76 research outputs found

    Sources of income as a factor of interregional socio-economical differentiation of Russian population (1995 - 2007 YEARS)

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    The principal results of the statistical and econometrical studying of dynamics and factors of income inequality across the regions of The Russian Federation (RF) during 1995 - 2007 years have been presented at the paper. The objects of investigation have been the 79 subjects of RF. They have been described by variables: (a) population; (b) income per capita (at average for all population, living at the subject); (c) structure of income: the share of total income, obtained at average of all people in subjects, by five sources (their sum is equal to 100%): (1) business (enterprise) activity; (2) wages (salaries); (3) social transfers; (4) property; (5) other incomes. As the first step of "space - time" analysis dynamics and differentiation of seven named above indicators have been studied. The same initial indicators let us to estimate Total Monetary Income (TMI) and its five component TMI(k), k=1, . . .,5 for each from 79 regions of RF. The spatial distributions of new six variables and their evolution from beginning of transition up to crisis have been considered at the second step of investigation. The GINI and FUND coefficients have been calculated for TMI and for its five components. The subjects of TMI concentration have been determined by comparative level-dynamic analysis of these indicators. The same has been done for TMI(k) from five sources. It could say that practically each region of RF has had the different way of social - economic development. GINI decomposition by five sources of income, presented GINI as a linear combination of income structure and the Coefficients of Concentration, has been the next step of investigation. The results of decomposition indicated clear that two sources of income - (4) "properties" and (5) "other incomes" have been the main factors of interregional income inequality. There are "short lists" of subjects of RF, where the incomes from these two sources have been concentrated. The Decomposition method let us to discuss the different aspects of income inequality and make the emphasis at institutional factors of population economic activities and income redistribution

    Sources of Income as a Factor of Interregional Social Economic Differentiation of the Russia’s Population (1995-2007)

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    Evolution of the income structure divided into five components in 79 subjects of RF during the years 1990-2007is studied in the paper. The coefficients of Fond, Gini and Concentration for total income per capita and for each of its five components are estimated. Comparative analysis of these indicators allows deeper understanding of development of the interregional income inequality. Decomposition of GINI into Concentration coefficients allows us to discuss more arguably how to change these trends.Income of population; income sources; income structure; interregional differentiation; GINI coefficient; coefficient of concentration; decomposition

    The Spatial Distribution of the Total Monetary Income of the Russian Population: Tendencies and Factors of Dynamics (1995–2003)

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    The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the tendencies of income distribution inequalities across the regions of The Russian Federation from 1995 to 2003. Two aspects of the problem have been taken into consideration. The first one is to compare the evolution of income structure: shares of the total income obtained from five different sources: (1) wages (salaries); (2) business (enterprise) activities; (3) social transfers; (4) property revenues; (5) other sources. Then the attention is focused on the “spatial differentiation”. For that the total income distributions across the regions as well as those of the five components have been determined. The GINI and FUND coefficients have been calculated to devise the spatial inequality. The evidence from the analyzed data indicates that there is a tendency to rising inequality between regional income distributions during the time, especially with regard to incomes from the “property”.regions of RF; income; sources; structure; spatial distribution; GINI; FUND coefficient; inequality

    Management of migration processes in the Russian Federation: analysis and prospects

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    The article analyzes the migration situation taking into account the social and economic development of the Russian Federation. The statistical data on labor migration, illegal migration, as well as indicators of demographic development and the labor market have been adduced. The forecast of changing the demographic situation has been considered. The main trends in the distribution of foreign workers taking into account the professional-qualification structure have been revealed. The authors stated the growing role of migration in the formation of labor potential and its placement in the country’s territory. The main legal instrument in the sphere of migration, according to authors, is the Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for the period 2019-2025, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, which defines the goals, principles, tasks, main directions and mechanisms for implementing the state migration policy of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the Concept activities will improve the migration legislation, using labor market tools related to determining the needs of the Russian economy for foreign workers, simplifying the entry, exit and stay of qualified foreign specialists, entrepreneurs and investors, and the development of educational and academic migration. Improving the mechanisms for foreign citizens to work on the basis of patents from Russian individuals, to facilitate the territorial mobility of Russian citizens are important aspects of the state migration policy. First of all, economic trends in the management of the state migration policy should be aimed at a balanced distribution of labor resources in the territory of the Russian Federation. Special attention has been paid to the international cooperation in the migration field. Attention has been paid to international treaties, aimed at the implementation of labor activity of migrants, the suppression of illegal migration, as well as international treaties on readmission. The prospects of effective management of migration processes in the Russian Federation on the basis of interaction of various levels of power have been determined


