204 research outputs found

    Kolozsvári Tamás

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    Failed Study After Francis Bacon

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    Anything Superfluous

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    P2Y receptors in synaptic transmission and plasticity: Therapeutic potential in cognitive dysfunction

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    ATP released from neurons and astrocytes during neuronal activity or under pathophysiological circumstances is able to influence information flow in neuronal circuits by activation of ionotropic P2X and metabotropic P2Y receptors and subsequent modulation of cellular excitability, synaptic strength, and plasticity. In the present paper we review cellular and network effects of P2Y receptors in the brain. We show that P2Y receptors inhibit the release of neurotransmitters, modulate voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels, and differentially influence the induction of synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. The findings discussed here may explain how P2Y1 receptor activation during brain injury, hypoxia, inflammation, schizophrenia, or Alzheimer's disease leads to an impairment of cognitive processes. Hence, it is suggested that the blockade of P2Y1 receptors may have therapeutic potential against cognitive disturbances in these states

    A traumatikus élmények facilitáló szerepe a művészetben | Facilitating role of traumatic experiences in art

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    Absztrakt: Traumatikus élmények nemcsak kedvezőtlen következményekkel járhatnak, hanem a traumában érintett személyek fejlődéséhez is hozzájárulhatnak. Ebben a tanulmányban hat traumatípust vizsgáltam meg különböző festmények és az élettörténet elemzése révén: érzelmi depriváció/elhanyagolás, halálközeli élmény, erőszak áldozatává válás, háború, baleset/betegség és érzelmi frusztráció. A képzőművészeti alkotások felhívhatják a figyelmet alkotójuk traumatikus élményeire gyakran ismétlődő motívumokkal és ábrázolástechnikával (Nap, anyakép, az elveszített személyre utaló tárgyak, erőszakos vagy az erőszakot jelképező motívumok, felduzzadt énkép művészi megnyilvánulásai, szürreális víziók, fanyar irónia, a szeretett személy más tárgyakkal való helyettesítése), illetve hirtelen stílus- és témaváltás, amely az emberi szenvedés iránt megmutatkozó fokozott érdeklődést fejezheti ki (Lovis Corinth). Az önábrázolás hangsúlyos jellege az alkotó fokozott önvizsgálatára, esetleg betegsége, lelkiállapota folyamatos monitorozására utalhat (Frida Kahlo, Otto Dix, Lovis Corinth, Edvard Munch). A művészi tevékenység egyes esetekben hozzájárulhat a trauma feldolgozásához (Hans Bellmer, Oskar Kokoschka, Max Ernst, René Magritte), más esetben nem képes meggátolni a trauma pszichológiai/pszichiátriai következményeinek kialakulását (Artemisia Gentileschi, Edvard Munch, Gulácsy Lajos). Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 668–677. | Abstract: Traumatic experiences can not only have unfavourable consequences, they can also contribute, with a kind of creative twist, to the development of the person affected by the trauma. The artistic responses to traumas can be examined on the basis of the different types of trauma. This study reports on an investigation focusing on six types of trauma: emotional deprivation/neglect; near-death experience; becoming the victim of violence; war; accident/sickness and emotional frustration. Examples taken from the history of art indicate that works of art can draw attention to the traumatic experiences of the artists with frequently repeated motifs and portrayal techniques (sun, mother image, objects referring to the person lost, motifs of violence or symbols of violence, artistic manifestations of an exaggerated self-image, surreal visions, dry irony, substituting other objects for the beloved person), or a sudden change of style and subject that can express a heightened interest in human suffering (Lovis Corinth). An emphasis placed on self-portrayal can indicate the artist’s increased self-examination, in cases of sickness, or continuous monitoring of the state of mind (Frida Kahlo, Otto Dix, Lovis Corinth, Edvard Munch). In some cases artistic activity can help to work through the trauma (Hans Bellmer, Oskar Kokoschka, Max Ernst, René Magritte), in other cases it is not able to prevent the development of psychological/psychiatric consequences of the trauma (Artemisia Gentileschi, Edvard Munch, Lajos Gulácsy). Traumas can be the sources of motivation and provide themes for works of art; and, although not in all cases, artistic creativity can contribute to effectively working through traumatic experiences. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 668–677

    A dohányzás és az anyagi helyzet összefüggése serdülőkori és felnőttkori terhesség esetén

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    INTRODUCTION: Smoking occurs frequently during pregnancy, thereby putting mother and child at health risks. Low socio-economic status is a risk factor for smoking. AIM: To investigate the relationship between smoking and low income in teenage and adult pregnancy, which is an important measure of poor socioeconomic status. METHOD: The authors used subject-level data from the US NSDUH database, which contains information on pregnancies and smoking. RESULTS: Teenage pregnancy is associated with higher, whereas adult pregnancy with lower prevalence of smoking, compared to the age-matched female population. The association between income and smoking is age-dependent. Among adults there is an inverse relationship (high income -- low-risk of smoking), while in teenage pregnancy smoking increases with income. CONCLUSIONS: To investigate in teenage and adult pregnancy the relationship between smoking and low income, which is an important measure of poor socio-economic status. Higher socioeconomic status may be associated with risky behaviour, thereby increasing both the risk of smoking and early pregnancy
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