242 research outputs found

    Vastgeklonken aan de Fyra: Een pad-afhankelijkheidsanalyse van de onvermijdelijke keuze voor de falende flitstrein

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    __Abstract__ Met het terzijde stellen van de Fyra V250-treinen is een nieuwe wending bereikt in de twintig jaar dat Nederland probeert een hoge-snelheidslijn op de rails te krijgen. De logische vraag is wie er schuldig is aan dit dieptepunt. In dit artikel analyseren we de 20 jaar van besluitvorming aan de hand van de economische theorie over padafhankelijkheid in besluitvorming. Op basis van een uitgebreide inhoudsanalyse van meer dan 1200 documenten concluderen we dat, gegeven alle eerdere besluiten met betrekking tot o.a. de bouw en de concessieverlening, de keuze voor de V250 een noodgedwongen en onvermijdelijke gok was. Alle betrokkenen, van NS tot Tweede Kamer, blijken bij te dragen aan het vastlopen van dit project. In spring 2013, the Dutch railway operator High Speed Alliance cancelled the acceptance procedures for the V250 high-speed train sets they ordere

    Mixing it Up:Simulation of Mixed Traffic Container Terminals

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    The development from a completely manual brownfield terminal towards a highly automated one proceeds in a number of steps. To take the first steps, it is crucial to know how introducing Automated Yard Tractors (AYTs) influences port productivity at Mixed-Traffic Terminals (MTTs). In these terminals, (non-automated) road trucks and yard tractors share the same infrastructure. This paper employs discrete-event simulation in order to analyze the performance of a brownfield terminal where manual yard tractors are replaced by AYTs. The results look promising: high utilization rates are reached in MTTs, with a modest number of AYTs. In fact, these utilization rates are reached with the same number of yard tractors as are typically used in comparable terminals with manually operated vehicles. Special attention is paid to the influence of road trucks on terminal congestion during peak hours.</p

    An agent-based simulation model for autonomous trailer docking

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    This paper presents a simulation model of a generic automated planning and control system for the pick-up and docking of semi-trailers by means of autonomous Yard Tractors (YTs) in a collision- and conflict free environment. To support the planning and control of the YTs, we propose a Multi-Agent System (MAS). We illustrate our approach using a case study at a Dutch logistics service provider. To evaluate the proposed system, we design an agent-based simulation model, which is set up in a similar way as the MAS. We conclude with the verification and validation of the simulation model

    Coevolution: a constant in non-linearity

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    Burkholderia fungorum Septicemia

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    We report the first case of community-acquired bacteremia with Burkholderia fungorum, a newly described member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex. A 9-year-old girl sought treatment with septic arthritis in her right knee and ankle with soft tissue involvement. Commercial identification systems did not identify the causative microorganism