133 research outputs found

    Improving the equivalent-photon approximation in electron--positron collisions

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    The validity of the equivalent-photon approximation for two-photon processes in electron--positron collisions is critically examined. Commonly used forms to describe hadronic two-photon production are shown to lead to sizeable errors. An improved two-photon luminosity function is presented, which includes beyond-leading-logarithmic effects and scalar-photon contributions. Comparisons of various approximate expressions with the exact calculation in the case of the total hadronic cross section are given. Furthermore, effects of the poorly known low-Q2 behaviour of the virtual hadronic cross sections are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, uses 12pt.sty, no figur

    Quarkonium production: velocity-scaling rules and long-distance matrix elements

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    The hierarchy of long-distance matrix elements (MEs) for quarkonium production depends on their scaling with the velocity vv of the heavy quark in the bound state. Ranges for the velocities in various bound states and uncertainties of colour-singlet MEs are estimated in a quark-potential model. Different possibilities for the scaling with vv of the MEs are discussed; they depend on the actual values of vv and the QCD scale. As an application, J/psi polarization in e^+e^- annihilation is discussed. The first non-perturbative estimates of colour-octet MEs are presented and compared with phenomenological determinations. Finally, various predictions of prompt quarkonium production at LEP are compared.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, uses 12pt.sty and epsfig.sty, 2 figure

    On the non-perturbative part of the photon structure function

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    We discuss a dispersion relation in the photon mass and show how (in principle) model-independent constraints on the parton distribution functions of the photon, notably a momentum sumrule, can be obtained. We present two sets of parametrizations, SaS~1 and~2, corresponding to two rather extreme realizations of the non-perturbative part. Inclusive electron scattering off a real photon is found to be insufficient to constrain the non-perturbative components. The additional sensitivity provided by the photon virtuality is outlined. Previous approaches to model the non-perturbative input distributions are commented upon.Comment: Latex, 7 page

    A scenario for high-energy gamma-gamma interactions

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    A real photon has a complicated nature, whereby it may remain unresolved or fluctuate into a vector meson or a perturbative q-qbar pair. In gamma-gamma events, this gives three by three combinations of the nature of the two incoming photons, and thus six distinct event classes. The properties of these classes are partly constrained by the choices already made in our related gamma-p model. It is therefore possible to predict the energy-dependence of the cross section for each of the six components separately. The total cross section gives support to the idea that a simple factorized ansatz with a pomeron and a reggeon term can be a good approximation. Event properties undergo a stepwise evolution from p-p to gamma-p to gamma-gamma events, with larger charged multiplicity, more transverse energy flow and a higher jet rate in the latter process.Comment: 1+27 pages, LaTeX2e, 20 ps/eps figures included in file using filecontents environment

    Vector-Meson Electroproduction from Generalized Vector Dominance

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    Including destructively interfering off-diagonal transitions of diffraction-dissociation type, we arrive at a formulation of GVD for exclusive vector-meson production in terms of a continuous spectral representation of dipole form. The transverse cross-section sigma_T for gamma* p -> V p behaves asymptotically as 1/Q^4, while R_V = sigma_L/sigma_T becomes asymptotically constant. Contributions violating s-channel helicity conservation stay at the 10-15% level established in low-energy photoproduction and diffractive hadron--hadron interactions. The data for phi- and rho-meson production for 0 \lsim Q^2 \lsim 20 GeV^2 from HERA are found to be in agreement with these predictions.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Power counting in exclusive quarkonium decays

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    Recent progress in the factorization of exclusive decays of heavy quarkonia into long-distance and short-distance contributions is presented. The role of higher Fock states and colour-octet contributions is outlined.Recent progress in the factorization of exclusive decays of heavy quarkonia into long-distance and short-distance contributions is presented. The role of higher Fock states and colour-octet contributions is outlined

    GALUGA, a Monte Carlo program for two-photon processes in e+e- collisions

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    A Monte Carlo program is presented for the computation of the most general cross section for two-photon production in e+e- collisions at fixed two-photon invariant mass W. Functions implemented for the five gamma* gamma* structure functions include three models of the total hadronic cross section and the lepton-pair production cross section. Prospects of a structure-function determination through a study of the azimuthal dependence between the two scattering planes are outlined. All dependences on the electron mass and the photon virtualities Q_i^2 are fully kept. Special emphasis is put on a numerically stable evaluation of all variables over the full Q_i^2 range from Q_{i\min}^2 \sim m_e^2 (W/\sqrt{s})^4 \ll m_e^2 up to Q_{i\max}^2 \sim s. A comparison is made with an existing Monte Carlo program for lepton-pair production and an equivalent-photon approximation for hadronic cross sections.Comment: Latex, 29 pages, 7 figures, uses 12pt.sty, epsfig.sty, amsbsy.st

    Production of heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia

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    Uncertainties in the next-to-leading-order calculations of heavy-quark (QQ) production are investigated. Predictions for total cross sections, single-inclusive distributions of heavy quarks and heavy flavoured hadrons, as well as for QQˉQ\bar{Q} correlations, are compared with charm and bottom data. The description of heavy-quarkonium production requires a separation of the short-distance scale of QQˉQ\bar{Q} production, which is set by the heavy-quark mass from the longer-distance scales associated with the bound-state formation. Various factorization approaches are compared, in particular with respect to the different constraints imposed on the colour and angular-momentum states of the QQˉQ\bar{Q} pair(s) within a specific quarkonium state. Theoretical predictions are confronted with data on heavy-quarkonium production at fixed-target experiments and also at ppˉp\bar{p} colliders, where fragmentation gives the leading-twist cross section in 1/pT21/p_T^2 and 1/m21/m^2 at high transverse momentum.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 11 Z-compressed and uuencoded figure

    Evidence that the Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current

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    The detailed dependences of central meson production on the azimuthal angle phi, t and the meson J^P are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the soft Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current. Further tests are proposed. This opens the way for a quantitative description of q-qbar and glueball production in p p -> p M p.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 4 figure

    Higher Fock states and power counting in exclusive P-wave quarkonium decays

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    Exclusive processes at large momentum transfer Q factor into perturbatively calculable short-distance parts and long-distance hadronic wave functions. Usually, only contributions from the leading Fock states have to be included to leading order in 1/Q. We show that for exclusive decays of P-wave quarkonia the contribution from the next-higher Fock state |Q Qbar g> contributes at the same order in 1/Q. We investigate how the constituent gluon attaches to the hard process in order to form colour-singlet final-state hadrons and argue that a single additional long-distance factor is sufficient to parametrize the size of its contribution. Incorporating transverse degrees of freedom and Sudakov factors, our results are perturbatively stable in the sense that soft phase-space contributions are largely suppressed. Explicit calculations yield good agreement with data on chi_{c J} decays into pairs of pions, kaons, and etas. We also comment on J/psi decays into two pions.Comment: Latex, 25 pages, 5 figure
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