87 research outputs found

    Sialic acids on B cells are crucial for their survival and provide protection against apoptosis.

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    Sialic acids (Sias) on the B cell membrane are involved in cell migration, in the control of the complement system and, as sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin (Siglec) ligands, in the regulation of cellular signaling. We studied the role of sialoglycans on B cells in a mouse model with B cell-specific deletion of cytidine monophosphate sialic acid synthase (CMAS), the enzyme essential for the synthesis of sialoglycans. Surprisingly, these mice showed a severe B cell deficiency in secondary lymphoid organs. Additional depletion of the complement factor C3 rescued the phenotype only marginally, demonstrating a complement-independent mechanism. The B cell survival receptor BAFF receptor was not up-regulated, and levels of activated caspase 3 and processed caspase 8 were high in B cells of Cmas-deficient mice, indicating ongoing apoptosis. Overexpressed Bcl-2 could not rescue this phenotype, pointing to extrinsic apoptosis. These results show that sialoglycans on the B cell surface are crucial for B cell survival by counteracting several death-inducing pathways

    Exploring and Exploiting Acceptor Preferences of the Human Polysialyltransferases as a Basis for an Inhibitor Screen

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    Yesα2,8-Linked polysialic acid (polySia) is an oncofoetal antigen with high abundance during embryonic development. It reappears in malignant tumours of neuroendocrine origin. Two polysialyltransferases (polySTs) ST8SiaII and IV are responsible for polySia biosynthesis. During development, both enzymes are essential to control polySia expression. However, in tumours ST8SiaII is the prevalent enzyme. Consequently, ST8SiaII is an attractive target for novel cancer therapeutics. A major challenge is the high structural and functional conservation of ST8SiaII and -IV. An assay system that enables differential testing of ST8SiaII and -IV would be of high value to search for specific inhibitors. Here we exploited the different modes of acceptor recognition and elongation for this purpose. With DMB-DP3 and DMB-DP12 (fluorescently labelled sialic acid oligomers with a degree of polymerisation of 3 and 12, respectively) we identified stark differences between the two enzymes. The new acceptors enabled the simple comparative testing of the polyST initial transfer rate for a series of CMP-activated and N-substituted sialic acid derivatives. Of these derivatives, the non-transferable CMP-Neu5Cyclo was found to be a new, competitive ST8SiaII inhibitor

    Combined chemical synthesis and tailored enzymatic elongation provide fully synthetic and conjugation-ready Neisseria meningitidis serogroup X vaccine antigens

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    Studies on the polymerization mode of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup X capsular polymerase CsxA recently identified a truncated construct that can be immobilized and used for length controlled on-column production of oligosaccharides. Here, we combined the use of a synthetic acceptor bearing an appendix for carrier protein conjugation and the on-column process to a novel chemo-enzymatic strategy. After protein coupling of the size optimized oligosaccharide produced by the one-pot elongation procedure, we obtained a more homogeneous glycoconjugate compared to the one previously described starting from the natural polysaccharide. Mice immunized with the conjugated fully synthetic oligomer elicited functional antibodies comparable to controls immunized with the current benchmark MenX glycoconjugates prepared from the natural capsule polymer or from fragments of it enzymatically elongated. This pathogen-free technology allows the fast total in vitro construction of predefined bacterial polysaccharide fragments. Compared to conventional synthetic protocols, the procedure is more expeditious and drastically reduces the number of purification steps to achieve the oligomers. Furthermore, the presence of a linker for conjugation in the synthetic acceptor minimizes manipulations on the enzymatically produced glycan prior to protein conjugation. This approach enriches the methods for fast construction of complex bacterial carbohydrates

    Mix-and-Match System for the Enzymatic Synthesis of Enantiopure Glycerol-3-Phosphate-Containing Capsule Polymer Backbones from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Bibersteinia trehalosi

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    Capsule polymers are crucial virulence factors of pathogenic bacteria and are used as antigens in glycoconjugate vaccine formulations. Some Gram-negative pathogens express poly(glycosylglycerol phosphate) capsule polymers that resemble Gram-positive wall teichoic acids and are synthesized by TagF-like capsule polymerases. So far, the biotechnological use of these enzymes for vaccine developmental studies was restricted by the unavailability of enantiopure CDP-glycerol, one of the donor substrates required for polymer assembly. Here, we use CTP:glycerol-phosphate cytidylyltransferases (GCTs) and TagF-like polymerases to synthesize the poly(glycosylglycerol phosphate) capsule polymer backbones of the porcine pathogen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, serotypes 3 and 7 (App3 and App7). GCT activity was confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography, and polymers were analyzed using comprehensive nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Solid-phase synthesis protocols were established to allow potential scale-up of polymer production. In addition, one-pot reactions exploiting glycerol-kinase allowed us to start the reaction from inexpensive, widely available substrates. Finally, this study highlights that multidomain TagF-like polymerases can be transformed by mutagenesis of active site residues into single-action transferases, which in turn can act in trans to build-up structurally new polymers. Overall, our protocols provide enantiopure, nature-identical capsule polymer backbones from App2, App3, App7, App9, and App11, Neisseria meningitidis serogroup H, and Bibersteinia trehalosi serotypes T3 and T15

