96 research outputs found
Employment Adjustments on the Internal and External Labour Market: An Empirical Study with Personnel Records of a German Company
Firms are affected by the product demand. This leads to employment adjustments. In the literature we find only very few contributions investigating the issue whether internal adjustments are linked and which relationships exist with external adjustments. Are they of a complementary or substitutive nature? Furthermore, it is of interest to find out, whether we can observe an obvious trend and whether the adjustments are driven by cyclical movements. For this study we have an extensive data set of a large German manufacturing company, which supplies innovative products for the domestic and international market, provided on a monthly base from January 1999 to December 2005. The empirical analysis starts with descriptive statistics. We find that the employment adjustment cycle coincides only to a certain degree with the macroeconomic cycle. Internal and external adjustments are more characterized by complementarity than by substitution. Over the observed period we cannot detect analogous wage adjustments. It is noticeable that in 2003 compared with the years before the number of employees is substantially reduced. The econometric investigation is based on a two-stage approach. We start with a bivariate probit estimation in order to extract the relationship between the probability of overtime and of promotion. Unobserved variables have opposite effects on the former and the latter adjustment instrument. Furthermore, we detect a negative trend of internal employment adjustments. Cyclical effects are ambiguous. The next step, the determination of external adjustments with respect to overtime and promotion adjustments, is split into two estimates. On the one hand we do not distinguish between the type of external employment adjustment and on the other hand we use this information separating between quits, layoffs, workers with a cancellation agreement and with a transition into a transfer organisation. The first approach demonstrates that a promotion reduces the probability to leave the firm while overtime is positively associated with an external job change. This pattern holds generally speaking in the second, more detailed estimates. Quits are the exception. In this case we observe opposite effects. Finally, we cannot detect any influences of promotions on cancellation agreements. --Personnel records,overtime,promotion,job mobility,cancellation agreement,transfer organisation
Employment adjustments on the internal and external labour market : an empirical study with personnel records of a German company
Firms are affected by the product demand. This leads to employment adjustments. In the literature we find only very few contributions investigating the issue whether internal adjustments are linked and which relationships exist with external adjustments. Are they of a complementary or substitutive nature? Furthermore, it is of interest to find out, whether we can observe an obvious trend and whether the adjustments are driven by cyclical movements. For this study we have an extensive data set of a large German manufacturing company, which supplies innovative products for the domestic and international market, provided on a monthly base from January 1999 to December 2005. The empirical analysis starts with descriptive statistics. We find that the employment adjustment cycle coincides only to a certain degree with the macroeconomic cycle. Internal and external adjustments are more characterized by complementarity than by substitution. Over the observed period we cannot detect analogous wage adjustments. It is noticeable that in 2003 compared with the years before the number of employees is substantially reduced. The econometric investigation is based on a two-stage approach. We start with a bivariate probit estimation in order to extract the relationship between the probability of overtime and of promotion. Unobserved variables have opposite effects on the former and the latter adjustment instrument. Furthermore, we detect a negative trend of internal employment adjustments. Cyclical effects are ambiguous. The next step, the determination of external adjustments with respect to overtime and promotion adjustments, is split into two estimates. On the one hand we do not distinguish between the type of external employment adjustment and on the other hand we use this information separating between quits, layoffs, workers with a cancellation agreement and with a transition into a transfer organisation. The first approach demonstrates that a promotion reduces the probability to leave the firm while overtime is positively associated with an external job change. This pattern holds generally speaking in the second, more detailed estimates. Quits are the exception. In this case we observe opposite effects. Finally, we cannot detect any influences of promotions on cancellation agreements
The acceptability of layoffs and pay cuts : comparing North America with Germany
"Substantial evidence shows that North Americans are generally more accepting of the market than Europeans and attribute market outcomes to a larger degree to effort or skill. This article discusses the perceived fairness of layoffs and pay cuts in North America and Germany. We expect North Americans to be more accepting of layoffs and pay cuts than Germans and that procedures and conditions under which pay cuts or layoffs occur have a stronger impact on fairness perceptions for Germans than for North Americans. This hypothesis is tested using a quasi-experimental design. The empirical results are in line with our considerations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Entlassungen - Akzeptanz, Lohnsenkung - Akzeptanz, institutionelle Faktoren, gesellschaftliche Einstellungen, Gerechtigkeit, soziale Wahrnehmung - internationaler Vergleich, Einkommensunterschied, psychische Faktoren, Arbeitsbeziehungen, soziale Normen, soziale Einstellungen, USA, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kanada, Nordamerika, Silicon Valley, Toronto
