1,825 research outputs found

    Was ist der Preis für Arbeit? : die Prekarisierung der Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in den westeuropäischen Ländern und die Rolle der Sozialen Arbeit

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    Die Zunahme prekärer Beschäftigungsverhältnisse im postfordistischen Zeitalter deutet an, dass sich die westeuropäische Arbeitsgesellschaft in einer Transformation befindet. Die Krise der Arbeit führt nunmehr dazu, dass soziale Unsicherheit und Prekarität, welche im letzten Jahrhundert freilich als überwunden galten, wieder tief in die Gesellschaft vordringen. Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit geht daher der Frage nach, welche Rolle die Soziale Arbeit in der Prekarisierung von Beschäftigungsverhältnissen einnimmt und welche Interventionsmöglichkeiten sich den Professionellen bieten. Ziel ist es, einerseits die Professionellen in Bezug auf die Thematik der Prekarisierung von Beschäftigungsverhältnissen zu sensibilisieren und gleichwohl Interventionsmöglichkeiten zu empfehlen. Dafür untersucht diese Arbeit in einem ersten Schritt, welche soziologischen Terminologien sich hinter dem Begriff «Prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse» verbergen. Anschliessend wird die Prekarisierung der Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in den historischen Kontext gesetzt. Hierbei wird anhand einer summarischen Retrospektive dargelegt, wie sich prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse im postfordistischen Zeitalter reproduzieren konnten und welches Ausmass sie in der Gegenwart angenommen haben. Nachfolgend wird das Desintegrationspotenzial prekärer Beschäftigungsverhält-nisse unter Beizug der Anerkennungstheorie nach Honneth (1992) rekonstruiert. Schliesslich wird die Rolle der Sozialen Arbeit in der Prekarisierung von Beschäftigungsverhältnissen anhand der aktivierungspolitischen Neuausrichtung seit den 1990er Jahren kritisch analysiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Profession selbst einer tiefgreifenden Transformation unterliegt, in der sie zu einer Triebkraft der Prekarisierung von Beschäftigungsverhältnissen avanciert. Trotz oder genau deshalb werden abschliessend konkrete Interventionsmöglichkeiten für Professionelle sowohl auf der Subjekt- als auch auf der Strukturebene ausgearbeitet. Um der Prekarisierung von Beschäftigungsverhältnissen im postfordistischen Zeitalter Einhalt zu gebieten, sieht sich die Profession mit verschiedenen Aufgaben konfrontiert, welche sie im Sinne der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und der Menschenwürde mit Entschlossenheit, Mut sowie einem kritisch reflektierten Wissen anzugehen hat

    Two Shoot-Miners, Ceutorhynchus alliariae and Ceutorhynchus roberti, Sharing the Same Fundamental Niche on Garlic Mustard

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    A combination of observational and experimental methods, in both the laboratory and field, were used to assess niche partitioning between Ceutorhynchus alliariae Brisout and C. roberti Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), two coexisting shoot-boring weevils on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara and Grande (Brassicaceae). We compared their morphology, oviposition behavior, larval development, distribution, abundance, and attack rates in their sympatric range, and of C. alliariae when found alone and in sympatry with C. roberti. Results indicate only very small differences in the fundamental niches of the two species. Comparison of C. alliariae in the range it occurs alone with the range where it co-occurs with C. roberti revealed some evidence for competition between the two species, i.e., attack levels of C. alliariae were reduced in areas where it co-occurred with C. roberti. However, the study showed no character displacement in regard to adult size or shoot choice of C. alliariae and we found no indication for superiority of either of the two species. Clearly, manipulative experiments would be necessary to unambiguously test for competition between the two species. Our results, based on a subset of niche dimensions known to be important in other systems, suggest that C. alliariae and C. roberti may present one of the rare cases, in which niche differentiation is not the main mechanism underlying coexistenc

