, a configuration of elemental cues (conditioned stimulus, CS) predicts an aversive event (unconditioned stimulus, US). To quantify context fear acquisition in humans, previous work has used startle eye-blink responses (SEBR), skin conductance responses (SCR) and verbal reports, but different quantification methods have rarely been compared. Moreover, it is unclear how to induce, and measure context fear memory retention over several days. First, we used a semi-immersive virtual reality paradigm. In two experiments, we found successful declarative learning and memory retention over seven days, but no evidence of conditioned responses. Next, we used a configural fear conditioning paradigm with five static room images as CSs in two experiments. Besides successful declarative learning and memory retention after seven days, SCR and pupil dilation to CS onset differentiated CS+/CS- during acquisition training, and SEBR and pupil dilation differentiated CS+/CS- during the recall test, with medium to large effect sizes for the most sensitive indices (SEBR: Hedge’s g = 0.56 and 0.69; pupil dilation: Hedge’s g = 0.99 and g = 0.88). Our results demonstrate that with a suitable experimental paradigm, context fear memory retention can be demonstrated over seven days, and we provide robust and replicable measurement methods

    Inhibiting human aversive memory by transcranial theta-burst stimulation to the primary sensory cortex

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    BACKGROUND: Predicting adverse events from past experience is fundamental for many biological organisms. However, some individuals suffer from maladaptive memories that impair behavioral control and well-being, e.g., after psychological trauma. Inhibiting the formation and maintenance of such memories would have high clinical relevance. Previous preclinical research has focused on systemically administered pharmacological interventions, which cannot be targeted to specific neural circuits in humans. Here, we investigated the potential of noninvasive neural stimulation on the human sensory cortex in inhibiting aversive memory in a laboratory threat conditioning model. METHODS: We build on an emerging nonhuman literature suggesting that primary sensory cortices may be crucially required for threat memory formation and consolidation. Immediately before conditioning innocuous somatosensory stimuli (conditioned stimuli [CS]) to aversive electric stimulation, healthy human participants received continuous theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (cTBS) to individually localized primary somatosensory cortex in either the CS-contralateral (experimental) or CS-ipsilateral (control) hemisphere. We measured fear-potentiated startle to infer threat memory retention on the next day, as well as skin conductance and pupil size during learning. RESULTS: After overnight consolidation, threat memory was attenuated in the experimental group compared with the control cTBS group. There was no evidence that this differed between simple and complex CS or that CS identifi- cation or initial learning were affected by cTBS. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that cTBS to the primary sensory cortex inhibits threat memory, likely by an impact on postlearning consolidation. We propose that noninvasive targeted stimulation of the sensory cortex may provide a new avenue for interfering with aversive memories in humans

    Acceleration of inferred neural responses to oddball targets in an individual with bilateral amygdala lesion compared to healthy controls

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    Abstract Detecting unusual auditory stimuli is crucial for discovering potential threat. Locus coeruleus (LC), which coordinates attention, and amygdala, which is implicated in resource prioritization, both respond to deviant sounds. Evidence concerning their interaction, however, is sparse. Seeking to elucidate if human amygdala affects estimated LC activity during this process, we recorded pupillary responses during an auditory oddball and an illuminance change task, in a female with bilateral amygdala lesions (BG) and in n = 23 matched controls. Neural input in response to oddballs was estimated via pupil dilation, a reported proxy of LC activity, harnessing a linear-time invariant system and individual pupillary dilation response function (IRF) inferred from illuminance responses. While oddball recognition remained intact, estimated LC input for BG was compacted to an impulse rather than the prolonged waveform seen in healthy controls. This impulse had the earliest response mean and highest kurtosis in the sample. As a secondary finding, BG showed enhanced early pupillary constriction to darkness. These findings suggest that LC-amygdala communication is required to sustain LC activity in response to anomalous sounds. Our results provide further evidence for amygdala involvement in processing deviant sound targets, although it is not required for their behavioral recognition