Ökonomische Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes : ein Überblick über neuere Lehrbücher
"Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie sich die ökonomische Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes heute aus der Perspektive fünf neuerer arbeitsökonomischer Lehrbücher darstellt. Die Auswahl beschränkt sich auf je zwei Publikationen aus den USA und England, Ländern mit langer arbeitsökonomischer Tradition, und ein neueres deutsprachiges Lehrbuch. In den Kernbereichen der Arbeitsökonomie, zu denen nach Auffassung der Autoren Arbeitsangebot, Arbeitsnachfrage, Matching-Probleme, Gewerkschaften, kompensierende Lohndifferentiale, Lohnstruktur und Arbeitslosigkeit zählen, lassen sich zwischen den Lehrbüchern größere inhaltliche Überschneidungen feststellen. Die Autoren grenzen den Gegenstand der Arbeitsökonomie aber auch unterschiedlich ab, wie einzelne Schwerpunktsetzungen in den Bereichen Diskriminierung, Armut, Mobilität und Beschäftigung im öffentlichen Sektor verdeutlichen. Wesentliche Unterschiede zeigen sich bei der Darstellungsform, dem Niveau und der empirischen Analyse. Zu wünschen ist, daß Elemente betriebsinterner Arbeitsmärkte wie z.B. Fehlzeiten, Hierarchien, Beförderungen, Erfolgsbeteiligung und Segmentation verstärkt Eingang in die Lehrbuchliteratur finden." (Autorenreferat)Arbeitsökonomie, Arbeitsmarktanalyse
Work on the screen : do we need a revision of regulations for visual display unit workplaces
nicht vorhande
Löhne und Beschäftigung: Was wissen wir mehr als vor 25 Jahren? (Wages and employment * what more do we know than 25 years ago?)
"This article, which serves as the introduction to the special issue focusing on 'wages and employment', deals with the key developments of the past 25 years in this area of research. First, the latest insights and findings of macro- and microeconomic theory as well as of empirical knowledge on the explanation and quantification of the relationship between wage level, wage structure and employment as well as of employment structure are the centre of attention, with the relevant progress in econometry also being acknowledged. Then, the importance of wage rigidities is dealt with, which are significant both from a macro- and a microeconomic point of view, and which have been at the centre of scientific and economic-policy discussions particularly in recent years. Finally, wage-policy conclusions are examined briefly. What becomes obvious is that a negative relationship between wages and employment can be detected far more clearly nowadays than a quarter of a century ago. This is equally true on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis with a micro- and macroeconomic background, even if, when based on disequilibrium models, for the latter no positive employment effects due to reductions in real wages can be expected in times of recession." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Lohntheorie, Beschäftigung, Lohnstarrheit
Investitionen, Weiterbildung und betriebliche Reorganisation (Investments, further training and company reorganization)
"The correlations between investments, reorganization and further training existing at company level are examined in this paper. A production theory approach in conjunction with an optimisation calculation of the companies shows that the variables focused on here are mutually dependent on one another. If the model analysis is expanded by a few plausibility considerations on possible company developments, the initially simple and clearly manageable structure becomes more complex and counter-effects can occur. This is why it is not possible to formulate any clear hypotheses on the interdependency effects of the variables of investments, reorganization and further training as a point of departure for an empirical analysis. The empirical study is based on the data of the IAB establishment panel of the years 1997-2000. The focus of research is a simultaneous triangular equation model with further training, reorganization and investments as the variables to be studied. The key results are: there is a mutually interdependent relationship between reorganization measures and investments. Although further training is encouraged by real capital investments, the reverse correlation cannot be found. Clear relationships between further training and reorganization measures only exist if individual measures are analysed. All in all, simultaneous relationships between investments, reorganization measures and further training schemes can be empirically proven. Delayed adjustment processes partly interfere with them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))organisatorischer Wandel, IAB-Betriebspanel, Unternehmensorganisation, Arbeitsorganisation, Investitionen, betriebliche Weiterbildung, Produktinnovation, Westdeutschland, Ostdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
The acceptability of layoffs and pay cuts: comparing North America with Germany