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    Multicultural and polyethnic diversity of the population is a characteristic trend of the world community. The polyethnic environment of the school can be, on the one hand, a basis for the manifestation of tolerance, interethnic interaction, and on the other hand, a high degree of ethnic identity of students can cause inter-ethnic conflicts, hostility to the representatives of a different nationality. Ethnic identity is formed in the context of the socialization of the younger schoolchild’s personality, which is characterized by the desire to achieve success and social recognition, social activity, indicating social success. Various kinds of contradictions appear between ethnic identity and the achievement of social success of younger schoolchildren in the multinational classes. The study examined the impact of ethnic identity on the achievement of younger schoolchildren’s social success in the multinational classes. The sample consisted of 236 primary school children aged 8-9 years old. multinational Correlation analysis identified positive relationships between ethnic identity and such indicators of social success as proneness to conflict, the aspiration for power, the tendency to affiliation and negative relationships between sociometric status and cohesion. High ethnic identity of younger schoolchildren in the multinational classes does not affect satisfaction with school life; achieving success in general increases the tendency to group recognition and respect, but at the same time impedes the achievement of favorable sociometric status and cohesion in the classroom, increasing proneness to conflict between the classmates.La diversidad multicultural y polietnica de la población es una tendencia característica de la comunidad mundial. El ambiente polieténico de la escuela puede ser, por un lado, una base para la manifestación de tolerancia, interacción interétnica y, por otro lado, un alto grado de identidad étnica de los estudiantes puede causar conflictos interétnicos, hostilidad hacia los representantes. de una nacionalidad diferente. La identidad étnica se forma en el contexto de la socialización de la personalidad del menor escolar, que se caracteriza por el deseo de lograr el éxito y el reconocimiento social, la actividad social, lo que indica el éxito social. Aparecen varios tipos de contradicciones entre la identidad étnica y el logro del éxito social de los escolares más jóvenes en las clases multinacionales. El estudio examinó el impacto de la identidad étnica en el logro del éxito social de los escolares más jóvenes en las clases multinacionales. La muestra consistió en 236 niños de primaria de 8 a 9 años. En la muestra agregada de escolares más jóvenes que estudian en las clases multinacionales, en términos de indicadores positivos, los estudiantes socialmente exitosos se revelaron dos veces más que los socialmente no exitosos. El grupo de escolares socialmente fracasados ​​estaba formado principalmente por alumnos con un alto nivel de identidad étnica. El análisis de correlación identificó relaciones positivas entre la identidad étnica y tales indicadores de éxito social como la propensión al conflicto, la aspiración de poder, la tendencia a la afiliación y las relaciones negativas entre el estado sociométrico y la cohesión. La alta identidad étnica de los escolares más jóvenes en las clases multinacionales no afecta la satisfacción con la vida escolar; Lograr el éxito en general aumenta la tendencia al reconocimiento y respeto grupal, pero al mismo tiempo impide el logro del estado sociométrico favorable y la cohesión en el aula, lo que aumenta la propensión al conflicto entre los compañeros de clase.Поликультурное и полиэтническое разнообразие населения является характерной тенденцией мирового общества. Полиэтническая среда школы может выступать, с одной стороны, основой для проявления толерантности, межэтнического взаимодействия, с другой стороны, высокая степень этнической идентичности обучающихся может вызывать межэтнические конфликты, неприязнь к представителям иной национальности. Формирование этнической идентичности происходит в контексте социализации личности младшего школьника, которая характеризуется стремлением к достижению успеха и социальному признанию, социальной активностью, что является показателями социальной успешности. Возникают различного рода противоречия между этнической идентичностью и достижением социальной успешности младших школьников полинациональных классов. В исследовании изучалось влияние этнической идентичности на достижение социальной успешности младших школьников в полинациональных классах. Выборку составили 236 младших школьников 8-9 лет. В совокупной выборке младших школьников полинациональных классов по позитивным показателям социально успешных обучающихся выявлено в два раза больше, чем социально неуспешных. Группу социально неуспешных школьников составили в основном школьники с высоким уровнем этнической идентичности. Корреляционный анализ выявил наличие положительных взаимосвязей между этнической идентичностью и такими показателями социальной успешности как конфликтность, стремление к власти, тенденция к аффилиации и отрицательных взаимосвязей между социометрическим статусом и сплочённостью. Высокая этническая идентичность у младших школьников полинациональных классов не влияет на удовлетворённость школьной жизнью, достижение успеха в целом, усиливает тенденцию к групповому признанию и уважению, но вместе с тем препятствует достижению благоприятного социометрического статуса, сплочённости в классе, увеличивает конфликтность между одноклассниками