    Pharmacological Inhibition of polysialyltransferase ST8SiaII Modulates Tumour Cell Migration

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    YesPolysialic acid (polySia), an α-2,8-glycosidically linked polymer of sialic acid, is a developmentally regulated posttranslational modification predominantly found on NCAM (neuronal cell adhesion molecule). Whilst high levels are expressed during development, peripheral adult organs do not express polySia-NCAM. However, tumours of neural crest-origin re-express polySia-NCAM: its occurrence correlates with aggressive and invasive disease and poor clinical prognosis in different cancer types, notably including small cell lung cancer (SCLC), pancreatic cancer and neuroblastoma. In neuronal development, polySia-NCAM biosynthesis is catalysed by two polysialyltransferases, ST8SiaII and ST8SiaIV, but it is ST8SiaII that is the prominent enzyme in tumours. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ST8SiaII inhibition by a small molecule on tumour cell migration, utilising cytidine monophosphate (CMP) as a tool compound. Using immunoblotting we showed that CMP reduced ST8iaII-mediated polysialylation of NCAM. Utilizing a novel HPLC-based assay to quantify polysialylation of a fluorescent acceptor (DMB-DP3), we demonstrated that CMP is a competitive inhibitor of ST8SiaII (Ki = 10 μM). Importantly, we have shown that CMP causes a concentration-dependent reduction in tumour cell-surface polySia expression, with an absence of toxicity. When ST8SiaII-expressing tumour cells (SH-SY5Y and C6-STX) were evaluated in 2D cell migration assays, ST8SiaII inhibition led to significant reductions in migration, while CMP had no effect on cells not expressing ST8SiaII (DLD-1 and C6-WT). The study demonstrates for the first time that a polysialyltransferase inhibitor can modulate migration in ST8SiaII-expressing tumour cells. We conclude that ST8SiaII can be considered a druggable target with the potential for interfering with a critical mechanism in tumour cell dissemination in metastatic cancers.Yorkshire Cancer Research; EPSRC; Association for International Cancer Research; Jordanian Government PhD scholarshi

    A Multivalent Adsorption Apparatus Explains the Broad Host Range of Phage phi92: a Comprehensive Genomic and Structural Analysis

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    Bacteriophage phi92 is a large, lytic myovirus isolated in 1983 from pathogenic Escherichia coli strains that carry a polysialic acid capsule. Here we report the genome organization of phi92, the cryoelectron microscopy reconstruction of its virion, and the re-investigation of its host specificity. The genome consists of a linear, double-stranded 148,612-bp DNA sequence containing 248 potential open reading frames and 11 putative tRNA genes. Orthologs were found for 130 of the predicted proteins. Most of the virion proteins showed significant sequence similarities to proteins of myoviruses rv5 and PVP-SE1, indicating that phi92 is a new member of the novel genus of rv5-like phages. Reinvestigation of phi92 host specificity showed that the host range is not limited to polysialic acid-encapsulated Escherichia coli but includes most laboratory strains of Escherichia coli and many Salmonella strains. Structure analysis of the phi92 virion demonstrated the presence of four different types of tail fibers and/or tail-spikes, which enable the phage to use attachment sites on encapsulated and nonencapsulated bacteria. With this report, we provide the first detailed description of a multivalent, multispecies phage armed with a host cell adsorption apparatus resembling a nanosized Swiss army knife. The genome, structure, and, in particular, the organization of the baseplate of phi92 demonstrate how a bacteriophage can evolve into a multi-pathogen-killing agent

    Comparative analysis of involvement of UGT1 and UGT2 splice variants of UDP-galactose transporter in glycosylation of macromolecules in MDCK and CHO cell lines

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    Nucleotide sugar transporters deliver nucleotide sugars into the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum. This study aimed to further characterize mammalian UDP-galactose transporter (UGT) in MDCK and CHO cell lines. MDCK-RCAr and CHO-Lec8 mutant cell lines are defective in UGT transporter, although they exhibit some level of galactosylation. Previously, only single forms of UGT were identified in both cell lines, UGT1 in MDCK cells and UGT2 in CHO cells. We have identified the second UGT splice variants in CHO (UGT1) and MDCK (UGT2) cells. Compared to UGT1, UGT2 is more abundant in nearly all examined mammalian tissues and cell lines, but MDCK cells exhibit different relative distribution of both splice variants. Complementation analysis demonstrated that both UGT splice variants are necessary for N- and O-glycosylation of proteins. Both mutant cell lines produce chondroitin-4-sulfate at only a slightly lower level compared to wild-type cells. This defect is corrected by overexpression of both UGT splice variants. MDCK-RCAr mutant cells do not produce keratan sulfate and this effect is not corrected by either UGT splice variant, overexpressed either singly or in combination. Here we demonstrate that both UGT splice variants are important for glycosylation of proteins. In contrast to MDCK cells, MDCK-RCAr mutant cells may possess an additional defect within the keratan sulfate biosynthesis pathway