12 research outputs found

    Improving the Evidence Base for Career Development Programs: Making Use of the Evaluation Profession and Positive Psychology Movement

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    Though much has been written on the topic of career development, the human resource development field has paid little attention to the ways in which career development programs are evaluated.The lack of sound evidence for the effectiveness of career development interventions may be because of the over reliance on Kirkpatrick\u27s ubiquitous evaluation approach or that traditional research methods such as experimental and quasi-experimental designs are not appropriate or feasible in many organizational settings. In this article, we describe the growing profession and practice of evaluation and discuss how the positive psychology movement provides new insights into how career development programs may be evaluated

    Bayesian reconstruction of the Milky Way dark matter distribution

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    We develop a novel Bayesian methodology aimed at reliably and precisely inferring the distribution of dark matter within the Milky Way using rotation curve data. We identify a subset of the available rotation curve tracers that are mutually consistent with each other, thus eliminating data sets that might suffer from systematic bias. We investigate different models for the mass distribution of the luminous (baryonic) component that bracket the range of likely morphologies. We demonstrate the statistical performance of our method on simulated data in terms of coverage, fractional distance, and mean squared error. Applying it to Milky Way data we measure the local dark matter density at the solar circle \u3c10 to be \u3c10 = 0.43 \ub1 0.02(stat) \ub1 0.01(sys) GeV/cm3, with an accuracy 3c 6%. This result is robust to the assumed baryonic morphology. The scale radius and inner slope of the dark matter profile are degenerate and cannot be individually determined with high accuracy. We show that these results are robust to several possible residual systematic errors in the rotation curve data

    Correlacionando tipos de cultura organizacional com estratégias de remuneração utilizando a tipologia de Charles Handy

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    Este estudo identificou as correlações entre as estratégias de remuneração e a tipologia de cultura organizacional proposta por Handy (2003) baseada nas dimensões do grau de formalização e centralização que identifica a cultura: Zeus (poder), Apolo (papéis), Atena (tarefa), e Dionísio (pessoa). A pesquisa foi aplicada a gestores de remuneração de 76 empresas associadas ao Grupo de Permuta de Informações Salariais (Grupisa), e os questionários com um construto composto por doze componentes da remuneração organizacional foram analisados utilizando Correlação de Pearson e Regressão Múltipla. Concluímos que as variáveis de remuneração se correlacionam de forma diferente com cada um dos tipos de cultura: (i) organizações "Zeus" devem enfatizar os fatores comportamentais em todas as esferas do sistema de remuneração; (ii) para as organizações "Apolo" a ênfase deve ser aplicada nas oportunidades de crescimento e desenvolvimento, (iii) nas organizações "Atena" o foco deve ser nas recompensas financeiras, e, (iv) organizações "Dionísio" devem dar ênfase à qualidade da remuneração