96,567 research outputs found

    K-shell ionization by antiprotons

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    We present calculations for the impact-parameter dependence of K-shell ionization rates in p¯-Cu and in p¯-Ag collisions at various projectile energies. We show that the effect of the attractive Coulomb potential on the Rutherford trajectory and the antibinding effect caused by the negative charge of the antiproton result in a considerable increase of the ionization probability. Total ionization cross sections for proton and antiproton projectiles are compared with each other and with experimental ionization cross sections for protons

    Tight bounds for break minimization

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    We consider round-robin sports tournaments with n teams and n − 1 rounds. We construct an infinite family of opponent schedules for which every home-away assignment induces at least 1/4 n(n−2) breaks. This construction establishes a matching lower bound for a corresponding upper bound from the literature

    Mass Tort Litigation in Germany and Switzerland

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    Characterization of ultradifferentiable test functions defined by weight matrices in terms of their Fourier transform

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    We prove that functions with compact support in non-quasianalytic classes of Roumieu-type and of Beurling-type defined by a weight matrix with some mild regularity conditions can be characterized by the decay properties of their Fourier transform. For this we introduce the abstract technique of constructing from the original matrix multi-index matrices and associated function spaces. We study the behaviour of this construction in detail and characterize its stability. Moreover non-quasianalyticity of the classes is characterized.Comment: 25 pages This version is accepted for publication in Note di Matematic

    Gradualism vs Cold Turkey : how to establish credibility for the ECB

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    The paper analyzes the incentive for the ECB to establish reputation by pursuing a restrictive policy right at the start of its operation. The bank is modelled as risk averse with respect to deviations of both inflation and output from her target. The public, being imperfectly informed about the bank’s preferences uses observed inflation as (imperfect) signal for the unknown preferences. Under linear learning rules - which are commonly used in the literature - a gradual build up of reputation is the optimal response. The paper shows that such a linear learning rule is not consistent with efficient signaling. It is shown that in a game with efficient signaling, a cold turkey approach - allowing for deflation - is optimal for a strong bank - accepting high current output losses at the beginning in order to demonstrate its toughness. JEL classification: D 82, E 58Die Arbeit untersucht die Anreize der Europäischen Zentralbank, in der Startphase durch restriktive Politik Reputation aufzubauen. Die Öffentlichkeit kennt die Präferenzen der Zentralbank nicht; sie verwendet die beobachtete Inflationsrate als (imperfektes) Signal. Wird eine lineare Lernregel unterstellt - der Standardfall in der Literatur - erweist es sich als optimal, hohe Inflationserwartungen zumindest teilweise zu akkommodieren und so Reputation nur schrittweise aufzubauen. Die Arbeit zeigt aber, daß eine solche lineare Lernregel mit effizientem Signalverhalten nicht konsistent ist. Bei effizientem Signalisieren kann es für eine harte Zentralbank optimal sein, in der Startphase durch eine sehr restriktive, deflationäre Politik ihre Präferenzen zu offenbaren. JEL classification: D 82, E 5
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