    The Impact of White Pine (Pinus strobus) on a Mollisol After Seven Decades of Soil Development

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    Selected chemical, physical, and macro and micromorphological properties in two pedons of a Clarion soil (Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludolls) formed in till parent material, one planted to white pines (Pinus strobus) for the past 75 years and the other to grass, were compared. The most obvious difference between the two was the increased biological activity under pines; the variety and quantity of excrements suggested the activity of soil microfauna and variability of species resulted in finer and better aggregation of biological origin (crumbs and granules), numerous excrements in voids, and higher total porosity under pines. The matrix was lighter colored in the upper horizons under pines. The soil under pines seemed to be drier and to have more expressed water oscillations in the middle part of profile. There was some evidence of higher groundmass activity in the soil under pines and the groundmass b-fabric was slightly better expressed. The soil under the pines exhibited evidence of stronger weathering (weathered biotite at a shallower depth, more iron-rich fine fraction, common amorphous iron impregnation and frequent amorphous iron coatings related to grains or pores together with abundant iron nodules) than the soil under grass. Analytical and micromorphology methods showed only slight changes in the Clarion soil under pines. That means 75 years, at least under the prevailing climate, is too short a period for the formation of pronounced morphological and physico-chemical differences

    Sustainable Development of Society and Russian Philosophy: Educational Aspect

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    The purpose of the article is to project the general statements of the philosophical tradition and domestic psychological schools of thought on the specific situation of teaching and education, as well as to compare the historically emerging ideas of upbringing and education with modern approaches, and to trace the genetic connection and the continuity of ideas. In this context, it is possible to draw conclusions and learn lessons for the development of the modern pedagogical situation. The research results are novel and practically significant, since the main conclusion is the choice of a methodological basis for teaching natural sciences with a view to the sustainable development of society as a whole and within the framework of subject-subject relationship in particular. According to the chosen methodology, teaching information about sustainable development involves a set of interconnected methods for the purpose of their application in the educational process so to access each student individually. A special contribution of the authors is a comparative analysis of approaches to training and education, which result in the sustainable development of society. Keywords: Man, nature, society, biosphere, co-evolution, personality-activity approach, subject-subject relationship, sustainable development, Russian philosophy, student

    High diversity of Bacidia (Ramalinaceae, Lecanorales) species in the Caucasus as revealed by molecular and morphological analyses

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    During a study of the incompletely known lichen flora of the Caucasus, we analyzed 237 specimens of corticolous Bacidia s. str. collected in the Northern and Southern Caucasus, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Russia. Of these, 54 specimens belonging to 11 species of Bacidia s. str. were selected for molecular studies, representing the observed morphological variability of the genus. We obtained 142 sequences from three RNA-coding genes (nrITS, nrLSU, and mtSSU) and two protein-coding genes (RPB1 and RPB2). The single and concatenated datasets were complemented with Bacidia s. str. sequences from GenBank and subjected to Bayesian inference and two maximum likelihood analyses (RAxML and IQ-TREE). The resulting trees yielded highly concordant topologies of the groups and corresponded with previous results, supporting two main clades correlating with apothecia pigmentation. Our analyses are the first to reveal the presence of Bacidia heterochroa in the Caucasus. An exceptionally high degree of morphological plasticity was found in the Rubella and Suffusa groups. As a result of morphological examination and phylogenetic results, B. caucasica (Suffusa group) was described as new to science. Furthermore, two putative taxa in the Rubella group, Bacidia inconspicua ined. and B. maritima ined., were introduced. This study furthers our understanding and documentation of the understudied lichen flora of the Caucasus, bringing the total number of Bacidia species for the region to 13