10 research outputs found

    Information and communication technologies-based interventions for children with autism spectrum conditions: a systematic review of randomized control trials from a positive technology perspective

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become more widely used in the past years to help people with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). Serious games embedded into computers or tablets, as well as social robots, are the most employed ICT-related tools that are appealing to and appropriate for autistic children. The goal of ICT applications is to enhance behavioral abnormalities associated with ASC while also creating an interactive link between one person and one computer. Comparatively, to human-based therapy, ICT tools aid to inspire autistic children by providing predictability and regularity of tasks. Regaining social skills is the primary behavioral goal for which ICT tools have been designed and implemented. In the past several years, many studies have been created to show how effective it is at improving targeted behaviors. However, only a small number of researchers have used an RCT approach to evaluate its effectiveness. In this systematic review, we only included RCT studies where ICT technologies were used to help children with ASC in improving their social skills. Only 14 RCT studies satisfied the criteria and 12 described significant improvements, showing how the use of technology in educational contexts produced better improvement in developing several social skill facets with respect to the traditional face-to-face approach. Some studies used interventions and outcome measures focused on the core ASC symptoms, but many others addressed neurocognitive functions directly, like social cognition or emotional regulation, while other more general functions such as language or adaptive behaviors. We propose a classification based on processes and outcome measures to foster future research in this specific area of research. The behavioral intervention mediated by technological tools such as computer-based, tablet, and social robotics, undoubtedly provides a comfortable environment that promotes constant learning for people with ASC. Evidence provided in this review highlights the translational potential of this field of study in primary care practice and educational settings

    Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases

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    Background: In 2019, a multidisciplinary panel of experts from eight Italian scientific paediatric societies developed a consensus document for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders. The aim is to provide healthcare providers with a multidisciplinary document including indications useful in the clinical practice. The consensus document was intended to be addressed to paediatricians who work in the Paediatric Divisions, the Primary Care Services and the Emergency Departments, as well as to Residents or PhD students, paediatric nurses and specialists or consultants in paediatric pulmonology, allergy, infectious diseases, and ear, nose, and throat medicine. Methods: Clinical questions identifying Population, Intervention(s), Comparison and Outcome(s) were addressed by methodologists and a general agreement on the topics and the strength of the recommendations (according to the GRADE system) was obtained following the Delphi method. The literature selection included secondary sources such as evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews and was integrated with primary studies subsequently published. Results: The expert panel provided a number of recommendations on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in preschool wheezing, bronchial asthma, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy, laryngitis and laryngospasm. Conclusions: We provided a multidisciplinary update on the current recommendations for the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders requiring inhaled corticosteroids, in order to share useful indications, identify gaps in knowledge and drive future research

    TeleRehabilitation of Social-Pragmatic Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Principal Component Analysis

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    In many therapeutic settings, remote health services are becoming increasingly a viable strategy for behavior management interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there is a paucity of tools for recovering social-pragmatic skills. In this study, we sought to demonstrate the effectiveness of a new online behavioral training, comparing the performance of an ASD group carrying out an online treatment (n°8) with respect to a control group of demographically-/clinically matched ASD children (n°8) engaged in a traditional in-presence intervention (face-to-face). After a 4-month behavioral treatment, the pragmatic skills language (APL test) abilities detected in the experimental group were almost similar to the control group. However, principal component analysis (PCA) demonstrated that the overall improvement in socio-pragmatic skills was higher for ASD children who underwent in-presence training. In fact, dimensions defined by merging APL subscale scores are clearly separated in ASD children who underwent in-presence training with respect to those performing the online approach. Our findings support the effectiveness of remote healthcare systems in managing the social skills of children with ASD, but more approaches and resources are required to enhance remote services

    Data_Sheet_1_Information and communication technologies-based interventions for children with autism spectrum conditions: a systematic review of randomized control trials from a positive technology perspective.docx

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become more widely used in the past years to help people with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). Serious games embedded into computers or tablets, as well as social robots, are the most employed ICT-related tools that are appealing to and appropriate for autistic children. The goal of ICT applications is to enhance behavioral abnormalities associated with ASC while also creating an interactive link between one person and one computer. Comparatively, to human-based therapy, ICT tools aid to inspire autistic children by providing predictability and regularity of tasks. Regaining social skills is the primary behavioral goal for which ICT tools have been designed and implemented. In the past several years, many studies have been created to show how effective it is at improving targeted behaviors. However, only a small number of researchers have used an RCT approach to evaluate its effectiveness. In this systematic review, we only included RCT studies where ICT technologies were used to help children with ASC in improving their social skills. Only 14 RCT studies satisfied the criteria and 12 described significant improvements, showing how the use of technology in educational contexts produced better improvement in developing several social skill facets with respect to the traditional face-to-face approach. Some studies used interventions and outcome measures focused on the core ASC symptoms, but many others addressed neurocognitive functions directly, like social cognition or emotional regulation, while other more general functions such as language or adaptive behaviors. We propose a classification based on processes and outcome measures to foster future research in this specific area of research. The behavioral intervention mediated by technological tools such as computer-based, tablet, and social robotics, undoubtedly provides a comfortable environment that promotes constant learning for people with ASC. Evidence provided in this review highlights the translational potential of this field of study in primary care practice and educational settings.</p