    Qualitätsmanagement und Social Media

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    Basierend auf den technischen Entwicklungen des Internets in den letzten Jahren nimmt die Nutzung sowohl im privaten als auch im geschäftlichen Bereich ständig zu. Durch seine zunehmend bessere Unterstützung der Prozessabläufe in Organisationen steigt die Nachfrage nach Lösungen für verschiedene Querschnittsfunktionen, wie beispielsweise der Dokumentationspflichten im Qualitätsmanagement. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wird ein Ansatz aufgezeigt, wie sich moderne Techniken aus dem Bereich des Social Media nutzen lassen, um Qualitätsmanagement-Handbücher zu erstellen und das Leben dieser Inhalte zu intensivieren. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der Zusammenarbeit aller Mitarbeiter einer Organisation

    Biomechanical testing of a polymer-based biomaterial for the restoration of spinal stability after nucleotomy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surgery for disc herniations can be complicated by two major problems: painful degeneration of the spinal segment and re-herniation. Therefore, we examined an absorbable poly-glycolic acid (PGA) biomaterial, which was lyophilized with hyaluronic acid (HA), for its utility to (a) re-establish spinal stability and to (b) seal annulus fibrosus defects. The biomechanical properties range of motion (ROM), neutral zone (NZ) and a potential annulus sealing capacity were investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seven bovine, lumbar spinal units were tested in vitro for ROM and NZ in three consecutive stages: (a) intact, (b) following nucleotomy and (c) after insertion of a PGA/HA nucleus-implant. For biomechanical testing, spinal units were mounted on a loading-simulator for spines. In three cycles, axial loading was applied in an excentric mode with 0.5 Nm steps until an applied moment of ± 7.5 Nm was achieved in flexion/extension. ROM and NZ were assessed. These tests were performed without and with annulus sealing by sewing a PGA/HA annulus-implant into the annulus defect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spinal stability was significantly impaired after nucleotomy (p < 0.001). Intradiscal implantation of a PGA-HA nucleus-implant, however, restored spinal stability (p < 0.003). There was no statistical difference between the stability provided by the nucleus-implant and the intact stage regarding flexion/extension movements (p = 0.209). During the testing sequences, herniation of biomaterial through the annulus defect into the spinal canal regularly occurred, resulting in compression of neural elements. Sewing a PGA/HA annulus-implant into the annulus defect, however, effectively prevented herniation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PGA/HA biomaterial seems to be well suited for cell-free and cell-based regenerative treatment strategies in spinal surgery. Its abilities to restore spinal stability and potentially close annulus defects open up new vistas for regenerative approaches to treat intervertebral disc degeneration and for preventing implant herniation.</p

    CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Targeting of BPV-1-Transformed Primary Equine Sarcoid Fibroblasts

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    Equine sarcoids (EqS) are fibroblast-derived skin tumors associated with bovine papillomavirus 1 and 2 (BPV-1 and -2). Based on Southern blotting, the BPV-1 genome was not found to be integrated in the host cell genome, suggesting that EqS pathogenesis does not result from insertional mutagenesis. Hence, CRISPR/Cas9 implies an interesting tool for selectively targeting BPV-1 episomes or genetically anchored suspected host factors. To address this in a proof-of-concept study, we confirmed the exclusive episomal persistence of BPV-1 in EqS using targeted locus amplification (TLA). To investigate the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated editing of BPV-1 episomes, primary equine fibroblast cultures were established and characterized. In the EqS fibroblast cultures, CRISPR-mediated targeting of the episomal E5 and E6 oncogenes as well as the BPV-1 long control region was successful and resulted in a pronounced reduction of the BPV-1 load. Moreover, the deletion of the equine Vimentin (VIM), which is highly expressed in EqS, considerably decreased the number of BPV-1 episomes. Our results suggest CRISPR/Cas9-based gene targeting may serve as a tool to help further unravel the biology of EqS pathogenesis