"Substantial evidence shows that North Americans are generally more accepting of the market than Europeans and attribute market outcomes to a larger degree to effort or skill. This article discusses the perceived fairness of layoffs and pay cuts in North America and Germany. We expect North Americans to be more accepting of layoffs and pay cuts than Germans and that procedures and conditions under which pay cuts or layoffs occur have a stronger impact on fairness perceptions for Germans than for North Americans. This hypothesis is tested using a quasi-experimental design. The empirical results are in line with our considerations." (author's abstract)Es gibt substantielle Belege dafür, dass Nordamerikaner generell den Markt in höherem Maße akzeptieren als Europäer und die Marktergebnisse eher als das Resultat von Anstrengungen und Fähigkeiten betrachten. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich damit, inwieweit Entlassungen und Lohnkürzungen in Nordamerika und Deutschland als gerecht empfunden werden. Es wird dabei von der Annahme ausgegangen, dass Nordamerikaner Entlassungen und Lohnkürzungen eher akzeptieren als Deutsche und dass die Prozeduren und Bedingungen, unter denen Lohnkürzungen oder Entlassungen zustande kommen, die Wahrnehmung der Fairness bei Deutschen stärker beeinflussen als bei Nordamerikanern. Diese Hypothese wird mittels eines quasi-experimentellen Designs getestet. Die empirischen Ergebnisse entsprechen den Ausgangsüberlegungen. (IAB
Adhesion molecules in different treatments of acute myocardial infarction
BACKGROUND: Tissue damage after ischemia and reperfusion involves leukocyte endothelial interactions mediated by cell adhesion molecules. This study was designed to determine the time course of soluble adhesion molecules in patients with acute myocardial infarction after attempted reperfusion by thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) or streptokinase (SK), or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). METHODS: In 3 × 10 randomly selected patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing thrombolysis with tPA or SK, or treated with PTCA, plasma concentrations of soluble L-selectin, P-selectin, E-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 30 min and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after intervention. RESULTS: After thrombolysis with tPA, soluble L-selectin concentrations were persistently depressed and soluble PECAM-1 concentrations were elevated, compared with controls, SK and PTCA. While soluble VCAM-1 concentrations did not differ within the first hours after interventions between the three groups, soluble VCAM-1 rose by 24 hours after tPA thrombolysis but did not increase after SK and PTCA treatment. Soluble ICAM-1 concentrations were consistently elevated after PTCA compared with controls and thrombolysed patients. Soluble E-selectin was depressed after tPA thrombolysis and PTCA in comparison with controls, while the SK group showed an increase throughout the observation period. Soluble P-selectin was increased after PTCA and SK lysis up to 8 hours after treatment compared with controls, but no significant differences could be found between treatment groups. CONCLUSION: Adhesion molecules mediating leukocyte endothelial interactions are altered subsequent to postischemic reperfusion and by treatment with thrombolytic agents and angioplasty. The clinical relevance of these biological changes remains to be determined
Феномен веры в мистическом опыте просветления
В статье исследуется феномен религиозной веры и делается вывод о существовании двух ее уровней. Первый из них - "вера просительная" (со многим количеством условий), характерна для человека, воспринимающего себя как смертное Тело-Эго и ориентированного на страх. Совершенной формой религиозной веры может считаться только "вера абсолютная" (безусловная), достижение которой является основной целью мистической практики просветления. Она характеризуется полным уничтожением Эго, формированием безусловного доверия и любви к Богу. Вера в имманентных мистических учениях приобретает форму доверия к своему истинному "Я"-Атману. Вера в трансцендентно-имманентной мистике приобретает форму доверия к трансцендентной силе, что подразумевает безусловную отдачу Ее воле.У статті проводиться дослідження феномену релігійної віри. Робиться висновок про існування двох її рівнів. Перший з них - "віра прохальна" (з багатьма умовами), характерна для людини, що сприймає себе як смертне Тіло-Его та зорієнтована на страх. Досконалою формою релігійної віри можна вважати тільки "віру абсолютну" (безумовну), досягнення якої постає основною метою містичної практики просвітлення. Цей рівень віри характеризується повним знищенням Его, формуванням безумовної довіри та любові до Бога. Віра у іманентних містичних ученнях має форму довіри до свого істинного "Я"-Атману. Віра в трансцендентно-іманентній містиці приймає форму довіри до трансцендентної сили, що вимагає безумовної віддачі Її волі.The phenomenon of religious faith is investigated in the article. The conclusion is that there are two levels of it. First of them is "faith-request" (with a number of conditions), it is typical for a person who perceives oneself as a mortal Body - Ego and who is orientated on fear. Just "absolute faith" (unconditional) can be considered to be a perfect form of religious faith, and the achievement of it is the main purpose of mystical practice of enlightening. It is characterized with complete destroying of Ego, with forming of unconditional trust and love to God. Faith in immanent mystical teachings acquires the form of trust to own true "I" - Atman. Faith in transcendental immanent mystics acquires the form of trust to transcendental power that means unconditional exposing to His will
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