    CONSENSUS INTERSOCIETARIA - L’uso dei corticosteroidi inalatori in età evolutiva

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    Questo documento è frutto di una collaborazione tra operatori di tutte le aree e affronta il tema dell’impiego appropriato degli steroidi inalatori. Un progetto ambizioso che ha incontrato non poche difficoltà e che non è in grado di dare risposte definitive a tutto, ovviamente, ma ha moltissimi pregi. Innanzitutto la chiarezza della definizione dei contesti clinici in cui si possono utilizzare i corticosteroidi inalatori; ad esempio, wheezing (bronchite asmatiforme) ed asma prescolare nel documento sono dichiaratamente sinonimi per semplificarne l’approccio e questo è certamente arbitrario. Ovviamente wheezing ed asma non sono affatto sinonimi, ma la definizione di asma a questa età è particolarmente difficile, implica una storia e un assetto clinico-immunologico particolare, mentre il documento è e deve essere uno strumento agile che consente di affrontare il sintomo indipendentemente dalla diagnosi precisa che scaturirà dalla osservazione prospettica del bambino. In questa ottica, le differenze tra asma e wheezing sfumano. Il secondo punto di forza è rappresentato dalla ampia e approfondita disanima della letteratura con un approccio estremamente rigoroso che ha consentito di trarre messaggi chiari ove le evidenze convergevano e messaggi invece di minor forza laddove le diverse linee guida (o i dati della letteratura) non davano indicazioni univoche o addirittura davano indicazioni discordantiUn ultimo punto, non certo di minor rilievo, è rappresentato dalla sintesi dei dosaggi degli steroidi che sono riportati nei foglietti illustrativi e i dosaggi indicati dalle maggiori linee guida. Nessun documento ad oggi ha affrontato specificamente un argomento tanto delicato e davvero un grande impegno è stato profuso nella sua realizzazione. Infine va sottolineato lo sforzo per focalizzare solo l’impiego dei corticostreroidi inalatori, resistendo alla tentazione di aggiungere indicazioni per farmaci diversi dagli steroidi. Non è un documento sulla terapia dell’asma e dello wheezing, della rinite, della rinosinusite, adenoidite e laringite, ma solo un documento che sottolinea e supporta le indicazioni, non indicazioni, dosi e molecola di steroide più indicata in quella situazione clinica sulla base dei dati EBM e indipendentemente dall’impiego di altri farmaci

    Correction: Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases

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    Correction: Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases

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    Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial

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    BackgroundTocilizumab blocks pro-inflammatory activity of interleukin-6 (IL-6), involved in pathogenesis of pneumonia the most frequent cause of death in COVID-19 patients.MethodsA multicenter, single-arm, hypothesis-driven trial was planned, according to a phase 2 design, to study the effect of tocilizumab on lethality rates at 14 and 30 days (co-primary endpoints, a priori expected rates being 20 and 35%, respectively). A further prospective cohort of patients, consecutively enrolled after the first cohort was accomplished, was used as a secondary validation dataset. The two cohorts were evaluated jointly in an exploratory multivariable logistic regression model to assess prognostic variables on survival.ResultsIn the primary intention-to-treat (ITT) phase 2 population, 180/301 (59.8%) subjects received tocilizumab, and 67 deaths were observed overall. Lethality rates were equal to 18.4% (97.5% CI: 13.6-24.0, P=0.52) and 22.4% (97.5% CI: 17.2-28.3, P<0.001) at 14 and 30 days, respectively. Lethality rates were lower in the validation dataset, that included 920 patients. No signal of specific drug toxicity was reported. In the exploratory multivariable logistic regression analysis, older age and lower PaO2/FiO2 ratio negatively affected survival, while the concurrent use of steroids was associated with greater survival. A statistically significant interaction was found between tocilizumab and respiratory support, suggesting that tocilizumab might be more effective in patients not requiring mechanical respiratory support at baseline.ConclusionsTocilizumab reduced lethality rate at 30 days compared with null hypothesis, without significant toxicity. Possibly, this effect could be limited to patients not requiring mechanical respiratory support at baseline.Registration EudraCT (2020-001110-38); clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04317092)

    Correction to: Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2020), 18, 1, (405), 10.1186/s12967-020-02573-9)

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    Following publication of the original article [1] the authors identified that the collaborators of the TOCIVID-19 investigators, Italy were only available in the supplementary file. The original article has been updated so that the collaborators are correctly acknowledged. For clarity, all collaborators are listed in this correction article

    Correction to: Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2020), 18, 1, (405), 10.1186/s12967-020-02573-9)

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