580 research outputs found

    On the Way to Future's High Energy Particle Physics Transport Code

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    High Energy Physics (HEP) needs a huge amount of computing resources. In addition data acquisition, transfer, and analysis require a well developed infrastructure too. In order to prove new physics disciplines it is required to higher the luminosity of the accelerator facilities, which produce more-and-more data in the experimental detectors. Both testing new theories and detector R&D are based on complex simulations. Today have already reach that level, the Monte Carlo detector simulation takes much more time than real data collection. This is why speed up of the calculations and simulations became important in the HEP community. The Geant Vector Prototype (GeantV) project aims to optimize the most-used particle transport code applying parallel computing and to exploit the capabilities of the modern CPU and GPU architectures as well. With the maximized concurrency at multiple levels the GeantV is intended to be the successor of the Geant4 particle transport code that has been used since two decades successfully. Here we present our latest result on the GeantV tests performances, comparing CPU/GPU based vectorized GeantV geometrical code to the Geant4 version

    A 'soft+hard' model for Pion, Kaon, and Proton Spectra and v2v_2 measured in PbPb Collisions at s=2.76A\sqrt s = 2.76 ATeV

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    Hadron spectra measured in high-energy collisions present distributions which can be derived from the non-extensive statistical and thermodynamical phenomena. Based on earlier theoretical developments, it seems, the methods are very applicable for jets hadronization processes in electron-positron, proton-proton, and even in heavy-ion collisions. Here, we present what can was learnt from the recent theoretical and phenomenological developments: transverse momentum spectra and azimuthal anisotropy (v2v_2) of charge averaged pions, kaons and protons stemming from central Pb+Pb collisions at s\sqrt s = 2.76 ATeV are described \textit{analytically} in a `soft + hard' model. In this model, we propose that hadron yields produced in heavy-ion collisions are simply the sum of yields stemming from jets (hard yields) in addition to the yields originating from the Quark-Gluon Plasma (soft yields). The hadron spectra in both types of yields are approximated by the Tsallis--Pareto like distribution

    Non-extensive Motivated Parton Fragmentation Functions

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    A new form of fragmentation function is presented here, motivated by earlier non-extensive studies of jet fragmentation. We parametrized our Tsallis-like function on pion spectra and compared it to the most common fragmentation function parametrizations. It is shown that the new form is in agreement with earlier parametrizations, furthermore, its scale evolution overlap better with the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Presented at Hot Quarks 2018. Submitted to MDPI Proceeding

    Multiplicity Dependence in the Non-Extensive Hadronization Model Calculated by the HIJING++ Framework

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    The non-extensive statistical description of the identified final state particles measured in high energy collisions is well-known by its wide range of applicability. However, there are many open questions that need to be answered, including but not limited to, the question of the observed mass scaling of massive hadrons or the size and multiplicity dependence of the model parameters. This latter is especially relevant, since currently the amount of available experimental data with high multiplicity at small systems is very limited. This contribution has two main goals: On the one hand we provide a status report of the ongoing tuning of the soon-to-be-released HIJING++ Monte Carlo event generator. On the other hand, the role of multiplicity dependence of the parameters in the non-extensive hadronization model is investigated with HIJING++ calculations. We present cross-check comparisons of HIJING++ with existing experimental data to verify its validity in our range of interest as well as calculations at high-multiplicity regions where we have insufficient experimental data.Comment: This paper is based on the talk at the 18th Zim\'anyi School, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 December 201

    The effect of quantum fluctuations in compact star observables

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    Astrophysical measurements regarding compact stars are just ahead of a big evolution jump, since the NICER experiment deployed on ISS on 14 June 2017. This will soon provide data that would enable the determination of compact star radius with less than 10% error. This poses new challenges for nuclear models aiming to explain the structure of super dense nuclear matter found in neutron stars. Detailed studies of the QCD phase diagram shows the importance of bosonic quantum fluctuations in the cold dense matter equation of state. Here, we using a demonstrative model to show the effect of bosonic quantum fluctuations on compact star observables such as mass, radius, and compactness. We have also calculated the difference in the value of compressibility which is caused by quantum fluctuations. The above mentioned quantities are calculated in mean field, one-loop and in high order many-loop approximation. The results show that the magnitude of these effects is ~5%, which place it into the region where forthcoming high-accuracy measurements may detect it.Comment: 6 pages 4 figues, minor corrections were adde

    FRG Approach to Nuclear Matter at Extreme Conditions

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    Functional renormalization group (FRG) is an exact method for taking into account the effect of quantum fluctuations in the effective action of the system. The FRG method applied to effective theories of nuclear matter yields equation of state which incorporates quantum fluctuations of the fields. Using the local potential approximation (LPA) the equation of state for Walecka-type models of nuclear matter under extreme conditions could be determined. These models can be tested by solving the corresponding Tolman--Oppenheimer--Volkov (TOV) equations and investigating the properties (mass and radius) of the corresponding compact star models. Here, we present the first steps on this way, we obtained a Maxwell construction within the FRG-based framework using a Walecka-type Lagrangian.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Multiplicity Dependence of the Jet Structures in pp Collisions at LHC Energies

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    We study the event multiplicity dependence of the jet structure in pp collisions. We present evidence for jet shape modification due to multi-parton interactions using PYTHIA and HIJING++ Monte Carlo (MC) event generators as an input to our analysis. We introduce a characteristic jet size measure which is independent of the choice of the simulation parameters, parton distribution functions, jet reconstruction algorithms and even of the presence or absence of multi-parton interactions. We also investigate heavy-flavor jets and show the sensitivity of the multiplicity-differential jet structure to flavor-dependent fragmentation.Comment: Presented at Hot Quarks 2018 -- Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, Texel, The Netherlands, September 7-14 2018. Submitted to MDPI Proceeding

    Identified Two-particle Correlations and Quantum Number Conservations in p-p and Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC Energies

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    In this paper we continue the investigation of the effect of quantum number conservations of pions, kaons, and protons, with very high transverse momenta (up to 25 GeV/c), during parton fragmentation and hadronization in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies. The strength of the conservation effects are studied by identified two-particle correlations in Monte Carlo generated events in the mid-rapidity region (η<1|\eta| < 1). The simulated p-p events were generated with PYTHIA 8, using its main default settings, at s=200\sqrt{s}=200~GeV, s=2.76\sqrt{s}=2.76~TeV, s=7\sqrt{s}=7~TeV, and s=14\sqrt{s}=14~TeV. In parallel to this, HIJING 1.36 was used to generate Pb-Pb events at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76~TeV with centralities 010%0-10\%, 3040%30-40\% and 8090%80-90\%. The extracted identified associated hadron spectra for charged pion, kaon, and proton show identified trigger-hadron dependent splitting between oppositely charged associated particle species in any nucleus-nucleus collisions. The Pb-Pb data exhibits a peculiar splitting pattern as a function of the transverse momentum of the associated particle pT,assocp_{T,assoc} both on the near and away side that is different from the patterns observed in p-p collisions. The splitting shows smooth evolution with collision energy and event multiplicity in p-p collisions while in Pb-Pb collisions different trend were observed for kaons and protons.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era, 9-12 September 2014, SUBATECH Nante