    Red Deer Browsing Decelerates Shrub Regrowth Despite Increasing Wolf Presence

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    Semi-natural open habitats in Europe have been shaped by traditional land use practices, such as extensive mowing or livestock grazing. However, socio-economic transformations have led to the abandonment of many grassland and heathland areas and conservation management is now required to maintain these biodiverse habitats. Grazing by wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) can be a convenient alternative to laborious mechanical management or livestock grazing. Yet it remains unclear if free-ranging ungulates can counteract shrub growth sufficiently to maintain open habitats—especially with natural predators, i.e. wolves (Canis lupus), recolonizing Europe. To assess red deer effects on shrub regrowth after clearance, we installed a cohort of open and fenced plots (17 pairs) in 2016, when wolf presence in our study area (Grafenwöhr military training area, DE) was negligible. When wolf presence had become frequent in 2020, we set up a second cohort (41 paired plots). For both cohorts, the vegetation in the shrub and herb layer was significantly higher in fenced than open plots already after one year. Shrub height increased continuously and dead herbaceous biomass accumulated under red deer exclusion. Consequently, wild red deer can slow down shrub succession in open habitats even under increasing predation pressure. Regardless of wolf presence, a wildlife management that enables red deer to forage in open landscapes could thus reduce the required frequency of conservation management interventions

    Two Shoot-Miners, Ceutorhynchus alliariae

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    CBA (4-chloro-2-(2-chlorophenoxy)acetamido) benzoic acid) inhibits TMEM206 mediated currents and TMEM206 does not contribute to acid-induced cell death in colorectal cancer cells

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    Introduction: Upon activation at low pH, TMEM206 conducts Cl− ions across plasma and vesicular membranes. In a (patho)physiological context, TMEM206 was reported to contribute to acid-induced cell death in neurons, kidney and cervical epithelial cells. We investigated the role of TMEM206 in acid-induced cell death in colorectal cancer cells. In addition, we studied CBA as a new small molecule inhibitor for TMEM206.Methods: The role of TMEM206 in acid-induced cell death was studied with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout and FACS analysis. The pharmacology of TMEM206 was determined with the patch clamp technique.Results: In colorectal cancer cells, TMEM206 is not a critical mediator of acid-induced cell death. CBA is a small molecule inhibitor of TMEM206 (IC50 = 9.55 µM) at low pH, at pH 6.0 inhibition is limited.Conclusion: CBA demonstrates effective and specific inhibition of TMEM206; however, its inhibitory efficacy is limited at pH 6.0. Despite this limitation, CBA is a potent inhibitor for functional studies at pH 4.5 and may be a promising scaffold for the development of future TMEM206 inhibitors

    Contamination of personal protective equipment during COVID-19 autopsies

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    Confronted with an emerging infectious disease at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the medical community faced concerns regarding the safety of autopsies on those who died of the disease. This attitude has changed, and autopsies are now recognized as indispensable tools for understanding COVID-19, but the true risk of infection to autopsy staff is nevertheless still debated. To clarify the rate of SARS-CoV-2 contamination in personal protective equipment (PPE), swabs were taken at nine points in the PPE of one physician and one assistant after each of 11 full autopsies performed at four centers. Swabs were also obtained from three minimally invasive autopsies (MIAs) conducted at a fifth center. Lung/bronchus swabs of the deceased served as positive controls, and SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected by real-time RT-PCR. In 9 of 11 full autopsies, PPE samples tested RNA positive through PCR, accounting for 41 of the 198 PPE samples taken (21%). The main contaminated items of the PPE were gloves (64% positive), aprons (50% positive), and the tops of shoes (36% positive) while the fronts of safety goggles, for example, were positive in only 4.5% of the samples, and all the face masks were negative. In MIAs, viral RNA was observed in one sample from a glove but not in other swabs. Infectious virus isolation in cell culture was performed on RNA-positive swabs from the full autopsies. Of all the RNA-positive PPE samples, 21% of the glove samples, taken in 3 of 11 full autopsies, tested positive for infectious virus. In conclusion, PPE was contaminated with viral RNA in 82% of autopsies. In 27% of autopsies, PPE was found to be contaminated even with infectious virus, representing a potential risk of infection to autopsy staff. Adequate PPE and hygiene measures, including appropriate waste deposition, are therefore essential to ensure a safe work environment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00428-021-03263-7