29 research outputs found

    GP-Unet: Lesion Detection from Weak Labels with a 3D Regression Network

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    We propose a novel convolutional neural network for lesion detection from weak labels. Only a single, global label per image - the lesion count - is needed for training. We train a regression network with a fully convolutional architecture combined with a global pooling layer to aggregate the 3D output into a scalar indicating the lesion count. When testing on unseen images, we first run the network to estimate the number of lesions. Then we remove the global pooling layer to compute localization maps of the size of the input image. We evaluate the proposed network on the detection of enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia in MRI. Our method achieves a sensitivity of 62% with on average 1.5 false positives per image. Compared with four other approaches based on intensity thresholding, saliency and class maps, our method has a 20% higher sensitivity.Comment: Article published in MICCAI 2017. We corrected a few errors from the first version: padding, loss, typos and update of the DOI numbe

    Segmentation of Intracranial Arterial Calcification with Deeply Supervised Residual Dropout Networks

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    Intracranial carotid artery calcification (ICAC) is a major risk factor for stroke, and might contribute to dementia and cognitive decline. Reliance on time-consuming manual annotation of ICAC hampers much demanded further research into the relationship between ICAC and neurological diseases. Automation of ICAC segmentation is therefore highly desirable, but difficult due to the proximity of the lesions to bony structures with a similar attenuation coefficient. In this paper, we propose a method for automatic segmentation of ICAC; the first to our knowledge. Our method is based on a 3D fully convolutional neural network that we extend with two regularization techniques. Firstly, we use deep supervision (hidden layers supervision) to encourage discriminative features in the hidden layers. Secondly, we augment the network with skip connections, as in the recently developed ResNet, and dropout layers, inserted in a way that skip connections circumvent them. We investigate the effect of skip connections and dropout. In addition, we propose a simple problem-specific modification of the network objective function that restricts the focus to the most important image regions and simplifies the optimization. We train and validate our model using 882 CT scans and test on 1,000. Our regularization techniques and objective improve the average Dice score by 7.1%, yielding an average Dice of 76.2% and 97.7% correlation between predicted ICAC volumes and manual annotations.Comment: Accepted for MICCAI 201

    3D Regression Neural Network for the Quantification of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI

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    Enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) in the brain are an emerging imaging marker for cerebral small vessel disease, and have been shown to be related to increased risk of various neurological diseases, including stroke and dementia. Automatic quantification of EPVS would greatly help to advance research into its etiology and its potential as a risk indicator of disease. We propose a convolutional network regression method to quantify the extent of EPVS in the basal ganglia from 3D brain MRI. We first segment the basal ganglia and subsequently apply a 3D convolutional regression network designed for small object detection within this region of interest. The network takes an image as input, and outputs a quantification score of EPVS. The network has significantly more convolution operations than pooling ones and no final activation, allowing it to span the space of real numbers. We validated our approach using a dataset of 2000 brain MRI scans scored visually. Experiments with varying sizes of training and test sets showed that a good performance can be achieved with a training set of only 200 scans. With a training set of 1000 scans, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between our scoring method and the expert's visual score was 0.74. Our method outperforms by a large margin - more than 0.10 - four more conventional automated approaches based on intensities, scale-invariant feature transform, and random forest. We show that the network learns the structures of interest and investigate the influence of hyper-parameters on the performance. We also evaluate the reproducibility of our network using a set of 60 subjects scanned twice (scan-rescan reproducibility). On this set our network achieves an ICC of 0.93, while the intrarater agreement reaches 0.80. Furthermore, the automatic EPVS scoring correlates similarly to age as visual scoring

    Deep Learning from Label Proportions for Emphysema Quantification

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    We propose an end-to-end deep learning method that learns to estimate emphysema extent from proportions of the diseased tissue. These proportions were visually estimated by experts using a standard grading system, in which grades correspond to intervals (label example: 1-5% of diseased tissue). The proposed architecture encodes the knowledge that the labels represent a volumetric proportion. A custom loss is designed to learn with intervals. Thus, during training, our network learns to segment the diseased tissue such that its proportions fit the ground truth intervals. Our architecture and loss combined improve the performance substantially (8% ICC) compared to a more conventional regression network. We outperform traditional lung densitometry and two recently published methods for emphysema quantification by a large margin (at least 7% AUC and 15% ICC), and achieve near-human-level performance. Moreover, our method generates emphysema segmentations that predict the spatial distribution of emphysema at human level.Comment: Accepted to MICCAI 201

