5 research outputs found

    Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Franciscanas from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    Marine mammals accumulate heavy metals in their tissues at different concentrations according to trophic levels and environmental conditions. The franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) is a small coastal species inhabiting the marine and estuarine areas of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Its diet includes numerous species of small fish, squid and crustaceans. The aims of this study were to (i) assess the heavy metal concentration and burden distribution in different franciscana age classes and sex, and to (ii) evaluate both the accumulation processes and the transplacental transference of zinc, cadmium, copper and total mercury. Heavy metal concentrations (wet weight) were determined in eighteen dolphins by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), by the cold vapour technique (mercury) or with air/acetylene flame (cadmium, zinc and copper). Liver showed the highest concentrations of mercury (max. 8.8 mg/g), zinc (max. 29.7 mg/g) and copper (max. 19.0 mg/g), whereas the highest cadmium concentrations (max. 6.7 mg/g) were found in kidney. Adults contained the highest concentrations for all heavy metals, followed by juveniles and calves in decreasing order, suggesting an age-related accumulation. No differences (p<0.05) were found between sexes within each age class. Organ burden distribution followed the same pattern for all metals and age classes: liver tissues contained maximum burdens. Mercury concentrations were higher than those of cadmium in both foetuses and newborns; and neither metal could be detected in the foetus. The analysed data suggested differences in the placental transference between metals, being significant for mercury and almost null in the case of cadmium. We can conclude that franciscana accumulates heavy metals and, due to its coastal distribution, it may be considered as a biomonitor of its environment. SPANISH: Los mamíferos marinos acumulan metales pesados en sus tejidos cuyas concentraciones están en relación con su nivel trófico y las condiciones ambientales. La franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) es una especie costera que habita áreas marinas y estuariales en el Atlántico Sudoccidental. Su dieta está constituída por peces, como item alimentario principal, calamares y crustáceos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar la distribución de metales pesados en diferentes clases de edad y en ambos sexos, evaluando procesos de acumulación y cargas de cadmio, mercurio total, cinc y cobre. Las concentraciones de metales pesados (en peso húmedo) fueron determinadas en dieciocho delfines por Espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica (EAA), usando la técnica de vapor frío (mercurio) o llama de aire/acetileno (cadmio, cinc y cobre). El hígado presentó las concentraciones más altas de mercurio (máx. 8,8 mg/g), cinc (máx. 29,7 mg/g) y cobre (máx. 19,0 mg/g), mientras que las más altas de cadmio (máx. 6,7 mg/g) fueron encontradas en el riñón. Los adultos presentaron los niveles más altos, presentando los juveniles y cachorros concentraciones menores, lo cual sugirió una acumulación con la edad. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) entre sexos dentro de cada clase de edad. Las cargas de metales pesados en los órganos presentaron la misma disribución para todos los metales y clases de edad. Los valores más altos fueron encontrados en el hígado, incluyendo los correspondientes a cadmio. Las concentraciones de mercurio y cadmio fueron no detectables en el feto, mientras que las de mercurio fueron superiores a las de cadmio en los cachorros. Los datos encontrados en el feto sugieren una transferencia nula a través de la placenta. Podemos concluir que P.blainvillei acumula metales pesados en sus tejidos y debido a su distribución costera, esta especie puede ser considerada como un biomonitor de su ambiente

    Metallothioneins pattern during ontogeny of coastal dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, from Argentina

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    Metallothioneins are signals of metal exposure and widely used in biomonitoring. Franciscana dolphin is an endemic cetacean from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, classified as Vulnerable A3d by the IUCN. Metallothionein, copper and zinc in Franciscana were assessed in two geographic groups; one inhabits La Plata River estuary, anthropogenically impacted, and the other inhabits marine coastal ecosystems, with negligible pollution. Despite the environment, hepatic and renal MT concentrations were similar, but there was a declining trend from early to later developmental stages. Metallothionein K/L, Cu and Zn levels corresponded to normal reported ranges. MT was not related with Cd. Fetal concentrations were higher than its mother. These results and the health status of dolphins are suggesting that MT correspond to physiological ranges for the species, and they are closely to homeostasis of Zn and Cu, according to its ontogenetic changes. The information constitutes the first MT information on Franciscana dolphin and can be considered as baseline for the species conservation

    Major Kinds of Drug Targets in Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis

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