9 research outputs found

    Improved estimation of the bulk ice crystal fabric asymmetry from polarimetric phase co-registration

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    The bulk crystal orientation in ice influences the flow of glaciers and ice streams. The ice c-axes fabric is most reliably derived from ice cores. Because these are sparse, the spatial and vertical distribution of the fabric in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets is largely unknown. In recent years, methods have been developed to determine fabric characteristics from polarimetric radar measurements. The aim of this paper is to present an improved method to infer the horizontal fabric asymmetry by precisely determining the travel-time difference using co-polarised phase-sensitive radar data. We applied this method to six radar measurements from the East Greenland Ice-core Project (EastGRIP) drill site on Greenland's largest ice stream to give a proof of concept by comparing the results with the horizontal asymmetry of the bulk crystal anisotropy derived from the ice core. This comparison shows an excellent agreement, which is a large improvement compared to previously used methods. Our approach is particularly useful for determining the vertical profile of the fabric asymmetry in higher resolution and over larger depths than was achievable with previous methods, especially in regions with strong asymmetry.</p

    Airborne ultra-wideband radar sounding over the shear margins and along flow lines at the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    We present a high-resolution airborne radar data set (EGRIP-NOR-2018) for the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). The radar data were acquired in May 2018 with the Alfred Wegener Institute's multichannel ultra-wideband (UWB) radar mounted on the Polar 6 aircraft. Radar profiles cover an area of ∼24 000 km2 and extend over the well-defined shear margins of the NEGIS. The survey area is centered at the location of the drill site of the East Greenland Ice-Core Project (EastGRIP), and several radar lines intersect at this location. The survey layout was designed to (i) map the stratigraphic signature of the shear margins with radar profiles aligned perpendicular to ice flow, (ii) trace the radar stratigraphy along several flow lines, and (iii) provide spatial coverage of ice thickness and basal properties. While we are able to resolve radar reflections in the deep stratigraphy, we cannot fully resolve the steeply inclined reflections at the tightly folded shear margins in the lower part of the ice column. The NEGIS is causing the most significant discrepancies between numerically modeled and observed ice surface velocities. Given the high likelihood of future climate and ocean warming, this extensive data set of new high-resolution radar data in combination with the EastGRIP ice core will be a key contribution to understand the past and future dynamics of the NEGIS. The EGRIP-NOR-2018 radar data products can be obtained from the PANGAEA data publisher (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.928569; Franke et al., 2021a)

    Ice-flow history and observations from the ice base of Jutulstraumen drainage basin (Antarctica)

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    Future sea-level predictions require that the history of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is well understood and constrained by observations. Much of the ice sheets’ ice-dynamic properties are governed by processes at the ice-bed interface which can be imaged with radar sounding surveys. Here we use a combination of ultra-wideband radio-echo sounding data, satellite radar and laser altimetry data, as well as electromagnetic waveform modeling to characterize the properties of the ice base and the evolution of the subglacial morphology of the Jutulstraumen drainage basin (western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica). Based on the classification of the bed topography, we reconstruct the step-by-step modifications the subglacial landscape has experienced since the beginning of the glaciation of Antarctica, 34 million years ago. Between 2017 and 2020, we find evidence of active episodic cascade-like subglacial water transport along the subglacial valley network. In addition, our high-resolution radio-echo sounding data reveal a cluster of anomalous basal ice units whose material properties we constrain by electromagnetic waveform modeling. Through this, we aim to derive the physical conditions at the ice base, and establish a link to the subglacial hydrology system. The combination of these observations will represent an important step towards a better understanding of large-scale ice-sheet dynamics in western Dronning Maud Land

    Extending the fabric from the EGRIPice core in space with geophysicalmethods and modelling

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    Anisotropic crystal fabrics in ice sheets develop as a consequence of deformation and hence record information of past ice flow. Simultaneously, the fabric affects the present-day bulk mechanical properties of glacier ice because the susceptibility of ice crystals to deformation is highly anisotropic. This is particularly relevant in dynamic areas such as fast-flowing glaciers and ice streams, where the formation of strong fabrics might play a critical role in facilitating ice flow. Anisotropy is ignored in most state-of-the-art ice sheet models, and while its importance has long been recognized, accounting for fabric evolution and its impact on the ice viscosity has only recently become feasible. Both the application of such models to ice streams and their verification through in-situ observations are still rare. Ice cores provide direct and detailed information on the crystal fabric, but the logistical cost, technical challenges, particularly in fast-flowing ice and shear margins, difficulty in reconstructing the absolute orientation of the core, and their limitation of being a point measurement, make ice cores impractical for a spatially extensive evaluation of the fabric type. Indirect geophysical methods applied from or above the ice surface create the link between the small scale of laboratory experiments and ice–core observations to the large-scale coverage required for ice flow models and the complete understanding of ice stream dynamics. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the distribution of the ice fabric in the upstream part of the North-East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). Our results are based on a combination of methods applied to extensive airborne and ground-based radar surveys, ice- and firn-core observations, and numerical ice-flow modelling. They show that in the onset region of NEGIS and around the EGRIP ice core drilling site, the fabric is horizontally strongly anisotropic, forming a horizontal girdle perpendicular to the ice flow, while the horizontal anisotropy reduces quickly over distances of less than five ice thicknesses outside of the ice stream’s shear margins. Downstream of the drill site, the fabric develops into a more vertically symmetric configuration on a time scale of around 2 ka, the first observation of this kind. Our study shows how ice-core based fabric observations, geophysical surveys and ice-flow modelling complement each other to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the spatially strongly varying fabric