    Hydranet: Data Augmentation for Regression Neural Networks

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    Deep learning techniques are often criticized to heavily depend on a large quantity of labeled data. This problem is even more challenging in medical image analysis where the annotator expertise is often scarce. We propose a novel data-augmentation method to regularize neural network regressors that learn from a single global label per image. The principle of the method is to create new samples by recombining existing ones. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on two tasks: estimation of the number of enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia, and estimation of white matter hyperintensities volume. We show that the proposed method improves the performance over more basic data augmentation. The proposed method reached an intraclass correlation coefficient between ground truth and network predictions of 0.73 on the first task and 0.84 on the second task, only using between 25 and 30 scans with a single global label per scan for training. With the same number of training scans, more conventional data augmentation methods could only reach intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.68 on the first task, and 0.79 on the second task.Comment: accepted in MICCAI 201

    Automated Estimation of the Spinal Curvature via Spine Centerline Extraction with Ensembles of Cascaded Neural Networks

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    Scoliosis is a condition defined by an abnormal spinal curvature. For diagnosis and treatment planning of scoliosis, spinal curvature can be estimated using Cobb angles. We propose an automated method for the estimation of Cobb angles from X-ray scans. First, the centerline of the spine was segmented using a cascade of two convolutional neural networks. After smoothing the centerline, Cobb angles were automatically estimated using the derivative of the centerline. We evaluated the results using the mean absolute error and the average symmetric mean absolute percentage error between the manual assessment by experts and the automated predictions. For optimization, we used 609 X-ray scans from the London Health Sciences Center, and for evaluation, we participated in the international challenge "Accurate Automated Spinal Curvature Estimation, MICCAI 2019" (100 scans). On the challenge's test set, we obtained an average symmetric mean absolute percentage error of 22.96

    DS6, Deformation-aware Semi-supervised Learning: Application to Small Vessel Segmentation with Noisy Training Data

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    Blood vessels of the brain are providing the human brain with the required nutrients and oxygen. As a vulnerable part of the cerebral blood supply, pathology of small vessels can cause serious problems such as Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases (CSVD). It has also been shown that CSVD is related to neurodegeneration, such as in Alzheimer's disease. With the advancement of 7 Tesla MRI systems, higher spatial image resolution can be achieved, enabling the depiction of very small vessels in the brain. Non-Deep Learning based approaches for vessel segmentation, e.g. Frangi's vessel enhancement with subsequent thresholding are capable of segmenting medium to large vessels but often fail to segment small vessels. The sensitivity of these methods to small vessels can be increased by extensive parameter tuning or by manual corrections, albeit making them time-consuming, laborious, and not feasible for larger datasets. This paper proposes a deep learning architecture to automatically segment small vessels in 7 Tesla 3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) data. The algorithm was trained and evaluated on a small imperfect semi-automatically segmented dataset of only 11 subjects; using six for training, two for validation and three for testing. Deep learning model based on U-Net Multi-Scale Supervision was trained using the training subset and were made equivariant to elastic deformations in a self-supervised manner using deformation-aware learning to improve the generalisation performance. The proposed technique was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively against the test set and achieved a dice score of 80.44±\pm0.83. Furthermore, the result of the proposed method was compared against a selected manually segmented region (62.07 resultant dice) and has shown a considerable improvement (18.98%) with deformation-aware learning

    Adversarial Attack Vulnerability of Medical Image Analysis Systems: Unexplored Factors

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    Adversarial attacks are considered a potentially serious security threat for machine learning systems. Medical image analysis (MedIA) systems have recently been argued to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks due to strong financial incentives and the associated technological infrastructure. In this paper, we study previously unexplored factors affecting adversarial attack vulnerability of deep learning MedIA systems in three medical domains: ophthalmology, radiology, and pathology. We focus on adversarial black-box settings, in which the attacker does not have full access to the target model and usually uses another model, commonly referred to as surrogate model, to craft adversarial examples. We consider this to be the most realistic scenario for MedIA systems. Firstly, we study the effect of weight initialization (ImageNet vs. random) on the transferability of adversarial attacks from the surrogate model to the target model. Secondly, we study the influence of differences in development data between target and surrogate models. We further study the interaction of weight initialization and data differences with differences in model architecture. All experiments were done with a perturbation degree tuned to ensure maximal transferability at minimal visual perceptibility of the attacks. Our experiments show that pre-training may dramatically increase the transferability of adversarial examples, even when the target and surrogate's architectures are different: the larger the performance gain using pre-training, the larger the transferability. Differences in the development data between target and surrogate models considerably decrease the performance of the attack; this decrease is further amplified by difference in the model architecture. We believe these factors should be considered when developing security-critical MedIA systems planned to be deployed in clinical practice.Comment: First three authors contributed equall