    Upstream flow effects revealed in the EastGRIP ice-core using a Monte Carlo inversion of a 2D ice-flow model

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    The North East Greenland ice-stream (NEGIS) is the largest active ice-stream on the Greenland ice-sheet and is a crucial contributor to the ice-sheet mass balance. To investigate the ice-stream dynamics and to gain information about the past climate, a deep ice-core is drilled in the upstream part of the NEGIS, termed the East Greenland ice-core project (EastGRIP). Upstream flow effects introduce non-climatic bias in ice-cores and are particularly strong at EastGRIP due to high ice-flow velocities and the location in an ice-stream on the eastern flank of the Greenland ice-sheet. Understanding and ultimately correcting for such effects requires information on the source area and the local atmospheric conditions at the time of ice deposition. We use a two-dimensional Dansgaard-Johnsen model to simulate ice-flow along three approximated flow-lines between the summit of the ice-sheet and EastGRIP. Model parameters are determined using a Monte Carlo inversion by minimizing the misfit between modeled isochrones and isochrones observed in radio-echo-sounding images. We calculate backward-in-time particle trajectories to determine the source area of ice found in the EastGRIP core today and present estimates of surface elevation and past accumulation-rates at the deposition site. The thinning function and accumulated strain obtained from the modeled velocity field provide useful information on the deformation history in the EastGRIP ice. Our results indicate that increased accumulation in the upstream area is predominantly responsible for the constant annual layer thickness observed in the upper part of the ice column at EastGRIP. Inverted model parameters suggest that the imprint of basal melting and sliding is present in large parts along the flow profiles and that most internal ice deformation happens close to the bedrock. The results of this study can act as a basis for applying upstream corrections to a variety of ice-core measurements, and the model parameters can be useful constraints for more sophisticated modeling approaches in the future

    Spatial variation of ice crystal fabric and implications of anisotropic flow on the evolution of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    Anisotropic crystal fabrics in ice sheets develop as a consequence of deformation and hence record information of past ice flow. Simultaneously, the fabric affects the present-day bulk mechanical properties of glacier ice because the susceptibility of ice crystals to deformation is highly anisotropic. This is particularly relevant in dynamic areas such as fast-flowing glaciers and ice streams, where the formation of strong fabrics might play a critical role in facilitating ice flow. This fact is ignored in most state-of-the-art ice sheet models, and while their importance has been recognized years ago, accounting for fabrics evolution and their impact on the ice viscosity has only recently become feasible. Both, the application of such models in ice streams as well as their verification through in-situ observations are, however, still rare. We present an extensive dataset of fabric anisotropy derived from radar data recorded in the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream by air-borne and ground-based systems. Our methods yield the horizontal anisotropy and are based on travel time anisotropy and splitting as well as birefringence-induced power modulation of radar signals. They complement each other and show good agreement. We compare these in-situ observations with the results obtained from a fabric-evolution model employed along flow tubes in the ice stream onset to discuss the fabric in light of past flow history and its significance for the current flow mechanics of the ice stream

    Crystal orientation fabric anisotropy causes directional hardening of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Programme and has been financially supported by the Villum Investigator Project IceFlow (Grant No. 16572 to D.D.-J.). Radar development was further supported by funding from the University of Alabama. EGRIP is directed and organised by the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. S.F. received funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Forschungsstipendien für promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler. M.R.E. was supported by a DFG Emmy Noether grant (grant no. DR 822/3-1).The dynamic mass loss of ice sheets constitutes one of the biggest uncertainties in projections of ice-sheet evolution. One central, understudied aspect of ice flow is how the bulk orientation of the crystal orientation fabric translates to the mechanical anisotropy of ice. Here we show the spatial distribution of the depth-averaged horizontal anisotropy and corresponding directional flow-enhancement factors covering a large area of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream onset. Our results are based on airborne and ground-based radar surveys, ice-core observations, and numerical ice-flow modelling. They show a strong spatial variability of the horizontal anisotropy and a rapid crystal reorganisation on the order of hundreds of years coinciding with the ice-stream geometry. Compared to isotropic ice, parts of the ice stream are found to be more than one order of magnitude harder for along-flow extension/compression while the shear margins are potentially softened by a factor of two for horizontal-shear deformation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Crystal orientation fabric anisotropy causes directional hardening of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    The dynamic mass loss of ice sheets constitutes one of the biggest uncertainties in projections of ice-sheet evolution. One central, understudied aspect of ice flow is how the bulk orientation of the crystal orientation fabric translates to the mechanical anisotropy of ice. Here we show the spatial distribution of the depth-averaged horizontal anisotropy and corresponding directional flow-enhancement factors covering a large area of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream onset. Our results are based on airborne and ground-based radar surveys, ice-core observations, and numerical ice-flow modelling. They show a strong spatial variability of the horizontal anisotropy and a rapid crystal reorganisation on the order of hundreds of years coinciding with the ice-stream geometry. Compared to isotropic ice, parts of the ice stream are found to be more than one order of magnitude harder for along-flow extension/compression while the shear margins are potentially softened by a factor of two for horizontal-shear deformation.</p